Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

"It's about time!"

Kazan groaned at her as he jumped up and brought his keyblade down on the head of a Meager who was sneaking up on them, destroying it.
Ryoko stopped singing and did a motion that looked like he was scribbling out something on an imaginary list. "I guess that goes to show that you shouldn't plan ahead more than five minutes." He said before taking out some more Forgotten. "You know, if she really wanted these to have a better chance of taking us out, she should have sent less than an army; probably a group of four or five. She either doesn't know the 'ninja army' effect, or wants to take us out personally. If she sent out for or five, then the plot would conceive those units to be powerful. A group like this is just full of redshirts."
Fyx began taking out Meager by Meager after Aria had called out she would be able to take F-IP herself. That's a relief... Fyx was about to kick a Juggler out of her way a tall man covered in white bandages caught her view and caused her to fall back on her rump. As the Juggler came onward to swarm her with three of it's electric blue orbs, she hurriedly rolled backwards, pushing hard on her palms which caused her to flip and land in a crouching position. She had regrouped farther from the Juggler's explosions so she took that small opening of time to look for the man that had invaded her peripheral vision.

As she frantically turned her way this way and that a few pieces of bandages blew away in the wind where she guessed he once stood. Who was that? She thought for a moment, but once again she was swarmed with the same Juggler who threatened to launch all three of his balls at once. A little peeved about the fact she missed that guy again, Fyx took Working Mech and proceeding to run forward, using it like a shield. "Mech Slam!"

The Juggler flew back into tiny dust particles before blowing away in the wind. The Keyblade Weilder turned back and continued to take out two Meagers that had been watching blandly at the scene.
"I admit, they are a bit weak to fight without numbers. If I had the will to do so, I would've gone on my own. Let's just say that they are distractors, so I can take out whoever I need to one-on-one." F-IP shrugged. She resumed her focus into battling this time, and honed her hands into Aria's vicinity. Aria tightened her grip on her keyblade and, closing her eyes, focused her defense all in one spot. She figured out, somehow, where F-IP was going to strike first, and she managed to successfully block off F-IP's defense. Using her flexibility, she shifted her body from its current position to push F-IP's hand in the opposite direction from where she was moving. She was going to strike from there.

F-IP also saw this movement. She twirled around to aim one of the spikes located on her torso at Aria. It extended and clashed with Aria's attack, causing Aria to struggle with her balance.
Suddenly one of the Meagers and Jugglers that Ryoko was fighting just broke apart into pieces without him even touching him. They then suddenly reformed into one Forgotten. They now were a two-headed Forgotten with 6 arms and much longer legs like stilts. It suddenly formed six explosive balls much larger than before as it's torso began to spin firing off the balls at high velocity.

"And don't you know the don't jinx it rule!"

Kazan yelled at Ryoko knowing it was all his fault.

"Fyx help the twit Ryoko, I'll help Aria."

He then raced next to Aria protecting her flank.

"You don't have to do this alone! Aero!"

He raised his Keyblade as a cyclone of wind formed around Aria protecting her from F-IP's attack and forcing her back, the cyclone then formed around her Keyblade to be used as she wished or to enhance one of her techniques.
Ryoko saw all of the Forgotten combine into one. "Hey, saying that it was my fault is like saying that guns kill people! I didn't do it, your Author did! Anyway we're still in no real danger, the official rule is that a group of ninjas split the power level of one ninja evenly between them, which is why one ninja is a deadly threat and an army is cannon fodder. Because we took out a good amount, the power level of the big one is lower than usual." He said. He then looked at Pyro with an annoyed look and said, "And yes, this rule applies to more than just ninjas." "Don't get any ideas." He then pointed his keyblade into the air and yelled, "Thunder! Fire! Ice!" As he yelled each element, a small orb of that element appeared around the tip of the keyblade, rotating around it. He then yelled "Together!" as he pointed it at the mid-boss. When he yelled "Tri attack!", all three elemental orbs launched towards the mid-boss, spinning around each other and forming one big white orb.
F-IP was sent back a great distance, ending up a great distance from the two. She wouldn't be able to reach them with her spikes. She grimaced.

"Ah, thank you~" Aria sang. The cyclone that had formed around her own keyblade now gave her an idea. "Maybe I will get used to this weapon after all." Aria took a running start towards F-IP. She held her keyblade behind her, and then used the wind to propel her faster, like a jet. When she got close enough to the dazed F-IP, she took the keyblade off of her back and spun frontwards, slashing down with her keyblade.
The two simultaneous collisions was incredible, as Ryoko's move connected with all of the combined Forgotten's many attacks and Aria and Kazan's combo hit F-IP both seemed to explode as the explosions then combined and the blast sent everyone flying as it completely disrupted the floating pedestals they were on.

The combined Forgotten was destroy with all the others, while F-IP was sent flying on her floating platform badly damaged.

