Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

Oswald electric dive bomb shot down towards the combo Forgotten who was only looking forward and didn't even notice the rabbit as he slammed down onto the Forgotten. However the spinning barrier created from the saws deflect Oswald as skimmed along the edge of the unseen force formed by the spinning and skidded off the Forgotten without making contact as he was sent barreling like a giant electric ball of fuzz straight for the two Nobodies, Area and Feluxia.
Full of confidence Oswald had made a foolish mo0ve and was now heading straight towards the selfsame people he was trying to help. His attack hadn't worked and now he was almost out of control. At the last minute Oswald'sears propelled him into the sky once more, his weapon's would now be useless until they recharged. Oswald landed by the duo, he hadn't a clue what to do next and he had bumbled any chance of an overload.

"Sorry guys, messed that one up bad, you got any ideas?"

Oswald was tired, he needed someone to pat him for his energy to return but he wasn't sure if right then and there was the right time. Oswald looked at the wizard and found a man uncertain. The rabbit jumped up slapped him on the face, "Don't just stand there, do something!!" He pleaded, of course he could run away but then what sort of hero would that make him? No he had to stand his ground, prove he was better than 'King' Mickey and return home a hero, remembered for years to come.
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All Feluxia could do was stare at the hulking Forgotten, her green eyes wide with fear at the monstrosity before them. These things were like Shadows, molding together to form a greater entity. Her muscles felt like stone; stiff and heavy. It took all her will power to simply glance back at Area, seeing a similar feeling of helplessness on his shadowed expression. Feluxia could feel the hilts of her swords rattling, but she did not think of trying to stop it. They were not strong enough to take on a Forgotten of this size and strength yet; they needed more time.

Then, all of a sudden, a bolt of lightning struck the top of the Forgotten's head and...bounced off toward them. Feluxia gaped at the bizarre, rabbit-like creature in front of her. Where did it come from? Even worse; it was talking. It was not a Forgotten, that much was certain and it came as a small relief, but that relief did not last long. It apologized, and then followed up with slapping Area! What was this thing?! Her head swerved back to the Forgotten, it's body rippling as though getting ready to charge. A surge of desperation swept through Feluxia as she tried to regain control of her muscles, eventually raising her swords Starlight and Radiance above her. With a loud cry, she slammed the blades of both swords into the dusty ground below, then twisted the handles.

What resulted next was a brilliant flash of light as that radiated from both sword hilts, which grew in intensity as marble-white lines spread out from the weapons to surround the Forgotten in a glowing circle. Looking up at the Forgotten, she grimaced and pulled her swords out of the ground with a grunt. Immediately after the blade points left the earth, the lines began to rise from the dirt, climbing higher and higher into the air until they stopped several meters high. Stepping away, she sheathed Starlight as walls of solidified light fell down from the lines, encasing the powerful Forgotten in a temporary prison. Turning, she looked at Area and their, breathing heavily from the effort of the spell. "We...need to run! Now! It won't...hold it for long!" Stumbling forward, she brushed past Area and grasped his hand with her own free hand, trying to pull him away from the barrier.
Aria gave out a little sigh, seeing the spider crumble under itself due to its misguided leg. She turned to Maz, and gave her a little reassuring smile, before becoming a bit more serious and running fast towards the room where the machine was located. Maz and Moko-Moko followed, only using their wings to fly there.

"If anything, it's probably going to get out of that mess and attack us again, like it did before." Aria gave out a pant, quickly seeing behind her, and confirming what she had just said. Three times and it gets annoying.

Aria attempted to move to the side and go faster to avoid getting hurt/impaled.
Stitch turned around swiftly and saw the spider get back and on the attack again as he skidded to a halt, his legs sliding against the floor and he turned about face

"Meega nala kweesta!" He yelled out at the spider as he glared at it angrily, this arachnid was really starting to bother him and he lifted his hings legs as he brought them and began to use these legs legs to rub against his wings as they went back and forth making a sound similar to his Ukelele as the sound reverberated out. The sound traveled through the room as it hit the spider which immediately shook and spark as it was paralyzed, just as his original ability did giving Aria and Kazan a chance to get away from the claws.

