Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

"Everyone else's memories were never yours to mess with. Sure, I'd understand if you took the time to rebuild your planet with the forgotten memories of your world but no, you have to take the memories that had nothing to do with this, and of the people who had nothing to do with this! I forgot my best friend's deatj because of it, and do you know what? At the time, I didn't even know of the other worlds. What more, you sapped up people from the differing worlds, even killing some of them in the process!"

Aria growled. In truth she really did not want to remember the death of her friend, but she was better of knowing then not. The fact that someone else, who she had nothing to do with, took that from her angered her.
"There is nothing left to rebuild my world with, it is lost and it is EVERYONE's fault. You are the one couldn't hold on to the memory tight enough, you were happy to let it go and forget it. You didn't want to truly remember and it left you willingly."

Kazan sighed as he lowered his head. This man would not listen, he was set in his loss and revenge. He raised his head as he heard the Gummy Ship being prepared for launch.

"I'm sorry, but we can't let you send those monsters out into the worlds!" Kazan summoned his Keyblade and charged forward.

The Professor's gear began to scan and glow as he pressed buttons and suddenly some Meagers and Jugglers were launched from pipes in the walls towards the group to attack them.
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Noah summoned his keyblade to block any attacks from the Forgotten. He wondered to himself if they should continue to try and persuade the man with words, but he seemed beyond hope and a lost cause. Deciding to support Kazan with cover fire, Noah launched a flurry of Blizzards towards some Meagers to buffet and slow them down. Looking at Aria and Maz, Noah asks "Do you think this....thing can be stopped, perhaps not with fists but words? We are tired from the previous battle, so perhaps that would be a better alternative?"
Stitch was never one for talking so he was happy to jump in as he fired at Meagers and Jugglers with his blasters, destroying them. The Professor would need more than these weaklings if he wanted to stop all of them after they came this far.

Kazan sliced through his enemies, his burning determination showing in his burning Keyblade. Suddenly two BlockHeads dropped down, each on the side of the Professor to protect him.

"You cannot stop me. All worlds will suffer the fate my world had to endure, all worlds will be lost!"

The Professor warned as he pressed more buttons as suddenly puppet like hands began to emerge from the walls and shot out to attack the group as well.
Aria side-glanced at Noah. She did know they were exhausted already from the previous fight, but whatever words she tried to throw at the man were only denied. The old man was stubborn, and he was resolute to his cause more than anything else Aria had seen. She doubted that they could persuade the man through words, and that angered her.

"No. You saw it yourself, he won't even think on the other side. We have to beat him," Aria crouched down in preparation while gazing amongst the hands that appeared out of the walls, "... by force, as always..." Aria leapt off like a sprinter at the starter gun, drawing out her keyblade. She maneuvered through most of the arms, though whacked some of the ones that got too close.
"We have to take him down, otherwise he could bring in endless Forgotten and puppet weapons. Let's do a combo and clear a path, then we can take him on directly."

He charged his Keyblade as it glowed with fire.

"Dragon Slash!" His Keyblade erupted into violent flames as he slashed sending a dragon head made of flames directly in front of him.

"Add your attack to mine by firing it into mine so they can combine and create a more powerful attack!" Kazan told to Aria.
Aria nodded to Kazan. Though she believed it would require further effort to defeat the man, making a path to him would be the best option for now. She stepped up, focusing her energy through to her keyblade. When ready, a golden aura emminated from the keyblade, and it shook with power. All at once, she pointed the keyblade towards the flamed dragon, and fired it off. A wolfen beast made of the same aura of the keyblade lept out of it, and flew around the flaming dragon to amplify it's power.
The two powers merge into a dragon/wolf hybrid with a golden aura that obliterated all the Forgotten in their path turning them to dust. It blasted through the hands as one of the BlockHeads stood in it's path only to be knocked down and back.

Kazan leapt forward, through the new path and headed for the Professor. He simply raised his head to see the attacker as he pressed more buttons on his panel as puppet hands reached out and grabbed Aria and Stitch, trying to pull them apart.

