Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

(Sorry Bro but I have given you multiple warnings and I am not waiting for you alone any longer.)

Kazan jumped out of the way to dodge the random shots of Stitch as he rolled around, slashing through Wheelies that shot past and slicing some Triads in half.


Queen in an undisclosed location was speaking to something.

"It is done sir and I'm sure soon the subjects will b-"

"What, those two still aren't fighting... But master I told t-"

"Yes sir, I know. No more excuses.... we need to complete the experiment. I will see to this matter personally and make sure it is done."

She broke into blocks as she flew off.


As Zoku and Setsu stood watching the battle from a far, their plans in motion they had forgotten their orders and the warning Queen had given. They didn't even notice the figure behind them as a large wood stake shot through Zoku's chest first. It's speed apparent as before Setsu could react the stake shot through her chest.

The Forgotten's eyes went dead as two huge holes in their chests slowly cracked and began to fade to dust.

"Now, get inside..."

Queen said to the two Br0ken next to her as they their pieces flew inside Setsu and Zoku's hollow and dead body. They filled the empty puppets, patching the hole with their own wood as Br0ken eyes appeared. They were no longer turning to dust.

"You know what to do!"

Queen ordered at the two creatures that use to be Setsu and Zoku, they nodded as they smiled and jumped from their tall cliff straight down towards the group as the wind rushed past them. Setsu landed first with her fist first sending a a huge shockwave rippling through the center of the battlefield knocking all the Forgotten back and even sending the heroes flying back with tremendous force.

Zoku landed next as Setsu grabbed his arm and swung him as he brought his Keyblade forward he shot like a bullet as the chain extended. He headed straight for Tat even though she was not his target as he slammed his Keyblade straight into her, unable to react due to still being shaken by Setsu's shockwave which came to a surprise to all as he sent the girl flying. Even though the keyblade arm was wooden she could feel it's power as skidded backwards, her arm going numb. Zoku continued to shoot forward past Tat as his true target, Ryoko came upon as he slammed his Keyblade into Ryoko's Bit-blade with just as much power to push Ryoko down and make him feel the pain as she pushed down on his Keyblade trying to crush him.
(You said you were going to get rid of them. I had them wait on the assumption that you were going to kill them off, not corrupt them. Also, I'd like to point out that the chain wasn't designed to extend; it's one constant length)

Tatakau was blown back by the shockwave. Strange... Wouldn't the shockwave only go through the ground, causing them to lose their balance? Punching the ground doesn't make everything fly away like an explosion. Either way, she was hit again. She wasn't sure why she was stunned by the shockwave either; she was used to fighting in these conditions! Now her arm was numb... how?! She didn't feel any magic! No matter... Now that she couldn't feel her arm she could punch them without hurting herself. She charged towards Zoku and threw a punch. She knew that Setsu would pull him back though, so she was prepared to change direction if she needed to.

Ryoko was thinking almost exactly what Tatakau was thinking at the time. "I could use a physics lesson." He thought to himself before being pinned down by Zoku. He tried pushing against Zoku, but he wasn't as strong and was being chocked now. He tried everything to struggle himself out of this situation, but it was no use. Ryoko's magic proficiency was transferred to Zoku's strength. Right before ran out of breath, he uttered "Everything is going as planned." and then stopped moving.
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(Yes, I did get rid of them and replaced them with something I can use and I know the chain wasn't designed for that. I'm adding it to create some more battle style)
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((You might have crossed the threshold with that one. Are you joking about this whole thing, to maybe bring some comedy into this, or totally bashing on the whole 'directing the plot' biz? Because if it's the latter, why are you still here? Do you not like it, or do you like doing this? Not like I'm the RP creator, but I do respect him. If there's something wrong I'd tell him in a PM or something... Geez.))

A ripple of wind was enough to send both Aria and Maz back, Aria having crossed her hands over her face and Maz just holding as tightly as she could to Moko-Moko. Aria slid on the balls of her feet until she could get a good balance to stay in place again, and when she saw Maz flying about she caught her in her two arms.

“You alright?” She asked.

Maz looked up at her and nodded. “Yes. Thank you.”

