Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

Noah notices the metallic blocks fling themselves at them. He uses an aero spell to launch himself over one of them and fires Blizzards at another. He wanted to stop their advance and give the others time to react. Never controlled again? Noah thought to himself. Even more history behind the motives of this Professor? Perhaps sending even more Forgotten to analyze our attacks even more. This Professor was truly living up to his name. Noah began thinking in his mind on what to do to defeat the weird man. Perhaps send two to fight him while the others stay back?

"Kazan, Maz, Aria, what should we do? What is our plan?" Noah asks.
Kazan slammed the blocks with his Keyblade knocking them away, but they were starting to fire at a stronger velocity and rate, more were being fired each second.

He back flipped over one that shot close to him.

"I'm not sure, we are kind of tired from that Trinity and he has just gotten started. Not to mention he can fire a barrage of these blocks at us without even lifting a finger or breaking a sweat. I was really hoping that Trinity was our trump card, but now we used it against just some puppet.

We could really use a miracle. We need something good, anyone got anything up their sleeve? We need to end this quick...We don't have the energy for this."

Meanwhile Stitch shot at some blocks with his blasters as he crawled along the wall to dodge others, he even jumped on one, crawling all over it before jumping off before it smashed into the opposite wall.
Maz frowned. "I wish I had something to help us through the situation. I am just not that amazing." She did, though, used Stitch's forgotten to slow down and nullify the blocks that came at them. She wasn't very confident in herself, she felt like she wouldn't be able to do much.

(Short post, I'm sorry )
The watery blob shield kept the blocks at bay and slowed down enough for a moment's reprieve (See what I did there... nevermind...)

"We need a miracle...." Kazan mumbled, knowing they would need something or they were doomed. He closed his eyes remembering what the Master had told him, about never giving up and where things were at the darkest, that is when light can shine the brightest.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew in through the area. Kazan immediately opened his eyes, wind, inside... That was impossible....

Suddenly three small leaves blew in, each one flying past Maz, Moko Moko and Stitch as they landed on Kazan, Aria and Noah's clothes as suddenly there was a huge light. Stitch, Maz and Moko Moko all began to glow as their energy began to funnel out of them and spin into a circle that surrounded Kazan, Aria and Noah as the trio glowed brightly and in a flash had transformed into Drive Forms.

Kazan now in his Fury Form had red armor with flame patterns, his scarf now permanently shaped like dragon wings. He could now glide and he had flames burn around his feet and around his wrists.

Aria now in her Bliss Form wore a a short yellow dress with lightning patterns and sparkly thunder decorated bows in her hair. She could now dash and electricity sparking underneath her feet and around her hands.

Noah now in his Solace Form wore a icy blue robe with snowflake patterns. He could now aerial dodge and dodge roll, his healing has also improved. Icy winds swirled around his feet and wrists.

The Professor glared at this transformation.

"How is this possible.... no matter. No power can stop me, magic is nothing compared to my technology."

More blocks began shooting outward as they tore through the water shield going towards the group.

Kazan levitated slightly off the ground as his Keyblade floated in his hand slowly rotating.

"Woah, this power. I've never felt this before.... where did it come from. No! That doesn't matter, we've been given this gift and we'll use it to stop you Professor!"

He grabbed his Keyblade as he swung it at an incoming block, sending the blocking flying to the side wall in flames as it burnt to a cindery crisp.
Aria grumbled. She didn't like having to rely on miracles. It was the only way to beat the professor... So she hoped in it.

As soon as the leaves had passed, Maz had attentively watched them go. She got an odd feeling, the feeling her energy was drained, and moved to another source. Maz stumbled, tired all of a sudden, but then stunned when she saw the three keyblade wielders change form.

"Woah... You guys look... Different!" She exclaimed inbetween breaths.

Aria questioned this, this differenr look. "What do you..." She began, but then interrupted herself feeling the sudden power surge she had. "If this is the miracle... I like it!" She said, smirking. She saw the water wall falter, the blocks coming towards them. Aria zipped forward, keyblade floating alongside her, until she increased her speed enough to knock four blocks out of the air with ease. They all landed down pitifully to the floor, not able to move anymore.
Noah watched the leaves float through the air to them. Noah was dumb-founded by them. There had been no sign of vegetation at all on this world, so a breeze blowing them in seemed impossible. However the time for thinking how it could occur was later. Now he felt a power surge through him. Hearing Maz's comment, Noah looked down at his robes and hands. Chilly winds swirled at his hands as well as his feet. Noah noticed more blocks fly towards him. Using the wind, he blew himself into the air dodging some blocks and used a potent Blizzard to freeze more.

