Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

Noah nods and ponders a bit on how to save their friends. It would be most difficult to find them in this expansive, barren land. "What methods do we have at finding them?" Noah asks while brushing some rubble off his head and shoulders. "Does anyone know any tracking spells? Or perhaps something that allows us to fly quickly to find their base?" Noah knows that they must find them quickly. The Queen wanted them for something, and that can't possibly good...whatever it is.
Queen simply smiled and answered Aria's two questions.

"Yes he created all of us and they are vital if we are to reach every world."

Kazan's eyes went wide with shock.

"You are going to spread this to every world, you can't! But why! You'll kill so many people, Queen stop this!"

He yelled out as he was restricted by the Br0ken, tears streaming down his face.

Queen motioned for them to be taken.

The Br0ken moved them back as the BlockHeads picked them up and slammed them down onto two tables. Some Mr Fixits came in carrying all sorts of sharp, pointy and terrifying tools and blades into the rooms and putting them on trays, enough to make Aria and Kazan very worried.


Stitch grumbled, there had to be a way to find them. But how! He grumbled angrily as a wind blew past his face. He grumbled as a leaf blew past is face, brushing him as he growled and scratched at it for bothering him. It blew past his face again thanks to the wind as he went red in the face. He was trying to think of a way to save their friends and this dang-blasted annoying leaf kept blowing around him.

He got even more annoyed as it whirled around the cave as he finally took out his blaster ready to shoot it. He froze just as he was about to pull the trigger.

He realized, it was a leaf. An actual leaf, but he had never seen one leaf in the Lost World, not even a tree. Nothing! Nothing was a live, and now not only was there a leaf blowing around, but it was green and healthy. It seemed an impossibility in this long dead and desolate world, the wind carried the leaf outside the cave.

It had to be a sign, Stitch growled.

"Iki bah bah!"

His way of saying follow that leaf as he charged after it on all six legs, chasing after the leaf that blew on the wind out the cave.
Noah heard Stitch's words of a language unknown to him and turns around to see him chasing a leaf. Hmm... This was strange to see a leaf in this world. Obviously Stitch was getting our attention and to follow it. "Come on, let's follow him. Perhaps this leaf would bring us somewhere. It's better than nothing." Noah says as he begins walking after Stitch.
"No. No, you're insane. You can't be serious, you're invading other worlds..."

Aria, by then, did not want to comply with these tests. If she were to contribute to the ddestruction of all worlds, it would surely mean the end for her as well. Well, where woukd she go after this? It would either mean she would die here, or suffer endlessly (until she died) suffering on the forgotten world.

She couldn't rebel, of course, under the grip of a broken. She was taken by a Blockhead and was slammed onto the table. In her view were sharp tools placed down by Fixits, enough to put her in a state of fear.

Maz got up, Moko-Moko now in hand, to peer outside the cave. She thought that just bh looking out there, she'd get some idea as for where they needed to go. She could hav put it out there that Moko-Moko could fly, but might only beable to support Stitch's weight at this point. Speqking of Stitch...

"What's that? A leaf?"

Stitch seemed to be messing around with an annoying leaf. He only barely realized the oddness of it, and then motioned to follow. She, with oko-Moko, had followed.
Kazan growled at the tools as he tried to contort his body to chew on the BlockHead's arm, but all he was doing was chomping on the air just below and behind his shoulder.

A Mr Fixit then grabbed a tool and started coming towards the group.

"We need to get out of here Aria!" Kazan struggled as best he could as called to Aria.

He looked forward as he summoned his Keyblade in his arm.

"Fire!" He summoned a fireball but since his arm was held in place, it could only go in one direction as it shot forward, blasting the BlockHead's that was holding Aria right shoulder. The scorch caused the BlockHead to lose it's gripping as Aria's right arm was freed temporarily.

"Now Aria!"