Aria set Maz down. What a powerful thing that was. And that was the pair of Forgotten earlier? No, no they were different. If she had a clue as to what happened, it was that they were possessed, more or less the work of Queen.

She had to assist somehow, as much as the situation seemed so helpless. She left Maz to go do whatever she needed to do, and advanced towards Zoku, planning to use one of her more advanced physical skills.
Noah stood tired and worn out. His clothes slightly singed and dirty from the explosions and fighting. Before he could catch his breath the the shockwave came and knocked Noah on his back. Getting up Noah notices the pair of Forgotten attacking the others. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tatakau stop moving while Zoku has his hands around Tatakau's neck. Appalled by this, Noah points his staff at Setsu. Perhaps one would be weaker without the other.

"Fireaga!" Noah releases a ball of fire at the Forgotten.
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(@Noah, we didn't see what Queen did to them.)

Kazan and Stitch both went flying back from the impact of the duo, as Kazan flew back into some Meager, thankfully crushing them.

He shook his head as within a few seconds as he saw the Forgotten's devastating initial attack in addition to that shock wave which was just plain impossible!

These were not the same Forgotten who had jumped them before, they were different, very different. Even their eyes seemed different. What the heck happened, whatever it was... it had made the situation worse.

Zoku smirked as he felt Ryoko weaken and as his breath ran out Zoku slid his Keyblade to the slide as he then sent Ryoko flying by adjusting the angle so instead of pushing down he pushed Ryoko to the right and sent him Ryoko skidding back.

As Tat flew forward with her intent to attack with her numb arm, she realized it wasn't numb of feeling but she was unable to move it. It had been completely numbed, she has lost control of the nerves.

Setsu just seemed to smirk at this failed attempt, but then was blasted back the Firaga as she skid a bit. She immediately swung her head to Noah as did Zoku. Zoku began to spin around lifting Zetsu up as he used this to throw her towards Noah where Setsu sent her fist flying towards Noah, Noah would know with her power that one punch would crush him to dust.

Kazan charged forward to help Ryoko as he swung Dragon Heart forward, but Zoku jumped in as he counter with his blade. Kazan tried to slash him from the other side, but Zoku with amazing acrobatics jumped over him as the chain almost sliced through Kazan's neck as he landed and immediately swung around to connect his Keyblade with his.

Despite being a Forgotten, Kazan felt like this little puppet could compete with some of the masters who taught him how to fight with a Keyblade. His abilities were definitely inhuman.
(Oops. edited it.)

Noah stood wide eyed as Setsu seemed only slightly dazed at the attack. Seeing her charge at him with such speed, Noah barely fit in a spell. "Aero!' Wind surrounds Noah buffering the Forgottens attack. Alas, it was not strong enough. Setsu's punch broke through the wind barrier and hit Noah in the chest. While the Aero weakened the punch, it still sent Noah flying across the field.
(Yeah... sorry about that. I had a bad day and the barrage of auto-hits, mind control, and railroading put me over the edge. It's like playing Jenga: each person takes turn removing a block and the one who knocks it down loses. In other words, a rant-inducing slight. I'll delete that part.)

Dispite the pain from that hit, the plan worked. Ryoko was no longer pinned down by Zoku. However, that little display showed that something was not right. That couldn't be the two that let them rest before the battle; they would've known that dimension lords don't breathe, much less choke. He got up and saw that Tatakau was having a problem with her arm. It has been awhile, so he used curaga to heal her arm. "I love symbolic designs," He said, "they always let you find a weakness. For example: the chain symbolizes a bond. Now that the chain is longer, the bond, and the chain, should be weaker. Once they're separated, they should be easier to attack." Now that those two knew he wasn't knocked out, he knew that they were going to attack him. He entered an evasive stance to avoid any oncoming attacks.

Now that Tatakau's arm was healed, she could fight better. She gripped the ground in front of her and pulled out a chunk about three times her size and threw it towards Zoku, following the boulder and using it as cover so that after Zoku sliced the boulder in two she could use that opening to strike with all of her strength.
The shockwave that had spawned from Setsu's ground punch had surprised Neku quite a bit. He saw the forgotten flying back like an explosion had occured and even a few of the heroes were knocked back. He felt his legs give in and he was sent a few feet back from his original position, but thanks to the fact that he started floating as the shockwave had hit him, he wasn't knocked back too much. His feet touched the ground fully and he looked towards Setsu and Zetsu. Even though he had only a vague glance at them, he was certain that something was slightly off about them and was surprised to see the others' attacks barely affecting them. "I'm tired of your games." He said as he got into a defensive position.
Kazan continued to battle with Zoku as their Keyblades clashed and Zoku jumped around Kazan effortlessly as he Kazan tried to jump at him like an animal.

