Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

Aria watched as the girl that was previously sleeping had re-entered, took the spider that she stomped on, crushed it into a ball, and threw it at the machine with so much force that it pierced right through it and the cabin. She gave her a "why the hell would you do that?" look before realizing that the machine was sparking. She backed up against the wall quickly before it exploded to avoid hitting against it or falling. She turned to Tatakau. "Now, was that so necessary?" She asked her, in spite.

((Wouldn't want to "Autohit" with Oswald so I'll omit Maz until Ninzy posts))
Questions, machines, explosion more questions and more machines, it was like a villains birthday or something and Oswald was right in the middle of it, at first it seemed like a great idea to play with the mechanical contrivance. In no future scenario had he accounted for propeller blades and a bug zapper for bugs he hadn't even noticed. Then some girl holding a cat with wings walked up to him after he was thrown head first against the wall. His world was spinning and the last thing he needed was to recount exactly what this was to some girl who ignored the world around her.

Eventually Oswald managed to come to his senses and he looked around to see that most of the kids had gathered into the cabin that seemed to lead into another larger room. I'm Oswald and I'm a toon. He said nonchalantly, forgetting his prior woes he walked from the room to find a giant spiderbot terrorizing another group of kids and a few odd toons he had never seen before, he surmised that these toons were new and not yet forgotten, for all he knew, they could be big wigs in their own worlds.

With his worries left behind Oswald was awestruck at the amount of damage that had been done to the room, very few words left his mouth as all he could do was watch in silent amazement as events unfolded.
Kazan nodded as his eyes went wide.

"Yes, now I remember. WAIT!"

He suddenly yelled out.

"Before any more questions, introductions, before anything else. There is something you guys need to see, everyone needs to see. I've waited since we were shrunk to tell you about this, you need to see it for yourself....

It happened just before we got turned into bugs. I saw it, on the table, just before the light. Over there, on that table... look..."

Kazan pointed forbodingly to the table in the corner, where there seemed to be something pinned across the table, some sort of blue sheet. However it was impossible to see what it was from this distance. They would have to get up and walk over to see it.

(Don't describe what it is, you guys don't know what it is. I will reveal what it is, once one person actually posts walking towards it and looking.)
Unfortunately, Zack stopped paying attention to everyone else once they had stopped paying attention to him. Did nobody hear him? Maybe they all thought he was crazy and chose to ignore him. Either way, Zack hung his head a little lower and turned away fro them. He guessed that he just wasn't meant to talk to people. For now, he decided to examine every little crack in the wall he could for an explanation as to why he had ended up back in the cabin. Any mechanisms? Traces of enchantment? Zack stopped his search for a moment and decided to experiment by opening the front door of the cabin, seeing if anything would happen.
"Does it possibly explain why we were tuned into bugs?" Ryoko asked as he walked over to the table. He had been on that table before, but there was interference so he couldn't see it correctly. It must be plot-important. "Does it have something to do with 12:00?"

Tatakau didn't seem to care about what they were doing and looked out the hole she had made. She still had some rage left...
Kazan didn't follow he just sat there with huff. He had already seen it... He looked over to see Ryoko creep over towards the table. Of course he would mention that clock thing, he never gave up on that. He wished it was that simple. It had nothing to do with the bugs, it had to do with very reason they were here. Why they were sent to this mess of a world in the first place, their mission. The reason they were stuck here in this hell, this mess...

As Ryoko walked over to the table, he could see the blue paper pinned to the table for anyone to see. The blueprint, at first it seemed a bit messy and hard to understand. But after looking it over for a few seconds, all the pieces came together and he realized what he was seeing. A Meager, a Forgotten on the page. It was a blueprint for a Forgotten, showing exactly how it was built. This was a blueprint showing literally how to build a Forgotten piece by piece. It was hard for them to read or understand it, the science, equations and pure language of it was too complex....

