Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

Noah notices a strange, small, alarm clock like Forgotten. Noah quickly assumes when it stops clicking that something bad will happen. Unfortunately it will stop in what he assumed five seconds. Noah quickly uses another spell on it. "Stopga!" as the ticking stopped three seconds before it reached 12 o'clock. He then picks it up and throws it at a group of Forgotten releasing the Stopga as it flies through the air. The Ticker lands in the group of Forgotten and release a huge explosion easily taking them out and damaging others around.
Ryoko looked as more forgotten were summoned. He laughed even more. "That's how you answer me? Bring in even more? You've made them even weaker than before!" He reached into his pouch and pulled out a scouter. Putting it on, he could see what was going on better. He could see that some of the wreckage was different than the others. "Clever." He said as he launched a firaga spell at the Br0ken, which dissipated as it hit.

Tatakau charged towards one of the tickers, grabbed their clock hand, and kicked the ticker away, tearing the clock hand off. She then threw the clock hand like a dart to tear the spin cap's cloth holding the bombs, causing them to drop on a group of forgotten below it. After beating that group of forgotten, she ran up to a Mr. fixit and grabbed an arm in each hand. She then kicked the fixit's body, tearing its arms off. She them jumped up and stomped on the fixit's body.
(Remember guys, we are fighting an army. So you have to take hits as well! If you don't, I will...)

Kazan instinctively jumped out of the way as a Blockhead tried to slam him with it's fists crushing him. As he dodged, three Jugglers threw exploding balls at him which he was forced to deflect by casting Aero as he was still blown back.

A group of Wheelies began surrounding him as they circled him.

"Ok, enough of this! Time to show why I was the fire spell specialist, Raging Storm!"

Three tornadoes of flame burst up around Kazan as they began to spin around and burned the Wheelies around him as they turned to dust.

He then burst into flames as performed a Fire Dash as he shot forward like a bullet slashing through a Spin Cap that flew towards him as he left a burning skid mark.

A BlockHead then appeared behind him as he bought his Keyblade towards it as the blade struck against it's hard body and bounced off as the BlockHead body slammed Kazan back.
(I'm not going to be active this friday through monday. Just thought I should say so.)

Neku Slashed through a few of the forgotten, and lit another few on fire. He watched them slow gradually until they stopped moving. He felt a presence behind him, and quickly turned around to be greeted by a blockhead opening the door on its chest. He jumped backwards, but got hit by a Meager. He quickly disposed of the meager, and then used the ice attack on the blockhead.
"Man, if i could use any technique from Gensokyo, this battle would be over 10 seconds ago." Ryoko said as he used the scouter to look for suitable opponents. He saw some of the tickers running around. The clock strikes twelve, everything goes boom. Coincidence? Either way, one was advancing towards him. "Allow me to show you why I am called a dimension lord." He said as he took a cue ball out of his pouch. He threw it up in the air, held his keyblade like a pool stick, and hit the ball towards the ticker. The ball hit the ticker right in the center where it all rotated, jamming the clock. He felt good of himself until he was hit by a wheelie from behind, knocking him over on his face. He got up only to see that it was charging at him again. "Headlight and rear exhaust." He closed his eye that wasn't covered by his scouter and waited for it to get close. The wheelie flashed the headlight at Ryoko to blind him and make him easier to hit, but his eyes were protected and he was able to do a penetrating stab like a fencer through the wheelie. "Touche."

After throwing the Mr. fixit's arms at the spin caps that she made unload its cargo, Tatakau charged towards a meager. She kicked its body, forcing it to the ground, then gripped the joint between the head and the body, ripping its head clean off. She threw it at another spin cap since they have the easiest self-destruct mechanism to utilize. This time she shot it straight at the cargo, setting them off and destroying the spin cap as well as any forgotten unfortunate enough to be near it. As she looked over the hoarde of forgotten, she saw some blockheads. They looked stronger than the others; why not. As she ran towards it, she snatched up a ticker and forced the clock hand to go to 11:00 before throwing it at the blockhead for massive damage, knocking it down. What she lacked in projectile attacks she made up for in improvising. Using enemies as ammo is fun and pulling limbs off forgotten is so satisfying.
((Gahh sorry. So, yeah, here's my post.))