Tat's huge piece of earth went flying towards Zoku who just jumped back and with one swing of his wooden keyblade sliced the chunk in two as it landed and skidded back.

Meanwhile Setsu approached Noah, but felt a yank on the chain as Zoku had dodged. It smirked at Noah and then walked away, Noah was not one of the three targets. Setsu jumped back close to Zoku as they both seemed to smirk.

A Triad suddenly blasted Kazan with Blizzard freezing his left shoulder as he turned around, he was so busy fighting Zoku he had forgotten there was still an army of Forgotten around him.

Some Wheelies went flying past Maz and Moko-Moko as they knocked her over, scorching her side as they began to circle her with intent to kill. Meanwhile a huge Blockhead loomed over Noah intending to finish the job while a Br0ken slowly edged toward him, spikey wood shards pointed to him.

A few SpinCaps flew after Neku as they fired their darts down towards him, while Jugglers from below began to throw their explosive balls at him. Buzzers edged towards Ryoko from behind as they brought their blades close to his face, he hadn't noticed them being focused on his Forgotten. Suddenly a ticker dropped on Ryoko's lap, it's ticker about to hit 12 as it suddenly buried itself in his lap refusing to let go.

A whole troop of Triad's began firing at Tat with Fire, Blizzard and Thunders from all directions. Finally a Br0ken snuck up behind Aria as it's broken body wrapped around her and began strangling her to death. However that was not the worst of her problems, Setsu noticed Aria and decided to complete her task as he rushed towards Aria and jumped up as she got ready to pound Aria flat into the ground like a nail with her large fist.

Stitch who was chewing on a Wheelie that was spinning crazily trying to get him off suddenly got jumped by a Buzzard which launched him into the air as a SpinCap picked him and began flying with him in the air, as Stitch struggled to get free, yelling in fear at being so high up.

The Triad fired another Blizzard freezing Kazan's leg as Zoku charged him with his Keyblade ready to slice the boy in two.

(This is what happens when we forget we have an army of Forgotten are still around us and forget to post us fighting back, only concentrating on the duo...)
"Well, that's a bit of a shocker." Ryoko thought as the blade went right by his face. And now a bomb was about to go off on his pants. Better lose them. He jumped straight up in the air and slipped his pants off, leaving the ticker to self destruct and destroy the previous buzzard as well as propelling him higher into the air. If anyone saw him, they would see that the shirt that had built in gloves was actually part of a bodysuit that went under his pants that had built in shoes. His Bag of Tardis (which is what he calls the pouch that is bigger on the inside) was still tied around his waist, so he quickly reached in, got out another pair of pants just like the first one, and put them on before he landed. After he landed, he got out a small hexagonal prism-shaped thing and pointed towards the hoard of forgotten and away from everyone else. "恋符「マスタースパーク」" He yelled as a laser shot out of it. After the laser stopped, he put the device back into his pouch before returning to an evasive stance. This time he watched out for any forgotten.

"Figures. They need two powerful forgotten and a squadron of mages to try to stop me." Tatakau thought as she saw the barrage of magic being flung at her. She spread her arms out and clapped them together over her head with enough force to create a shockwave through the air, dissipating the magic attacks shot at her and hitting the triads. "Next." She said as she ran towards the other minor forgotten and away from the others who were fighting Setsu and Zoku.
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Noah lay on the ground wincing with a sharp pain in his chest from where the Forgotten had struck him. Black dots floated around in his vision. Suddenly while looking up he sees a BlockHead's fist coming down upon him. Lifting his staff Noah launched a Thundaga at the monster electrocuting it till flames erupted from it. Noah then uses an Aero to push him away from the burning BlockHead. Noah lay still for a moment, then casted Curaga on himself. Although it relieved some pain and cuts, he still was exhausted and the pain on his chest lingered. He notices a Br0ken creeping nearby, and lights it on fire with a combo of Fire and Thunder.

