Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

"Heh. Small..." Ryoko mused to himself. He then looked at the tiny giant mechanical spider that was approaching them. "Possible weaknesses: Fire or water. Bronze has a lower melting point and is heavier yet softer and weaker than steel, so a strong enough force might also be effective. Water could possibly rust it or short circuit it."
"We can't fight this thing in our state, we barely know how to move let alone attack. We need to retreat, we need to get out of here quickly."

Kazan warned the others, but didn't bother to see if they listened. He learnt from last time as he looked to Stitch and headed out for the door, which they couldn't get through because it was closed, but maybe they could squeeze through the cracks.

The mechanical spider edged towards them as it suddenly swung two of it's sharp metal legs forward, which pointed right for Ryoko and Aria.

(Keep in mind, you guys have no idea how to fight using these forms yet)
Aria ignored Ryoko's babbling, of course, and already knew that she wouldn't be able to fight the spider, on two key reasons. One, being that they were bugs (and Kazan had pointed this out already), and two, that Aria wasn't in the mood for fighting things. She saw the metal leg pointed at her, and quickly lept forward to avoid it crushing down on her. "If I were myself, god DANG it I would have smushed this thing pretty easily!" She gave an exasperated grunt, and went off to possibly run from the metallic spider.
Annoyed not only at the size of his form, but also his incapability to actually fight, Fenrir has no option but to run for cover when the mechanical bug came down upon them all. "I would add ice to the option, but I don't think we could even fight that thing right now, much less escape," he squeaked, adding the annoying insect shriek to his ever-growing list of frustrations. Trying his wings, he remembered that mantises could fly, but since he never knew how to fly as one, he struggled, almost tumbling and knocking into things, which thankfully the insect's hard carapace could handle the pressure. Soon, he was hiding behind the table, hoping the mechanical bug won't find him.
Kazan saw Fefnir was struggling and went over to him.

"We can't hide, we need to get out of here."

He landed on his back.

"I'll help you move."

With that he started guiding Fenrir to the door after Aria and Stitch.
"Alright, I guess there is no shame in a tactical retreat." Ryoko said as he followed them, using his wings to fly and avoid the spider. He was considering how he could fight with his new anatomy. Since his keyblade was now a stinger, he couldn't swing it very effectively. He could fly and stab them from above. He also thought of how it would affect his magic.

(BTW, could the door that they're going to be the room that Tatakau is in?)
Kazan headed for the door outside, that would take them to the outside, it was the closest to that group.

Kazan flew outside as he slid under the door crack, followed by Stitch and the others. As they got across the threshold the spider seemed to stop following, it didn't seem to want to leave the cabin. It started walking back looking for others inside the cabin.

"Is everyone accounted for?"

Kazan asked.
"Here." Ryoko said as he hovered upside down behind Kazan, seemingly having difficulty flying upright. "And it looks like whatever happened is not my fault for once, but I'm sure that you'll think of a way to make it so." He then paused for a second. "'Is everyone accounted for?'... Spoken like a leader, that was." 
Tatakau walked out of the room, opening the door without much effort despite her smaller size. She was outside the room soon enough to see Kazan and the others retreat outside. She could also see the now giant mechanical spider, which seemed to be looking for other people in here. She wasn't worried. She decided to stay put, glaring at the mechanical thing as to either intimidate it or taunt it.
Aria, Maz, and Moko-Moko had made it through despite the difficulty of maneuvering within perspective of a bug. They each slipped under the front cabin door and out into the open.

"I'm here!" Squealed Maz, with Moko-Moko on her back. "I don't know what happened. What was that machine?"

Aria gave a little glare to everyone else, she didn't want to have to deal with this after what happened before. But she also needed to know what happened. She also didn't want to have to stay looking like a wasp. "What machine?" She asked, steamed, after Maz's question.
The spider began surveying and scanning the room, it hadn't seen Tat yet, but it was only a matter of time. The machine seemed to be scanning the room sector by sector, it's intelligence didn't seem to advance. It seems it was just following a set program.


"I don't know... this cabin was hiding a lot of secrets. I think a machine hidden in the wall of the room I was in caused this transformation... however with that mecha-spider in there, well going in to investigate becomes more difficult."

He looked around.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna spend some time practicing how to use this body with my keyblade's new... ahem... position. Then I will go back in there and investigate the machine, you do as you wish."

Stitch seemed to be loving his new body as he fell on his back and glee and began to spin around like a crazy bug as his tongue stuck out until he was almost sick.
"Try hovering above the enemy and stabbing it with your stinger." Ryoko said to Kazan. He had witnessed enemies with similar body types attack that way. As for the magic... The keyblade was now part of his stinger and the stinger was part of him; therefore the keyblade was part of him now. Since not all magic attacks come from the tip of the keyblade, he wondered if he could redirect the fire magic to his hand. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on the magic in the keyblade and tried to move it into his hand so he could conjure a fireball.