Aria was only further angered by Queen, who had oh-so addressed that the Meager infront of her was not the only one. As Aria hit the Meager away with her keyblade, another dropped down in it's place. She gave out a snarl, and wacked that one out of the way as well.

But that just wasn't all. Forgotten, a whole lot of them, began raining from the sky. Aria looked up, and saw something that utterly stunned her.

It was like an army of forgotten. One after the other they landed. In no time, she and the group had been surrounded. The ones she saw weren't only the ones from previous encounters. There were several new ones. Some of them looked especially dangerous. Aria backed up and then realized that she couldn't get out of this situation.

“You've gotta be kidding me...”

Aria bit the lower part of her lip. Her hands fell to her sides. She didn't know if she would make it through this.

...but if she trusted her abilities...

She could atleast survive through for a while. Her head shot back up. All at once she rushed out infront of her, at the crowd of forgotten.


Maz set her gaze upon the newly-arriving forgotten. On the plus side, she could record all of the new forgotten in her enchanted Grimoire, but to fight every single forgotten that was there was simply impossible to do. But as she had stated earlier, they needed to fight. So they were.

“Moko-Moko, let's get them!”


“Moko-Moko, Buzzards!”

Moko-Moko faced the forgotten infront of it's master and fired several circular saws at them. It pierced through just one or two, but defeated the one. The other was left standing.

“Let's go!” Maz ran up to Moko-Moko to catch it while it flew into the air. There, they saw many Spin Caps dropping bombs down. “That can be useful.” Moko-Moko targeted one, letting Maz off onto the ground, then got into a little tangle with it, before it bit and scratched it dead. It absorbed the remains, and picked Maz back up again, to do this process repetitively.


Aria pushed her way into the crowd, and knocked them away with concentrated keyblade swings. She stopped in the middle of it, to knock one of the Tickers up into the air. The act made the forgotten spin uncontrollably, leaving Aria to leap up to it and knock it elsewhere, where it exploded and did quite of bit of damage to the forgotten in that area.

When Aria dropped down, she was immediately rammed by a Wheelie into another group of forgotten. The impact hurt, and she gave off a groan in response.
(I specifically made it all Forgotten so Moko-Moko could finally fill her pages all the way up, enjoy! Sorry, I was away all weekend. Went away for the weekend with family.)

Kazan was getting beaten by Forgotten, he was bashed aginst his side by BlockHeads and Wheelies. He flew back as he glided past them, getting some distance only for an exploding Ticket to jump in front of him and send him flying back. He rolled along the ground as he got up.

"Firaga Burst!"

He growled in rage as his fangs bared and his eyes slitted again, he growled like an animal as he formed a huge fireball and then shot it up towards the sky. He then jumped up into the air as he used a Mr. Fixit as footing and jumped off a BlockHead's back for mroe height as he reached giant fireball and smashed it with his Keyblade causing it to explode into a rain of fireballs that shot down like meteors into the Forgotten, destroying a whole bunch.

He then glided down and began slicing through Forgotten in a most vicious manner, growling like a beast as he did before.

While the group was killing loads of Forgotten, they were taking damage and barely making a dent. They could not keep this up forever and not to mention the duo had a little plan of their own...
Noah was casting flurries of spells at the Forgotten. There seemed to be no end in sight, and so limited amount of strength. A Ticker almost goes off but Noah quickly repelled it with an Aero but was still caught in the blast radius. Noah gets back up covered in ash and debris. Casting another Thundaga spell shocking multiple Forgotten in an area. "Anyone have any ideas? It seems to be a grim battle."
"We should do another team attack. If there's anything that my travels have taught me, it's that the power of friendship is second only to the power of twu wuv." Ryoko said before rolling out of the way of some bombs dropped by a spin cap, "We should do four zero gravizas and combine them to create a massive black hole. Then we should do four tundagas so that the range would intersect like the center of a venn diagram. That way it would strike them four times and chain to one next to them, hitting each at an average of eight times."