Kazan barely managed to dodge the blade as it almost nicked his wing as he spun around, skidding in the air to balance him out.

"We need to get to that machine! Quickly while Stitch has it paralyzed!"

He turned back to face the room as he shot forward through the air, zooming through the air to the room. The room was huge, it had felt so small when he was normal sized as it was a smaller room then the main room. However at this size it felt huge.

He could see the table which towered above them and there at the end wall was a strange machine sticking out of the wall flap. It resembled a laser device covered with buttons, knobs, dials and a billion of settings. The machine seemed deactivated now as it pointed slightly down.

'That's it!' Kazan thought to himself as he remembered the machine emitting the light.

Meanwhile the spider continued to convulse and spark as Stitch played the music, but it then managed to lift a leg and put it forward. It wasn't long before it repeated this as it soon started moving forward at a very slow pace. It was becoming immune to Stitch's music, it started gaining back it's mobility as it speed start picking up chasing after the bugs.

Stitch saw the spider slowly move forward and put all his heart into playing his wings as he jammed out, but it seemed no use as the spider continued to break through his ability.

"Crabba snabba..."

Stitch gulped.
"I was wondering when you'd get here." Ryoko said from atop the table, "I was considering smashing it, but considering that the machine is off, it would only prevent us from turning it back on and getting ourselves back to normal. Activating it again might undo the transformations, or it might turn our bug form into another bug form... Bugception... Anyway, I figured that you would have the best chance of doing things right since I do everything wrong."
"D-dammit." Area's crystal ball swirled around him, personifying his confusion as he stumbled back from the impact. He pulled his hand away from Feluxia, his hands weaving yet another spell. "I'm....not done yet." The mage raised his hands to chest height once more, his cloak lifted slightly by an updraft and rippling in a non-existent wind. The earth around him cracked slightly as dark energy crackled in the air. The crystal ball regained its composure floating between his hands, the darkness around Area spiralling into the crystal ball as it began to radiate an unearthly glow. Area’s golden eyes glinted under the depths of his hood as his lips murmured a spell, unheard by all. The ground underneath him cracked more and pieces of earth began to lift themselves from the ground. Two dots of purplish light shone from the earth in front of him, and they slowly circled around him, the outermost drawing a circle around him and the inner one drawing a rhombus, the shapes releasing the light that surrounded the mage.

Darkness, take this fool in your embrace.” The light exploded in a beam of dark brightness, and the ball released a carbon copy of itself, dripping malicious darkness, which sank into the cracked earth. It would soon re-emerge from the ground, bursting out in dark creeping tentacles that wrapped themselves around the Forgotten monster. Area took a step back, his vision blurring slightly. He recovered almost immediately and swept his cloak to himself, the gold of his eyes burning, as he uttered one more word.


As if on cue, the tentacles constricted themselves as one on the Forgotten in an attempt to do as their caster had ordered them to: crush.
"No! No, no. Never smash, definitely don't smash. We have to figure this thi-"

Kazan warned Ryoko, knowing smashing was definitely not a good idea, while it may work in some movies. If it didn't work then they could be stuck like this forever and he definitely didn't wanna be the size of a cockroach his whole and he absolutely, certainly, definitely didn't want a Keyblade stuck in his a.... nether regions....

Before he could finish his sentence he suddenly spun his head and turned back as he saw the spider edging towards them, still fighting Stitch's musical stylings as it's legs edged forward like a zombie or if it was fighting against invisible ropes pulling it back and coming towards the door at a slow, but still decent pace.

"Dang, that thing is persistent..." Kazan looked over the machine, at every little button, knob, meter or flashy piece as if he had any idea what he was looking for.


The circles of light shot up from the ground surrounding the Forgotten as it stopped in it's tracks as it's wind like barrier bounced against the light circles causing sparks and an unnerving sound as it grumbled. It's eyes glowed as it began to step forward, the barriers colliding as the sparks flew. It didn't seem hindered, it just only wanted to get through the rings to crush them.