"Wow. This gift of power is incredible!" Noah said as he used an Aero to blast the frozen metallic blocks to collide with other ones. Noah also realized that his keyblade floated around him at will. He could use it without holding it. "This could prove useful." Noah said to himself.
Kazan glared at the Professor.

"It's over for you! Firaga Missiles!"

He swung his Keyblade creating 3 missiles comprised of pure fire that shot out towards the Prof. as they raced towards when suddenly a block wall shot up from the floor intercepting the missiles as they exploded. Shaking the whole room as the dust cleared the Professor had been shaken enough for his glasses to fall off. Revealing something very scary, he had no eyes. Under the glasses was just a wooden face with no eyes, just the mouth.

The Professor merely grumbled as he picked up his glasses and put them back on.
Noah made a quiet gasp as he was taken aback by the unsettling appearance of the Professor. A wooden face with no eyes was disturbing and caused uneasiness in Noah. He was glad that the Forgotten wore big glasses so that they would not have to stare at the features too much. Noah was still in the air and slowly gliding down. Deciding to take the moment of the Professor being distracted, Noah attacks the Forgotten.

"Let's stop this menace!" he exclaimed before pointing his keyblade at the Professor. "Blizzaraga!" Noah shouts as he sends a flurry of the powerful ice spell towards the Forgotten with no eyes. (Don't know if that is how you spell that spell.)
(You actually spell it Blizzaga)

The Professor sends out some blocks to intercept the ice spells as they freeze instantly and are shot back at him, hitting the wall behind him.

Kazan growled at the creature.

"What is going on... you can't just be another puppet. I checked, there are no wires and strings this time. What are you! Your not a Somebody, your wooden, which means you must be a Forgotten! But you told us about your world, being born here and watching it die.... Was that all just a lie!!! What the HECK are you?!"

Kazan yelled at the Professor, wanting some real damn answers for once.
After seeing the eyeless professor, Maz stepped back and shrieked. Looking at someone... who was eyeless did scare her half to death; it looked unnatural. She listened to Kazan's shoutings, and she had to inwardly long for those answers. So did Aria. All these things going on at once made her confused.

"Maybe... Maybe he wasn't lying at all? And he's the Forgotten of some professor with the same feelings?" Maz said softly, though she again was not sure she was right.

Aria frowned, crossing her arms. "Whatever the heck happened, it's annoying and I want it to stop. These twists and turns, frankly, are pissing me off."
"Yes. I am the Forgotten of him."

The Professor answered Maz despite her speaking so softly.

"He wanted to replace his race, create a whole new type of being to repopulate his home, recreate his race and family somehow. I was the first, his first true creation. The first Forgotten, born from his most precious memory."

Kazan thought for a moment.

"His most precious memory.... of this world."

"It was all he had left, his world was gone, everyone he knew was gone and slowly forgotten. When something is forgotten is gone, so he had nothing left. The only memory he had was of his lonliness. His most precious, his only memory was of himself trapped in this world, seeking revenge. So I was born from that memory, the Professor. Him and all his hatred and revenge."

"So being born from nothing but that memory, you decided to enact his revenge. Being a memory of himself, you had all his skills so you created your own Forgotten." Kazan added darkly.

"But then, where is he.... your creator..." As Kazan said that the answer suddenly flashed through his mind. He remember every Forgotten they had encountered. Blabla, Stitch's Forgotten who wanted to kill him. F-IP, whose main goal was to destroy Aria. Queen who sought to kill him. All Forgotten's deepest desire is to kill whom they are born from, so was the Professor the one Forgotten who succeeded in this goal....
Noah stared in thought and hesitance while Kazan talked with the Forgotten a bit more. As more information was given, it seems that this Forgotten had been able to kill the person from which they derived from. But what happens to a Forgotten after they kill the person they were born from. Noah glanced in the direction of the fake Professor they had fought earlier. Perhaps...maybe... That was the person that the Professor came from? Noah shuddered at the thought. However, despite all the gruesomeness, they still needed to defeat the Professor. Wanting a little bit moe rest, Noah decided to continue the conversation. "So you have ended your maker? Is he the one we fought back there?" Noah asked gesturing through the pathway they had came from.
The Professor looked back at the original and nodded his head.