As the blockhead tried to get up, Tatakau jump-kicked its arm, causing it to spin onto its back. She then grabbed its hand and jumped onto the blockhead's back back with it. She pulled as hard as she could and tore the arm of behind its back. She then threw the arm into the air, jumped up to it (which pushed the blockhead against the ground), spun the arm around to build up momentum, and then threw it at the downed blockhead at full force, replacing the blockhead with a large crater. As she landed, she was hit by a juggler's energy bomb, causing her to get knocked back a bit. She also saw that a buzzard was charging at her, blade spinning. Perfect. When it got close enough, she clapped her hands together on the buzzard's sides, crushing it. She then separated the saw from the rest of the body and threw it at the juggler, slicing it, and any other forgotten behind it, in two. "'Grim'? This is fun!" She said before running towards more forgotten.
Kazan nodded towards Ryoko, he agreed with the two battle strategies. Who would have thought Ryoko could have good ideas. He was shocked... But he did some to have a bit of a flare for using magic, but only in advanced terms. He seemed dull on the basics... somehow....

"Right, I'll start!"
He slashed through a Meager and Juggler.

"Zero Graviga!"

He cast the spell as a huge black ball of energy appeared in the sky as Kazan collapsed, gravity spells were exceptionally difficult and one like Zero Graviga was a mission, he was better at flame spells...
Noah nods his head at Ryoko. He notices Kazan cast his graviga and collapse. Eager to help his team mate, Noah quickly casts his Zero Graviga. This made him tired as well but he rushes over to Kazan's body casting fireaga to blast away a Meager about to attack him. "Ryoko! It's your turn to cast a Graviga!" Noah shouts. "Kazan is down and my Curaga is still charging up."
Kazan grumbled, pushing Noah away.

"I'm fine, just concentrate on yourself!"

As Kazan pushed Noah away, Noah could feel his skin was extremely hot, almost as if it was a stove. He could feel much more being an ice master, but he could tell Kazan's skin was much hotter than it was suppose to be.

He grumbled as he got up and swung his blade out using a Fire Raid as the Keyblade burst into flame, and shot outwards like a boomerang. He aimed to slice through four Meagers, but fell short as sliced through three and the blade bounced off the fourth as it returned to him, not having disposed of it's target.
Noah looks worriedly at Kazan. "Are you sure? You seem a little... fatigued." Noah blocks a Juggler attack with an arrow and kills it with a Thundaga spell. As more Meager's piled up around him, Noah casts Blizzaga freezing all of them. He then casts Thundaga to course through all the ice shocking all the Forgotten.
“Some people are better at certain types of magic, Noah.”

Aria pushed her way through to the others just as soon as she heard them from getting rammed into. She whirled around, almost into the ‘combatting thousands of forgotten’ mood, and swung the keyblade at the meager that had not been defeated by the Fire Raid.

“Sorry to say, but I'm more of a physical person than a magical person.” She looked up to see the black-hole-in-progress. She momentarily took the time to add her own Zero Graviga to it, but, it was rather feeble and incomplete. She hadn't practiced using gravity moves much. “... If that helps...”


Maz had retrieved enough Spin Caps. While flying from Moko-Moko's arms, she pointed down and shouted, “Use them on that group over there!” Moko-Moko shot bombs out of it's mouth, getting rid of some forgotten in a line. It swooped down to retrieve the remains. “That's it for the common forgotten, isn't it? Drop down near the others... I wanna look at the data.” Moko-Moko did as told, and swooped down to meet with the rest.
Ryoko wasn't sure why the zero graviga spells were draining them; creating black holes came naturally to him. I guess you could say that he was a dimensional specialist. He walked under the black hole and raised his keyblade. "Zero graviza." He said, adding his black hole into theirs. He then stepped back so he could do a thundaga spell when it was time.