As Area cast his spell the Forgotten looked down at the ground grumbling, but immediately raised it's head to look at them. It was only concerned with attacking them, but suddenly black tentacles burst from the ground as they wrapped around it's body and limbs. The black tentacles reached around it's wooden and metallic body as they wrapped around like ropes. As the command crush came about the tentacles began to squeeze against the body. At first nothing happened, but soon cracks started to appear in the wood as the Forgotten just stared at them in a creep unfeeling manner. Suddenly a metallic grinding sound echoed out as the volume increased, the saws were spinning in overdrive as they ripped through the tentacles tearing through the black as the emerged spinning at high speed. Tearing through the tentacles, freeing the Forgotten as it stepped forward in the circles of light as sparks shot out from the connection. But it just continued going forward as the rings of light started to fade and crack.

The two holding techniques had worked, but they would not last long. Not against an upgraded Blockhead of such power, it would break out soon and they had to decide their next action while they still had a chance.
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This space was ANNOYING.

It was dark,cramped,and smelled strongly of oak. Narathzul Arantheal,Keyblade Aspirant,was held prisoner in the bowels of a wooden creature. A creature,he suspected,of Forgotten origin. He didn't even have enough room to swing the Guardian's Oath. He already tried. The most he could do was jab the ceiling with his weapon. A weapon designed for heavy slashing. Even when he rattled his weapon around violently hours (or what seemed like) ago,the sharp and heavy blade didn't even so much as raise a fleck of sawdust.

Now,his Keyblade was away,ready to be summoned to his hand,should he need it. At this very moment,the armoured Aspirant was testing the surface in front of him. Earlier probing with his hands revealed that almost half of his prison was a panel on a hinge. To test it's security,he braced his back against the opposite wall,and began kicking. It didn't budge. Almost as if the panel was a wall in disguise. There was no escape,but he was still able to breathe. Will I rot in here? That won't be a good way to go... And that's when he heard the sounds of conflict.

This is a prison. It would doubtlessly be secured from the outside as well...Unless... It was worth a shot. Maybe the prison wasn't designed to take a two-front assault? Narathzul braced himself again,and began hammering the wall of his prison with his armoured feet with everything he had. The noise was terrific. "WHOEVER'S OUT THERE!" His voice sounded like war in a bottle to him. It was the confined space. He needed out,and he needed it now. He was ready to deal with ringing ears to get there.

And then came the sound of creaking wood. "DON'T CRUSH IT! I'M TRAPPED INSIDE! TRY AND BASH THE DOOR OPEN!" He gave another mighty kick,after bracing himself against the wall. Like before,the door didn't even rattle. "WE MIGHT GET LUCKY WITH A COORDINATED ASSAULT! I'LL BASH ON MY END ONCE EVERY THREE SECONDS!" He hoped the combatant,or combatants,heard him. He hoped that,if they did,he didn't throw off their rhythm and get them killed.

Narathzul counted to three,and booted the door. Cursing under his breath,he called the Guardian's Oath to his hands,and counted to three again. This time,he booted the door and swung the Oath with as much force as he could muster. The large weapon could barely move in the confined space. But,he kept his rhythm up,hoping that whoever's out there heard his cries. I hope this works...

Oswald watched mouth agape as tendrils spread from the sky enfold the Blozzard Head and hold it back. Such power and skill, he was awed almost into silence.

"Wow!! Now that's what I'm talking about!!"

He jumped up and excitedly but something was happening, the tentacles weren't strong enough and the Buzzack Head refused to give up. Oswald grimaced, things wouldn't look very pretty if that thing got loose but what could he do? His gauntlets hadn't recharged yet and he didn't think he could take out the big beastie without them. It seemed as if the hill had just gotten steeper.

A slight whistling noise sounded and Oswald knew that his 'shock fists' had recharged. His gloves crackled with new energy but they weren't fully charged yet. Still though they presented him with an option. He removed his left arm and aimed for the creature's eyes. He threw his detached arm with all of his strength, his appendage swung in the air like a boomerang until. It had a wide arc, better for accuracy.