"No rest for the weary I guess." Noah said to himself as he lay on the ground, breathing heavily.
Ryoko's plan worked, but the other Buzzards launched after him. One Buzzard even fired off it's saw towards him like a boomerang while the others snapped at him, trying to bite his arms and legs.

Tat's plan managed to knock away the Forgotten and even destroyed a few, but the ones at the back survived, as she ran away they seemed to recover and they fired blizzards at her, turning her back on them was a bad ideas as they fired repeatedly, freezing Tat's body and encasing her in ice. They then all fired Thunders which combined into a large Thundaga which blasted into the frozen Tat smashing the ice, enough for someone of her caliber to collapse having taken all that damage.

Noah managed to defelct the BlockHead, but after using a Curaga spell on himself he no longer had any magic energy to use on the Br0ken and his spell just fizzled into nothing. The Br0ken uses this opportunity to wrap around him and begins stabbing him with it's sharp wooden shards. (I did warn you about the magic limit of healing, healing spells use all your magic energy preventing you for casting for a while, so you will have to deal with the consequences.)
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(Hold on, I didn't know they were flying. If they were flying, then she would've obviously noticed that and done something else. Can I have a do-over?)

(...wait. For Setsu's ground slam to knock her back, that means that the shockwave would have to go through the air like an explosion. If it only went through the ground, it would've caused her to lose balance and fall, not fly backwards.)
(Triads are like Red Nocturnes/Blue Rhapsodies, they always float. Fair enough, that wasn't specifically stated. So on that part you can have a do over. As for Setsu's shokwave, yes normally it should only knock you down as the impact is absorbed into the ground. Clearly Setsu is so strong that the impact actually erupted through the ground almost like waves in a sea, so as long as you were on the ground the force from the wave traveling along was enough to knock you back completely. Which as Ryoko stated should actually be impossible, showing how terrifyingly strong they are.)
(See even your tropes agree with me, you don't know everything or all the tropes. But here is a trope you should learn. Your Tropes mean nothing in this RP, if you wish to counter my argument with another trope or anymore tropes to prove you are right and I'm wrong, you may leave the RP directly after you post. I don't care what your rules or tv tropes says. I make the rules in this RP and I do it for a reason, if you don't like it, you know where the metaphorical door is.

I've edited as well, but kept it minor since I don't want to change my whole tactic.)
(Of course I don't know all the tropes. Jeez, I say that you're right and you write a paragraph telling me "I told you so" and "Your power means nothing here". I was never trying to change physics, I was just explaining the reasoning of my characters. Setsu and Zoku thought that attacking in a group would make them less powerful. That doesn't mean that it is actually true.

And I think I am going to leave. Nothing personal, but this RP has become a chore and I'm not getting much fun out of it. Cya, hope there's no hard feelings.)
Neku saw the SpinCaps flying towards him, and also noticed a juggler which had just thrown a few explosive balls around his feet. He caught one, and threw it up at the SpinCaps. The SpinCaps' bags of explosives reacted with the ball, and it made a large explosion in the sky, the aftermath of which was debris raining around a ~20 foot radius, and Neku being knocked back. The other two explosive balls were about to go off, but Neku Created three ice spikes right in front of him to form a small wall. The wall of ice shattered from the explosion, but it left Neku uninjured. Neku turned to the juggler and finished it off quickly, after which he ended a few more forgotten.
((Didn't quite get the time to write a laptop post as I promised, but I thought I should atleast post something rather than nothing.))

Aria skidded to complete stop, now out of range of Zoku who had pulled away from them. She couldn't come to anyone's aid now, she thought, and turned to fight the rest of the forgotten around her as support. Her gaze was only limited, and she couldn't see the Broken creep up from behind her and wrap itself around her, strangling her. Aria gasped. She immediately drawn her hands to her neck to try and rip the thing off before she was completely suffocated. But as for physical attack power, she wasn't a Tat. What made things worse, the female intelligent forgotten had now decided to target her, and was ready to drop down on her from the air. For the time being, she scooted away while attempting to take the Broken off of her.

