Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

"Not until we find her hat." Ryoko said as he walked back to the scrap-pile and helped Maz look for her hat. Tatakau facepalmed at how messed up Ryoko's priorities were. (short post. Can't think of anything else)
Kazan joined Tat's facepalm, doing it at almost the same time. A perfectly timed comedy moment. Kazan rolled his eyes.

"Yes because the hat is worth risking our lives over, when we just fell off a cliff and are being attacked by two in... semi-intelligent Forgotten."

Kazan walked, not caring who followed.

He responded to Shibuya without looking back.

"From what we have learnt, Forgotten are a person's most precious stolen memories transformed into a sometimes mindless puppet like being that seems to only want to kill the person it came from. We also have reason to believe they were designed by someone once on this world..."


As the 'dynamic' duo worked on their arena quite diligently unaware it might be all for naught, Queen's voice appeared from the sky.

"Um.... you do know they are escaping while you guys are building that."

She said calmly and sweetly, but they both knew the next word out of her mouth would be filled with pure rage and annoyance, directed at them!
"We know." Setsu and Zoku said simultaneously. Zuko jumped backwards to Setsu who caught him with her one hand. She then threw him at a sideways arch, gripping the ground as she swung him around using the chain. Zoku extended his blade towards a boulder that was in his path and sliced at the base horizontally, freeing it from the ground. He then stabbed his blade into the boulder as Setsu walked towards it. She lifted the boulder with Zoku on it and threw it over Kazan's head. Since Zoku was attached to the boulder, the chain pulled Setsu across the same arch. As the boulder landed in Kazan's path, Setsu landed on the boulder with Zoku. "I said you could rest; I didn't say you could leave." Zoku said.
(Well we lost another newbie, now it's just Murfemra, Noah and the newest guy. We'll see if any of them last or if it just stays the epic trio of Kazan, Aria and Ryoko.)

Kazan slowly walked on ahead, as the boulder flew ahead and crashed right in front of him landing a few millimetres from his face. It landed with a crash of dust that blew past Kazan sending Stitch flying off his shoulder from the shockwave and shock, Stitch not wanting to be crushed, scurried back.

Kazan had not moved or flinched an inch, even as the dust blew past him and the boulder was lying against his toe tip. He slowly looked up to the duo.

"I know what you said... I just don't care."

He looked back at the boulder and he opened his right hand as suddenly Dragon Heart appeared in a blaze and with quick speed, he slashed forward with a quick swipe as nothing but a thin sharp sound was heard. It seemed like nothing until the line appeared in the boulder and the top half began to slide off with the duo on it.

He suddenly looked back at them, his yellows eyes almost glowing the pupils somewhat slitted. They seemed much less human then before and the expression on his face was very different, somewhat dark. His whole aura had changed, even Stitch could see somewhat was very different.
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"Wh-what?" Neku responded to the boulder that seemed to fly out of the sky. "Those.... those must be the forgotten" Neku thought. He Raised his hand straight into the air, and a long, sharp piece of ice appeared in the ground below the forgotten duo. The ice spike was sent shooting upwards out of the ground, hopefully wounding the enemies.

Ice spike looks kind of like this.

Noah just sits down in a relaxed way. "Well, It's good to rest. If they aren't attacking and just building, I don't see why we would have to attack" Noah said looking at Neku.
"Well, for starters, they did just throw a decently sized boulder at Kazan." Neku said. "And I've been resting for quite a while already" he added. He kept his gaze fixed on the two forgotten, watching their movements.
Aria rolled her eyes. “That's because you didn't just fall down from several stories in a cabin that teetered on a mountain. You're just fine.”

Her eyes wandered for a while until she thought of what else to say.

“Those two forgotten are of Ryoko and that girl with the short temper. I'm pretty sure that, because of this and that idiotic speech, they will go against whatever is leading them to let us rest for a honorable defeat. Am I right?”