Hopefully his aim was true and managed to make some damage.
"I know, that's what I said: smashing is not a good idea. Anyway, just reverse the polarity. It will undo the transformations the machine caused." He said rather calmly, almost uninterested. "Look, you're the GMPC. If anyone knows how to fix this, it's the GM. Since you're the GMPC, you have a link to the GM. It might be weak, but it's there. Focus on that link and find the 'reverse polarity' switch or whatever button will change us back."
Kazan just stared at Ryoko. The next thing he did was point his Keyblade at Ryoko and fire a quick fireball into his face. Not a strong one, weak enough to not really do any damage but still good enough to singe his face and hurt and since I'm the GM it hit, no dodging, no missing. It hit and hurt.

"The GMP whatever thing told me to do that and it still didn't work, now on to the competent ideas. Aria, I don't suppose you have any know how about technology..."

He asked Aria as he saw the spider was picking up speed as it started getting closer towards the group again snapping it's claws, it had completely broken free of Stitch's music and was now crawling at a decent place as it's metallic legs scuttled along the ground.

(Bro I have warned you about breaking the fourth wall in this way, last warning one more time and you are out of the RP. I appreciate that you have stayed along with Oit and outlasted everyone. But I warned you repeated and repeatedly over PM and on the RP and I am tired of my character having to make excuses or do something just shut you up and stop you from pointing out what doesn't exist within in the RP itself. The fourth wall is between you and us as RPers it has nothing to do with our characters and it is not for to abuse me or ruin the "magic" of the story by pointing out that I control everything. Last warning, either stop it or f*** off!)
Aria, Maz, and Moko-Moko all flew up to the control panel.

Aria gave the spider tailing them one last look. She didn't want to worry the heck out of it, no, that would only waste the time they had gotten from Stitch. She mused over all of the buttons and switches and levers, only to find that they were quite unfamiliar to her. She shook her head.

"I know a little about technology-ish. But I have no idea what thing does what; I'm going to take a guess here and say..." Aria's eyes wandered over, until they met with a lever. "That lever over there."
"...Okay, I must have a really bad memory (and I actually do). Although he could have just put it off as nonsense or me being jealous of him doing everything right. Now you've put your existence as canon."

Ryoko was hit by the fireball as if someone invisible was holding him still. Afterwards, he used cure on himself to negate the damage. "So this is what that coyote feels like all the time... Joking aside, reversing the polarity is actually a valid idea. I've been everywhere; every control panel has one. I mean, what other options do we have other than that lever Aria pointed out? Although if there are no labels, that lever could be the reverse polarity switch for all we know. Go ahead and throw the lever; what could go right?"
Feluxia heard the shouting from inside the transformed Blockhead, and she froze in place. "Th-there is someone inside it. We need to get them out!" She held her blades at her side, but she did not move forward. Instead, she eyed the creature, using the limited amount of time she had until the barriers were down for analysis of the creature. " can we do that?" Then the idea came to her; those spinning blades on its body...if they functioned like those at a saw mill, then they could be jammed by an object with enough flexibility or strength to disrupt the rotation and break the gears. "Aria! We need a way to disrupt those blades, otherwise we cannot attack it. Do you have anything that can get in between the gaps in the sawblades and stop the gears?"

(Short post is short T_T)
(Yes short Don, but right idea. Good thinking, keep in mind the saws create a barrier so simply throwing a wrench into the works won't work... You need something that can get through the barrier and jam the blades. Here is a hint, use not what you have but where you are.)

"Yes, you are right. Reversing the polarity probably is the best and may only option... but that is not the problem. The problem is how the hell do we know how to reverse the polarity.... The thing isn't labelled, it has no markings. This wasn't made with an instruction manual, it's looks like it was made so it could only be operated by the person who made it. We have no idea how to reverse the polarity or even switch it on is the problem! I guess that lever is our best guess, here goes nothing..."

