Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

Noah has a slight look of worry on his face. "Perhaps the Queen teleported us here. We shouldn't waste time in here, we have to find a way to get out. I am not supportive of the blast a hole plan because the blast could cause us to lose balance and fall off the cliff." Noah looks around. "I think our best option is one that includes flying. Can anyone fly or make something that can fly from the materials that we have?"
Maz waved her hand into the air as flying was mentioned. “Moko-Moko can fly! But he can't very well take more than two people at a time...” It was sort-of inefficient, but she supposed the cat was made for her and only her, since it wasn't all that strong a flyer.
"Well, then perhaps you can look around and take a better look at our surroundings outside? Hopefully there is an area where you can drop people off on, even though its one or two people at a time." Noah said to Maz.
"Ok, Maz I'd say you fly out of here. I wouldn't suggest blowing a hole, but we need to get out of here before this thing t..."

Kazan suddenly noticed he was standing diagonally as he was sliding down.

"Oh cr-"

Suddenly the entire cabin tipped over as Kazan and the others immediately went smashing into the side wall, as the cabin smashed against the wall ricocheting them around like a pinball machine as it continued to tumbled, it's walls being smashed in as windows exploded with glass flying everywhere, broken pieces of furniture flew everywhere.

Kazan smashed into a wall as he tried to stop himself, but he was just flung around.


He cast the air shield spell around him to keep himself from being beaten anymore as a trickle of blood ran down his nose from being smashed against the wall so many times.

"We need to cushion the cabin's fall somehow or we are all going to die!"
He managed to yelled out as he was flung around again, everything happening so fast.
"Stopga!" Noah calls out. The spell only slows the cabin's momentum down but it soon regains it. "Do you think a bunch of blizzard spells could make a ramp of ice and we could slide down? Like a person on a skateboard?" Noah shouts to the others.
Aria slid all the way to the front of the cabin, hit the wall, then flew all the way to the back of the cabin due to momentum. For a few seconds her vision blurred and she felt dazed. And it gone away for her to make sense of everything. An ice slide? She shook her head. “No... How would we be able to when we're like this?” She said, mentioning them flying around.
"If perhaps people were to use an aero spell to accelerate a blizzard spell to hit the ground before us, we could form an ice slide like formation!" Noah shouted above the rushing wind as the cabin continues falling.
"No, we'll never be able to inside the cabin. Everyone, just launch Stop, Balloon and Aero spells, any damn spells that will help as strong as you can to try soften the impact and pray we survive!"

Kazan's keyblade glowed as cast Aeroga on everyone and prayed for the best, knowing it was too late as the cabin went spinning towards the bottom of the crevice and too their doom.
"Remember: it's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop." Ryoko said as he was bouncing around inside the cabin. "You forgot one thing on your list: Zero graviga!" He casted the zero gravity spell in hopes that it would slow down the cabin. That or make all of the other things in there, possibly the others, float. "I knew I should have taken the 'negate fall damage' perk."

Tatakau was still in the chair until it broke under her from bouncing around everywhere. However, unlike the others, she was able to stabilize herself in the air, spreading her arms and legs out to increase her air resistance (she seemed to have a lot of experience with falling) and fall at the same rate as the cabin, making it appear as if she were floating from their viewpoint. They seemed to have it under control. Besides; what could she do?
Noah nodded at Kazan's plan and began casting gravity and aero spells refilling his mana with potions. "Gravity! Aero! Stopga!"
It was an unusual site, seeing a cabin as it rolled down a chasm, it's wall smashing against the spiked rocked as it bounced off into the air for a few seconds before coming down on a new wall to have it's very foundations smashed to pieces and it's walls torn apart as glass flew everywhere and it's structure slowly broke apart.

It finally landed into ground with a huge crash as a myriad of dust flew up creating a huge cloud, that flew up into a mushroom shape that was visible from a distance. The blob of sharp wood spikes, sticking out everywhere, looking like some bad impressionistic artwork was barely recognizable as once being a cabin. As it lay now still on the ground, in pieces but still together as one structure, barely.