Regardless, thanks to the pictures and the main image of the Meager, it was clear without a doubt this was a design for the Forgotten. These details, they weren't just some study of the Forgotten. It was every detail, the basics of how to literally build the Forgotten, how they were planned and designed.

Kazan looked to Ryoko and the others as they saw the blueprint.

"Do you understand now?"


Meanwhile in the other room as Zack looked out the door he saw... nothing. It was just the outside of the cabin. He saw nothing, but where they had come from, he was however missing the big plot point in the machine room.
Zack sighed and closed the door. He was having a hard time putting the pieces together and there were no clues as to where he should go with this. He decided to just give in to the fact that there was probably nothing significant in this room. As he wandered around the cabin, he eventually made his way to the machine room where he found many other people crowded around a table. He stared at them for a moment, wondering what all the fuss could possibly be about.
"Understand what now?" Aria also had to figure out what all of the fuss was about. From a distance, it was some blue paper stuck to a table. What else would be on a blue paper besides blueprints? She stepped towards the group, looked over the paper, and rose an eyebrow to the paper's contents.

"So the Forgotten are artificially created?" She asked for more clarification, "That kind-of makes little sense..."

Oswald the Toon? Maz wondered what a toon was. The fact that the machine had exploded right near her had not fazed her in the least. But to Moko-Moko, the explosion served as a means of provoking it, causing it to let out a cattish scream and escape out of Maz's arms, bolting out of the room.

"Ahh, wait! We need to--" Maz began. But then almost everyone crowded around the table on the other side of the room. She wondered if she should see what was up or go retrieve Moko-Moko...
Kazan looked at Aria and then went back to staring at the floor as he spoke

"Not just created, designed to be the way they are. Someone made the Forgotten, they didn't just appear. someone created them and not by accident, not by mistake, they are made to be the monsters they are...

We were sent here to figure out where the Forgotten came from, why they suddenly appeared. Their mystery.... We have just figured that out, someone, someones or even something designed them... the only question is... who or what?"

He remembered being given the mission, nobody knew where the Forgotten came from. They just appeared and people were being sucked to the Lost World, thee puppets just appeared. People assumed just like Heartless or Nobodies, they were just a natural part of the world, some dark force that exists when things are lost. The darkness of memories as the Heartless are the dark of the heart, Nobodies are the dark of the soul, the Unversed were the dark of emotions, Nightmares were the dark of dreams. Forgotten were simply born of the darkness of memories...but no. They were designed... There was a culprit behind the existence of the Forgotten, a single reason.
Zack listened to what a boy explained regarding the Forgotten. So...That's what they are... he thought, looking down. If the Forgotten were specifically designed and built, then that means...something out there was planning something. For all he knew, that something could've wanted everybody to come here. Then he remembered one of the first few Forgotten he had seen on this world; Queen. Could she be the culprit? Probably not, but she more than likely knew something about it. Taking a deep breath, Zack decided to try giving his thoughts another try. "There's an intelligent Forgotten named 'Queen', she might know something we're missing."
Kazan's eyes went wide as he heard Queen mentioned. He seemed to freeze in place, he remembered their first meeting with Queen. He remembered her coming in front of them, her warning: 'You will all die'.

He also remembered the pain upon seeing her face, he remember he couldn't move and it felt like his world was coming apart. He remembered the tears coming down his face and he didn't know why....
(( xD nothing, this happened way back when we started this RP. Kazan cried at the sight of Queenie.

I don't even know how I remember thiss.))