Kazan took a deep breath and flew over the lever, he closed his eyes and hoped for the best as he went down the lever and held in his breath as he got ready to push it down hoping it wouldn't kill them....

As he did.... nothing.... He was too small, he couldn't push it down. He put his whole body on the lever and tried to push down but nothing, he began jumping.

"Come on g_d&%^%$!" He started swearing at it as he jumped like a bit of psycho, being only a Dragonfly he was not only small but extremely light. He couldn't do it alone...
"Come on jee underscore dee and percent over percent dollar?"

"Alright, jet propulsion time." Ryoko said as he flew to the switch Kazan was trying to push down and pushed with him. He then used a fire spell like before to push more. He couldn't wait until he was humanoid again; so many questions...
(Don, don't wait for Ine we never know when and if he is gonna post....)

Oswald's gauntlet flew forward towards the Forgotten as it blasted forward like a rocket sparking with electricity as the blue lights flickered around it. The creature stood unmoving in it's body except for it's legs which slowly lumbered forward as the attack smashed into it, however the spinning saw blades still created the barrier which blocked the fist, as it ricocheted off bouncing upwards and arcing back towards Oswald, however aiming for the head was enough to hit the edge of the barrier that it still managed to unbalance the lumbering monstrosity back a bit as it lost it's footing and almost fell back as it's one leg hung in the air, due to it's weight however it didn't fall back but it was still enough to make it stumble for a few seconds and prevent it from fully breaking from the Feluxia's barrier.

The effect was also felt by Nara who could feel the Blockhead almost tumble over, a feat he had not felt since waking up within the creature. He could feel that it was having an effect and the creature's door slightly creaked open but enough for him to get through. They would need to attack more, they would need to stop those saws for a precious second and attack all together to break him free and end this monster.


Ryoko's rocket propelled dive bomb smashed into the lever and it's power seemed to work as the lever slowly creaked, while it wasn't enough to push the lever down it was enough to loosen it from it's grip that gravity would help with the rest and the lever slowly slid down into it's opposite position.

Kazan looked forward expectantly, but nothing seemed to happen. One light went off on the machine and another two came on, that was it.

Suddenly a metal wire shot right next to Kazan and Ryoko, it was the spider mech as it used the wire like a grappling hook and shot right towards them with it's claws pointed out to stab them as it rocketed forward along the wire it was slowly retracting to skewer the two bugs.
Aria nodded approvingly as the lever was forced down. However, it didn't exactly have the effect she wanted. Instead of jus returning them to their normal selves, it changed the sequence of lights that were on the machine. She didn't know if it was a good thing or bad thing but, next she wanted to see what would happen...

"With that button..."

"Hey, um, the spider's getting closer!" Maz shouted. Aria's head whirled around, only to see the spider propelling itself toward them with a string it casted. Aria grimaced. "This thing is so annoooying!" She said, with a moan. She wasn't sure how strong the string was attatched, but she hooked the end part of her keyblade onto it and pulled, to try and remove it before the spider got to them.
The wire was hard not to notice. Ryoko looked to where it came from and jumped upwards, using his wings to gain extra air and avoid being skewered. "Okay, that was the reverse switch. Now we just need to activate it again. Did you see how it was activated in the first place?"
Oswald followed his rocketing arm as it rotated rapidly into the lumbering Buzzock Head, yet again it bounced off of the monster's area of protection. Gosh Darnit! he yelled as his limb whistled through the air and returned unperturbed to its rightful place on his body. He wiggled his reattached fingers and looked back as the force of his attack almost knocked the beast from it feet. He grimaced, he lone wasn't enough to do the job.

Oswald looked at the two he had stumbled upon, it seemed neither of them were powerful enough to take the beast on their own either. Guys we need to attack together, with everything we've got! On the count of four okay?! He declared confidently to the powerful duo who managed to hold their own against the creature. Once again he readied his gauntlets for an overload,, his airs began rotating and he began to rise slowly into the air. He moved just out of range of the Blozzard Head and called out to the captive within. Kid!! On the count of four, give it your all!! He began rising as the monster swiped idly at him.