"Correct. He wished for me to be his puppet, so instead I made him mine."

Kazan stared back at the original body they had fought.

"Wait, are you telling me you took your maker's body, your original and after killing him, turned his corpse into your own personal stringed puppet to manipulate!" Kazan's mouth dropped at this horrendous act, he could not believe anything could do something so horrific.

(Yea, pretty gruesome for Kingdom Hearts, now I only have one more big plot twist for the final battle before we end it, but I warn you, it's a big one.... A really, really big one!)
Aria tilted her head. "Honestly, it doesn't sound that surprising. Forgotten... They act that way, don't they. I mean, my forgotten practically lived to kill me, didn't it." Aria wondered if hers' was an exception... But nonetheless she wondered why.

"Guys, I think we need to focus! We need to do something about him anyway; the other worlds are in trouble!" Maz shouted, "He needs to be defeated, right? Right...?"
Kazan nodded.

"Yes, all the more so knowing what he has done. Ok Professor, time to end the puppet master..."

Kazan jumped up and flew forward as blocks seem to instinctively fly forward towards as he simply slashed through with firey slashes that simply burned them away. Simple little blocks were no longer going to stop him.

"Sorry, but we've beaten all of your Forgotten. Giant water monsters, firey worms, large dragons and entire armies. We won't lose to you..." Kazan began launching consecutive Firagas one after another towards the Professor, all at once.
On cue, Aria stepped forward and dashed to the front, under all of the blocks that were there, and shot thundaga after thundaga at the professor in accordance to Kazan. She had just wanted it to end, so she could head back to the academy in one piece without another bit of drama or conflict. The shenanigans had gone on far too long.

[short posts, sorry :c]
Noah saw Kazan slice through the blocks with ease and attack the Professor. Aria followed in suite. Noah leaped into the air and fire a barrage of Blizzaga's (spell it right this time) Noah wondered to himself how many blocks the Professor had under his control. "Aero!" Noah shouted as he flew through the air to catch up with Aria and Kazan, simultaneously firing more Blizzaga's at the Professor. The three of them were attacking at once. Hopefully the gruesome Forgotten wouldn't be able to keep up or send enough blocks at one time to stop them.
(Time for da final twist! Be warned.....)

The Professor had to keep sending blocks but they keep being burned, frozen and blasted to oblivion until he had pretty much used up every block in the room, having broken down the room to almost nothing.

"He's using the blocks this room is made of, which means he has a finite number of them... If we simply wear him down, he will be left with nothing to fight with..."
Kazan conferred with the others, as Stitch was helping by blasting away some blocks though most of his energy spent thanks to giving it to the Drive Forms, he would have to be a spectator for the majority of this battle.

The Professor began to laugh as they continued their attack.

"You still do not understand do you..."

"Understand what! Your sick need to destroy all living things, your need for revenge or the fact that you killed your own creator to make him a corpse puppet. What don't we understand!" He yelled angrily at the Forgotten master.

Suddenly the whole room began to shake and rumble.

"Woah, now what...." Kazan gulped as the whole area shook, but what they didn't realize was that it wasn't just the whole room shaking, not even the whole tower.... It was the whole world, the entire planet was shaking....

Kazan looked outside to see everything shaking, was the planet having an earthquake. Kazan's eyes widened as he remembered his own words.

"Oh god guys..... his most precious memory...." Kazan looked at the group, fear in his eyes. For the first time, they could see he was truly afraid.

"His most precious memory was of himself.... of himself on his world...." and a Forgotten looks and powers are based on the memory.

The ground around them began to break up as lines formed in the separation, joining up to form squares as the area all around them began to break up into giant blocks that began shooting up turning into skyscrapers. The Professor's desk shaking, began to slide away from the area underneath rising up, revealing his lower body finally. He had no legs, his torso simply formed down in the ground itself.

The Professor was just a piece of the Forgotten. The Forgotten master wasn't just the body they saw before them, it was the whole planet. The Lost World was a Forgotten, the first Forgotten.

The whole world began to rearrange like a rubiks cube as the blocks began reforming completely changing the battlefield from a simple room to giant rectangular blocks jutting up from the ground at different heights creating skyscrapers all around them and oddly shaped pits into bottomless nothing.

