Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

Kazan dodged using his speed and flight and then fired an blizzard spell at the spider, he heard Ryoko's joke and even though he rolled his eyes he did admit it was a little funny....

Stitch barely dodged the barbed wire as he was short and ducked, he then turned around and fired stinky blaster shots from his thorax at the spider.

The three shots hit the spider as it fell back and was then toppled by Tat's attack. This left the spider on it's back, legs up and unable to move as it's leg started moving all directions in a futile manner to move. It was stuck....

"Not the best design for a machine..."

Kazan smirked.
Maz didn't even need to help them defeat the robotic spider, for it had already been taken down by three hits, and toppled down on it's back. She rose a leg to her face, tilting her head. "I don't mean to jinx anything, but, what if it somehow got back up again...?" She asked.

"Its program doesn't look that complex. It probably won't do anything, now that it's on the ground, but move there trying to search for some target." Aria answered, albeit blandly. She turned to the others. "We going to go look at the machine or what?"
"I'd poke it with a stick, but at this size a stick would be as tall as a building." Ryoko said as he looked at their handiwork. He wondered how much force would have to be applied to tip it over at this size. He looked at Tatakau, who seemed to be finishing the job.

Tatakau wasn't finished yet, and she wasn't going to stop until it stops functioning. She flew up to the ceiling and pushed off of it, diving down like a meteor onto the helpless spider.
"Come on, my concern is the machine. I don't wanna be a bug forever!"

Kazan called to Stitch to follow.

As Tat dive bombed for the spider, suddenly something strange began to happen with it as it it's legs started coming out and extending, as they got longer spikes formed on the joints and edges of the legs, spikes then also appeared along the spider's back.

As Tat was about to dive bomb into the spider, the legs suddenly wrapped around her catching her in mid air before she could land in the spider. It then bent the back joint of it's new longer legs which hit the ground allowing it pole vault back up and body slam Tat into the ground crushing her with it's powerful metal weight.

It's eyes glowed with energy as it then stepped forward towards the others.
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Maz froze in place, and was shaken by fear. She didn't like the way the spider's eyes glowed, and how it was approaching them. "I-I think, for once, that I actually jinxed it..." She mumbled.

"...Nevermind then." Aria sighed, "But, what good was doing that for? It was pretty hopeless up until that girl tried to finish the job."
"...Why do you run? You cannot hide from us, girl. Your scent is what we track, but your heart is what we want. Give it to us! You won't feel anything; it'll be quick. We are hungry, and you make us angry when you hide! Come back, and give us your heart! Why do you run?!"

Feluxia sat up immediately after she woke up, her breath coming out in deep gasps as her dilated green eyes looked around at her surroundings. A small amount of dull, orange-tinted light leaked in from the tiny entrance of the old, degenerated metallic hut in which she was staying. Outside the opening that led outside was an endless sea of sand and dust hanging beneath a dull brown sky. It was another day in this forgotten world...another day trapped in this bizarre and dangerous place. Wiping away the sweat on her forehead that had been shed by her nightmare, she glanced down at a dark, cloak-wrapped bundle a couple feet away. She could not help but smile lightly when seeing the bundle, for in fact it was not a bundle, it was her dearest friend Area. It seemed he was still sleeping...that was fine with her. They did not need to start moving yet.

Quietly, Feluxia got up from the small patch of cracked tile floor she had been sleeping on and reached for her own gray cloak, coiling it around her and placing the hood over her head. Next, she tip-toed over to the back of the small metal bunker in order to grab her two prized blades; Radiance and Starlight. She grabbed the scabbard-covered swords and equipped them to her belt with as much caution as she could; Feluxia did not want to wake up her companion. Once she re-balanced her belt and small pads of steel armor, she exited the hut as quietly as a mouse, opening herself to the harsh and bright light of the world outside. It took several seconds for her to get used to the sudden increase of light, but eventually her surroundings became more clear. All around her stood the odd metal ruins that decorated this infernal landscape, ancient and run-down by the dust storms that sometimes appeared. It had been a particularly vicious storm that had forced her and Area to camp here.