He flew up high while he counted 1.... 2..... 3..... He reached the appropriate height 4! His hands lit up with arcs of blue light and once again he plummeted down through the air like a lightning bolt, the velocity pulled his ears back and stretched his face as he zeroed in on the Bluzzock Head, drawing ever nearer, all he could do was hope the others would act in time.
Aria hook the wire with her keyblade as she pulled hard, the wire slowly pulling towards her and she managed to change the direction of the spider as now swung slightly to the side causing the spider to change course and smash into the side of the table as it banged against the metal, the sound echoing in the large empty room. However it was still reeling up the wire as it retracted the barbed metal re-entering it's body.

"Fraid no, all I saw was Stitch crawling around the wall and then poof it activated..."

Kazan shrugged his shoulders, well he would if he still sorta had shoulders.

The spider had reeled all the way up as it launched up, released the wire as it retracted back into it's body fully as it flew down and right next towards the group, it's legs stood up and immediately began it's attack as it's newly forms claws shot froward and it attempted stabbing it's claws towards Kazan and Ryoko.

Kazan immediately began countering with his Keyblade tail as the metal clashed together, sparks flying out. The spider seemed faster than ever as he struggled to match the thrusts.
Ryoko looked at the buttons on the control panel. The claws were coming towards him, so he had to choose quickly. Since the place was abandoned, it would make sense that there would be dust. If there was dust, maybe it was swept away a bit when Stitch pressed the button. If that was the case, he dive-bombed down to the button that had the least amount of dust on it. If there wasn't any dust removed, he just shot to a random button. If there was more than one with less dust, he shot to a random button that had less dust on it.
Narathzul was rocked with the beast he was held prisoner within. The noise was terrific,with the sawblades roaring around the creature,and the impact of something metal. Sawblades? This thing is wooden...And there weren't any before... He was struck with an idea,just as a voice called from without. Go for broke on four. "Odd number,but it'll do!" Narathzul smirked impishly inside his prison. Even though the Guardian's Oath was a massive Keyblade,it was still quite thin,despite it's broadness.

The Oath vanished in a flash of light,and Narathzul held his hands near the opening between the now-ajar door and it's frame. As he did this,the Keyblade Aspirant shifted his weight so he was no longer sitting on his rear,but now kneeling on one knee,ready to take action. The space was cramped,to be sure,and this action would be quite awkward,but it was better than letting his newfound allies get shredded by the blades that whirred outside.

When he heard the mastermind call out three,Narathzul called the Guardian's Oath to his hands. The blade appeared in a flash of light,right in the path of one of the blade's workings. The sawblade crashed into the unbreakable blade of the divine weapon,and came to a screeching halt. He wouldn't be surprised if something broke permanently,with all of the forces involved. Narathzul pivoted on his knee and toes,ramming his shoulder into the door at the call of four,and kept on doing just that,waiting for other impacts. And the Masters said I was paranoid for getting pauldrons. His armoured shoulder crashed into the door,over and over. With each turn,he gave a pull on his Keyblade,smirk broadening at each groan of the sawblade's gears and belts. Come on,you hunk of junk! Break!
“I grow weary.” Area threw back one hand and his crystal ball resumed to orbiting him. “It’s about time we finish this.” He raised his hand and the sand around him rippled, an invisible wind passing through them. The ground beneath the feet of the small party moved, shifting away from under their feet as Area’s cloak began to flutter once more, the same invisible wind passing through its threads and lifting the dark material into the air. Without giving a single warning to his supposedly new allies, Area lowered his hand, directing one finger towards the Forgotten.

"Ye who hold the grains of sand in thy hands, lay your judgement upon he who stands in our way.”

With a roar that even surpassed the sound of grinding blades, the sand shifted and moved forth as one, smoothly molding together into a wave of grains of dark orange sand that swarmed forwards to the Forgotten in a tidal wave that towered over the giant. With a sneer, Area dropped his hand, and watched as the tsunami collapse onto the Forgotten.

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