Stitch followed after the leaf chasing it like a made, dog with rabies. As the others followed, he chased the leaf off into the distance as it continued to blow along until a small structure could be seen in the far off distance.
"We need to get out of here Aria!"

"I really know that, but I can't move y'know!"

Aria watched the keyblade form in Kazan's hand. Luckily it was free enough to be summoned, but not so to be moved. When the fire was shot, it landed on the Blockhead's hand that was constricting her right hand, causing Aria's hand to be liberated from it's clutches. "Nice, I've got it now," she smirked.

Aria summoned her keyblade into her right hand. Bringing the extra power stored in her chest, she brought up her body to raise her arm for a physical move. "Sparring blade!" She wacked the other hand that was gripped onto her left hand, and sent it back with force in the process. Now, for the most part, free, Aria rose to her feet and tossed her keyblade like a boomerang at the other blockhead's arms, to get them to come off like she did with the other one. When it hit, she recalled her keyblade back to her and advanced towards the Fixit with the tools.


Maz saw the building in view, almost excited that following Stitch had worked. She wondered why a leaf would be flying around, and how it was able to lead them to the lab. "We found it, we gotta rescue them!" She shrieked, now speeding up.
Noah saw the building in view and wondered about the luck of finding it. The odds would be astronomical! It was good though since they will be able to rescue Aria and Kazan. Noah could hear some fighting somewhere in the building. "Yes, we must get there quickly. I can hear sounds of struggle. Obviously they never go down without a fight." Noah casts an Aero spell to launch him forward in order to keep up with Maz.
Kazan back flipped on to all fours after Aria's attack had loosened the BlockHead's attack. He then swung his Keyblade releasing an attack.

"Fira Slash!"

Creating an arc wave of flame to blast the BlockHead away from him and then leap frogged over it's head away from the Mr Fixits.

"Let's get out of here. If this is their territory, we can't win. Our first priority needs to be escape!"

He yelled, heading for the exit of the room as he kicked a small Mr Fixit out of the way, sending to flying and spinning like a soccer ball.


Stitch continued to charge or rather crawl forward on all sixes as the building came in view, he suddenly paused as he stared at the sheer size and overwhelming atmosphere of it's design.

It appeared to look like a giant hand facing down with each finger dug into the ground forming five massive towers all connected by the palm which reached into the dusty clouds above. It looked both knew, but made of ruins as well.

The entrances were guarded by two BlockHead's each. The perimeter was patrolled by Wheelies on the ground and Spin Caps from the sky.
Noah noticed the large group of Forgotten surrounding an entrance. "I guess sneaking in isn't an option. Maz, can you get the BlockHeads?" Noah lifts up his key blade and rapidly fires three Blizzaga. Three Spin Caps hit by them froze into blocks of ice and squashed three other Wheelies as they fell. Other Forgotten launched themselves at Noah and he deflects them back with his key blade.
Maz shifted uncomfortably. BlockHeads always proved to be the worthiest of bulkiest foes. It would have proved to to be no easy feat, especially for Maz. Regardless, she nodded back at Noah. "Yes! I'll take care of it!" Maz looked to the enemies, her targets, the two BlockHeads that stood at the entrance as guards. She advanced forward with a sprint, following with a toss of her feline companion into the air, where she let it take over and lead from in the skies. An idea came to her, though, prompting her to go back and retrieve Stitch. She, using her legs, held Stitch while flying on Moko-Moko.

"I'm sorry if you may not like heights, but I'm going to drop you down on those BlockHeads. I'll assist from the rear!"


After slaying the petty Fix-it, Aria stood up to turn to Kazan, who was making a break for the entrance. While, internally, her stubborn guts had desperately wanted her to stay and battle it off, Kazanwas more or less correct. Who knew how big the iinstitution was? It could have fostered more than a thousand Forgotten. With that thought in mind, she skidded to her feet and rushed to catch up with Kazan.
Kazan ran out the door as he began sprinting down long, bronze hallways as Aria followed him. The hallway seemed to go on forever as there was hundreds of doors on both sides. It looked like there were so many rooms, inside they could see rooms where Forgotten were being built piece by piece on conveyor belts with automated machines.