"I wouldn't call them the dar— Kazan?" Aria eyed Kazan as he had begun to freeze up at the mention of Queen. "Are you alright? Hey! Snap out of it!" She wondered if this was because of before, and maybe she and him were related somehow.
"Well, that actually makes sense. The tri-mages that attacked us earlier changed to whatever magic we used. The buzzards... not so much; they were rather easy." Ryoko said as he listened to Kazan's explanation. When Zack mentioned the Queen, his reaction wasn't anything like Kazan's. He just turned his head to Zack quickly. Seeing Kazan's reaction, Ryoko rolled his eyes and stuck his pinky finger in his mouth and pulled it out. He then walked to Kazan from behind and shoved it into his left ear. "Snap out of it." He said as he pulled his saliva-covered finger out of Kazan's ear. "Okay, for Kazan's sake we will refer to her as 'She who shall not be named.'"
Zack watched Kazan freeze up and promptly apologized. Actually, it was more like a stream of 'I'm so sorry's. Zack hated upsetting people and he did it again. He once again thought that maybe he just wasn't the right kind of person to say anything. Though he didn't particularly like Ryoko's method of unfreezing Kazan, at least looked like it would do something. Zack sighed and agreed on the nickname. He'd have to be careful about what he said around here.
Kazan immediately flinched and kicked away Ryoko as he got the wet willy.

"Ugh! Gross, you sick bastard!"

Kazan shivered with disgust as he scrambled to get it out.

"I'm gonna kick your butt for that!" He shook some more hoping to get it out and snap himself back to normal.

"Yes, she approached us too. But I remember something else, she spoke of someone else being involved. Some he, I think she does know and she may be the link to the mystery. Any Forgotten that can talk is, F-IP as well. However she is gone..."

Kazan looked to Zack, remembering him slightly from the academy where they had trained together and realized he would be confused.

"F-IP was another intelligent, speaking Forgotten we met. It was actually Aria's Forgotten, but we defeated her and Aria's memory returned when we did... We need to keep collecting more Gummi Blocks and get back, we need to tell the Master about this discovery. If we get a chance, maybe we can find out who designed the Forgotten along the way, but our first priority needs to be to get off this world and relay the information we have so far. To do that we need Gummi Blocks, everyone start looking inside the cabin for Gummi Blocks. Some may be hidden in here..."
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Zack listened to every word Kazan spoke. He nodded understandingly. "Would it be too dangerous if we split up?" Zack knew there was something weird about the cabin. He didn't know what exactly, perhaps something was in there with them. None the less, they should at least try to devise a plan before rushing into the unknown. Zack also figured that everybody must have there own unknown if Aria had one, so maybe Queen was Kazan's. But, just like anybody would, Zack wondered what his Forgotten could possibly be...
"You're welcome." Ryoko said as Kazan kicked him away. After he regained his balance, he stuck his finger back into and out of his mouth again, this time his finger was completely dry. "F-IP? ...Oh, you mean Spikey. Never did tell us her name... Yeah, I remember her. Not so genre savvy though; 34th rule of evil overlords: 'never turn into a snake. It never helps'. Also, I don't think that She-who-shall-not-be-named is going to let us leave this place. She might have built some anti-aircraft forgotten." He then turned back at the blueprints and looked at them closer. "Two parts of a living being: body and soul. The rule of exact exchange is basically 'matter is neither created nor destroyed'. She can use materials here to create the body, but she lacks the materials here to make a 'soul'. Without it, it's a puppet without any strings. That's why she needed memories." He then looked back at the group. "Of course, that's my theory. I've been wrong before."
"No she never did tell us her name, but Spikey sounded lame and F-IP. I dunno, just sounds right. So I'm calling her F-IP from now on."

He got up and looked at the blueprint.

"I think you are right, building the body was easy. We've seen that, maybe the one who built the spider had a hand in the Forgotten. So building a mechanical body is easy, but he needed a soul, a heart of sorts. Memories are like a piece of our hearts, a reflection of our souls. They are pieces of us, so they stole those pieces somehow to complete the Forgotten..."

