Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

The Professor just glared at them, the attacks reflected in his glasses.

"You still think you have a chance. I will at least commend your bravery, but no more... I lost everything, my whole world, everyone I even knew and even myself. All forgotten into nothing. When something is forgotten, it is lost forever.... So it is time for all the worlds to be forgotten, to be joined together in the never ending emptiness of that which is lost."

He raised his hand as blocks began to join together forming giant serpents from around the buildings that began to fire energy blasts. Buildings began to reform, forming cannons that fired blocks towards. More blocks joined together into missiles as he fired them towards the incoming attacks.

"That's not true, what is forgotten can be remember and what is lost can be found. We will prove that to you!" Kazan watched as the attacks exploded against the missiles and giant block walls were raised to protect the Professor.

"Aria, Noah. We can't defeat a whole planet, but his main body. If we beat that, we may just end this. That is why he is protecting it so intently. We need a way to break through his defenses and get straight to his body, but with a whole planet of blocks he has enough ammunition and defensive capabilities to fight for all eternity. I remember a lesson the master taught us, the true power of a Keyblade is not it's strength as a blade, but it's power as a key. Keyblades can open up anything, so maybe all together we can open up a path to the Professor, to the true part of him that is left inside that puppet. If he is the Forgotten of the Professor, if he has his memories and his feelings, he must have a piece of his heart. He said it himself, he is now an entire world and the Keyblades have the power to open up the way to the heart of any world and he is the heart of this world. So let's open the path together and strike!"

He held out his Keyblade forward, waiting for Aria and Noah to cross theirs against his like the three Musketeers and together open the way to the Professor, to the heart of the Lost World and end this once and for all.

(Just thought of all this right now, makes sense to me I suppose)
Noah scowled as the Professor began using the whole planet and amping up its attacks. It's never easy to defeat enemies. Noah sighed as he watched their powerful attacks get blocked by the Professors attacks. "Indeed, we can't fight an entire world. I guess what you are proposing seems to make the most sense. Let's do it." Noah said holding out his keyblade and crossing it with Kazan's. "I hope it works."
Aria nodded along with the plan. It sounded right, to unlock it using their keyblades. Aria took her keyblade from under her, stood side-by-side with the other two, and pointed her keyblade forward while crossing it with theirs. She could only hope it worked, like Noah, and that they could save the worlds.

Maz stood back and inwardly cheered for the three.
The three Keyblades glowed as a keyhole began to form in front of them against all the blocks, light formed around the Keyblades as a beam shot out towards the keyhole opening it as suddenly all the blocks began flying out of the way, creating a path to the Professor. The blocks around him formed into a door, the door then opened showing an image. An image of the original man, left in his shambles of a world.

"There it is! The memory, his heart, the heart of this world. Strike it, strike it with everything you got!"

Kazan flew forward with all his will concentrated into his blade.

"This for everyone, for all the worlds!" He flew towards the image and slice at it with his Keyblade, then glided out of the way so that Noah and Aria might do the same.
Noah watched in awe at the brilliant display of their key blades power. Noah saw the door open up and the image of the Professor years ago. Noah couldn't help but pity the being as the Professor was the only being left in his world other than the Forgotten that was created. Despite this, Noah hated the Professor. The being that had become something bent on destroying other worlds. Noah launched forward, ice forming around his key blade forming and slashed the image like Kazan had.
Aria simply wanted it over with, to end it, like she had always said in her mind. It's gone on far too long, she had been through too much, and she just needed to get back to the academy after it all. To go through everything just to fail was not an option.

As sad as the Professor's story was, Aria needed to go back. And so, with everything she had, she attacked the heart of the world, along with her peers.
Three lines form in the image as the Professor screamed.

"No, this can't be happening. I can't, I WON'T BE FORGOTTEN!"

Kazan turned back with a solemn face.

"You were wrong Professor. Some memories do need to be forgotten, especially the painful ones. We can't keep holding onto our painful memories or otherwise they consume and all that is left is that pain, no room or space for anything new and happy. Just pain and anguish, we need to face those memories and move on from them. If we don't leave those memories behind, they will devour us in the past. We need to remember the lessons they teach us but forget the pain and make room for new memories, for new happier times and new good memories for us to grow."

The image shattered apart like glass as it fell to dust.

"It's time for you to forget, but I won't ever forget you. Not this world or the lessons it taught me, I will remember."

The Professor's body began to turn to dust, as it spread as blocks began to fade away turning to dust.

Suddenly all the buildings began to crumble and turn to dust, even the ground below them cracked as everything turned to dust.

"The whole Forgotten is turning to dust... the whole planet is a Forgotten which means everything is going to turn to dust, the whole planet. We have to.... or else we'll die!"

Kazan looked around desperately, and that is when he saw it. Like serendipity, the Gummy Ship that the Professor had taken away. It stood not too far away.

"Our way home! Come on!" He grabbed Aria and Noah by the collar, as his scarf extended into large wing like shapes and he glided off as the ground they once stood on turned to dust. He flew past Stitch and Maz so that Aria and Noah could grab on to them. He landed near the Gummy Ship.

"Everyone inside, quick!" Kazan jumped in the Gummy Ship and closed the door once everyone was in, he sat in the pilot's seat and immediately activated the systems as the rocket boosters flared.

"Come on!" He yelled at the ship as the ground below finally turned to dust, as the ship began falling into the abyss. Kazan activated the ships thrusters at the last second as the ship took off, blasting into space as the world behind them turned to dust completely and swirled into a vortex that seemed to moan in pain as it faded into the nothingness, gone forever.

