Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

Ryoko was hit by the tail and flung into a wall. after landing, he used cure on himself and started flying back to the table. As he flew, he did the noise that all cicadas can do to distract the spider/scorpion/whatever so the others could hit random buttons until they find the right one.
Zack watched Sage for a moment, not knowing what to say. He hung his head slightly and followed her silently. He was sure that the cabin was a trap, but he didn't know what kind. Maybe that's part of the reason he didn't want to go there...Maybe I'm just a coward. The thought bounced around in his head and he couldn't help but not know if it was true or not. His silver eyes clouded slightly. He didn't know what to think about himself for the moment.
Sage continued to the cabin, practically dragging Zack with her,

"We'll never know what happens till we try, right?" Sage smiled to Zack nervously. "You were pretty skilled back at the Academy, so at least one of us know what's going on!" She laughed shakily as she neared the entrance. Hearing the creak of the front porch as she hesitantly stepped on it caused her to squeal in fright; however, it didn't stop her. She kept going, glancing at Zack repeatedly.
Zack didn't reply to her. But he DID, however, look up at her when she squealed. He stared at her for a moment then offered, "Would you like me to go in first?" He could plainly see she was afraid, or at least very worried. He stared to think that she was probably more worried than he was. So, feeling like he was the one the least afraid overall, he should go in first. After all, wouldn't that make him the more prepared one?
Sage looked to Zack with wide eyes. "Uh- well, I don't wanna force you to do things you didn't want to do. And especially if it puts you in danger. I- I think I can go in with you." She smiled mainly to regain her composure. "It's always better to go with a friend."

The girl inhaled deeply as she prepared to enter the cabin, "Wanna open it on three together?"
Zack just opened the door. "It doesn't look like anything's happened yet." He was right. So far, opening the door of the cabin didn't appear to trigger anything. He'd have to wait bit longer to see if it was some sort of trickily timed trap. (Hee hee))
Sage held in her sigh of relief, knowing something might happen. She examined the doorway carefully as if looking for some trap. She looked at the floor, expecting one of those silly booby traps with the hidden strings. When she finally deemed it safe, she peeked inside and examined the dark room.

"Yup, this screams 'death trap' all over it." The girl adjusted her glasses, the light reflecting off her lenses. "I only hope a gummi piece is hiding in here. Which is another 'never know till you try' factor, am I right?"

She dared to take a step in, her hand twitching as if it were about to summon her Keyblade at any sign of danger.
Zack watched her for a moment then, as his eyes went wide, he grabbed her from behind and pulled her back out. "Shouldn't you test it with something that isn't your life???" Zack wasn't willing to risk letting a comrade die so easily, so he wanted to risk as little as possible. As such, he considered Sage's safety top priority for the duration of the investigation.
"I- well, I guess that wouldn't hurt," Sage chuckled sheepishly. She looked around in deep thought, then summoned her Keyblade in hand. "Should I use my Keyblade? I mean, it's the only thing I can retrieve without having to physically run over and grab it."

Sage twirled her Keyblade as she contemplated more. "Or I could throw in my bracelet. But it's really small and probably won't do much to set off any traps." The girl held up her wrist to show the single moon charm bracelet. Sage didn't really have much on her person to sacrifice. And she guessed Zack didn't either. Honestly, the girl was starting to fel impatient. She knew there would be a nasty trap or creature set to go off somewhere and so did her partner. But she also knew he was right... It was always a good idea to look before one leaped.
"Hello, It seems like you two are pondering on how to set off any traps." Noah said after silently following them."Perhaps I can help?"
Sage jumped at Noah's sudden words,

"Eegh! Dah- wh-- S-sure. We could use all the help we could get. Any ideas how to secure the entrance to see if there any hidden snares? I suggested my Keyblade. Or my bracelet." She shrugged, "I almost made a dumb move to kill myself just now."
Slightly smirking at watching Sage jump Noah says "Perhaps a spell? Maybe this might help. Gravity!" Noah throws a ball of altered space down the room hoping that it's presence triggers traps.
With their self proclaimed and sinister 'Guide' flown into the air to who knows where, Oswald noticed a host of other people appearing from the dunes, Oswald grimaced Thanks you guys, would have been nice if you were all here earlier. He mused to himself as scanned their ever growing crowd of adventurers. Oswald replaced his the arm he lost when he pummeled into the creature, it was laying precariously atop a rock, the small black rabbit waltzed up to his erstwhile appendage and reconnected it with a healthy pop.

With all his appendages returned to their sanctioned places, Oswald began to investigate his current environment while the newcomers milled their way towards the cabin. The wreck of the monstrosity they had just defeated continued to lie lifeless beneath the newly created mound of sand. Fearing that it might return to life once more. Oswald decided he would survey the area, he hadn't ha the chance to gain his bearings in between the moment he was spewed into this world and his momentous battle with that unholy amalgamation of saws and brutish strength.