He clenched his fist and began digging through the boxes next to the table, hoping to find some Gummi Blocks or more clues. They had four pieces so far, but they would need a lot more....
“You've practically been wrong from since we grouped up together, Ryoko.” Aria retorted, crossing her arms over her chest, “And I seriously doubt that she makes these things. Like we said, she may know something about it.” Personally, she didn't want that lady that looked like Allison to be mentioned, but that aside, she wondered how significant that paper really was to the journey. She turned away from it, heading off to go find Gummi Blocks, even though she doubted there were any in the cabin. Why would there be?
Zack wasn't sure what to say right now. It seemed that all they could do was look for the gummi parts, or a least for the moment. Zack noticed Aria walk off, probably to find any parts. Zack huffed and decided to follow her, thinking it best that nobody be comply alone while they were in the cabin. Queen knew something was in here...Zack was sure of that.
As Kazan, Aria and Zack searched, Aria eventually found a Gummi Block buried among some junk. It seems it had smashed through the wall leaving a hole and got itself buried under some of the junk.

Kazan returned to the main hall room, after having searched all over himself and found nothing.

"Ok, so Aria and Zack found one piece at least... Let's get out of this place, we need to find more and I think staying in this cabin any longer is unnecessary. Who knows what other weird devices or machine monsters this place hides."

With that he opened the door as he prepared to step outside when he suddenly stopped, eyes wide and then he slammed the door shut.

"OK, I don't think we can go out that way..." Kazan looked at the group very nervously.

"Um, hey rabbit and new guy, Zack was it... When you came in here... it was.... um... you just walked inside right... because..."

Kazan couldn't explain it, so he just opened the door. Allowing the rest to see outside, what they saw was the sky. There was no ground, just the endlessly dusty sky. Wherever the cabin once was, it was no longer there.... If anyone stretched out just a little more to see outside, they would now see the cabin was now suspended right on the very top of an extremely pointed peak of a mountain precariously teetering on the edge.
Ryoko had put the blueprints in his pocket before going out to the main room. Seeing Kazan's nervousness, he had to see for himself what was out there. He could see the sky, but no ground. "Well, that escalated quickly." he said before turning to Oswald. "Say, since you're a toon you can survive falling from high heights, right?"

Tatakau walked out of the room they had been in and also looked out the door. She didn't seem worried though; she survived worse. While the others tryied to figure out how to get down safely, Tatakau just relaxed on one of the chairs.
To the contrary of Aria's initial thoughts of there being a Gummi Block within the cabin, she noticed a precarious hole within the cabin and a like of trash beside it. She searched through the trash and found the Gummi Block. It must have crashed through the wall. How ironic.

“Looks like I found one... Which was a bit unexpected...” She muttered silently to herself, turning around to face Zack. “Let's catch up with the rest of the group.”

She walked back to the entrance where Kazan had been, initially ignoring him stating the obvious. What she didn't find quite obvious was the reason Kazan had stepped back from the door almost immediately. She went to go see for herself, and was utterly perplexed afterwards.

“What the!-- Guys, don't look, don't move, or else we're all going to die very painful deaths!” Aria ran back further into the cabin to preserve it's balance. If it wasn't getting jabbed in the gut by a puppet that looked just like Allison, it was having fractured wood pierced in her whole body.

((Whooooops forgot Maz))

Maz exited the room where the now broken machine was located to go find Moko-Moko. She looked around the other rooms, but she couldn't find the winged cat until she looked over a corner within the entrance. “Oh, there you are!” She said in glee, running up to Moko-Moko to carry it in her arms. Then, the others had seemed to show emotions of concern for something else, and she asked, “What's wrong, guys?”.
Zack nodded at Aria then followed her to the main room where everybody was freaking out because they were in the sky. Well, everyone except Tatakau. Nonetheless, Zack went right up to the doorway then got on his knees and inspected the area around the bottom of the doorway. He decided to just take the risk, seeing no visible ground, and poke his head down and outside, looking underneath the cabin. That was were he saw the edge of the cliff.

Zack stood back up then sighed and faced Kazan, maybe just a little too calm. "Can't we just blow a big hole in the back and quickly jump out? We're on a cliff, not flying through the air after all. Of course, we'd all have to get out as fast as we can before the building lost its balance and we went careening to our possible deaths." Zack really wasn't helping the mod lighten up.

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