Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

Noah was wandering the Lost World. All he he could remember was bits of who he was and that his heart was lost. He knew what world he was in, but not how he got there. While walking aimlessly, Noah hears the sounds of a battle. He see's a small duo of Keyblade wielders, and a foreign mouse like being fighting the large Forgotten Monster. He see's one cast a powerful spell that brings down the beast. "That spell must have exhausted him, and the others appear to be growing tired." Noah thought to himself. Hesitant, Noah pauses for a moment to decide whether or not to join the group of strangers. Taking the risk, Noah runs down and stops behind the two Keyblade Wielders. "Do you require assistance?" Noah asks them.
Zack took a careful step. He wasn't quite sure what the Masters called this place again, but none the less, it gave him the chills. It was eerie here...he got the feeling that he wasn't welcome here. Then again, he commonly got that feeling. None the less, he knew that this was a bad place to be. He recalled his Masters mentioning something about 'Forgottens'. He hadn't a cue what they actually were, his orders were to simply dispatch them. With a sigh and another step, he hoped that the worse did not come today, for he knew I would come eventually.
Nara's plan seemed to work as the Keyblade was jammed in the right hand sawblade, immediately stopping it's rotation as the two metals creaked against each other making a horrific sound. Sparks initially flew as the sawblade could be seen trying to continue it's spin, but the Keyblade was jammed in good.

The Blockhead immediately stopped moving, not having planned the attack from within. This move, had weakened it's barrier as Oswald's attack flew again sparking with lightning, this time slamming right into the Blockhead breaking through the barrier as it's head was bashed down, it's body opening up as it spat out they Keyblader within. The Keyblader named Nara flew into Oswald as they were both knocked away as the sand from Area's attack swirled around the Blockhead and soon buried it in the torrent of sand.

Soon after more characters seemed to appear out of nowhere as they ran besides the rabbit, the Nobody and the Keyblade apprentice.

"So, my little pawns have all finally come together..."

A mysterious voice mocked from behind, it was the Forgotten known as Queen. She appeared to be a puppet woman wearing an intricate and beautifully designed dress with a large lower portion that had wheels under it for her to move. Her face was covered with a veil and she wore a matching head dress. She smiled under the veil as her wooden hands moved up, gesturing to the group.

"Welcome those soon to be departed to the Lost World, your final resting place..."


(Nice plan Smash, seriously impressed. If it wasn't for the fact Stitch didn't press the button. It would totally work. Seriously, good thinking!)

Unfortunately Stitch had activated some hidden panel on the wall no one had seen, so all the buttons were as dusty. When Ryoko managed to land on his random button, it pressed down and another light came on, but nothing...

The spider, then switched it's claw to attacking Aria. As if from nowhere, suddenly a metal scorpion like tail seemed to extend out from behind it's thorax which shot out to stab Ryoko, chasing after him with it's sharp blade.

"Great, now it's a scorpion. Screw it, I'm just gonna hit every random button!"

Kazan continued trying to dodge and parry the mecha-spider/scorpion as it chased all three of the bug-keybladers with it's large size while he would random slam his head into a button since that was the only way for him to press it, praying for the best.
Zack had watched as many others had taken down a huge monster. Zack knew without a doubt that the monster he witnessed was a Forgotten. He had a feeling that his work was cut out for him. Suddenly, something sparked in his head. It was weird...he couldn't quite describe it. It almost felt as though something was...taken away. He wondered what had just happened when he noticed a figure approaching the group. Quickly, he hid behind a large rusty shard of metal sticking out of the ground. He knew without a doubt that this wasn't his fight, and he knew even more that his fight was not too far behind.
Something sure as Hell happened. Narathzul felt the pressure of the sawblade on the Oath,but the sound of the multiple sawblades died down,as if they suddenly lost power. Were they all linked? Or did something blow up inside? Then came the loud THWACK! and the bucking of his prison,just as he heard the thunderous shuffling of a veritable tsunami of sand. "I SAID DON'T CR--" The rest of his objection was forced back down his throat,however,as Narathzul was practically launched out of the Forgotten like a missile. A SAM,to be specific,as he collided with a one-armed,jetpack equipped armoured rabbit. Narathzul plummeted to the ground,the Guardian's Oath lost in launch. He was certain the impact would've been more effective than any flyswatter,and would've grounded the rabbit.