Kazan immediately looked back to see his friends being attacked. The professor then clicked another button as puppet heads came out of the wall and began firing spiked balls that smashed into the distracted Kazan.

"You cannot win. This world will know the loss, the pain I felt. If this world cannot hold on to the memories worth cherishing, I will make sure there is nothing worth remembering again. I will make them forget everything and leave nothing to be remembered...."

He said, the sadness evident in his voice.
Aria yelped upon being pulled away by the puppet hand, she wished she had been more aware of her surroundings. She struggled and wacked at the hand with her keyblade in an attempt to free herself. While doing so, she noticed Kazan showing concern for them. "Wait, Kazan, turn around!" She called, before the spiked balls fell down on him.

Maz came in just in time, freeing Stitch with one of F-IP's blazing spike. and shooting the balls down with a buzzard's buzz-saw. She wasn't quite in range to help Aria so she ran as fast as she could to free her, too.
Stitch roared at the severed hand as he grabbed in his mouth and began mauling it for revenge even though it was definitely already out of commission. He spat out the shrapnel as he looked to Maz.


Kazan coughed up some blood as he got up, feel his chest which was bruised and bloody from where the spiked ball hit.

"I know what was done to and your world is wrong, but you won't solve anything this way. Revenge is not the answer! You will just create more pain and suffering. Maybe we are wrong for trying to block out the painful memories, maybe they are important and help make us stronger, but it's a natural instinct to avoid pain. If we foolish, then we need to learn, not be destroyed."

The Professor let out a laugh.

"This is not revenge, this is absolution! I am creating something better, my Forgotten will fill the world and replace the pain. It will be a universe where things are never Forgotten, all will remembered!"

Suddenly more puppet faces appeared as they began firing out spiked balls again as the puppet hands continued to reach out and grab them. All this as more Meagers and Jugglers attacked. Soon puppet like handles, wooden crosses came out of the wall spinning like blades to make things even more difficult.

Stitch blasted at hands and spiked balls that were coming near him and Maz as he looked at her with an idea.

"Cover meega!"

Kazan growled at him, baring his teeth.

"I won't let you kill everyone. This is not the way, things need to be Forgotten, so that new memories can be made. Better ones, just like life it needs to flow. Begin and end, you can't stay in the pain of the past!"

He sliced through Meagers coming at him and through some puppet hands, ignoring the pain. He was going to give up.

"Firaga Burst!" He launched a huge fireball up into the air from him Keyblade as he whacked it, causing it to burst into many small fireballs that began burning the puppets and other weapons coming out of the walls.
Noah was caught by a puppet hand too as he was distracted by the awe that was the combined attacks of Kazan and Aria. He coughed a bit and he bit his lip. The man controlling the Forgotten was obviously beyond hope, and perhaps senile. The puppet arms continued to apply pressure to Noah. "Blizzard!" Noah shouts as he freezes the hand so it couldn't move. He noticed Kazan was hit with a spiked ball, but still had enough fuel to keep on going. His perseverance was admirable. Noah frees his hand and slams his keyblade into the frozen puppet hand shattering it into chunks. Noah noticed Maz running to Aria to free her. "Aero!" Noah shouts as he casts a gust of wind towards Maz, lifting her up and increasing her speed to aid Aria. Noah turned around and fired some Thunder spells at advancing Forgotten.
As Maz was lifted up with the Aero spell from Noah, she was then able to free Aria from the puppet hand that contained her. She thanked Noah from afar, then returned back to aid the others to the professor. She noticed, though, that Stitch had requested help from her... That she needed to cover him. She wondered what he had in mind.

"Okay!" She said willingly. Maz held her book out towards the spiked balls and miscellaneous forgotten that were heading towards her and Stitch. An orange ball of light formed around the center and got bigger with each second, then after a few seconds of charging Maz fired the dragon cannon out to obliterate that which was in their path.