Letting out a soft yawn, she stretched her stiff limbs without a care, her body slightly cramping from the uncomfortable flooring inside the ruin she had slept in. It was fortunate that Nobodies such as they did not have to eat or drink, so they were much more suited to these difficult conditions. Still, though, that did not make life any easier had not been easy since the first day they had accidentally arrived here. Back on another world, she and Area had been trying to escape a group of Keyblade Wielders trying to hunt them down; Nobodies were despised due to their infamous past, and that same anger caused the self-proclaimed 'keepers of the peace' to slaughter their kind as if they were no better than the Heartless. In order to escape them, Area had used a Corridor of Darkness without a specified location, and...they wound up here, trapped. They did not ask to be Nobodies, or to have no memory of their former lives. Well, it could be worse: she and Area could be Dusks. The thought made Feluxia laugh lightly in amusement. That small amount of simple joy was a mistake.

As if they had just appeared out of the ground, a pair of Meager leaped out from one of the ruins and began to charge toward Feluxia, their knobby limbs making their loud, clacking noise as they approached. With a face as expressionless as stone, Feluxia withdrew Radiance from its scabbard, placing the bluesteel point low to the ground. When the first of the Forgotten came close to her, she struck swiftly with a forward jab and backhand slash, puncturing the creature's head, withdrawing her blade, and then splitting its body in half with a powerful slash through its torso. Not even pausing to watch it disintegrate into the dusty ground, Feluxia twisted around to deal with the Meager's companion. Enraged by its partner's defeat, the creature dived at the Nobody woman with its razor-sharp fingers glinting against the daylight. In response, she rolled to the side to avoid the attack, but the creature managed to clip her shoulder and tear through her cloak and undershirt. Growling, Feluxia swung Radiance in an upward arc, slicing off one of its arms before quickly following through with a horizontal slash, decapitating the Meager before it too faded into the dust.

Grimacing, she rose up from her crouch, but did not sheathe Radiance; there could be more Forgotten lurking about. Sure enough, a small squad of them emerged from off in the distance. Feluxia counted them in order to see what her chances were. The Forgotten party consisted of four Meager and one Juggler as its leader...Feluxia despised Jugglers. She could not explain it, but anything that looked like a clown sent shivers down her spine. This was not good; but, she had to fight them...fight them in order to protect her friend. "Bloody...this cannot end well."
"I agree, finding the machine should be our top priority. That thing pulled off a one-winged angel (sort of); we need to get back to normal so we can curb-stomp it." Ryoko said as he flew after Kazan.

"Harsh mistress of Hell, I invite thee, bathe mine enemies in thy mighty fire."

As the quiet voice chanted from behind Feluxia, a crystal ball floated down in front of the female nobody, it's milky insides showing nothing at first, before the clouds within blazed with an angry red. The air around it grew warm, then hot, before the whole ball lit up in flames. Area drew a simple magic circle in the air with his right hand, a practice he performed for no apparent or strategic reason, and threw his hand outwards. At once, the crystal ball released a stream of flames ahead, and four balls of fire erupted from the tongues, each of them slamming into the Meagres, knocking them onto their backs and melting them from the intense heat, where they writhed in agony in their last moments before fading into darkness. Without breaking a stride, Area drew another magic circle, his voice starting up into another chant.

"Lord of the skies, heed my call, strike upon mine foe with thy rage!

The clouds within the ball swirled, turning dark, as the ball began to spark and discharge small bolts of electricity. Area fell in step beside Feluxia and directed his hand towards the last Forgotten, a Juggler. A jet of electricity struck the clownish figure in the chest squarely. The Forgotten tumbled onto the ground, the shock causing it to spasm as electricity ran through it. Area lifted his hood over his face again, for it had fallen when he had rose from his position. He raised one hand, and a ball of fire, one not as large as the ones summoned from the crystal ball, appeared on his palm. The fireball struck the last Forgotten, and it burst into a cloud of darkness upon impact.