Tatakau charged at another blockhead since they probably wouldn't be sucked in to the black hole. Before she could reach it, the blockhead's body opened and its head rolled towards her like a bowling ball. She braced herself and pushed against the head, skidding backwards before stopping. After she stopped, she punched at the wooden head's eye, breaking a hole into it. She then grabbed the edges of the hole and pulled, breaking the head in two. This seemed to have an effect on the body as it stopped moving. "Who's next?!" She yelled at the other forgotten.
The black hole began to form as the four spells warped together and began to swirl around. It began to suck in Forgotten, starting with Meagers as two got sucked in. It's pull got stronger as it started pulling in more Forgotten.

However as it's gravitational force got stronger, it suddenly began to pull in the Keyblade Wielders and the Nobody as they began to feel the pull as they saw the smaller Forgotten being sucked.

"Everyone hold on!"

Kazan slammed his Keyblade in the ground, burying it deep for grounding as he held on as he was pulled in. His body lifted up as he held onto his Keyblade to prevent from being sucked in as the force became only stronger and stronger.
Ryoko could feel the pull the black hole had on him and stuck his keyblade into the ground. Maybe he put in a little too much force into it. Apparently the gravity spell was now strong enough to pull in advanced-level creatures as well as basic-level ones. That is why the spell seems to have friendly fire turned off; allies are advanced-level. Fortunately, that means that the blockheads would be pulled in as well.

Tatakau could also feel the force of the black hole. She flattened her hand and struck it into the ground like a spear in order to stay rooted on the ground. She punched any forgotten that got too close to her as she waited for the black hole to wear out.
Noah felt the sudden tug of the Graviga spell. It acted very similar to a black hole. Gaining more mass and then more gravity with the more mass it consumes. Acting quickly Noah casts slams half of hiss staff into the ground and solidifies it there with a blizzard spell. His body lifted up as well. Noah held fast to the staff as the Graviga's began sucking in more Forgotten.
Kazan held on as best as he could as the Black Hole faded taking in a huge portion of Forgotten with it. It then faded as Kazan's feet dropped to the ground as he took a deep breath as he heard Forgotten falling to the ground.

He turned his head expecting to see a lot of Forgotten gone, but instead he couldn't even see a difference. There was just hundreds of Forgotten everywhere. It looked like they hadn't even made a dent.

"This is insane, we can't win like this..."

Suddenly three BlockHeads landed on him, pushing him down with their massive hands as they began to crush his body.

He could feel his bones slowly bending as they crushed the ground beneath him. His eyes slitted as he growled lowly. Dragon Heart disappeared from it's spot in the ground, reappearing in his hand as Kazan sliced through one of the BlockHead's hands freeing himself as he launched at them like some wild animal and attacked them with his Keyblade.
When the black hole had appeared, Neku used the chain psyche and created a long chain that attached to one of the cliffs surrounding them. He held onto the chain as long as he could, but he felt his hands start to slip. Suddenly, the black hole disappeared, and so did the chain. Neku landed on the ground with a thump and looked up from his position, seeing that there were still hundreds of forgotten.

"Ugh.... How are we supposed to win this fight?" He thought. He shook his head. "No. I'm not going to give up."
After the black hole dissipated, Tatakau yanked her arm from the ground, taking a chunk of the ground out in the process. She was insulted by what Kazan said about the battle. "Are you kidding? We're winning!" She said as she threw the chunk of ground at one of the blockheads that attacked Kazan but not the one he was attacking at the time. "If you don't have the heart to keep on fighting, then you don't deserve to be called a warrior!"

Ryoko was still leaning on his keyblade, although his position was relaxed rather than leaning on it to keep himself up. As he watched Kazan attack the blockheads, he reminisced. "Remember when blockheads were a problem?" He said. "When was that; yesterday? Strange how much power we've gained in such a short time." Bit-Blade then dissipated into smaller cubes and moved from the ground to his hand where it reformed. He was leaning on air now, but he wasn't falling. He straightened up and held his keyblade in front of him. "Bit-Blade: depixelate." The cubes then started to detach and swirl around him. He pointed at a group of forgotten. "Special move: Pixel storm!" The cubes raced towards the group of forgotten and moved wildly, hitting the group from multiple directions multiple times.