Aria blinked. 'Nice one', she muttered. She stayed a bit behind, and shot at the remaining foes with thunder and air spells.
The Professor growled as one of his own Forgotten's weapon was used against him, destroying the majority of his weapons. he was concentrating so hard on the Keybladers he didn't notice Stitch who had used Maz's cover to sneak up behind the Professor and he climbed the wall, using the sneaky stealth Jumba had programmed into him.

"Tookie bah wah!" He yelled out as he jumped for the Professor with his claws outstretched.

The Professor only noticed at the last minute that Stitch was behind him as the little furball launched at him. He simply smiled despite the fact that it seemed he would be unable to dodge when he suddenly he launched into the air with an elegant back flip landing in front of panel table as Stitch launched fast first into the panel with a loud bang, he slowly and painfully slid off to the ground with a squashed face.

The Professor simply smirked as he raised himself to a standing position.

Kazan simply dropped his mouth.

"How the hell did someone old move like that, that was way to nimble and acrobatic for someone his age. I can't even do that, especially not that fast!" He looked to the others realizing this was only getting more difficult. But he knew they were determined like him, that they had all sworn to defeat this enemy and they were in this together. Suddenly a light began forming under each of the Keybladers as a magic circle formed between them with the Professor in the dead center.

"Wait a minute, this is a Trinity! With this we can kick his butt once and for all!"

(For those who are confused, a Trinity is a combo attack between three allies. It allow each of us to do combo moves at enhanced speed and finish it off with a blast.)

Kazan and the other's Keyblades glowed as Kazan's glowed with a firey aura, Noah's with an icey one and Aria with her yellow one. Kazan nodded at the other two as he shot forward releasing his flurry of Keyblade strikes towards the Professor, knowing the other two would follow in suit.

(In other words, just do what I do...)
Noah watched in amazement. He didn't know anyone who could do what the elderly man did at that speed. Even Kazan was dumb-founded and he was quite fit. Noah heard Kazan's suggestion of a Trinity. It did seem like the best option. He saw Kazan charge in blade ablaze and unleashing a powerful fury. Noah looked to his key blade now with an icy blue glow and nodded. He looked towards Aria and shouted "Let's do this!" He also charged forward unleashing a large barrage of Blizzards and and swinging his key blade around him.
Maz gasped. She watched Stitch's plan of ambushing the professor from afar, but was surprised to see the professor make a swift evade which was highly unusual considering how old he looked. Maz stepped back, dazed. But then saw the circle that had then appeared under the professor.

Seemed familiar...

Aria recognized it and so did Kazan. As such, the order was to perform the trinity. "Don't have to tell me," she remarked, and headed off in unison with Noah. With her keyblade glowing a golden hue, Aria performed a series of cordinated slashes around the professor.
The three Keybladers flew through the air as the Professor continued to dodge through the air with the most amazing aerial skills anyone could imagine, from anyone, let alone a decrepit old man as if being pulled and lifted by some magical force.

Suddenly one of Noah's attacks managed to connect as dodging all three was too much even for his moves, then one of Aria's, followed by Kazan as they began slashing him from all directions. He was sent spinning and flying like a rag doll as he was hit again and again as suddenly energy focused in all three of their Keyblades and merged into a massive Holy spell that blasted into the Professor sending him flying back into the wall, as he cratered it and shook the room. He slowly slid off.

Kazan slid to a stop as he took a breath, tired from the Trinity move. 'Woah, that was amazing.' He thought to himself as he immediately drew his attention to the Professor, weary of him. It was hard to tell if he was conscious due to his visor over his eyes. He approached carefully with his Keyblade up when suddenly....

...the Professor's head popped off as it began bouncing around on the spring it was emerging from the neck. The head bobbing around as the visors had fallen off showing the dead, empty eyes.

Kazan back flipped back with a high jump, his scarf forming into wings as he growled and landed on all fours, his heart almost jumped out of his chest as he hissed.

