Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

Noah heard Kazan become determined to finally defeat the Queen. He was a strong key blade wielded so he could probably be the one that finished her. Determined as well, Noah uses another Gravity spell to suck some of the segments away. "Blizzarga!" Noah shouts as he freezes them in place. He only froze a few of the pieces and he doesn't know if they will stay frozen. He looks towards Maz who looked rather beaten. Noah knows his Cure spell would take a long cool down, so hopefully he wouldn't get too battered for awhile since the Queens attention is on Kazan. Running over to Maz, Noah casts Curaga on her. "Are you okay?" Noah's rib stung a little, but an and her companion seemed more injuries than he.
Kazan saw them all attack clearing a path to Queen. He even recognized the ooze Maz was using to keep the segments in place. It was the same water ooze that made up Bla Bla, Stitch's Forgotten. That would hold them.

He charged forward as Queen glared at him, the head shot towards him as it roared, charging an attack. He swung his keyblade with all his force, knocking the head away as it let loose it's cannon in the wrong direction, blasting through the wall as it spun.

"It's over Queen!" Kazan shot towards her as his whole body was enveloped in flames, including his scarf which looked like flaming dragon wings as he left a flame trail like a tail.

Queen just smiled. "Yes."

"Dragon Buster!"

He shot forward in flames like a meteor as he roared out, landing past her skidded to a halt.

Queen smiled as she turned back, a line appearing along her mid-section where she was bisected as it began to turn black and burn. The blackness spread as she began to slowly turn to dust. As she did this, the dragon segments also turned black and began to fade away into nothing more than dust.

"Goodbye... But know this, you won't beat him." She said softly and sweetly with a tone that could melt ones heart as if said by someone special.

Kazan drove his sword into the ground to keep himself as he collapsed to his knees, breathing heavily as he was exhausted and hurt. He took deep breaths as the dust swirled around him and he began to sob, as tears began rolling down his face uncontrollably as the memory that created Queen returned to him.
Aria let out a few pants out of exhaustion. For a while she had clung to the wall to catch her breath, though she quickly departed from it to watch everyone's efforts in defeating Queen. With the segments all forced back, Kazan was able to proceed forward and land the finishing move on Queen. Her whole being burned into dust, leaving Kazan in the midst of it, kneeling and sobbing. Aria knew the feeling.

Aria stepped away from the wall and moved in Kazan's direction. She stopped some distance from him. She didn't know what to say to him at this point so she just stared and waited. He did it, though, and she felt mildly proud... And a bit empathetic.

After the segments had dissipitated into nothing, Maz withdrew the water from Stitch's forgotten, BlaBla, and absorbed it back into her grimoire. She sighed. "Thank goodness, we did it." Maz looked up and turned. She could see Noah conjng towards her. She was fine enough, though, and didn't fully understand why Noah would go through the trouble of healing her instead of himself. She felt guilty. "I'm fine, thanks Noah. But Moko-Moko got really hurt, I can barely communicate with it anymore..." She looked down sadly at her book, then Kazan, then at Noah. "Is Kazan okay though? He seems really sad, like Aria when we defeated that snake thing."
Kazan smiled as the tears streamed down his face, unlike Aria although the tears could be seen across his face, he didn't distraught about it. Like he had made peace with it, along time ago.

"I didn't even know I still had that memory..." He smiled as the last of Queen's dust fade and blew past his hand as he gripped it tightly, as if holding on to something dear one last time.
Aria nodded at Kazan, now feeling even more proud of him. If only she could follow his example and let go of her dear Allison...

She brushed the hair out of her face, exhaling, temporarily locking up her pride to muster up something to say. "Kazan, really, you're amazing. I have little words... And I don't know what to say..."

Aria breathed in again. "You've really became a leader despite everything that happened. But, it's not over. As a leader, now, you need to decide what we do next..."

((I will try my best to remember to post from now on, but I might have some difficulty because homework has been piling on lately.))
(No worries, I also have homework piling up. The difference tho is I'm making homework and not doing it... :banghead:)

Kazan just took out a deep breath.

"It's something I made peace with long ago."

Stitch just looked at Kazan.

"Gaba ika tasoopa?"

"Of all things for them to take, my first memory. That's why I couldn't recognize her face, it was my only memory of her. I only saw her face that once... before she abandoned me."