“….sorry, Feluxia.” Area said, his voice as quiet as ever, bowing his head slightly. Had he not just recently swept the floor with the Forgotten just a second ago, no one would have believed that this introverted shadow was an accomplished mage with astounding magic in his sleeves. What he apologised for, was many. Truly, he was the one who had teleported them right into danger, and he had not been there to assist in the first few minutes. He had caused his partner distress. That was unforgivable.
Kazan nodded heading for the Machine room, as his tiny little wings flapped like crazy so fast they were as he buzzed off only the way an insect could move. Suddenly the mecha-spider bent it's new long legs as the metal creaked and then performed an amazing jump as it flew through the air like a majestic jumping-spider (just kidding, spiders aren't majestic...) over the group and landed straight in their paths, blocking their route.

It's eyes glowed as it scanned them. This time it turned around and fired an entire web of metal barbed wire, the wire wrapped into hexagonal shape that shot over the group, it's area was huge as it cast it's shadow over the group as it fell and could easily cover them all. Dodging it was not an option....


Queen watched the two Nobodies from a distant as her lips pursed into a smile under the veil

"They could be of use. Go..."

Suddenly blocks of wood fell from the sky as they crashed around Feluxia and Area, leaving dents on the dusty ground as the sand was kicked up and made the area eerie and foggy. The blocks shook as they levitated up and began connecting, forming into a few large Blockheads and many Buzzards. The Blockheads immediately charged for Feluxia and Area, trying to crush them with their fists while the Buzzards circled around looking for opportunities to slice them up like a deli meat.

(Please keep in mind you can't say you've defeated all of them, you can defeat as many as you see fit within the realm of reason but I say when they ALL dead.)
Feluxia looked back to see Area emerge from the shelter, his signiture magic orb flying out from his grasp to stand by her. Over the next few seconds, as her friend muttered is incantations, the orb spewed fire and lightning from within its foggy depths, ending with the last Forgotten disintegrating from a fireball from Area's own hand. When he approached her, he shocked her with an apology. She could not help but smile lightly at him; always so quiet, but his apology spoke volumes to one who knew him. "There's no need to apologize, Area-"

She was interrupted when several wooden blocks suddenly dropped down around them, sending clouds of sand and dust into the air and alerting Feluxia. Unsheathing Starlight as well, she watched in agitation as a few Blockheads and several buzzards formed from the wooden refuse. This was way more than they normally faced; much more. Suddenly, the Blockheads charged toward them with violent intent, swinging their massive fists and wrists about. If one of those connected with either of them, they would surely be knocked unconscious, if not finished. Dodging the first few swings of the closest Blockhead, she waited for it to raise its arms before sliding underneath its wide-open legs. In one smoove motion, she rose from her dive and sliced off the Blockhead's left leg.

It was at that moment that one of the Buzzards decided to descend toward her, its sleek body causing it to move incredibly fast as it made the attempt to skewer her. Feluxia, in a fit of desperation, threw herself aside and collided hard with the ground, which knocked the breath out of her. Trying to recover, she managed to get up on one knee before another Buzzard came in to attack her, arcing down like a guillotine. Feluxia raised one of her swords, trying to void off the Forgotten's fierce assault.
Dodging it was not an option... OBJECTION! A web is full of holes (how it could cast a huge shadow is beyond me). Considering that it is made of metal, there is no net-like material to put in between each strand of metal. Knowing this, Ryoko folded in his arms, legs, and wings in order to fit in between the metal strands, using a fire spell to propel him through the air. If for some reason it didn't work, he hoped that he would act as a bullet and break through. After all, if they are that close together, they would be very small, which would be easy to break. "Am I the only one who finds it weird that Kazan is the one who acts last? I'd say that it is ironic, but that's not what ironic means."
Despite Ryoko's objections, the webs spacing was not small enough for him to fit through. It was simple metal barbed wires wrapped around each other to form a web(you know like spiders do with thread, but instead with metal barbed wire.) The thick metal able to form a shadow from the light of the outside . In the end Ryoko's objections didn't matter simply because he didn't understand the situation.

He blasted off like a rocket straight into the web which he obviously couldn't fit through as that would be pointless for the spider to make. He smashed into heavy metal as the barbs pierced his skin and the web fell with him under it, soon to hit the ground and crush them.