Maz turned to see Ryoko walking over to the pile to help her look for her hat. “Thank you!” She said in glee, before picking up her own pace in finding her lost hat.
When Kazan sliced off the top of the boulder, it disrupted the ice attack Neku did. Because Zoku was anchored onto the boulder, they were able to keep balance and jump backwards right before the top half fell. "Not bad." Zoku said, "We expected nothing less of you considering-" "Spoiler!" Setsu cut in. She then picked up Zoku again and threw him towards Kazan. Zoku stabbed at Kazan, using the momentum to enhance his attack. After the attack, he pulled on the chain as Setsu charged forwards, increasing her own momentum so she could thrust her fist at Kazan with incredible speed.

Ryoko took several glances at Kazan as he helped look for Maz' hat. He saw how different Kazan was now and thought for a few seconds. "Why don't you hit him with 'fus ro dah'?" He said before turning back to the scrap pile and searching some more.
Kazan jumped back with a backflip as the wooden keyblade almost truck his chest missing by an inch as he landed on all fours in an animalistic stance, however the second attack hit square on as Kazan was knocked with amazing force and he flew back past the others and again managed to adjust his stance as he landed on all fours, his fingers clawing through the ground.

His yellows eyes looked up even more slitted than before, and now that he was behind the others they could see for themselves. He growled as the blood dripped out his mouth along his chin, showing sharp fangs that seemed too inhuman. He growled lowly like some sort of beast as he stayed in beastial stance, staring intently at the duo.

"Things are different now, now that I know what you are..."

He pulled Dragon Heart back as he swung it across his shoulder.

"Dragon's Rage!"

He swung the Keyblade as a huge flame shot out in the shape of a chinese dragon as it roared toward the Forgotten duo.
"...So you're expecting me to sit back and watch. How awesome is that." Neku sighed. "Whatever." Neku said, hands in his pockets. He watched Kazan send some sort of flame dragon out of his keyblade. (Sorry for all of these short paragraphs. I really don't know what else to do.)
Noah shook his head. "Why are we in such a rush to eliminate them? If we can rest we should take the opportunity. If they don't raise their fists, why should we?" Noah said in disbelief. To him, continuous fighting means fatigue and then death. "Kazan, let the two finish making the stadium."
Kazan grumbled in aggravation.

"You really are idiots. It was never them I was worried about...."

"Have you two already forgotten why you were sent."

The voice appeared out of nowhere, as her blocks fell behind the duo and formed into Queen. Her dark eyes stared forward at the group.

"Giving them chances and wasting time, have you forgotten the mission 'he' gave us." She scolding the two Forgotten in both a calm, but very degrading tone.

Kazan immediately froze in place as heard and then saw Queen, his flame dragon still rushing towards the duo with incredible power.
A familiar voice sounded behind the forgotten duo. Aria shot up from the rock she was situated on to step forward. She gave them-- the duo, Kazan, and Queen-- a daunting glare, although it may not have seemed so threatening to them. She kept her mind, though, on Queen.

“You, Queen. You seem to know more about this than anyone. Actually, you seem to be more second-in-command ish. Tell me; what the hell is going on?! With all of this Forgotten sh¡t! Why are we even here!? And who is ‘he’, hmm?!”

Aria summoned her keyblade in her right hand and pointed it at her. Keeping her demanding stature. She did give Kazan a side look, noting his odd eyes and different aura, and then whispered silently to herself,

“I knew it...”

Maz pushed aside another few blocks of wood before finally finding her puffy red hat. “I found it!” She squealed in glee, dusting it off and putting it onto her head, which was adorned in just long hair than what she had previous; two ponytails. Innocently, she turned to Ryoko, and asked him, “What's ‘Fus Roh Dah’?” Nevertheless, she headed back to the group, meeting with something quite odd. There was Kazan, who was acting strange, then the new puppet lady behind the two other forgotten. She tapped the bottom of her lip in thought.
"We know." Setsu and Zoku said to the queen. Setsu then jumped out of the way using her enhanced strength, Zoku following by the chain. "Although why do his orders not apply to you? If you have the ability to travel anywhere, then just kill them yourself. If you don't think you could beat them by yourself, why are you sending us all to our deaths and their gain?" Setsu said to the queen. Zoku spoke up afterwards. "Besides, our orders are to kill them. Battles naturally take a while, so it was never said when. We're fighting fight now because he pulled a one-winged angel of sorts, so getting killed by him would not humiliate us."