Kazan's hand slowly drifted out of wood shrapnel and junk as he dug his way out, forcing his torso into the freedom as he took a deep gasp of breath, the air around him was dusty and painful, but better than no air at all. His chest hurt as he breathed as he coughed up some blood, pulling himself out more, gashes along his body as he pulled out his legs, tearing them against some shrapnel.

His first thought was if everyone was ok, he wanted to ask and check. He had to check, but he just immediately collapsed in pain. He slowly lifted himself up with one wobbly arm as the pain ached in his muscles.


He mumbled out inaudibly, so lowly no one could hear.

"Is everyone ok?"

He called out louder with all his strength and began looking around frantically to see if everyone was alive.
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Noah crawls out from the wreckage and looks down at his body. There were a numerous amount of cuts and bruises. His chest was impaled with glass pieces. He slowly, tediously and painfully took them out. After he gets the last one out he hears Kazan weakly shouting. With the last of his energy, Noah shouts out "Curaga!" and heals his wounds before collapsing from exhaustion.
"Okay, spells seem to work way differently than in KH:3D."

"We just fell from an impossible height inot a wreckage of wood, glass, and metal, and you're asking if we're okay?" Ryoko said weakly from under the wreckage. He then used a cure spell on himself before jumping out of the wreckage. "Never felt better!" He said without sarcasm, "And I was wondering if I was the only one who actually uses cure spells."

Tatakau was also under the wreckage just like everyone else. She seemed to be less hurt than everyone else, so she was able to climb to the top of the wreckage. She looked around the area, holding her left arm with her right.
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(Actually Cure spells can only be directed on one person... Yes you can do team mates, but you can only do one target at a time and Noah did it on himself. So you'll edit that and we'll post assuming you cast it on yourself and only yourself, since you can't cast on Tat as well.

I know you seem to think cure spells are a magical thing that fix everything but no, even in the game they have limits. That damage if in a game would have brought us down to like 1 hp, so now we've just been healed to have our damage out of the red zone.

Furthermore, even if that is how it worked in the game. It should be obvious I would say no, this is an RP and we want to have fun. If it was that easy it would be lame and the whole ordeal we experienced wouldn't be as serious or terrifying, not mention have the effect it is meant to have on the next plot. In games it works, because you need it survive and it works to keep the game fun, but still challenging. In an RP, it doesn't work that way. I would assume you would have the intelligence to know that.

If it worked exactly like in the game, I would have to also give you an MP limit to keep you from casting too many spells as well as hp so when you got hit enough, you die. But no this an RP based on the game's story, not the game itself. I expect you to use your brains to know the difference and when it shouldn't be that easy.)

"Sorry, I meant is everyone alive. I'm guess I'm kinda shaken by having been dropped off a cliff!"

He got up as he quickly cast a Cura on himself, healing some of his wounds as they began to slightly close up. He still collapsed to the ground, even a spell as powerful as Curaga couldn't full heal the damage. While the wounds had closed, they were still very damaged and it would take time to fully recover.

After Ryoko and Tat over display of energy, they soon collapsed even more drained then before. One found it hard to believe they thought it was that easy, that while Cure can help heal wounds and restore some energy the damage is still there, this wasn't just some game where they could magically heal themselves perfectly after some damage, that would be too easy and boring.

Kazan weakly kicked away some wreckage with as much energy as he could muster

"Aria, rabbit, Maz, Stitch, you guys ok?"

Kazan went over to check on them as he found Stitch and helped dig him out of some rubbage.

Stitch smiled as he came out of the wreckage all hurt.


He said with a smile.
Ryoko flopped down into the wreckage. "Man, I thought that a 3rd level cure spell would totally heal me. It's like playing D&D 4th edition with the 3rd edition rulebook." He said as he got into a sitting position, waiting for the curaga spell to recharge. Tatakau was looking into the distance when she noticed two figures connected by a chain coming down the cliff. They using small footholds and ledges to safely swing downwards, and they seemed to be having fun. One of them slammed its fist into the ground as it landed, causing a puff of dust to block their view as the other one was reeled in. A silhouette of a childlike boy and girl could be seen in the dust. As the dust cleared, they could see that they were made of wood. They were very doll-like in appearance. The girl's left arm and the boy's right arm were replaced by a connecting chain, while the boy's left hand was replaced by a imitation wood keyblade. The girl spoke first:

"Prepare for trouble!"