"No, because I use my brain before acting."

Kazan couldn't help but laugh at Ryoko being squashed just like a bug, but in real danger just like the rest. He knew he couldn't fly out from the large web before it landed, how did the spider make so wire so quickly... Thankfully Ryoko's move while quite detrimental to his own health, gave the group a precious few more seconds to think of something. Kazan thought he could use an Aero spell to help shield himself and others, but that wouldn't work forever and the web would eventually crush them.

"Wait, if we cast Aero together to form a Tornado it might be enough to lift the web high enough to get out in time."

Kazan cast Aero as the shield of wind surrounded him quickly, hoping Aria would add to it so they could create a powerful Tornado strong enough to keep the web from landing on them.
"Cold winds of the frozen tundra- tch, BLIZZAGA!" There was no time for incantations, even if it sacrificed the usual power of his normal spells. Frost began to form around his outstretched hand and a sharpened shard of ice formed in his palm, before it shot forwards, striking the Buzzard in whatever could be called as its face, the cold freezing it immediately, sending it hitting the ground harmlessly, encased in a block of ice. Area readied another spell, this time with his crystal ball next to him.

Mighty shield of the heavens, protect those dear to the heart, lest my enemies strike upon her!” The crystal ball grew bright, shining forth a light uncommon to be used by a mage of darkness. A honeycomb shield blinked into existence around Feluxia and glowed iridescently as the crystal ball’s light slowly faded. A strengthened version of Protect. It should last through some of the heavy hits from the Blockheads and fully shield her from those buzzards. Area himself weaved yet another spell, this time, chanting rather than incanting. It would take him quite a while to finish this one, but the effects would wipe most of these things from in front of Feluxia and him.

Come ye, gods of destruction and chaos, reigning thy worlds with force and violence, I call thy fire to my aid, I call thy rage to my side, hear my cry….”

The crystal ball in front of him lifted to the skies, and the shadows around Area distorted and began flowing into the ball that now sat high in the air, out of reach. A void slowly opened up at where the ball was, a swirling vortex beginning to rip through the fabric, and a roar sounded from somewhere, coming from the vortex itself.
((Hope this is okay. P;))

Aria watched as Ryoko attempted, yet again, to interpret the situation on his own and act... On his own. He smashed into the net that was flying into them, which Aria couldn't help but wince to as he fell down with the net. "That's gotta hurt..." She sucked her teeth in, then turned to Kazan. "I'm not even sure if I can use Aero... Can I?" She pointed her keyblade-stinger at the net and, surprisingly, used Aero. "... Guess I can."

"Wait, Aero?" Maz asked, blinking. Did she have anything for that? Moko-Moko transformed back into a grimoire, and Maz furiously whizzed through the pages to find the one she wanted. Then she flipped to a certain page and, coincidentally, she found what she was looking for. "Thank goodness there's two..." She sighed in relief, and confidently faced the two. "Moko-Moko, Emerald Blues!" She commanded. Moko-Moko changed back into ant form, and shot two light blasts out of its mouth a Kazan and Aria. "This'll make Aero more stronger! I hope!"
The combined Aero's were super charged by Moko-Moko as Kazan had hoped and formed a powerful tornado that sent the net back, unfortunately along with Ryoko. This gave the group enough time to get away from it as flipped over and fell to the side.

The spider didn't seem at all agitated by the failure of it's attacked, it just scanned and moved on to the next phase. It charged at Kazan and slashed at him with a leg, it's speed was impressive and Kazan didn't have a chance to dodge as he was slashed and sent down, the spider then aimed a leg for Maz and Moko-Moko.

Stitch retaliated by firing energy shot from his blaster like thorax.
"Yay!" Maz cheered, hugging Moko-Moko with the legs she had. Moko-Moko let out a little whine, then a hiss, knowing that the spider's arm was being aimed at them. Moko-Moko lept out of Maz's arms and stood infront of her protectively.