Ryoko smiled when Maz asked what Fus Ro Dah meant. "Fus Ro Dah is a phrase in dragonic language." He said, "In some of the places I have been, they have special powers that allow one to bend reality. 'Fus' means force. Saying it will allow you to stagger an opponent. 'Ro' means balance. Saying this after 'fus' will focus the force and make it travel farther. 'Dah' means push. Saying all three words of power allows one to launch an opponent a good distance." After his explanation was over, he looked back to the battle. The queen was here now. Well, that escalated quickly. What they said had some sense to it. If she wanted them dead, why didn't she kill them at their first encounter? If their specific forgotten were supposed to kill them, why did Spikey try killing him? Sending out their specific forgotten was helping them get their memory back. Is that their plan?

Tatakau saw the queen for the first time and didn't feel very intimidated like most of the others. However, she made a mistake. She revealed that she isn't the mastermind. She was a product just like the others sent after them. Since Setsu was basically taunting the queen to attack, she entered a defensive stance.
"No, we told you.... We know your main instinct is to kill Ryoko and Tatakua, but we are not to kill them anymore. we need them alive for the experiment. Remember Kazan, Aria and Ryoko must be kept alive. The others are irrelevant, we can do as we wish with them, so we will simply eliminate them and get them out of our way!"

She huffed as Aria pointed her Keyblade at her, but she didn't really acknowledge her and simply ignored her questions.

"That is why we sent the both of you! We thought two Forgotten at once would stand a better chance, but with all their previous victories, we have decided we will not being taking that chance anymore. This time, they will fall.... No chances for their victory."

She held out her hand as suddenly a small set of blocks fell from the sky and landed between her and Aria, it then formed into a Meager which swayed side to side, ready to attack.
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Noah nervously looks at Kazan and the others. "What should we do?" he asks with an obvious tone of fear in his voice. "We are outnumbered and slightly weak." Noah thinking in his head. How would they be able to escape if things take a turn for the worse. What are their chances of winning?
Neku thought, "Sheesh, these forgotten sound really preachy..". He looked at Queen, saying "Do as you wish with the rest of us? Are you serious? You can pretty much screw that idea, i'm not about to let that happen to me. As for the others, i'm sure they can hold their own." He was in a position where he could see everyone, because he still hasn't learned to fully trust his newfound "companions". However, he felt even more mistrust for the forgotten, as anyone might.
“Experiment? What the hell? What's so special about us that you gotta' keep us alive, but kill everyone else? Why are you ignoring me, I want answers!”

Aria gritted her teeth, the grip on her keyblade tightening. Even if the others had been deemed unimportant by Queen, she wouldn't let her or any of the intelligent forgotten touch them. They were those who had their own worlds, like her, and who was to say they were irrelevant? Nobody. She looked at the one Meager that was summoned inbetween her and Queen.

“A Meager? Seriously?” Aria stepped towards the Meager, lodged her foot in the ground, and used that force to swing her keyblade hard at the Meager.

Maz nodded. “I think I understand. That's cool.” She listened in on what Queen had to say, and gulped. “W-What?” She turned to the others to observe their collective reactions, then turned to Noah. “I think we have to defend ourselves atleast! We're not going out so easily, or without a fight!”
Queen smirked as Aria rushed to strike the Meager.

"I didn't say one Meager child..."

As Aria's Keyblade shot forth a second set of wooden blocks fell from the sky in the Keyblade's path as it formed into a second Meager. It swayed from side to side as it suddenly stopped and looked up as yet another set of blocks fell from the sky and landed behind Aria this time as they rolled up into a Juggler.

Queen smirked as the smiled crept along her wooden face hidden beneath the veil, as she slowly looked up to the dusty sky.