Kazan shook his head, he wanted to destroy those machines so bad but he knew he had to escape first. He suddenly skidded to a halt, as it feet screeched against the floor creating dust as Aria would smash into his back.

"No way... it's a Gummi Ship! It's our Gummi Ship!"

Just in the room ahead of them, lit up in the dark recesses of the room was a Gummi Ship. It looked like theirs, just a little, but it definitely wasn't. It was smaller and just scrap, it had been formed of pieces from their old Gummi Ship. It didn't have any of the old accessories their ship had and definitely wasn't as grand, but it was a ship, it had a cockpit and it seemed like it could hold a decent number of people. It still seemed to missing a few small parts, including a wing.


Stitch nodded in response to Maz's plan, liking it a lot as he shook his head with a twinge on destruction in his eye.

He looked down at the BlockHeads as he was dropped, he rolled into a ball as he became a literal cannonball and smashed into the BlockHeads creating a huge explosion as he landed as he jumped up on a BlockHead above it's headless shoulders and began firing his blasters at it, until it was destroyed.
Noah uses Graviga and attracts Forgotten into one certain area where he freezes the, with a Blizzaga. Smashing them to pieces with his key blade, Noah looks to see how Maz and Stitch are doing. He sees Stitch throwing a barrage of blast, demolishing a BlockHead. "Good work!" Noah blocks an attack by the other BlockHead while Maz comes up from behind on Moko-Moko.
Aria kept on charging through the halls along with Kazan. She kept a bit of a distance behind him for him to take lead through the factory. Along the way she noticed him looking sideways through the doors which had opened to rooms of conveyor belts building lines of Forgotten. So that's how they are so abundant. Keeping to the task at hand, she kept running, until Kazan stopped abruptly and caused her to lightly bump into him in the process.

Aria stepped back, and peered over Kazan's shoulder to see where he was looking. A gummi ship, and while it was not too pretty it looked, for the most part, complete-ish. One of the more major parts that were missing... She'd say the wing. But then Aria remembered the pieces she had been collecting previous...


When Maz dropped Stitch down on the BlockHead, she took a quick detour over to the back of them. Using two ticker counters, Maz stuck both sticky bombs on the one remaining BlockHead, and flew away to get some distance away from it.

“Watch out, Noah! It's going to explode!” Maz warned.
Noah saw two small projectiles launched and stick to the BlockHead. Hearing Maz's warning Noah quickly casts a Blizzard and jumps away from the giant Forgotten. Using ice from spells Noah quickly skates away on them from the Blockhead where explosion is imminent. While they took care of Forgotten outside, Noah could only hope that Kazan and Aria were ok and hopefully escaping inside. "I wonder why the Queen wanted Kazan and Aria for."Noah thought to himself as he wait for the Blockhead to explode into flames.
"It just needs a few more key pieces and it will be done, which you have so graciously collected for us."

Kazan spun around upon hearing the voice to see Queen holding the bag Kazan had put their Gummi blocks in.

"How did you?!" He immediately checked his belt, where he had been keeping the bag to see it was gone and was perplexed how she had swiped it without him even noticing.

Queen tossed the bag to a Mr Fixit, who along with some others like him surrounded the ship which started to rise on the platform beneath it as it went through a hidden door in the roof and disappeared.

"Now thanks to you, we have the means to leave this planet and start sending Forgotten to other worlds. However it is a shame you refuse to help pave our way forward and escaped, but if you won't willingly be a part of the master's experiments, I will have to make you." She smiled as she threatened them, this time she was going to handle it herself. No more foolish lackeys, she would deal with them personally!
Maz flew away in time to be away from the BlockHeads just as they had burst into flames. She looked back over her shoulder to see the carnage and nodded approvingly. The forgotten remains proved very useful to her... But for some reason she felt odd.