The group now stood on different blocks high up in the air with the Professor connected to his own high block, looking squarely at them. He literally had a whole planet to fight them with....

(Yup, we screwed.... This is my final trick, my final twist. I saved the biggest and baddest for last, enjoy! This is the bosses big final form and not much is bigger than a planet.)
Noah looked at Kazan and saw a look he has never seen before in Kazan. A face of pure terror. If the Professor had the powers that relate to his memories, then that meant... Noah gasped as the ground beneath them trembled greatly. How were they supposed to defeat the Professor now? He had ample more blocks to fight us with, and they were tired. "Well...this looks grim." Noah said. "Anyone have any more ideas?" he asked, aware that that there was little to nothing they could do.

(To be honest, the dude has no eyes. I don't know how he could be looking squarely at them.
"No. That's not what's it about anymore. We have the power, these new clothes give us the power. Now what we need is the will. When I first got stuck with you guys thanks to the crash and the master's mission I didn't even want to even be with you guys, nor did I think we could ever be a team. But now I know, we won't lose. Never mind that we can't because all the worlds are depending on us, but I've seen us fight and overcome the darkness in our hearts. We've each faced our own Forgotten, the dark parts in our hearts we hid away, the things that scared and hurt us. But we conquer those, even you Noah. You lost your heart, but got it back after becoming a Nobody.

We need to win, we can win and we will win. I will fight with you guys, will you fight with me?"

He said holding out Keyblade.

"I joined the Keyblade Academy even though I hated everyone and the world for always being mocked and being made an outsider, the pain. But what is why I joined, to help end pain and make the worlds better. Even the Professor is in pain over the memory of losing his world, but we have to stop him so no one else feels that pain." His Keyblade still in front of him so they could join his in a symbol of togetherness.

"Will you help me save the worlds?" This was the first time Kazan had really ever asked for help.

(Some real character development here from how Kazan first started this RP)
Noah felt inspired by Kazan's powerful words. Noah could relate somewhat to Kazan pain. He too had felt pain, but it was from the loss of his heart. Plus he too wanted to save the other worlds that would be in danger because of the Professor's Forgotten. Noah smirked. "Of course I'll help. I hardly know you guys, but hey. You seem like honest, good people." Noah says as he holds out his key blade to Kazan as well.

(I almost typed in Torres instead of Kazan in that last sentence. :P )
"There's no way I'm not helping you, man." Aria spouted, "What else can I say? The journey was enlightening, working together's the only way." Aria summoned her keyblade, then held it towards the other keyblades.

Maz tippy-toed up to the others, putting her grimoire on top of the other keyblades. "Me, too!" She squealed, "I'll help you every step of the way back!"
(Ok from here on out I give you full permission to go all GMy using your drive forms, as long as you don't just easily attack the main body of the Prof, you can all Super Saiyan on the rest of the planet and the blocks.)

"Tookie bah wah!"
Stitch yelled out in agreement with his blasters and ukelele.

Kazan's Keyblade Dragon Heart glowed bright.

"Time to take you down a notch. Feel the most powerful and destructive fire spell. Meteor!" Kazan raised his Keyblade up as he began to summon giant meteorites that began smashing into block buildings, smashing them apart as the rained down destruction.

Kazan glided forward as he began slicing through block debris, cleaving the large blocks in two as he flew them towards the Professor and fired off a Burning Ragnorok as hige streams of flames swirled in a ball at the tip of his Keyblade before firing off like burning lasers towards the Professor's main body.
Noah followed Kazan and used Aero to launch himself up and achieve a better view of the area around him. Noah thought to himself, seeing Kazan's powerful spell. Closing his eyes, Noah focused for a moment then re-opened them. "Let's see if this works...White Out!" Noah began spinning his keyblade above his head and generate several vortexes of white, bitter cold wind. The clouds of the spell were so freezing, that they were just white and hard to see through. Several streams of the icy winds flew out around Noah freezing large blocks and freezing other buildings to the point in which debris that landed on them, shatter it into pieces. One of the streams of the sheer cold followed behind/next to Kazan's attack towards the Professor.
Aria headed off, getting a running start off of the ground she stood on and then leaping off with keyblade in hand. Maneuvering through the air, Aria placed her feet ontop of her keyblade like a skateboard and rode it as the blade pulsed off electric blasts. These blasts hit the buildings and blocks around her. Speeding through the air, Aria made quick haste to the main block where the professor was.

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