Meanwhile the good guys were each sent flying on their spinning platforms which now each shot off uncontrollably for each to try stop before they were sent crashing into oblivion.
Ryoko was sent flying and was going to fall into the bottomless abyss. "Limit break" He said before suddenly disappearing and reappearing safely on the other side of the gap. "Well at least I took all of the Forgotten out in one hit. Now then... What?! I only got that much exp?! It would have been better if I had taken them all out one-by-one!"
"Goddammit..." F-IP suffered from the terrible damage done to her own body from the explosion, and from the attack. She even suffered from the torn pride of loosing to 'unmatured' opponents, and from the suspision of what would happen to her next. "Beaten by novices..."

Aria shrieked, not because she was scared, but because she couldn't reposition her body in the air. She was, instead, sent flying since the recoil of the cyclone was enough to make her light body soar. She could see where she was going to land, though. A large mass of land, and she was close to landing on the top, but instead she hit the side with her chin and painfully fell down a few feet. To prevent her from falling completely to her doom, she used her arms to grab onto the ground.
Kazan decided to jump off his platform as his body spun the scarf around his neck suddenly expanded and the cloth formed into wing like shapes as he sued that to stop his spin and glide down towards a more safer area.

"Is everyone ok?"

He yelled out to the others, holding some rock and checking the others were still ok.
"A few bumps and bruises, but nothing too bad." Ryoko said to Kazan as he walked over to Aria and offered her his hand to help her. "Also, sorry about earlier. My combat technique is to confuse the opponent and get them while they're distracted. While it is a good technique, it also makes me less of a team player as I also confuse my allies. I once beaten someone my having a power-reading device and convinced my opponent that his power level was much larger than it really was. Then, when he powered up, I pretended that his power level was dropping for some reason. He took the scouter off of my face and put it on to see what was happening, then I knocked him out!"
Fyx had finished taking out the smaller Forgotten and was just about to help Ryoko with the larger one he had jinxed upon them all, but that same bandaged man had shown up again, but this time he was only two feet away from her. Fyx took no time to question him, "Who are you!? What do you want?" Her hand gripped tighter around Working Mech until her knuckles turned a pale white. She was slightly aggravated by the bandaged man showing up and then leaving unexpectedly. It was frustrating when all she wanted was answers.

The man's face twisted behind the bandages into a cruel smile. That only ticked Fyx off even more. Why won't he answer me? Her teeth gritted silently and she went to take a step forward, but suddenly multiple explosions erupted around them and Fyx swayed slightly at the movement of her own pedestal. "Whoa..." She tried to keep her balance, but the recoil of the cyclone had sent her tumbling off her feet. Body hurdling towards the ground she willed Working Mech to disappear so she could try and position herself with both hands, but her stubborn Keyblade would not comply.

"You dumb thing! Go!" She shouted, but Mech seemed to have a mind of it's own as it's end aimed straight for the ground below. Before Fyx knew it she crashed to the ground lying helplessly on her back. "Ow.." She groaned then sat up holding her head groggily. As her eyes adjusted to her surroundings she heard Kazan shout if everyone was ok. "I'm alright," Fyx answered softly as she pushed herself onto her feet. Working Mech had disappeared and Fyx sighed heavily.
Aria hoisted her whole body upwards using her arms so she could be able to reach Ryoko's hand. She pulled her foot up firmly onto the chunk of rock she had grabbed onto, and grasped his hand with the corresponding arm. "Geez... That hurt..." Aria whined as she was being pulled up onto the stable ground. Once she was safely onto said ground, she rolled off and took deep breaths with her arms spread out. Exhausting both mentally and physically, she'd say.
"Good... now that we are stable ground. I suggest we try find somewhere safe and rest for a few hours. Regain our strength, we don't know when any of those talking Forgotten are going to return. If we don't get our energy back we won't be able to fight them off again.

I see some outcroppings in the distance, we should be able to find a cave nearby and make camp."

Kazan started heading towards the rocks in the distance.
"And off we go again..." Aria moaned. Aria wasn't exactly fond of caves, since she has had plenty of experiences with them in her hometown. Usually you'd find skeletons of people who were brave-- or stupid-- enough to enter and get themselves killed by animals, cursed skeletons, or both. They were teeming with danger, forget shelter. Forget Aria's natural fearlessness. "Do we really have to choose a cave to be in? What if there's some kind of hostile person in there, or a monster, or a forgotten we can't beat? I'm not scared or anything, but I'm cautious. "

Aria stood up to her feet, almost stumbling as she did so. She casually dusted herself off and fixed her chin such that it didn't hurt as much as it did a few seconds ago. She headed off to follow Kazan, despite her previous protest.
"Don't worry," Ryoko said to Aria as he followed Kazan, "We won't be in too much trouble as long as we don't split up or say 'What's the worst that can happen?'. I've been in this kind of situation many times before. If you're worried about something attacking us; we're the main protagonists! We aren't just some random redshirts whose whole reason of existence is to die, we either win, run away, or get knocked out and captured. The plot doesn't demand our deaths unless your author suddenly sees you as expendable."
Kazan looked at Ryoko.