Kazan turned on the cruise control, as he looked behind him as the last trace of the Forgotten World disappeared.

"I don't believe it...'s finally over. We can go home now..." He said, his voice sound so shallow, he truly couldn't believe it. He turned forward as he saw the stars race past, they were finally going home. It was over....

(Ok, just make a quick post about everything that just happened and how you feel, then I will do the final epilogue post)
Noah was relieved to find the Professor crumbling to dust. He was just as glad to see the forsaken world begin crumbling away but realized the danger of it. Noah felt his collar tugged as he was pulled by Kazan into the Gummi Ship. Technology that Noah was not familiar with. They soon blasted off and this whole ordeal was finally over. Noah sat in his seat and finally found time to go over his memories. To know where home really was.
Aria heaved. The thought kept cycling in her mind; It was over. It was over. She didn't even pay attention to her collar getting yanked, she just stared blankly infront of her, stared at the memory crumbling before them. It all seemed surreal, from the time they had entered all the way to now, when they finally finished what they had started. On the way, many of her comrades, she could remember, were lost in the huge memory that came to endanger the worlds. That one giant memory.

She closed her eyes in remembrance.

As soon as Aria had met with the Gummi Ship, Aria landed inside on her feet and looked back as the machine started to boot up. She could see them zooming through space, a sure sign they were out of the mess they were in. For a moment's notice, she looked towards the others that she had escaped with. Kazan, Noah, Maz and her book-thing, and Stitch. Atleast she had people along for the ride. Aria turned around and made her way into a seat behind the pilot's, and then layed there to rest. She kicked up her feet, and just rested.

Man, was it good to almost be back.
The flight back was long and quiet, the atmosphere was almost choking as the group couldn't imagine what to expect. The stars seemed to slowly creep by as finally it came into sight.

Yggdrasil Academy. The training center for all Keyblade Apprentices, their home away for home so many years.

Kazan sighed as he saw it. What would he say, what would the master say.....

The Gummi Ship slowly pulled, with a bit of a rough landing. It was only a half built Gummi Ship built by puppets. As the ship rocked to a complete hault, the door opened to blinding light compared to the darkness of space.

Kazan covered his eyes as a figure came into sight and he stepped out.

"Training Captain Reo?" Kazan asked as the hulking man came into view. He had huge muscles buldging out of his vest, army pants and a short brunette buzz cut. He had a scar across his left eye and one sticking out of his vest, above his pec.

"So, you finally came back?" He asked sarcastically, a bit of anger in his voice.

"Let me explain sir...." Kazan tried to stutter.

"No! He wants to see you personally. You will explain to him." He said sternly, a drop of satisfaction in his voice.

Kazan's eyes widened huge.

"The master..." He whispered to himself scared.

He motioned for Kazan and Aria to walk.

"You too newbie! He wants to talk with you too." He looked angrily at Noah, shoving him to follow after the two not allowing him a choice in the matter. He glared at Stitch and Maz to sit down, immediately causing the two to a seat nearest to them.

The trio walked down the long corridor as many Keyblade kids whispered about them, saying all sorts of gossip. They finally made it to a massive door. A door so big, the giant from Jack and the Bean stalk couldn't even touch the top. The door slowly opened as they came to he most beautiful garden and in the very centre was the biggest tree ever seen. It was so big, it's root literally covered half the planet and it could be seen from space. It's huge branches reached out covering the sky with vines hanging down.

Kazan approached the world tree and did a polite bow.

"Master Yggdrasil....." He rose from his bow.

A face formed on the tree that looked down at the duo.

"Welcome back, you have a hard journey." It smiled kindly.

"Master Yggdrasil, I'm so so-" Kazan was ready to cry it seemed.

"No, don't apologise. You kids have been through so much... I am so proud of you!" Kazan's jaw just dropped, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I know you have been through a lot, I was keeping an eye on you the entire time.... You did well. You faced odds and circumstances most masters could barely dream of. You faced your fears, your own insecurities and your darkest memories. You overcame such struggles and fought with such conviction. That is why.... you pass."

Kazan's mind just collapsed, did he just hear what he thought he heard.

"Noah, even you proved yourself and although you still have much training to do. You have proven yourself and this may not have been your exam, but all three of you have earned the Mark of Mastery. You are ready to become true Keyblade Masters and open the door to a new era."

Three glowing marks began to float down from the tree towards them. 


On a distant world, something was happening.... Something that had never happened before, but was always destined to happen eventually. Now it was finally going to happen....

The rain pelted down on the empty skyscrapers echoing in the darkness of the night, a shadow crawled along the ground as the Heartless began to slowly crawl out of the ground. Emerging, a simple shadow it was looking for a heart to devour.

It's antennaes flicked around, trying to sense a heart. But nothing, however it did sense something, but this certainly did not have a heart.

The ghastly figure contorted as it's back bent and flipped forward in the most inhuman way it's grey zipped up suit. The Nobody contorted forward like a boneless puppet, a Dusk it was. It edged creepily forward, towards the Heartless.

Heartless and Nobodies, always attacked or ignored each other. Neither had what the other wanted, Heartless wanted Hearts and Nobodies had no hearts, just bodies. Nobodies had no will, just emptiness.

The Heartless glared at the Nobody, almost cursing it. However something was different, something was so.... familiar.

The Heartless reached out it's hand as it's finger outstretched. The Nobody mirrored, it's hand reaching out, their fingers slowly reaching towards one another, mere centimeters apart as they slowly inched together.

There was a terrible and dark light. It had finally happened....


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