She dropped down onto the ground next to Noah and Stitch and caught Moko-Moko. She nervously looked over at Noah, then down onto her flying cat companion.

" I kinda do worry about what they wanted the two for, too. But, Noah... Um... Quick question... When you came here... Did you remember anything? At all? "

She felt as if asking such a personal question was right in the current situation, being that their prime objective was to retrieve Kazan and Aria. But she couldn't get it out of her mind right now... It was only natural to be curious, right?


Aria bit the bottom of her lip, only just remembering the parts they collected together. And it was now in the forgotten's hands, through sneaky pickpocketing. Maybe she should've carried the bag.

She gave Queen a sour look like always. She was always the person she faced with disdain, she hated the doll. Even if it was her creator she should have been hating. "You know what, it's high time we've settled things, Queen. Put up your dukes!"

Would Kazan be feeling the same as her, though? It always seemed as if he was afraid, or scared, or sad whenever she drew near. She gave Kazan a sideways glance, to see if he was going to go on with the fight.
Noah dusted off some ash from his clothes as Maz came along With Stitch and Moko-Moko. "Remember when I first arrived here?" Noah ponders for a moment. "It's all very hazy and difficult to remember anything farther back. Perhaps I will be able to recall more memories later." Noah looks around for any more Forgotten or movement inside the base. "We should start heading in. We can talk more as we go." Noah says encouragingly while pulling a slight grin and began advancing forward to the base.
Kazan summons his Keyblade as he stares as Queen, a tear running down his face.

"I won't let you do that. No we can't let the Forgotten hurt anymore people. We are ending this now, if want us you"ll have to take us with your bare hands!"

Kazan growled at her, his fangs baring.

Queen let out a quaint laugh at the bare hands comment.

"You really think you can defeat me, you haven't even seen my full form yet. What you see is only half of what I am. It is time for you to face my true power!"

She raised her hand up as if summoning something when suddenly giant wooden blocks began to fall from the ceiling. These were not folded up blocks like Forgotten when they fell, they were also far too large to be any Forgotten. Each block was something else, something specific as they blocks suddenly began to connect and link up as they joined together forming a line that grew and grew.

They continued to join until them formed the very long body of a wooden puppet version of what appeared to be a Dragon, a Dragon with the long snake like body of a Chinese Dragon, with small arms and legs. It's head resembled more of a European Dragon with horns and sharp teeth. It's tail ending in a sharp blade as it's huge body coiled around Queen, hovering as it let out a monstrous roar that seemed to echo through the tower, as the bottles and glasses exploded and the room shook.


Stitch nodded at the others, now it was time to save the others. He shot down the front door with his blaster as he entered the tower. It was endless hallway of rooms and stairs. Stitch immediately began heading up the stairs as he sniffed for Aria and Kazan.
"A dragon, then? That's it? Well, I guess Queen must be your forgotten, Kazan! It's official!"

Aria looked up at the massive dragon, not fazed by the sheer power it exerted at all. Her cocky and more obnoxious, risk-taking side was taking face again, and it gave Aria confidence which she had lacked for the fight that was imminent. She would disregard her fear by taking action, but in turn blind her own judgement. She could perform such acts without regret because she knew Kazan would lead them to victory, or atleast she put her hopes in that belief.

"We've got this, Kazan! We'll save the other worlds from possible destruction. We'll defeat Queen. We'll get out of here, and become keyblade masters..." She smiled a rather wild smile, and summoned her keyblade.


Maz blinked. It was a rather nebulous answer, and a nebulous subject... Noah couldn't remember. Maz shifted in place anxiously because she couldn't get over the fact that she'she couldn't recall anything before she was on the forgotten world. She turned to her partner, stared at it almost as if she were asking it a question, then ran off with the others into the labratory and up the stairs.