Aria inwardly gasped as Kazan got hurt. "Kazan!" She couldn't help but let one loose. She gave the spider a ferocious look, seeing its next target was now Maz and Moko-Moko. There was no way she would let them harm a kid and a cat. Aria ran forward— she didn't quite have the hang of flying and she knew that— and, once the leg came down on them, Aria pushed the keyblade down on the spider's leg, causing it's aim to shift slightly along with the place of impact.

-hack, cough, splutter!!-

Oswald rolled over into the sand and proceeded to wipe the sand that had piled up in his mouth from his tongue.

"Where am I?"

He asked himself wearily, he staggered up from his feet and shaded his eyes from the harsh glare of the sun with his hand, a cursory look showed him that he was surrounded by dunes and odd ruins. For a moment Oswald panicked, he worried that he was standing in the rubble of Ostown but a closer examination of the nearest ruins told him that he was no longer in The Wasteland. Suddenly he was plagued by a bout of apprehension and anxiety

"Ortensia! Gus! The kids (All 420 0f them)!"

He yelled in worry, 'were they there with him?' 'Did the stay back in Ostown?' 'What happens if Pete gets to 'em?' All these things ran through his mind while he searched about the area, he came across some clothes and the set of energy Gauntlets and Greaves lying neatly in a pile atop a circular stone sitting mysteriously atop the sand. The rabbit shrugged and donned the equipment conveniently placed in the middle of nowhere nearby the place he woke up.

Changed and ready for anything (Except heat exhaustion, hunger and Dehydration because what cartoon character needs those things. Oswald does, as of now). His next step was to find his way out but in order to do that he'd have to find his way anywhere. With a few yanks or two on his ears they began spinning like the rotors of a helicopter, the winds of rapidly spinning ears turned up a small dust and Oswald launched himself into the sky to a darkening area.

When he was close enough to make out what was happening and who was who, Oswald was comfortable enough with the situation to send all his limbs, crackling with energy flying into the horde of buzzards. Dozens were cut down and his limbs returned to him but they were followed by a stream of flying enemies. Oswald squinted at them and moments before impact he began to spin his body, he was effectively a ball of electricity. Then the vortex appeared and and Oswald retreated to see what was happening.
Aria's attack was well placed and the spider's long leg crumbled under it as it missed it's target and collapsed, followed by the rest of it's body as it's balance was lost due to the misdirected leg and it's weight cause it to collapse as it fell to the ground, the wood under it giving weigh as it cracked through and it's body became half trapped in the wood.

Kazan slowly got up as he coughed, that attack had hurt pretty bad. He was ok.

"Need to get to the machine... it's the best way..."

Stitch crawled over to him.

"Yooga okie-taka?" Stitch asked.

"I'm fine. We need to get to the machine, it's our best hope to beat this thing. Hurry."

Kazan slowly flapped his wings as they buzzed and soon sped up to a decent pace as he floated up and started slowly moving forward.


The Forgotten continued their attack on Feluxia and Area as the the Blockheads took out their heads and threw them towards the duo. Meanwhile the Buzzards continue trying to dice them with their blades.

When the strange rabbit arrived, the buzzards attack but he electric attacks seemed to best them, however more kept jumping out at him as they tried to bit him with their razor sharp metal teeth.
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Feluxia glanced over at Area as the powerful Protect spell fell over her; a small way of saying 'thank you before she turned away and stood up straight. Angling Starlight downward and Radiance to her right side, she dashed forward toward one of the behemoth Blockheads. She dodged the first of the thrown heads, while the second one grazed her Protect shield. Sure enough, the shield was holding firm for now. Closing the distance, she channeled some of her own energy into Starlight, the purple and sparkling metal starting to shine. Once she came within striking distance, she twisted away from one of the Blockhead's massive limbs before impaling it with Starlight.