"And make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"



"Team Queen blasts off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"
Kazan huffed in exhaustion as he helped Aria, the rabbit and Zack out of the wreckage when he felt something land behind the group as he turned around to see two strange figures, Forgotten. Two connected by a chain, this was definitely a strange set of Forgotten.

"Oh come on, we just fell off a cliff. Can't we even get a few seconds to get ourselves together!" Kazan yelled at the duo in irritation, he knew by the fact that they spoke that they were not only intellegent, but strong. The more powerful Forgotten were like that, sent by Queen to destroy them...
"Actually, we are going to give you a few seconds to get yourselves together." Zoku, the boy forgotten, said calmly. "Apparently that guy's memories made me a bit genre savvy. The good guys win in the end, the worf effect, that kind of stuff. I know you're going to win or, at the very least, not die. For that reason, we're going to wait until you're at your full power. What's better; being beaten by people who are heavily wounded after falling off of a cliff, or being beaten by someone who was at their strongest?" "Besides, fighting people who can't fight back isn't very fun." Setsu, the girl forgotten, added. "That too. If you need us, we'll be getting an arena laid out. See ya." Zoku said before turning and walking away. "Can't wait to kill ya!" Setsu said cheerfully before following Zoku. 
Ryoko was still shocked at how the forgotten looked. That means that he and the woman he found are... hopefully just related. Although that was nothing compared to that reference they made. "That... Was... Awesome!" He said, "Did you see that entrance?! Not only did they make a reference, it made sense within context! They could have made a better team name though..."

Tatakau was still shocked at how the forgotten looked. That means that she and that idiot are... hopefully just related. She noted that the personalities between them seemed to be opposite; While Ryoko is an idiot who can't hold himself back, Zoku was intelligent and collected. While she was cold, Setsu was cheerful. She wondered if that meant anything and was too deep in thought to hear Ryoko talking about how cool their entrance was.
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Noah regains consciousness as he hears the two new Forgotten leave. "Ugh." He manages to get up and looks around. He walks over to the group. "Who were they?" Noah said with a groan Noah pulls out a health potion and drinks it healing himself a bit more. He rummages through his pockets and pulls out broken glass and one barely intact health potion. "Anyone want a health potion? I would have more but they broke on the fall." Noah said offering the health potion.
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Neku awoke to a loud crashing noise in the near distance. He looked at his surroundings, and felt pretty disoriented. "What..? Where am I?" He thought. "Wh-where did all of my pins go?! I swore I had more than this..." He looked up just in time to see a dust cloud form a short distance away.. He started thinking again. "Whoa! I wonder what that was. I should check it out... But.... what if it's just a group of Noise? ... Well, it sucks for them. I've got nowhere else to go." Wanting answers, he put on his headphones, and ran towards the now-dissipating dust cloud.

He made it to an edge of a cliff, and noticed a group at the bottom, as well as some ruined building. "Well.... here goes nothing." He jumped off the edge, and clutched the "Flames Afar, Foes Aflame" pin. He gently hovered down, choosing only to use one half of the pin's psych.
Kazan just raised his brow as he looked at Ryoko.

"Figures your Forgotten would be as big a freak as you.... Just weird..."

He wasn't sure whether to be happy they had a chance to rest, not that it would do much good or be annoyed that he was about to be attacked stupid enough to give them a break. He doubted they would be allowed to do that, they were going to be in trouble.

Kazan swung around as another creature floated down.

"Another one to attack us! Isn't two enough! But three!!!!"

He summoned Dragon heart, his Keyblade as he pointed it at the guy, but slowly lowered as he saw it didn't seem puppet like.


Queen rolled her eyes as she stared into the center of the empty well.