Narathzul scrambled out of the sand,coughing up some sand. Sand,thankfully,was more forgiving than most terrains for such impacts. Narathzul surveyed the scene,and was fully visible to the world since the crash. His armour was scratched,with several dents,and even some small pieces torn off. His right temple bore a very fresh scar,and a dried,rusted bloodstain marred the right pauldron and part of the chestplate. The rest of his head bore numerous bruises,as did his hands. He was sore all over,but he was still functional. He had learned quickly that pain was only temporary. Ignore it and avoid death.

He called his Keyblade to his hand,the Oath appearing in a flash. It was fairly light;light enough to be carried in one hand,but it's balance was a whole other story. To swing it properly,you needed yo use both hands. Of course,some strikes could be done with one hand,but they lacked impact. They were there to make an opening. Or prolong one.

Holding the enormous Keyblade at his side,Narathzul quickyl spotted Zack. "Zack! Over here!" When the ship crashed,Narathzul was with the other Keblade Aspirants. He had lost consciousness on impact,as did the others,presumably. When he came to,he was alone,still strapped in his seat. Either they left him for dead,or they were forced to leave him due to more pressing concerns...Such as survival. When he cleared the wreck,he was ambushed by a large wooden creature,which proceeded to use him as a bowling pin for it's head,and capture him,but not before konking him over the head to put him under once more.

It was good to see a friend.

And then came the woman's call. It was altogether unpleasant. Her voice seemed...Artificial. Her body matched the voice,looking like some bizarre marionette. Picking right up on her implied threat,Narathzul dropped into a combat stance. His legs were wide,knees bent. He held the Guardian's Oath in both hands,pommel by his left temple,blade angled downwards. He bobbed slightly,shifting his weight between his feet,but kept his balance where it should be: Low. He studied this foe,attempting to discern her movements.
Blast walked with no directive and no motive just watching and seeing all of the keyblade weilders on his own time. Since he didn't like talking he was so quiet nobody thought of him or cared. So Blast had time always to think. He summoned his keyblade and stared at it for so long he forgot where he was. He looked at his Red keyblade that looked exactly like a kingdom key but with a silver hilt and Red blade. He watched its glow and then aimlessly looked at his arm. In his minx he wanted to befriend a nobody dusk or a emblem heartless but knew it would leave to dark things. He was unlike any other keyblade weilder before he wanted to bring back his fallen heros of the Keyblade war. But he had no idea how. Hey stayed calm and quiet knowing no one would care to talk to him. And for the first time in a long time he spoke out in song his voice always caused Heartless to gather around because it held pure light in song.
Zack heard a familiar voice and looked out from behind the metal shard. There is where he saw Narathzul. Zack plainly remembered the higher ranking Keyblade wielder, especially since he was one of the few people that ever bothered to speak with Zack. And now, as the mechanical queen mad her entrance, Zack wondered if he would have to intervene at any point. He didn't think so, she didn't particularly look like she was capable of taking too many hard hits, but Zack had known all too well that those who couldn't take damage well could dish it out exceptionally. He wondered if she applied to this rule.

(one moment, I need to get dinner))
"Keyblade Wielders, as soon as anyone comes about you don't know. You just summon those little toys of you, all the same. Predictable... no words, just that flash of light and you're holding a weapon made to kill. I suppose that is all you are, weapons made for murder."

She spoke to them, her voice seemed both mechanical, empty and harsh. However it also seems warm and kid, almost like a mother. The two conflicting feelings her voice gave was enough to mess with anyone's mind as she spoke, her words sharp.