Suddenly another set of blocks fell down, followed by more, as they fell to the ground forming 10 Forgotten consisting of a Blockhead, Buzzards, Meagers and Jugglers. However it didn't stop there as more blocks began to rain down from the sky as the clouds darken and lightning could be heard as blocks just continued to rain down the sky, crashing all around the heroes as they slowly formed into all types of Forgotten, some they had never even seen before.

It wasn't long before they were surrounded by at least over a hundred Forgotten, who all surrounded them as they swung like puppets on strings all staring at the group as more blocks continued to rain from the dust covered clouds over the Lost World, nothing but blocks seen spread across the sky.

Kazan was able to look around and barely register what was going on, when he suddenly clicked what the hell was happening.

"Oh SH........erbert."

(I've been planning this scenario for so long, throwing you off cliff, check. Giving you two powerful Forgotten to deal with, check. If all that is not bad enough, give an entire army of Forgotten to fight you as well, check!)
"Well, Noah, to answer your question..." Noah started, "Looks like we have to fight. I don't see any other way. If anyone has any other plan, feel free to speak up..." He said. He faced a portion of the forgotten, back to the center of the round area that was clear of forgotten. "Well, here goes nothing..." Neku said as he swung his hand at one of the forgotten's neck. His hand sliced through the forgotten, which fell to the ground, and ducked as another one tried to attack him. A sharp, jagged pillar of ice sliced through the attacking forgotten, as it made a strange noise. He hovered slightly, holding his hand out, lighting a few of the forgotten on fire.
Noah frowns as he see's all the Forgotten quickly amass around them. "I wish that they didn't make it hard for us." Noah remarks as he watches them strike down Forgotten. "Well, I am no use just standing here." Noah raises his staff at an of Forgotten. "Gravitiga!" shouts Noah as it sucks some of the Forgotten into one clump. "Fireaga!" Noah obliterates part of the clump of Forgotten while the rest burned.
After seeing the situation they were in, Ryoko knew they were doomed. After hearing Kazan, though, he started ranting. "Are you kidding me?! You've been swearing before because it apparently makes you cooler and now you choose to censor yourself? This is the perfect time for a precise F-strike! In fact, this is the entire point of a precision F-strike! You've just ruined the dramatic tension!" Ryoko forced himself to calm down. After he did, he realized something. He started laughing. "You never learn, do you? If you just had that one meager against us, it would have been more powerful. All you've done is save me the trouble of aiming my attacks! Tundaga!" He said before striking some of the forgotten around him with lightning which chained to other enemies around them.

Tatakau was wondering why that idiot was giving them ideas. She didn't have enough time to question though since she was surrounded by forgotten. She immediately ran up to one of the buzzards and grabbed it, making sure not to cut herself on the blade, and threw it like a frisbee at the other forgotten.

"Kekeke! Zerg rush!" Setsu and Zoku said simultaneously. Seeing that the others were occupied at the moment, and seeing that their idea to kill them using an arena set to their advantage wasn't an option, they decided to use something they had thought of in case everything went wrong. "Attack plan delta." Zoku said as the both ran away from the battlefield and towards the cliff. "Brb." Setsu said as they passed the queen. Hopefully she would realize that they had a plan unlike when she interrupted their first one.
Kazan saw the others attacking, but was forced to dodge to the side as more blocks fell. They were too busy attacking, most of them ending up getting bashed by falling blocks.

Queen just laughed at the stupidity of Ryoko's comment.

"If you believe so, but I'm still not done!"

More and more blocks fell until they were completely surrounded by thousands of Forgotten and all the blocks ended.

"You can't win, you must see that. Simply give up... Succumb to the inevitable."

She saw the duo run away and growled, but figured they either had a plan or she simply didn't care.

"Don't forget, we need those three alive. Capture them! If they die, you will be broken into pieces and used for scrap as a Meager!"

She yelled at the duo as they ran off.

"Now I have my duties to attend to!"

She waved her hand as she broke into blocks and flew off into the sky.

Kazan looked around at all the Forgotten. There was one of everyone they had seen. Meagers, Jugglers, BlockHeads, Triads, Buzzards and new Forgotten they had never seen before.