"What the f***!"
"Calm down!" Aria fell back down onto the floor. She tried her best not to stumble, though the trinity was exhausting, and that was to add to the battle they had not too long ago. Aria looked over the professor's body from where she was, squinting.

"There are a lot of things that could have happened..."

Aria was thinking. "There's a small chance this was the actual him and he used himself as a distraction, but I doubt it. This could also just be a dummy distraction and he could be taking over the worlds as we stand here... That's all I can think of right now. Do you see anything strange?"
Noah jumped away from the Professors body, weary of it too. He let out a surprised and shocked gasp to see the head jumping around. It's eyes looking disturbing. Breathing a little heavy, Noah was tired from the battle as well. "A dummy, a faux? What is going on?" Noah wondered as he looked around for the Gummi ship that the Forgotten had carried away. "Also, what about the Forgotten and the Gummi ship?" Before Noah could finish the thought, he was blinded yet again by more light.
Kazan looked carefully at the body as his eyes widened in realization.

"How could I miss that..." He indicated to small and thin computer wires leading from the Professor's back and the back of his arms and legs that lead into the wall.

"He was.... he was literally a puppet. That's how he was able to move like that.... But if he's a puppet, who is really beh-"

Before Kazan could finish his sentence the wall behind the Professor began to slowly slide open as the puppet body fell over limp as the light from the inner room leaked out blinding the heroes yet again as soon he would be revealed....
Noah understood what Kazan was getting at. Someone using the Professor as a puppet to distract them. But who would it be? There wasn't much people in this world, and not anyone of them had a clue on who or what it could be. Noah raised his arm to shield his eyes from the blinding light. Hopefully whatever lies ahead would provide answers. And the Gummi ship that would get them off this wretched world that was enveloped with such a horrible background.
The inner room seemed almost identical to the outer room, as if made it were made to simply fool those not intended to see this room. There just like before, he sat at a little desk.

He wore a white lab coat and seemed slightly younger than the puppet, having more hair and almost no wrinkles. Though he was still definitely aged with white hair or what was left of it and the majority of his face was covered by massive opaque glasses that obscured most of his face from being seen properly. He smiled at them with the same creepy smile the puppet had given, except more creepy then before and oddly empty.

"So you are the real Professor I presume?" Kazan asked angrily at the trick and the fact they had simply been fighting a fake and a puppet.

He smiled and nodded.

"Correct." He said lightly.

"So how do we know you are not just another puppet and the real you is somewhere hidden!" Kazan growled at him angrily.

"I am the Professor. I am the one in charge. No more hiding and I assure you, no one controls me.... not anymore... not ever again!" He raised his head slightly to finally face them.
Noah's finally adjusted to the view of the nearly identical room. What was up with these people? He see's the rather non-threatening man sitting down. A shiver was sent down Noah's back when he engaged his creepy smile and looks. His glasses were very off putting. Noah tightened his grip on his key blade ready to fight the enemy. However a thought came to minds. "Kazan, be careful. Perhaps he made us fight a puppet, so that he could analyze our fighting styles."
Aria looked dumbfounded, annoyed even. What was the bullc*** the puppet had spken? If the professor that was infront of them there real, did he feel the same way as the puppet? 'Never again' he said, in regards to being controlled. That had nothing to do with the despair of the forgotten world, did it?

Maz stepped towards the others with her book clenched in both hands. "What happened?" She asked the others, quietly. She saw the other man, who appeared younger than the puppet they defeated.
"I think that is it exactly Noah. Also because he is a coward!" Kazan insulted the Professor.

Stitch growled as he crawled into the inner room and nodded with Kazan's remark. He sniffed this Professor and immediately cringed back.

The Professor glared at them.

"I have a big plan for this world, I could not leave myself vulnerable. You haven't gotten in my way for the last time. Now you must die...." He said coldly and emotionlessly.

Without even pressing any buttons, soon wooden and metallic blocks began to dislodge from the wall as if unbuilding and launched themselves like cannonballs towards the group.

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