"Those two, they have already forgotten their mission."

She did a facepalm, as she nodded to some unknown voice.

"Yes, we knew all along they would screw this up. It's in their nature, besides we expected this. None of the others have destroyed even one of them yet, it was obvious those two can't. They were only ever part of the plan, just a first wave, a distraction. Now it's time to finish this off!"

She smiled as she laughed an elegant and quick little chortle, full of dark and evil intention.
(I'm going to say that he has his 3 pins pinned on the front of his shirt and they can only work when they touch him or are pinned onto his clothes [they do in the game presumably]) Neku floated all the way down, and landed in front of Kazan. "Quiet down... talk about noise." He sighed, while pinning the "Flames Afar, Foes Aflame" pin onto the front of his shirt with the other two.. "I'm not here to pick any fights, i'm wondering where I am." He said. "..And come to think of it, I don't remember how i got here either." He thought. He slipped his hands into his pockets, and looked Kazan in the eye. "So....Got any answers?"
Kazan let Dragon Heart disappear knowing he was another lost.

"You are in the Lost World, you have been drawn here like so many others to be killed by Forgotten. So you either join us in the fight to survive against the Forgotten or die. I don't care anymore..."

(A harsh reality and thing for Kazan to do, but since this is pretty much the idea for the game Neku is in he should take it well...)
Aria grumbled under of all of the rubble. She attempted to pick herself out of it, but then decided not to after, of course, being met with the pain that lingered through her body. How was she still alive?

She blissfully chose to stay there in the rubble until another teammate, who had hopefully healed up and hadn't forgotten her, took her out ximself.

She could feel the debris above her shift and lighten, as if the weight were getting lighter. It wasn't long before she was pulled out of the broken wood.

“Much appreciated. I'm alright. Have been worse, emotionally so.” She replied, in response to Kazan's question. She looked around her body and had, like everyone else should have, many fragments of wood and glass sticking out from her skin. She moved away from the group, but not so far, so she could take them out, as painful as that was.

But she left herself that way. She seemingly didn't bother using cure or a stronger variant of it. She left her wounds open and just sat there. Watching everything else happen. The appearance of yet another forgotten (rather a pair bound by a chain), and another person who had been unwillingly dragged from xis world to join their group of keyblade weilders, nobodies, and other people who similarly were world-napped. Nostalgic, wasn't it?

Maz moaned. She awoke to the sound of Moko-Moko furiously clawing it's way through all of the rubble to make a little opening for it's master to crawl through. After a few minutes or so of that, Maz and Moko-Moko had successfully reached the outside. Maz's hair was covered in dirt and webs, but not so much fragments of the things in the cabin were stuck into her body. It seemed Moko-Moko took most of the blow for her.

Maz felt over the top of her head. She noticed her hat was missing. She let out a spoiled pout and turned to the pile with disdain. “I lost my hat in there!” Maz didn't want to send Moko-Moko to retrieve it; it had done too much already. But, her hat felt too important to leave behind. So she happily looked for it herself, where she had been when the cabin hit the ground.
"Ok, so I say we get the heck out of here before the dynamic duo of stupidity comes back."

Kazan looked to the group, as he quickly stared off into the distance where the two Forgotten had gone off, thankfully they would be too far off to hear or see them. They had gone to do who knows what.

"I say we rest and recover, we are in no state to fight. We run away, take some time to heal and then when they chase us, we will take them down after we are at full strength. Ryoko, since they seem to be you and your girlfriend's Forgotten I'll understand if you want to stay and fight them. However I'd prefer to do it all full strength."

With that he straighten his back with wince of pain, as Stitch jumped up on his shoulder.

"You guys are welcome to stay. I'm outta here!"

Kazan began walking in the opposite direction of the Forgotten.
"I've been dead a few times before, you know... not a pleasant experience." He looked around, and saw that everyone looked beat-up. "I'll choose to fight, if it will get me back to my home world, Shibuya, sooner... what is a "forgotten"?

(I meant to post this yesterday but apparently it wasn't posted ^)

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