The landscape was largely desertous, arid and almost lifeless. Not even a desert quite so dismal could fight off the sturdy cactus and those creatures who depend on the spine little plants. In the distance he could make out the silhouettes of larger structures, whether they were ruins or not he could not tell from such a distance. He decided he might find out once his investigation of the cabin was complete.

Oswald took to the air, his helicopter ears thwacking away at the wind and propelling him speedily towards the out of place cabin sitting enigmatically in the center of a desert as though it were a natural part of the arid wasteland that surrounded them. Oswald touched down at the door of the cabin sending billowing clouds of sand flying away. He opened the door to find several of the humans walking about and conversing. Oswald was about to make idle conversation with someone when he noticed a computer snuggled tightly in another room.

He examined the computer for a moment, the thing was rather clunky, you'd never find something so primitive within the Wasteland. He pulled his remote from its holster at his hip and began to fiddle idly with the buttons until the machine whirred to life. The machine hummed faintly and Oswald was curious to see what he had found, he ran his fingers deftly over a few of the keys and looked at the screen. The thing was some sort of matter transmogrifier, from the data Oswald could see that a similar machine had been activated somewhere else.

With reckless abandon Oswald returned his attention back to his remote and smiled mischievously, for a few second his index finger hovered expectantly over the big red button, hi favourite button. With little more than a smile he smashed his finger down onto the big red button. For a moment there was no response from the machine but in a sudden flurry of coloured lights and almost musical beeping the mysterious machine began whirr louder until finally the screen read. ERROR 490!!! TRANSFORMATION REVERTED!!!
Being so quiet no one notice Blast who had slipped off. He always moved on his own wanting no help from others. After his sister died he became distant from everyone. Anyone who tried getting close he he move away from them. Blast muttered to himself keeping his keyblade summoned. "Everything....if...i can....make a keyblade of sisters heart...i can find it and her...nobody.....if I become..a master.." Blast looked down and thought to himself.."maybe..iif Queen would in and use my keyblade keyblade of darkness can become a keyblade of heart..." He walked away trying to analyze where Queen might be
After agreeing to look around with the others, Sage silently studied the room around her as she made sure to stay close to the party. She checked for any loose floorboards, hidden safes behind old picture frames, and even went out of her way to look under a creaky old table that had absolutely no purpose whatsoever.

Nope, nothing, she thought. Not even a small sign from above.

Wait. Above?

Sage practically glued herself to the nearest window and looked up for any signs of that creepy marionette lady, fearing that the plan was to gather everyone up and blow the place up with the intention of offing with them. This place wasn't as forgiving as any of the other worlds the girl had visited.

Deciding it was a stupid call to think that mannequin lady would so easily just kill them all without having a little fun first, the girl stepped away from the window, wiping off the dust on her pants. Seeing such a dry and lonely window reminded the girl that she was running low on water. And she was getting thirsty. Perhaps the water here was still working? Oh, that would be wonderful news. That way, everyone could stay hydrated while they trekked through the--

"What in Samhain...?" Sage came across that little black rabbit again on her way to the kitchen, but this time he was tinkering with a computer. She watched in awe as he brought it to life with just the press of a button. The girl couldn't contain her curiosity, so she scurried over to the rabbit's side and stared in amazement. "What'd you do?"
The group had indeed found nothing within the cabin except for the buzzing of loud bugs, which most of them chose to ignore because they were tool busy discussing the option of traps which seemed to lacking within the cabin.

It was Oswald who had come across the computer, as he started fiddling with it he was able to fully reverse all the components thanks to expertise with computers and his magical remote. The machine whirred into activation as it spun around the room, like a helicopter propellor, knocking Sage and Oswald across the room.

The laser then targeted the bugs as it aimed and fired, a huge flash of light released.


As the mecha-spider continued it's attack, while everyone was pressing random buttons suddenly the machine seemed to completely activate as if all their random button pressing worked. It suddenly spun towards them as it activated and they saw nothing but a brilliant light.


Kazan, Stitch, Aria, Maz, Ryoko and Tat all suddenly appeared back in the machine room as they floated above the floor for a second before all collapsing with a huge thud.

Kazan immediately jumped up, feeling his body as he felt his normal flesh, clothes and red hair, not to mention he had actual hands and arms to feel with. Not just buggy legs, but no more flying sadly....

"We back to normal, all that random button pressing wo-"

He suddenly noticed the strange rabbit and one of the Keyblade Apprentices lost in the crash. Or not, he quickly figured it had been them that must of reversed the machine.

"One sec please, we will get to you in a minute. We have very important business first!"

He moved his feet away revealing to his group the tiny little metal spider crawling around the floor.