Setsu and Zoku had climbed to the top of the cliff that the group had fallen off of earlier. They looked down at the battle and saw that there were some forgotten left. That wouldn't do; what they had planned would hit the rest of the forgotten as well. While that would eliminate the distribution of ninjutsu, they didn't want to help them further by freeing more memories for other people. They waited on top of the cliff for their chance to strike, baking up to make sure they wouldn't be visible from the battle.
When the Graviga closes and fades away Noah's body plops back onto the ground. He breaks his staff from the ground and gets back up with a mild grunt of effort. A Juggler that wasn't swept into the Graviga caught Noah by surprise and pummeled him. Noah quickly casts a fireaga and incinerates the Forgotten. "Ouch. This is really tiresome." Noah couldn't help but complain due to a number of Forgotten still left.
(Yes I forgot about Stitch, OK! :( )

Kazan rolled his eyes at the new girl's comment. She may have been very strong and a good fighter, but unlike Ryoko she clearly did not have a brain for battle. They were playing right into Queen's plan. They were just fighting, getting more and more exhausted while Forgotten got in lucky shots. We haven't even made a dent in them, while a lot of us have already used up so much of our energy.

He smirked, it wasn't in his nature to give up. Nope, not never. But if they didn't change tactics, they were going to lose... That was just plain obvious to anyone with a brain. He spun his Keyblade around as it burned with fire.

"Burning Ground Blaze!"

He slammed the Keyblade into the ground along it's length as it crushed the ground beneath and small pyres of flame began erupting around the battlefield, frying random Forgotten as he went along.

Stitch went skidding past chewing on a Meager's head as it ran past frantically. He had been attacking Forgotten in the distance, having a blast similar to Tat. He was shaving fun holding Forgotten limbs and shouting: "Meega nala kweesta!"

He tore off the Forgotten's head, and threw it at another as he jumped on a Wheelie and began crawling around it as the Forgotten tried franctically to grab him as it scuttled across his body. It wasn't long before Stitch was tearing pieces out until nothing but a pile of broken parts was left on the other side.

Stitch then jumped out, taking four blasters and firing shots out randomly at Forgotten, at times almost hitting the other heroes. Not due to aim, but due to over eagerness and not really caring.
Tatakau was still punching through all the forgotten that got in range. This battle was starting to get boring. The thrill of beating wooden constructs with their own limbs was gone. She wasn't getting tired either; her species didn't tire easily. She decided to let Stitch have his fun though. "Pull!" She said as she launched some forgotten into the air. It was like skeet shooting but with wooden things that are trying to kill them instead of clay discs.

"I've already come up with a plan to get rid of them; it's someone else's turn." Ryoko said as he continued his pixel storm. A random shot from Stitch's blaster hit his wrist, though, and the cubes fell to the ground. It caused a burn, but nothing too serious. He rotated his wrist and summoned the Bit-blade from the cubes. "The way I see it, I don't have a lot of options here. I'm not sure if I can power up. Heck, I wasn't even completely sure if I could use that pixel storm." He stabbed through one of the clock forgotten near him and threw it towards a group of forgotten advancing towards him, blowing them up. "Although 'keep on fighting' sounds good; it takes a long time for me to tire."
((Smash, you might want to continue with your forgotten. To get this going.))

Aria was half-expecting the black hole to actually pull the allies in as well. Why wouldn't it? Like nearly everyone else, she stuck her keyblade into the ground to keep herself from flying off into the black hole, which only stayed for a bit of time before disappearing altogether.

Maz had more difficulty with this, being lightweight with nothing but Moko-Moko as something to help her keep to the ground. In the effort to stay attached to the ground, she had Moko-Moko latch onto the earth so she could then hold on as much as she could to Moko-Moko before she was pulled in until the black hole had stopped.

There was near to no difference in the amount of forgotten. Aria grimaced, visibly annoyed but now lacking hope. There was no end to this fight, was there?

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