Spin Caps - Forgotten with a cap that has a large helicopter propellor coming from it allowing them to fly with great speed and agility. They wear goggles and a pilot's jacket, their arms hold handles coming from their cap to help guide them and instead of legs they have a second set of arms which hold a cloth filled with explosive missile darts for them to drop on enemies

Ticker – Small Forgotten shaped like alarm clocks. They have only small little feet with no legs so they waddle when they walk and only eyes coming out where the alarm bells should be. No other features except for the clock, when the clock hits 12 o’ clock. They explode into a huge explosion, killing themselves and anyone close enough.

Wheelie – Forgotten whose lower half is like a unicycle allowing them to race past with amazing speed, outclassing any other Forgotten. They have muffler pipes coming out of their backs that emit gas to choke victims. They have a headlight in their chest to blind opponents as well as handle bars coming out of their chest that they hold when they race. They are covering in racing stripes and have a helmet with a broken visor exposing their left eye.

Mr. Fixit – A small Forgotten shaped like an overweight midget mechanic. They are cute with a cap and brush like moustache. They carry wrenches and can fix and repair other Forgotten. They generally do not attack, except to defend themselves using their tools otherwise they fix the other Forgotten they accompany.

Br0ken – A Forgotten that initially appears a pile of broken wood and junk, until an unsuspecting victim comes close enough. That assembles itself into a very broken Forgotten missing one arm, half a leg, with a large hole in it’s chest and a crack across it’s head which makes it’s miss it’s left eye, nose and half it’s mouth. It’s limbs are all twisted, with it’s one hand disconnected and hanging by wires from it’s arm, it’s foot completely broken and turned around. It’s head is also disconnected, hanging from wires to the right. It has sraps of sharp wood sticking out from it’s body all over making it a walking pin cushion. It is also filled with wires that can launch out and wrap around an opponent so the Forgotten can literally wrap itself around them and strangle or stab them to death.

(For more info on the previous Forgotten, please check OOC Thread

(IMPORTANT: This first part is mostly to me Aria and Ryoko. You can now start showing off some of the bigger moves and techniques you have been holding off on. Don't show your ultimate attacks, but start showing off the big ones. We've all been in this RP long enough to show off a little, a little bit Ryoko. Don't overdo it Smash!

Secondly, this is for everyone. Obviously no one can destroy all the Forgotten in one move. But you are allowed to destroy small groups in one move. Rather don't specify numbers, just say you destroy a few or many, or a whole group. Etc, obviously don't GM and destroy huge groups with each move. Don't show off too much, we are facing insane odds, so show the difficulty of the situation. If you don't, I'll be forced to bring your character down a notch.

You can control all basic Forgotten, including the new ones. I've described how each attacks and what they can do, follow that and you are fine. You may control them and destroy them as long as you don't over do it. Keep in mind they can't talk for the newbies.

Otherwise have fun and let the epic battle begin!)
Neku Saw a Spin Cap flying above him, dropping explosives. He dodged them, and then he grabbed onto a nearby generic-looking forgotten. He pushed it down, and jumped onto its head. He jumped off and upwards, towards the spin cap, grabbing it by its shoulders. The Spin Cap freaked out, and started flying over small crowds of forgotten, still dropping its explosives. He looked down and saw that at least ten forgotten had been destroyed. He saw a few Mr fixits rush over and he threw the spin cap into them, creating a small explosion. He landed on his feet. A few of the mr fixits that were near the explosion were destroyed, and the others were trying to repair their teammates. Neku noticed something shining where the center of the explosion took place, and walked over to it. He picked it up...

Sweet Talk Tether - A chain is created that stretches across, damaging or moving enemies out of the way.
Neku Held his arm out to the Mr Fixits, and a chain seemed to come from out of nowhere and wrapped itself along the mr. fixits. Neku grabbed hold of the chain, and with a whip-like motion, the mr. Fixits were sent flying into the larger crowd of Forgotten. And the chain de-materialized.

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