When she withdrew the weapon with a grunt, cracks of white light began to spread across the wooden Blockhead's figure, moving swiftly across its body to its limbs in a series of rifts and crevices. The Forgotten let out one last below as the cracks finally encompassed its entire body, before shattering into what appeared to be shards of bright glass that changed into dust upon hitting the desolate earth below. Despite the small victory, Feluxia did not let down her guard again. Seeing a trio of Buzzards arcing in to intercept her, she quickly sheathed Starlight before holding her palm out toward the incoming Buzzards. Radiance glowed with a brilliance that matched the sun as long streams of shining white chains erupted from Feluxia's palm, wrapping themselves around the Buzzards and disconnecting themselves from her hand. The Buzzards hit the ground, writhing and shrieking as the chains tightened and tightened, until they burst into dark fragments and sank into the earth.

Feluxia made a quick survey of the battlefield, and from what she could tell, it seemed as though a significant amount of Buzzards had disappeared. Where had they gone? Disregarding the oddity, she ran back over to stand near Area, Starlight out once more in her left hand and both blades gleaming in the daylight. One of the remaining Blockheads tossed its head at Area, in which Feluxia swiftly intercepted. She had to protect him until he could complete his spell and finish these monsters.
“Upon your permit, I bring down upon the foolish of fools the demise that they are fated for, shriek down from the skies, crush them with your everlasting power! Dark Meteor!” Area lifted both his hands skywards towards the distorted vortex. Following his last words of the chant, a dark rock surrounded by the gaseous darkness burst through the tear in reality, wreathed in flames and darkness as it blazed through the atmosphere, its debris hurtling down to the earth as well. Area cast his cloak over himself and Feluxia, who had returned to his side, and uttered another incantation, something too soft to hear. This time, a clear dome, less iridescent than the Protect and more bluish in hue, surrounded both of them. A Barrier, to protect against magical attacks, namely, the shockwave of the Meteor.

The rock struck the ground, crushing most of the remaining Forgotten army, the dark shockwave that it exuded as it hit either destroying the remnants or knocking them over like the pieces of wood that they were. The debris that had broken off from their original form pierced through some of the remnants, leaving them broken. Area recovered from his protective posture and the Barrier vanished, slightly cracked from the explosion caused by the Meteor. The dark miasma left by the meteor drifted around the area as the rock itself slowly dissipated into a large cloud of miasma. Area took in a deep breath and steadied himself. That took quite the power to cast, and he needed some time to rest before he could conjure something of that scale again. Nevertheless, now was not the time.

Fire, heed me!” Area brushed one hand back, and a swirl of flames erupted within his palm, licking his bare hand harmlessly. Slowly, the darkness around him corrupted the flame, turning it into a purplish-black hue. He readied the flames and watched the area for any more incoming Forgotten. He wasn’t about to leave Feluxia to fight alone again.
The powerful attack had crushed the Forgotten as the dark magic faded from the atmosphere leaving only the dust of the Forgotten to be blown away by the passing wind. However as the eerie aura faded the survivors became visible as it was seen some Forgotten had survived just by pure chance and luck having miss the Meteor's hits, but still seemed to be damage as their wood was singed and blackened.

It was a single Blockhead which stood heaving, as a few Buzzards surrounded it. Four in total as they slowly crawled around the Blockhead, their empty and beady eyes staring at the two Nobodies. Suddenly they growled out as their bodies split into pieces. This strange phenomenon was followed by the Blockhead's large body hollow almost opening up as it almost disassembled and the pieces of the Buzzard slotted in like some weird puzzle.

As the creatures continued to fuse, their pieces locked together as they formed a combined Forgotten. An even strong Blockhead who now had four saw blades emerging from his large barrel body that were vertically inserted around his torso. He was also now large having the bodies of the Buzzards built into him as well as two Buzzard heads each built into his large wrists. The four saw blades began to spin as they formed this slight rotational wind around the monstrosity which seemed to forming some sort of powerful barrier of his own. The new intimidating Forgotten just stood, slowing heaving as watched them intently with a look that could frighten almost anyone.
Area flinched when he found that he had survivors. He raised one hand, a bolt of lightning ready to be deployed and sent straight at the surviving Blockhead. The Buzzards could be easily taken care of with Feluxia's bladed prowess and or or a few spells. He released the bolt, only to find it passing through the Blockhead as it disassembled itself. The bolt struck the ground behind the Blockhead, charring the area, but leaving his original target unscathed. Area cursed, summoning his crystal ball to him, as it floated between his open hands. He wasn't about to let them pull some new trick in front of him without retaliation.