Kazan closed his eyes as he remembered the first memory he had ever had, a memory from when he was still a baby that had been lost to him so long ago.


There was crying, I was crying in the darkness as she carried me. I couldn't see anything, it was all too dark and black, I could even see her face because it was covered by the dark hood she wore as she lightly treated through the streets. She placed me down gently, struggling to decide on whether she should look at me one more time.

It's when my eyes were just start to open and she looked into my eyes for the first time, golden eyes she obviously couldn't bare to look at. I saw her face for that first and only time, a beautiful face. I could see a beautiful woman's face, Queen's face, but it was still slightly obscured by the hood so I couldn't see the bottom half of her face. I couldn't tell, what she was feeling. I couldn't see what her last feeling was in that moment as he turned her head away, away from me forever and abandoned me there.

*****End of Memory*****

Kazan let go of the last of dust out of his hand as it blew out the hole in the wall.

"Yes, what's next is we finish this. We go upstairs to the top where Queen sent the Gummy Ship, find out started all this, find out this Master is. Stop him and prevent the Forgotten from being spread all over the universe and then use the Gummy Ship to go home!"

He said with an amazing confidence and with not a doubt of the possibility of failure he had never had before, it was very different to all his comments and leading before where he said everything with a twist of regret and disbelief in their success.

(Well that brings full circle to Kazan's story: As you learnt before his father was a dragon while he mother was human, what he left out what that he knew neither as his mother abandoned him as a baby and ran away.

So Queen was based off his only memory of his mother, hence when the memory was stolen he couldn't remember Queen's face at all, but still cried when he saw it. Also for those who can't guess, Queen's powers, her dragon weapon was a manifestation of the idea and memory that Kazan's father was supposedly a dragon.)

Noah walked with Maz over to Kazan. His power was quite amazing and the Queen was finally slain. "I concur. You have matured with some good leader skills. To be able to coordinate an attack that attacked from every direction was an admirable feat." Noah says. He looks up to where the gummy ship had flown off. "But we shouldn't just sit around here with dust in our eyes." He says while patting his robes getting of the dust. "Let's go get those pernicious Forgotten." Noah says while patting the back of Kazan. He couldn't help but feel sad for this key blade wielded who was abandoned by his mother.
"Yes, time to go!"

His keyblade disappeared as he looked up to where the Gummy Ship had disappeared into the secret hatch in the ceiling.

"Looks like were going up. It's time to finish this mission." He nodded to his fellow teammates, whether they were so because of choice or forced to, no longer mattered. He looked forward as he went out the corridor and looked for the nearest stairs so that they might follow and find the way up.

"By the way Noah, nice to see you decided to upgrade and got yourself a Keyblade. Three are always better than two!"

It wasn't long before the group arrived before a giant ornate door, carved out wood and shaped with metal. The door was huge, indicating even a massive monster could fit through it. That immediately made him realize that that meant this master could easily be bigger than a house.

"You guys ready?"

He looked to the group one last time as he put his hand on the door, making sure everyone was ready for the final battle before he pushed the door open and revealed what was in the store for the end.

Stitch simply nodded.

"Wait, wait!" Maz called out hurriedly, "I need to go back for one moment!" Maz backed off from the door to turn back into the lab hall. She remembered Queen for a moment. Her powers would help in the final battle. She extracted her remains and absorbed it into the book, then turned back to meet with the others.

"Okay, I'm ready!"

"Good. I'd love to give this 'master' a good punch in the face. I'd not like to forget something so important again." Aria huffed.
Kazan nodded as he pushed on the large doors as they slowly began to open as a bright light burst out blinding the heroes temporarily as it faded and they could finally see what was behind the door, the truth behind it all.

The glowing whiteness of the lab is what made the shine. It's pure white walls lined with machinery and equipment seemed so much newer as compared to the dusty and ruined landscape of the Lost World. It showed all types of machinery, from the most advanced machines to simply cogs and wheels turning in back ground.

There at the very back of the room sat the simple table. A few jars, beakers and a simple control panel built into it as he sat behind the desk on his chair. A little old man sat there, a small and sweet smile on his face. He was shorter than the kids, a little hunched over. His white hair almost balded completely. His eyes were covered by a visor plugged into the equipment as he had wires running along his white lab coat helping to link him to the lab.