"Idiot." Tatakau said as the mechanical spider failed to notice her. She then ran towards the spider and halved the distance between them before leaping high into the air. She had aimed her trajectory so she would land on the spider's back and focused all of her energy into one point, her heel, so she could pierce it rather than bashing it by stomping on it.
Aria sighed. She turned around. "Well, if you need me, I'll be... Who cares..." Aria muttered the last part under her breath, she just wasn't interested. She strayed away from the group to go wander, probably to the other side of the cabin.

Maz wasn't exactly sure what to do now that they were all, for the most part, outside of the cabin. She wondered if Moko-Moko still worked as a book. She had let the former-cat-and-now-an-ant Moko-Moko transform. Luckily it still turned into the grimoire. When Maz looked into it, she found all of her entries that she had recorded beforehand, but there were a few new blank pages with no entries on them.
Kazan tried Ryoko's suggestion and it did seem the best for stabbing and he was even able to do some slashes but it was difficult doing this with a tail and not his hands, but he practiced until he got the hold of it.

As Ryoko tried to bring the fire through his body he suddenly felt the heat as it traveled through his body, burning his new bug skin. The pain caused his lose concentration as he felt the pain of burning himself on the inside. It seemed while he could push the magic back through his own body, only the Keyblade could handle it without damaging yourself.

Kazan noticed Ryoko's attempt and knew the best way to use magic was still Keyblade tip. He pointed his stinger at a rock and blasted a Fire spell at it as it shot forward and blasted into the rock. This wasn't too hard...


Stitch saw Aria walk off and followed, when she stopped he walked over to her. He smiled at her as he put his legs on her fore legs.

"Ohana! Ohana means family, family means no one get's left behind!"

He said with his weird accent, the English sounding funny and he smiled sweetly and it would have been a perfectly sweet gesture if it weren't for the stink, Stitch had always been a sucker for sad or crying girls. It was his one weakness, other than water.


The spider was hit, but the damage was minimal as Tat didn't know how to sue her body and didn't know how to put all the force in the right place. Putting it in her fists worked, but now she had bug legs and it didn't work at all and she ended up sliding off the spider.

The spider turned around and scanned her, it then immediately fired a metal wire out at her, the metal wire was sharp and barbed like barbed wire you would find on a security fence.
"Alright," Ryoko said to himself as he used cure, "Let's try something different." Ryoko then concentrated again, this time transferring some of the magic in his keyblade to his hands without changing it into a spell. He then tried to create an orb of magic in each hand, changing it into a fire spell after it levitated as to not hurt himself.


Tatakau had landed on her back awkwardly. She could see the barbed wire coming at her and tried using her wings. The exoskeleton covering them opened, causing her to flip over and get out of the way of the barbed wire, landing directly under the mechanical spider. Seeing that she had retained her jumping ability, she lept up to the underbelly and stabbed at it with her horn.
It seemed as if Aria had frowned a bit more when Stitch confronted her. She did appreciate the nice gesture, yeah, but she just wasn't in the mood. She was still traumatized, depressed even. "I know, Stitch. But... Oh geez, you smell..." Aria turned away from him, and pulled her leg away. "But, I just can't stand living with this thought in my mind... If you understand."
Ryoko having used cure, couldn't use magic again for a short while. Once he was able to use magic again, he tried to concentrate magic into an orb, but putting no element did nothing. Keybladers were only taught the basic magic, nothing advanced and when he tried to focus fire again he simply burnt himself on the inside once more.


The spider was hit by the horn but only skidded a fair amount. Tat still didn't have full control of her strength, but it was thanks to her unusual strength she was able to even move the much larger and much heavier spider with it's metal body making it far more heavier than any bug.

It simply smashed it leg into her, sending her flying back. Thankfully she was a beetle with hard exo-skeleton or that attack would have completely knocked her out.


Stitch nodded, he was one who did understand as he had defeated his Forgotten and regained a precious memory. While his one was happy, it still made him sad and miss his friends.

"Memories of achi-baba, naga sad. Good, ju happy that memory naga lost. Memories precious! No memories, no achi-baba! Memories what keep achi-baba in..."

Stitch pointed to his heart.

"Be happy memory back, never forget achi-baba and ach-baba stay with yooga forever. Achi-baba would want you to be happy!"
"Happy about what?" Aria suddenly shouted, " That she's dead and I'm not? It's just not fair, that I have to live with such... Trauma! I don't know what would be better; if I were to live not knowing my friend, or live knowing my friend, only to have her die right infront of my eyes..." Aria almost regretted raising her voice, but it couldn't be helped.
"Well..." Ryoko said as he burned himself again, "Someone doesn't want me to find a way to make this not awkward." It was obvious that fire won't work, ice would probably freeze him, and lightning would shock him. He couldn't use his magic like that. However, he could sting someone, or something, using the method he recommended to Kazan and then use a fire spell, burning their insides. That would work, unless that cosmic force causes him to fail as usual. There was one more thing he wanted to try. He started to make that noise that cicadas could make and then applied magic so he could create a cone of damaging sonic waves in front of him.