"Um... you do know you just said it. So it will now take effect..."

He rolled his eyes, for someone who knew all these rules he was very bad at following them and very good at using them to get himself and the others into more trouble.

"Ok, we will be careful..."

He said reassuringly to Aria as he looked to the cave, it turns out it wasn't really a cave but rather just some ruins that had collapsed on themselves to form a cave.

"More ruins, this place is nothing but ruins and old stuff. I'm beginning to understand why this is where all the Forgotten appear, this whole place seems like it was Forgotten long ago.

Embedded at the apex of the cave was an old clock that had been part of a clock tower. The clock was stopped at exactly 12. Next to the cave ran a small river of dirty brown water which didn't smell but didn't exactly look safe to drink. Floating in the water were old gears that drifted along like lily pads.

Kazan looked in the cave as he remembered his promise to Aria. He summoned Dragon Heart and let off a fireball into the cave as it burst through lighting up the cave and to scare away anything bad. The flame faded into the darkness.

"See nothing, it's empty and saf-"

Kazan was interrupted before he could finish as suddenly an inhuman yelp roared from the cave with such force that seemed to shake the cave and send it dust blasting out towards the group.
"Hmm... stopped at exactly 12-o-clock... that might turn out to be relevant to the plot later." Ryoko said to himself before hearing the yelp from deeper inward. "How much are you willing to bet that the thing hates fire?" He summoned his bit-blade and looked away to avoid getting dust in his eyes. He then turned around to face where the sound came from.
Aria sighed. Knowing Kazan would be careful was reassuring, but it still didn't help the fact that this was a cave. Just to be safe, she slipped infront of the group with her keyblade hidden in her jacket sleeve.

When they finally reached some kind of wider opening, Aria was a bit stunned. It looked like something more ancient than any regular cave she had came from. The water with gears as buoys struck her even more, and suddenly she was even more cautious.

She peered further inside, staring intentively for something to just come out and jump at them. She didn't exactly expect what would happen next.

Kazan shot a fireball in the same direction she was looking in. Out came a roar among roars, one that had caused the room to shake and sand to fly into everyone's body. Aria countered this by slipping Rise of Eden out of her jacket and holding it up. "Tailwind," she chanted, creating a small turbulent of wind to fly out backwards from the keyblade, blowing all the sand away.

" I said to be cautious, not to fire a fireball into the unknown! What was that! "
Kazan knew it was better for the fireball to encounter whatever was inside then them. It was better to know then go in blind.

Suddenly something could be heard rushing through the cave towards them as it huffed loudly. Kazan prepared himself and dragon Heart for whatever huge beast would come out when suddenly it jumped out and latched onto his face, it's small stubby tail burnt and smoke coming from it.

It was tiny and blue as it began clawing at Kazan's face as Kazan fell to the ground being attacked in the same manner an individual might be attacked by their pet cat.
Aria was dumbfounded. She stared at the creature that was clawing at Kazan's face blankly for a few seconds. It occurred to her pretty late, how funny and ironic it was. She was developing some sort of superiority complex.

She turned to face the other way with a grin so large it was hard to hide even from that position. She covered her face with both of her hands. "Well, gosh..." Aria accidentally let a little chuckle loose, "Looks like you pissed something off, no...?" After she finished that sentence, she burst into a fit of laughter.
Ryoko saw the small... thing... that latched itself onto Kazan's face and wasn't sure whether to be scared or laugh. He knew that if he tried to attack the thing on Kazan's face, he would probably hit Kazan. He used he cure spell to heal the group and then turned towards where the thing came from. "Something tells me that either there is more than one of those or something else is back there."
(I should hope I don't need to remind anyone that knowing who this is would be God-moding as none of us are from his world and we should know nothing about him. Nothing.)

Kazan shook on the ground as his face was mauled and the rest of the group just watched on and laughed.

He grabbed onto it's back and managed to throw it off, as it skidded away. Kazan's face was covered in claw marks all over, there were even some spirals and the creature had even scribbled a little tic-tac-toe game on his face where X's won with it's claw marks.

Kazan grumbled at the creature as he held his Keyblade.

The creature rolled around like a ball as it then unfurled and held it's black scorched tail and blew on the smoke coming from it. It then glared at the group as it stood on all it's legs, back arched and fangs bared, growling.


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Ryoko, after looking at the rest of the cave, determined that either there wasn't anything there right now, or he failed a spot check. He turned around to Kazan and took a better look at the creature. He recognized him now that Kazan's author actually revealed who it was. Unfortunately the thing about dimension travel is that you can't be 100% sure that they are the same person you have seen before (he could even have a different name). For all he knew, The 'Stitch' in front of him could be an alternate look-alike. He put away his bit-blade, walked towards 'Stitch' disarmingly, and crouched down for better eye contact (and to pick up a handful of dust in case 'Stitch' went berserk on him like he did on Kazan). "Hi," He said cheerfully, "Sorry about what he did to your tail. My name is Ryoko, what's yours?"

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