Noah nodded towards Kazan. "It is nice to see you and Aria again." Noah watched as Maz empowered her book. It would be useful and quite tactical to use copies of the Queen's powers. Noah followed next to Kazan, Maz and Aria. as they opened the large doors to the next room. He squinted as the bright light shown through but his eyes soon adjusted. The room was show shockingly white. What was even more shocking, was the elderly what appeared human being towards the back of the room.
Aria squinted, being temporarily blinded by the flash of light that appeared as they opened the door. She gradually opened her eyes after the light subsided, only to have them meet with more blindness; that of a terribly white room. She stared into it for a moment, wondering if her eyes were fooling her or not. She supposed she was still in reality. But that reality really puzzled her.

"He's the person who did all of this?" Aria muttered quietly to her peers. The old man in the middle of the room seemed practically harmless, mind the robotic elements of himself.

Maz had almost the same reaction with a tint of fear. She replied, though a bit more silently than Aria, "It seems like it. Let's be careful."
"Who are you?" Kazan spat the out the question they were all thinking. Yea, sure it was rude and abrupt. However after all they had been through it seemed more than appropriate.

The old man smiled.

"I am the Professor. The creator of a new life, a new chance."

"Wait, so you created the Forgotten, for real..." Kazan glared at him angrily, remembering all the pain the Forgotten had caused.

"Yes, yes I did." He said it so non-chalantly as if it wasn't one of the most heinous acts of the world, more like he was just admitting he had gone out for a nice evening walk.
"A new life, made out of the oh-so-important memories of the already existing ones," Aria spat. This man... She knew she had to be careful around him, yet his "justified" approach to it made her a bit annoyed. She and the others had a multitude of questions to ask him. She was unsure she would get a response if she were to ask. She huffed.

"But mister Professor, a bunch of people were killed with the Forgotten. Was this intentional?" Maz frowned.
The professor simply smiled.

"Yes. With new life, there must always be death. It is the balance of the world and besides all that, they deserved. Everyone deserved it."

He said as he punched some numbers into his control panel, seemingly not seeing the group as important enough to have his full attention.

"WHAT?! How dare you!" Kazan growled, his yellow eyes flaring as he bared fangs.

"Innocent people died, people who did nothing wrong!" He clenched his fists so tight, it wasn't just the horrible thing that old man had said, but the non-chalant way he had said it.

"No-one is innocent, they deserve it. Those who do not care for their memories, will be replaced by them."
He raised his gaze towards them, his eyes could not be seen through the visor making his blank, emotionless face seeming all the more terrifying, yet not at the same time.
"Kazan's right. That's not cool at all. You've got your morals twisted, Professor."

'I'm beginning to think that everyone forgot about this man, and so he created the forgotten to plot his revenge.'

She tightly crossed her arms, glaring at the man. He was probably uber powerful somehow... He didn't even give them any mind before. That was just thief instincts.

"There's no reason for memories to replace anything. Memories always belong to their owner. Besides, who are you to know if they cared or not? I certainly cared for Allison..."

"They're both right, in a way!" Maz chimed, "I don't know about anything besides landing in the world. I really wish I knew what happened before that. Why I exist."

Noah was distraught at the Professor's thinking. Why would a person believe that people deserve such a cruel date for those who didn't care for their memories. If he didn't like people not caring for their memories, why not help them learn? What twisted this man so? Is he even a man? Despite all of the thoughts filling Noah's mind, one thought did stick out prominently. How were they going to stop this man.....or being?

"Kazan, Maz, Aria, if this Professor made the Forgotten, then perhaps he is more dangerous than he seems. He does seem old and brittle, but his mind and his forces might be the most dangerous."
"People may claim they care for their memories. But I know the truth, I know it is lies. I have seen the truth, in the hour of destruction I was forced to learn. I have heard people around the worlds claim memories are what help define them, they are precious. But that is a lie. If it were true, you would cast memories aside so easily, you would not lose them like some uncared for garment of clothing.

No I have seen memories forgotten so easily. They may be claimed to be precious, but they are not cared for. They are forgotten like so many things. If people truly cared for their memories, it would not have been so easy to take them from you! The different worlds can spout their claims and cries for how they care for their memories, but I have seen it. The truth. You claim to hold your memories in your heart, but you do not. You only wish to keep the memories that make you happy, you cast aside those that hold even the slightest hint of regret and hurt. You bury them away or toss them aside, choosing only the memories you wish to remember of happier times, faker times. Or worse yet people lie to themselves, creating new artificial memories to hide the truth of their own sad fates from themselves One would not treat things they claim as so precious thusly, in such a manner.