Her hands flowed gently around her, her empty fake eyes stared at the group. She knew they were all there, there was no hiding. The Keyblader Narathzul, who had been trapped in the Blockhead and saved by the rabbit Oswald, a Nobody named Area. now 3 Keybladers and another Nobody had arrived. Blast, Zack, Sage & Noah.
Memories come back to Noah as he remembers more about Forgotten, and their purpose. Noah shouts, "And what of you Forgotten? You are made of malicious memories and seek to kill the person in which your memories originated from. You may have even came from these who hold the "weapons of murder" you speak of."
Blast looked up and unsummoned his Keyblade. "Who are you?" Blast said outloud and avoided summoning his keyblade. "Wepons for murders? yes they were built to conqure the light origanaly but murdering? .." Blast gagged on his own words for he hated speaking unlike the others he pushed himself forward. "Ah who am I to judge......" He turns his back to everyone and keeps his distance.
Zack had listened carefully to what the mechanical woman had said. He knew for a fact that she wrong. She was just trying to make everyone angry, maybe even confused. These weapons that had chosen them were not used, nor even fit to be weapons of destruction. Their goal was to provide a balance in the universe. Without them, darkness would overpower everything, except maybe the heart...still. It's not murder if you're protecting something worth being protected.

(Because what is Kingdom Hearts without life lessons?))
He hit the beast with a satisfying crack and sizzle and for his fervid efforts he was rewarded with a human child shot into his stomach that forced all the air from his chest and sent his sight swirling. Little bunnies of any type were not made to be pelted with human kids twice their size. Hitting the the ground he was sent sprawling, he hadn't thought it was possible but even more air was knocked out of his longs and he gasped for air though all he got was gritty sand which sent him into a fit of combined coughing and gasping for air.

He eventually managed to restore vestiges of air to his lungs and expunge the miniscule yet aggravating grains of sand caught in his now raw throat. Right then and there Oswald would have preferred to be with Ortensia and his 140+ children. Then he came to his senses and realised that what he had just suffered was ten times better than being covered in little black rabbit children with the energy and vocation to tear apart his Wasteland home.

He cast his glance to the large dune of sand where his erstwhile enemy had once stood blocking their path. It amazed him how tough the thing was. Then he spared some time to idly study the boy who had been previously trapped in the beast's belly. And amazingly still he he put out his hand and a keyblade appeared between his fingers, clenched as though they knew that the blade would somehow be there.

Oswald was surrounded by increasingly puzzling people and situations, he began seeing stars fly before his eyes as though they were orbiting his failing brain. He slumped to his buttocks and held his head in his hands while he tried to wrestle with the increasingly difficult concepts he had just been assaulted with. It couldn't get any worse he thought jarringly to himself. Just as he completed his thought, the boy he had help save called out a name. Oswald looked up to find a timid looking boy by a boulder, from there he would have seen everything.

Then just as suddenly as everything else a sibilant voice seemed to echo about the area, it was distinctly female and it distinctly sent cold icy shivers up his spine, his otherwise uniform fur stood on end as though he were a cat, that was just how scary that voice was. Somewhere in front of him he saw the form of a distinctly female character, her race or species however were lost to his skills of deduction. She appeared to be an automaton of some sort, he thought idly about using the remote he had holstered like a gun on his hip but he thought better of it. Better not make the scary lady angry too early.
Sage wandered the unknown terrain with a nervous gait, biting her knuckle in deep thought. Upon hearing the sound of an artificial woman, the girl stopped and looked around for the source. She stared at a very... unique sight where a group of people was found, one of them being a rabbit. She was standing in the background, the chills running down her spine caused her to join them.

"What in Samhain is going on...?" She withdrew her Keyblade from thin air, but stopped when she remembered the woman's words. With a soft blush, Sage let her Keyblade dissipate. No one saw that right? Sage looked around silently at everyone, then gasped a little at the sight of the lady in the distance.

"Who are yo--" She stopped when she recognized that the woman's limbs weren't... human. She wasn't anything near it, Sage could tell. "What are you?"

((Hope that's okay ._. Feel free to correct me.))
"God damn it, if it were Stitch that done this in the first place why can't we just let him do what he did before or something?" Aria groaned. She saw that what she did had done something, but the spider was still as persistent as ever. It switched from attacking the two others to attacking her and Ryoko, and she blocked off the attack with her keyblade.

"Hurry up an' turn us back already! I'm pretty sure this spider is going to kick my ass!"

Maz looked at the others, unsure of what to do now that they were all doing something. She didn't want to act without guidance because, then, she would do something that would probably ruin everything. "U-Um, is there anything I can do?" She asked, though shyly.
"Yes attack the spider/scorpion/whatever thing!"