"Void of the fell beings, come, open and engulf the fool..." The ball radiated a purple glow, and the ball itself turned pitch black, exuding a darkness unlike any other, but Area didn't finish the chant, his mouth falling open in surprise and awe as the remnants reassembled themselves into a giant Forgotten, one that he had definitely not read about. He took a step back, his hidden eyes showing an uncertainty that he had never expressed before. ""His voice trailed off, unable to finish. He turned to look at Feluxia, unsure of what to do.
Ryoko knew that they would find a way to blow away the web (I didn't, however, know how they had that much time before it landed.). By tangling himself in it, he was able to hitch a ride away from the spider and avert attention to himself. After the web had landed, he untangled himself and walked into the room with the machine. Unfortunately, he'd have to wait until the GM explained what the machine's control panel looked like before he could do anything (not every machine has a flashing red button, you know). He decided to fly onto the table (which had the thing that make Kazan say "No way!", but I didn't know that because I wasn't there) and get a better view of the machine.
The mecha-spider l body was now half-trapped in the rotted wood with sharp slivers pressing against it's body and jamming it in a crack it could not remove itself from. It tried moving it's trapped legs within the wood but couldn't seem to budge as it tried in vain again to move as a machine would.

"I think it's stuck finally, now it should be safe to go."

He wanted to be sure, last time the creature had surprised them by pulling a hat trick when thought it was defeated, extended it's legs, escaped and gotten the upper hand when they thought they could use the chance to make it to the room..

Suddenly the mecha-spider seemed to change again as this time another small set of legs seem to come out of the front pair, then the legs opened up revealing scissor like metal claws which opened up and then snapped closed. These new pincers suddenly began to cut through the wood allowing the spider to wriggle it's trapped legs free and approach the group again as it snapped it's metal scissor like pincers with a sharp terrifying sound as the metal clasped together.

This short sense of victory had only given Ryoko enough time to just make to the edge of the room and not enough to make it all the way to the next room where the machine lay, but now he was far ahead of the others who had the spider coming towards them.

"It evolved again... Whatever problems it encounters, it seems to evolve or learn to adapt from..."

Kazan flew back a little as the spider approached then went into a full charge with it's sharp claws pointed straight at Kazan and Aria.


The new Forgotten now charged at Area and Feluxia as it's massive feet stopped the ground, almost shaking the area beneath it with it's large fists aiming to smash them like small insects. The blades on it's body continued to spin giving it some sort of cycling barrier against both magic and physical attacks.
He was knocked from the sky, the swarm of buzzards was just too much, his fall was short and painful, "Wow, that smarts!" He exclaimed loudly upon hoisting himself up from the ground , the two strangers seemed to be holding up well against the Forgotten. Oswald smiled "It's about time I got to have some fun!" His sudden fall had simply made him more eager to fight. On the ground Oswald got to see just how well these two strangers fought, the guy used magic like it was pouring out of him while the girl almost looked like she was dancing while she cut Forgotten into pieces.

Then the most unexpected thing happened, the horde of Buzzards that had wrested him from the sky sped towards a Blockhead. The giant creature was opening up, transforming and then it merged with the vultures to create an even larger more hideous creature with blades popping out of everywhere there weren't Buzzard heads.

The Wizard faltered in sight of the bumbling monster, Oswald thought to himself. "A 'little' team work couldn't hurt." He assured himself, unconvinced his began rotating once more and he shot into the sky, his fists and feet crackling with electricity. Once he reached an altitude to his liking Oswald promptly dropped from the sky like a lightning bolt, he had switched his gloves and boots into overload and they were crackling with energy. He aimed straight for the Blockhead's....head.

If his aim was good (and it usually was) he'd drop down on the hulking beast sending a wave of burning electricity into the giant Forgotten's body. It mightn't kill the ill gotten ilk of dung but at least it would give it a second thought about attacking him.
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