No, you claim memories are precious. Yet you so easily discard the truth memories of pain, or those not convenient enough for you and cover them with false memories or dreams to hide your own pain. I know the truth."
He spoke while still seated, while he spoke his voice sometimes rose in anger, but it always returned to a calm demeanor.

Kazan stared at the old man disbelief. He looked like just some old man wearing fancy gear, nothing special, nothing more. He couldn't believe what he spoke of.

"Who are you?"
(ohhhh sooo soorrry I forgot I had a Character here Soooooorrrrrryyyyyy how do I make up for lost time xD )
(Sorry but this RP has way moved on and is in the final battle already. Re-joining now would be really difficult. If you still want in you will have to wait till this battle finishes and the next KH RP that continues from this one starts.)
(Eh Okay I have a totally new idea for the next one Alright my full co-op will be in it Sorry for my disappearence though :3)
At that point, Aria had nothing more to retort. She closed her mouth to cease speaking. The feeling of agitation pecked and pecked at her head, she hated this man. Who was he to judge others for their memories?

"Yes... Who in the world... Are you." She grumbled, crossing her arms.
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The Professor looked up at them through his visor.

"The last... the last living inhabitant of this forgotten world. I am all that is left, the only survivor of that which was lost, forgotten by the worlds..."
"Wait a minute, so this was an actual world, that was forgotten or something?"

Aria looked towards the others, a little concerned. "That kinda makes sense, if you looked at how barren this place was."

She turned back to the old man, wanting to know what happened. She wouldn't feel bad for him, with how adamant she was at heart. She was only curious to see how the man justified his actions.

"What happened?"
Kazan looked at the man as he spoke, he tried to be emotionless but he could still hear the hurt in his voice. He had experienced great pain, he knew pain enough to be able to tell. He also wanted to know.

"Tell us, what happened."

He smiled.

"It was a long time ago. This world once thrived, it was an amazing world filled with tall skyscrapers, amazing cities, beautiful structures and such life, such happy, bustling life. Our world was famed for it's technology and our greatest invention was known through out all the worlds. We created a device to actually view peoples memories and our world was revered for our wonderful invention which helped so many people. All the worlds always spoke of how much they admired us and owed us for our invention.

Heh.... lies. But then it happened... The red day.... A meteor."

Kazan's eyes went wide when he suddenly remembered. Back in the cave, they had all shared a vision of a bustling city and a red meteor streaking across the sky. Was that of the day this world ended.

"It struck our world, desolating it. We tried to call for help, begged for it. But we were ignored, no one would help us. They claimed there was nothing they could do, but the truth is they didn't care to even try. They abandoned us, forgot us! Left us to die! The impact completely destroyed our eco-system. Those that weren't killed in the resulting explosions and devastation, soon died of starvation due to all our crops and food dying or suffocation when our atmosphere was destroyed, the dust choking them slowly. The sun was blocked out and our world became nothing but a desolate wasteland.

People who had once cheered for us, thanked us for spreading our inventions all over the world. Simply forgot us, now that we had nothing to offer, they IGNORED US! Left us to die! When we were no longer of use to them, or important. They forgot us! It's like we never even existed, they didn't just completely leave us in our emptiness. They literally forgot us, never mentioned us again. When we were no longer a happy useful memory, they literally forgot us and they can't even remember the name of this world anymore. That is why it has NO NAME!!!! They forgot us, cast us aside just like any memory that wasn't happy or important anymore. They left us like all their other memories, to be lost...."

Kazan's eyes went wide as he heard the story, his heart aching as he imagined all the pain and suffering. He couldn't believe this had truly happened.

"I was the last survivor of this world. Everyone I ever knew or cared about, was dead and forgotten. No one even remembered a single name, not the name of this world, nor one of it's inhabitants because they were no longer important to them. But they mattered to me. So if they didn't care about us or the memories they viewed as unimportant, sad or not worth remembering. I decided fine, I will take those memories. I will take the memories that like everything else will be cast aside and give them a true life. I will not let them fall into the darkness and be abandoned, I gave them a chance to truly live and never be Forgotten!"

(Another twist revealed!)

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