That question? "What were we doing here?".
As Noah followed Stitch around the facility he looked behind at Maz making sure that she was keeping up. No doubt that she was still there. Suddenly, he hears the loud and deafening roar from Queen in her dragon form. Unaware of that fight Noah wonders what could be so loud. It had to be big. "What do you think that was? Another Forgotten?" Noah asked Maz as the continued running towards the sound of the roar. IN his mind, Noah was hoping that Kazan and Aria are okay, and with false hope, praying that whatever made that roar was not with them. They began getting closer, and Noah could sense the presence of another keyblade wielder. Expecting something to fight, he summons hiss keyblade as well.
Kazan nodded.

"Yea, I suspected for a long time, in fact since we met her. I could always sense some connection, some emotion I couldn't explain. Something I felt, but couldn't remember. I don't know what memory she is... but I won't let it consume me!"

He held his Keyblade with both hands, Dragon Heart was it's name as he could feel the power running through the dragonic like blade. It heated up as he looked to Aria, kind of irritated with her cocky behavior.

"We have no choice, we have to!"

Queen smiled as she stroke the side of the dragon.


The dragon suddenly opened it's mouth revealing a cannon within which glowed as it charged up, it then released powerful energy blaster beam that shot towards Aria and Kazan with pure destructive power.


Stitch also heard the roar as ears perked up and he stood two legs, totally erect like a Meerkat listening for predators. His ears turned, it sounded big and powerful and... scary.

He raced up as they got higher and higher, but still no sign... Why couldn't they see them yet.... Was something wrong....
Aria side-glanced back at Kazan, and her grin widened to more of a simper, looking as if she had no idea what he was thinking. Her eyes then wandered back to the draconian beast that hovered infront of them, now seeing it prepare an attack at them. It opened it's mouth and charged a beam that it fired soon afterwards...

Aria, of course, threw herself off to the side before it could reach her. After recovering from the hit on the ground, she stood up quickly and advanced towards the dragon.


Maz could only conclude that they were getting closer, on account of the sounds becoming louder as they went. Stitch had also indicated this with his scouting, and it seemed as if Noah knew so too. They would be there soon. They would come to the two's rescue!
Kazan also dodged to the side as the powerful beam blasted past them making a roaring sound like a dragon as it flew past, hitting the wall causing a huge explosion and destroying the side of the wall leaving a huge cap.

"Dang, that thing is powerful. We can't take chances with it, attack it carefully!"

Kazan charged forward with his Keyblade and began firing Firagas at the creature as his body was surrounded by protective fireballs as he charged in for a slash.


Stitch suddenly turned to the side as he heard the powerful explosion coming from outside, he looked out the nearest window to see a huge hole in the tower to the right of them. Through the hole, he suddenly saw some weird creature, but then he saw... Kazan and Aria.

Oh crud, they were on the right level, but they were in the wrong tower. He looked to Noah, with a worried look, hoping the new kid had some plan to get them to that tower quickly. It looked like the two were in trouble and they couldn't climb all the way down, sneak into the other tower and climb all the way up, they had no time for that. He hoped they had a plan to get across somehow...
Noah caught up with Stitch to see Kazan and Aria, who were not too beat up. Unfortunately, much to his dismay, they were on the other tower. Plus, they were fighting a large dragon-like beast. "That most be the beast that made the loud roar earlier." Noah began thinking of a way to get them over the gap to the tower. Going down and going up would take too long of course. Noah fires Blizzards that create a bridge across the two towers. "This will help us get across. Quickly, to Aria and Kazan!"

(I know I said I would make something creative, but I couldn't think of anything.)
Stitch nodded as he jumped on the bridge and began sliding across as he pulled out his blasters, yelling a woohoo as he began firing his blasters at the dragonic puppet creature like a mad man as he jumped up and shouted like a crazy cowboy.

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