"Who would care for the honors?"

He asked, moving his foot away giving any the grand opportunity to bring their foot crashing down on the little annoyance.

As he did this he suddenly noticed there were a lot more people in the other room.
Aria and Maz were too busy fending off the spider to notice that a bright light had enveloped them. Soon, both appeared floating above the floor before they tumbled to the ground. Moko-Moko dropped into Maz's arms.

Aria stood up immediately, despite groaning upon impact with the floor. The fall hurt. But in places that didn't seem bug-like. She felt herself, her toughened skin covered in dirt and scratches, her hair, her chest even. Yes, she was human again. She gave a wicked grin and chuckled, how you would expect an insane person to do so.

"Yes, human again..."

She scanned the room. A rabbit, some people (who she didn't even realize were keyblade-weilders like her)(who were in the next room), and others(who were also in the next room). Then she looked down near Kazan's foot. "I would like the honors. If you don't mind. Heh. Heheh."

She stepped towards the thing wriggling around on the ground. She brought her foot up, and promptly smashed down on it. Twice more she did this, for good measure. "Man, I needed to get that out of my system!" She stretched her arms out above her.

Maz wasn't into such violence with the creature and was much more intent on learning what that rabbit was that was with them. She edged towards him, the winged cat squirming in her arms, forcing a gentle but otherwise shy smile towards him. "Excuse me, who are you? If you don't mind me asking?" She asked.
Ryoko was awkwardly standing on the table with is keyblade in hand. "Well, glad that's out of there." He said to himself. A few seconds later, Tatakau angrily walked into the room. She ignored everyone else and looked at the stomped-on spider. She picked it up and squeezed it in both of her fists until the pressure caused the metal to fuse together into a ball, which she then threw it at the machine with all of her strength before glaring at the others.
The metal ball flew threw the machine with amazing power, smashing right through it and going through the cabin wall as the machine then sparked and exploded sending everyone in the machine room back. As the explosion cleared, it hadn't damaged the room too much. Thankfully the explosion was small, it just had enough force to knock the group off their feet.

Kazan shook his head as his back was slumped against the wall.

"Ryoko, your new girlfriend. I don't like her very much right now..."
Zack couldn't help but just sigh as he saw everyone rushing around in the cabin, making the computer work, thus leading to a hectic situation. He was sure that there was something in her that'd be more of a trap. So...why would everyone just completely forget about that and just waltz right in? Still gripping his arm, he walked outside over to the nearest window of the cabin and sat underneath it, staring at the dusty ground. He started to think that maybe...he just wouldn't be useful for anything else other than a shield.
Ryoko was also slumped against the wall after the explosion, but Tatakau had braced herself quickly enough to not be pushed back by it. Ryoko got up and said, "First, why did that explode? Is it made of explodium or something? Second, I was going to destroy the machine anyway. Third, she's not my girlfriend."
Seeing the machine going berserk, Noah tries to think of something that will slow it down. As usual, spells come to mind. Aiming at the machine Noah shouts "Blizzard!" and casts a ice projectile that would freeze the machine.
Sage dusted herself off as she picked herself off the ground. She rubbed the back of her head gingerly, as it had hit the wall rather harshly. The girl silently looked around, seeing all these new people. She suddenly felt belittled, so she kept to herself as the others conversed. She also noticed Zack had walked out, and planned on joining him later, but she felt she needed to see what the others would do first. Though she doubted they needed any help; they seemed to know what they were doing.
Noah's Blizzard was about five minutes to slow and all he did was freeze the broken remains of the machine.

"Firstly, it's machine. An electrical machine with an amazing power source, obviously if anyone is completely stupid enough to cause that kind of damage to it, there is a very very good chance it will explode! Secondly you don't have to anymore and thirdly, ah I just don't care!"

Kazan got up as he stretched his saw back.

"Man I just go this body back..."

He looked up seeing Noah enter, so that was how the rabbit came here. He must have been accompanied by some more lost Keyblade Apprentices. He looked to Noah as he spoke.

"Nice of you guys to finally join us and I suppose I should thank you for helping to reverse that machine. Thank you."

Kazan offered his gratefulness towards Oswald.

Meanwhile Zack who had gone outside to mope, suddenly looked up to find himself on the opposite side of the wall, inside the cabin. He could have sworn he had gone outside, but there he was inside the cabin, sitting underneath the window.
Zack blinked for a moment. Then with sudden realization of what was going on, his eyes went wide in fear. He quickly stood up and spoke a little more loudly than he usually did, yet it became apparent why as his fear hung plainly upon his words. "We're never going to leave this cabin." He didn't mean that in the sense of hopelessness, but he knew what the idea was. The queen was going to watch them all slowly rot and die in the cabin. I knew something was wrong with this place...

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