Maz squealed helplessly as she was pushed onto the ground and driven on by one of the Wheelie's around her. A group of them surrounded and encircled her. It took a little bit of time for her to get up and regain her composure... But she was surrounded, and was unsure of what to do. She could fly, but she was sure one of them would leap into the air and knock her back down again... She stood by Moko-Moko, waiting for one of them to make a move...
Noah watched in disdain as his attempted fire spell just fizzles from his hands. He blocked most of the Broken's spikes but was still caught by its cords and still got stabbed by some of splintery wood. Using his staff, and most of his strength, Noah stabbed it into the Broken, and pried it to pieces. Tired, beaten, bruised, and mana deprived, Noah leans on his staff breathing heavily in and out. "I don't know... how much longer... I can keep this up."
(Thanks, I appreciate you all posting!)

Tat had collapsed from the combined Triad attacked as her breath stopped and she lay motionless. Soon a Blockhead appeared behind Ryoko as it opened his chest and stuff Ryoko inside.

Kazan looked as he saw the girl dead and Ryoko was taken, the others were tired. This was their plan all along, to tire them out. They were going to get beaten....

No he would not let them win, he had to save them. He would avenge all the lives the Forgotten had taken, they had killed again, he would not let these weapons designed for death win.They weren't just some accident, it wasn't that they couldn't control it. They were designed for this very purpose and he would make them pay, he would destroy them.

His yellow eyes slitted again as his Keyblade, Dragon Heart burst into flames as he began countering all of Zoku's attacks with such ferocity, the Forgotten started edging back. His face shocked with the power behind Kazan's attack, it was like fighting something completely different, something not entirely human.

"It's time to end this, you die now! Infernal Barrage."

With his Keyblade on fire, he suddenly dashed through Zoku with such speed that only blurs and firey lines were seen going through as Kazan appeared on the other side of Zoku, red lines going through his body. Kazan looked to Aria, knowing she would do the same.

Meanwhile hundreds more Forgotten surrounded Stitch, Maz, Noah and Neku. All types, making sure they were completely unable to interfere or help. Keeping them busy, constantly attacking them.
Maz sniffled, looking amongst all of the forgotten that, one-by-one, begun to surround her and the others. Instinct lulled her into moving backwards. Danger influenced her to not move at all afterwards. She looked down at her furry companion, which growled at the enemies with it's hair up and fangs bared. She had no choice but to stand back as she did before and wait them out for any attacks they were going to throw at her or Moko-Moko.

Aria stumbled back. She was running out of breath way too quickly. Her vision dimmed so much, she couldn't even see the hands infront of her that desperately yanked on the Broken to let go. Tears ran down the side of her face, ones she couldn't help but let loose. She couldn't just let herself die pitifully at the hands of these things, or let herself get caught in their own webs. But it wouldn't let go of her. How was she going to escape now... The light at the end of the tunnel seemed so dim.

Time seemed to slow for that one moment, and in the corner of her nebulous gaze she could see the onslaught of attacks made on Tatakau. If it weren't obvious that Aria was gasping for breath, her mouth would have widened in horror.

That was it.

Her teeth clenched, and by some force of anger and colliding stress Aria ripped apart the broken that had attempted to suffocate her. She tossed the remaining pieces over to the side. Her face contorted with indignation, she threw herself at Setsu as she was in the air, as if she were flying, and forced her fist back with a kick to the bottom of her arm with such force that would shatter it. Aria's boots let off a light yellow sheen, until it completely morphed into a dark red miasma. She bombarded Setsu with several kicks, to several parts of her wooden body. When she seemed to be through, she corkscrewed over her beat-up body, summoned her keyblade, and bashed her down with such force to leave her in utter pieces when she met with the ground. Aria landed right next to her, keyblade in hand, and brushed her bangs out of her face while also cleaning up the tears from earlier.
Noah was still tired as more and more Forgotten still appeared. Exasperated, Noah kept beating any attacking Forgotten back with his staff. His mana was still recharging and he couldn't cast any spells. 'What a pain to be exhausted of magic.' Noah thought to himself. He see's Aria fly up into the sky and unleash a barrage of attacks and effectively destroying one of the major Forgotten. This was encouraging that they still had strength left.

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