He kept trying to parry the machine, but it seemed stronger then ever.... He looked back to Aria.

"You know, you are right! Stitch, get over here and press random buttons!"

Stitch nodded as huge smile appeared on his face, he loved pressing random buttons.

"Tookie bah wah!"

He shouted as he jumped forth and began pressing all sorts of buttons like some crazy little maniac as lights and beeps began activating all over the machine.


The Forgotten woman smiled.

"I am Queen, your guide to your final destination in the Lost World."

She lifted her hand as she pointed to a cabin in the distance.

"You will all die here and I shall watch."

She let out a small chuckle as her body broke apart into blocks and then shot into the sky.
Sage looked toward the cabin, studied it curiously from where she stood, then turned around to respond to Queen, but frowned when the creature left before she could,

"Oh man," she turned to the group, giving them all a worried expression. "Should we go?" She put a hand on her chest. "Part of me says we should check it out in case something important's there. But another part of me says to leave it because it's probably a trap." Oddly, the girl couldn't stop glancing at the rabbit- it was just so... weird, seeing an animal walk and talk like a human being- yet alone carry a gun. She found it almost... cute. Sage held back the urge to touch his ear as she waited for feedback.
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Zack kept his eyes on the blocks of the Forgotten woman who had named herself 'Queen' as she shot into the sky. He couldn't help but feel that this would be very important. Was she planning on making herself fire back down like a meteor shower, or was there something else to her sudden action? Zack decided it best to keep his eyes on her rather than anything else at the moment. Still...he had wondered about the cabin she pointed to. Anyone would suspect it as a trap, but Queen plainly stated that they would die here, she mentioned nothing about the cabin, or at least out loud. He wondered if that was important...
Noticing the Queen break into blocks and fly up to the sky, Noah decides to use this time to assess every ones physical status. "Does anyone need healing before she comes back. She might be gone for now, but probably to rally forces."
Sage smiled to Noah reassuringly and shook her head, "I think I'm good. How about you?"

The girl looked to everyone else curiously, her gaze stopping on Zack and his concerned expression. She followed his gaze up where the eerie Queen had ascended, then stared there for a moment, waiting for something to happen. After all, the woman was pretty vague about everything and, in all honesty, what villain WASN'T vague about their point or plot or... whatever. The main idea was that the Queen was planning something and it was gonna happen here- which meant at or around the cabin. An idea hit her,

"Hey, we should probably move... The lady never specified when we were gonna supposedly 'die', right? We might get attacked on the spot if we stay in one place."
Zack looked at the girl named Sage. She had a good point, and it followed along with his hypothesis, but if something significant were to happen here, there should be someone to monitor it. With a sigh, he stood up and looked Sage in the eye. He swallowed back his nervousness, there as a difference between being social and doing your duty. "You have a good point...but if something important happens here then someone needs to watch it. I-if no one objects, I'd be fine doing it myself..." Zack let out a small breath of relief. He actually said something pretty good this time, plus he only stuttered once. He waited for an answer, hoping for the best.
Sage tipped her head to the side and smiled worriedly. "Right, but... In my opinion, I don't think it would be smart to do it alone. And if not, why not all of us just go together to that cabin? If it's one thing I learned back at the Academy, splitting up should be the last resort- IF it gets that bad." The girl twiddled her thumbs while looking around at everyone, secretly wondering why Zack kept grabbing his arm.
Zack sighed then gripped his arm a little tighter. Looking down, he replied almost sadly, "It's ok...positions like these are the ones I typically assume on missions..." He sat back down and looked back up at where Queen had escaped to. He didn't say anything after that. One could only assume what he was thinking about, and one could only wonder why he seemed so bothered by something else.
(( O.o I was gonna wait to see if anyone else was gonna put their input. :D But okay!)) 
After a long silence, Sage walked to Zack and stood him back up.

"Then your assumed position now will to come with me and actually check it out. Anyone else willing can come too. Let's go."

The girl started her way toward the mysterious cabin, putting her game face on. She glanced at Zack from time to time. She never really talked to him before at the Academy since he was always so quiet. It didn't matter now, the more the merrier. No one was safe alone. For all Sage knew, this was a big ugly trap. Agh, who was she kidding? The whole world was a trap.

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