Tatakau landed on her feet this time. When she was in a different part of the room, the spider didn't notice her. She decided to do that now and moved to the opposite side of the room. She had one more idea to get rid of this thing, but she needed to practice. For the next minute or so, she tried to get the hang of her new body; flying and using her horn.
Stitch nodded sadly.

"Better remeber achi-baba, even if gone. That way part of achi-baba still with us. Sad things make us who we are."

With that he scuttled off, knowing they were going to go back soon.


Kazan practiced firing a blizzard spell and even summoning a lightning spell. It was weird fighting this way, but he managed. He was ready to go back in, he saw Stitch approaching.

Ryoko managed to make a lot of noise with his wings, that annoyed everyone and made them cover their ears. Even as far as Aria, she heard the irritating sound. However he was no super-powered or magical cicada. So he couldn't focus it or create a sonic wave attack, maybe such a thing would be possible if he were an expert magic-user and a few months of training. All he could now was irritate people with a very loud annoying sound.

Kazan uncovered his ears with his legs, or where he should have ears after Ryoko's irritating attempt.

"Ok, I think I can fight on a level to at least defend against that spider and distract it long enough to make it back to that machine. You guys do as you wish!"

With that he flew back under the door.
((Stop bashing on Ryoko in your posts, xD ; ;) )

Aria took what Stitch said into mind, and let it sit in there for a moment. She sighed. He was right, in a way. She did feel sad, very painstakingly sad, but without Allison where would she be now? Still looting off from folks in Port Royal for the rest of her life? Most likely. ... She would put it behind her, but it would be quite difficult to do so.

She would manage.

"... I guess I'll have to practice, too..." She said, finally, turning back to the group, before she was interrupted by the annoying sound to her ears.
(Only when he stops doing stupid stuff and when it stops being funny :P Besides I knew from the moment he chose Cicada he was gonna try give himself special sonic powers, it was too obvious. He always tries it!)

Kazan entered the cabin and he soon found the spider scouting around.

"He hasn't seen us yet, let's try sneaking around."

Kazan picked up Stitch and started flying for the room with the machine, while the spider was scanning different parts of the room.
"Oh sure, trying to use a new trait as an attack is so stupid. I can't wait to see how you explain why everyone got turned into bugs though. By the way, I am technically a master magic-user with billions of years training... Technically.

And actaully He chose cicada because I'm viewed as annoying. He didn't think of the sonic attack until then."

Ryoko sighed as yet another attempt to find a way to use magic without making it come out of his butt failed. "Alright, I have a new idea." He said enthusiastically, "Whenever I act, I seem to have a tendency to fail. I could just have Kazan go first and do what he does, but now that I said it aloud that won't be happening. So the only way to go is for me to attack first with whatever logic I come up with, logical or not, and when I fail, you can find a way to beat it through process of elimination. That way when I fail, I succeed!" He then followed Kazan under the door.


Tatakau had now gotten hang of using her new body. She hadn't mastered it; she wasn't going to be like this forever; but she had enough mastery to be able to fly and use her strength. She had seen the mechanical spider's movements enough to detect a pattern and flew up to the ceiling. Using her legs to push off of the ceiling, she dove down to the mechanical spider at full force, using her horn to try and pierce a hole in its center.
Kazan noticed a beetle ramming down from the sky into the spider with amazing force. It bashed into the spider causing it's legs to collapse and it to fall flat. It's hard metal was still strong and although bent, Tat was still sent skidding off to the side.

Kazan remember the unconscious girl in the other room, she must have woken up. She seems a decent fighter.... The spider got up, scanning in Tat's direction, but now also notice Kazan, Stitch and Ryo.


The spider then launched it's barbed metal threads towards it, but it fired 4. One for each of the bugs as the sharp threads shot towards them.
After getting the hang of flying and such, Maz and Moko-Moko had decided on following the group inside. When they entered, they saw the spider send metal threads at the group, including the sleeping girl from before. She would help, but she didn't have any forgotten to use that would help.

When Aria arrived back at the front of the cabin, she didn't see anyone there. She sighed, wandered for a bit, then supposed that they had entered the cabin again. So she entered, too.

((Couldn't do much, XP))
Ryoko narrowly dodged and thought of electrifying the wire and letting it chain to the mechanical spider, but then, knowing fate, he would probably just fuel it. Fire was his best choice. "Hey guys, check this out." He said as he turned around, pointing his stinger at the spider, and launched a fire spell at it. "I farted."


Tatakau had also managed to dodge it. She then used her horn and latched into the wire, using a barb as an anchor. She saw a fireball approaching the spider and decided to wait until it hit or miss. After that, she pulled with all of her strength, hoping to topple it over.

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