Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

Kazan looked on as the wood fell down and formed.

"Another one... another that can speak..."

He whispered to himself, this one felt strong like the other one but at least this time he wasn't crying. He pulled up Ryoko with all his strength and took out his book and flipped through the pages.

"She's not in here, I can't find any information on this one..."

Kazan stopped when Aria suddenly spoke, saying a name. He looked to Aria.

"Do you... know her?"
Aria nearly choked on her tongue. "Y-Yes, I know her... She was my best friend before I had a keyblade... But what's she doing here?..." Aria was trembling. It was difficult to stand.

F-IP tilted her head. She would've been at their throats by now, but she found this to be interesting. She was curious.
"No, she is not your friend Aria. She is a Forgotten! Look at her, she is a puppet, the joints, the wooden skin."

He told Aria sternly.

"Forgotten are based on memories. If she is based on a memory, then maybe she is based on a memory of your friend. But she is not your friend..."

Kazan said this, but truthfully he didn't know. Could it be possible Forgotten took on some personality of the memory. He found it hard to believe, wouldn't there be some good Forgotten then... No, even if she did have some similar personality to Aria's friend, she wanted them dead. He could see it in her eyes, the same dark emptiness that was in all Forgotten's eyes.

Kazan formed his Keyblade.

"If your here to tell us to leave, don't bother!"
It's the first time since he was sucked into this place that he saw other people. For now, he thought it'd be safer to watch them from

afar. He didn't know anyone of them. From the looks of things, they were busy dealing with that thing... He couldn't hear what they

were talking about but he could see them clearly. He has been following them for some time but he felt hesitant about them.

He was still confused by a lot of things like how he got to this place in the first place. The last thing he remembers was falling from a cliff.

He remained in his place and observed them. He had a good vantage point and he was always the sneaky type and had good vision. He

was like a hawk that watched over them. He already decided to bolt if things go south.
Aria shook her head. "That can't be. It just can't." Even though she was in denial, she knew it was a high possibility, with her shaking and all. She refused to believe it.

F-IP's smile was now directed to Kazan who had sent his keyblade out. "I'm not supposed to tell you, actually." With a snap of her fingers, forgotten lined up on the cliff and pushed everyone in the vicinity forward like a barrier. More lined up around F-IP's back. "I am supposed to fight you."
(Created an Info & OOC thread, please go check it out!)

Kazan spun around as more Forgotten appeared, these ones he hadn't seen before. They were wooden and puppet like the others, except these were on four legs and seemed shaped like big lizards, like komodo dragons. They also had a giant buzz saw imbedded in their back going through their body and sticking out their stomach like a back fin.

Kazan took out the book.

"At least these ones are in the book. They are called Buzzards and it states the obvious, watched out for those spinning blades!"

The Buzzards buzz saws began to spin making the horrible metal sound as they growled at the group.
Ryoko, after getting up from the ledge, looked at the group of buzzards. "Personally I think that they look more like a certain type of dinosaur, but I can't think of the name right now." He thought as he backed away from the Buzzards, but not far enough to fall off of the ledge again. "No good, I can't use a limit break; the plot doesn't demand it... not yet." He turned to face F-IP and said,"When you said 'fight us' I have the feeling that you meant only one of us. I'm guessing that it is the one whose memories created you."
"Eh? What does that mean? Well, it doesn't really matter." F-IP crouched down. She took one strong step forward to leap into the air above everyone. Elongated spikes extended out of her fingers, and pointed themselves in Ryoko's direction. "You'd better move, or you'll get impaled..."
(Limit Break can only performed when you are really weak and damaged, near death. Usually a finishing move, only once per battle. Limits can only be performed with another individual.)

Kazan fired a Fire towards F-IP to try protect Ryoko and then turned around to slash a Buzzard as it came at it, his Dragon heart clashing with it's saw blade.

"What, you don't even give us your name before you attack!"
"I am aware of that, and you also said that you would leave it to me when I use it, so I chose 'when the plot demands it'. Not much difference between that and weak, damaged, near death, or a finishing move, but I wanted to point it out. Also, when I say limit break, I mean I use a move from another universe using my actual power level. I call it a limit break because I am breaking the limits I put on myself when I entered the universe."

Ryoko slid to the side in case the fire attack failed. "I agree, it is really rude not telling us your name before trying to kill us. My name is Ryoko Jigen, what's your name?" He said with convincing politeness, not even summoning his keyblade.
More Buzzards surrounded Kazan as he smirked.

"Fine, have it your way! Thunder!"

He shocked the Buzzards which seemed to have a good effect with the metal they had. He then threw his Keyblade doing a Strike Raid as it smashed into some Jugglers.

"If you to stop us leaving, you'll have to do better then that because I don't intend to give up!"
"Do you earnestly think I'm joking with you?" F-IP absorbed the fire with her left hand, causing the claws on that hand to burn. When she landed on the ground she bolted towards Ryoko aggressively and attacked with a flurry of jabs with her spiked hands.

Aria couldn't do much but just watch the battle unfold before her. Her legs were like jelly. She couldn't fight them, even if she knew that F-IP wasn't her friend.
Ryoko weaved left and right to dodge the jabs (and maybe hit a few times, depending on the lethality of each hit). "Did you know that talking is a free action? I can say several sentences and it doesn't use any time. It's like time goes slower while I'm talking except you can understand me perfectly. Sure the author can limit it, but it's a good way to tell someone something in a short time. I could go on and on, but I don't want to make the author too mad." He said before doing a sweep-kick at F-IP's legs and then, careful not to run into a forgotten or off the ledge, backed out of her range.

"C h a t, It would be a real help if you could tell me when you're okay with me using a limit break. I really wouldn't want to kill a character of yours if you don't want them to die."

Kazan grumbled as F-IP absorbed the fire.

'Don't tell me she can absorb magic...' He thought to himself

He dashed at F-IP.

"Fine, since you won't tell us your name we will just just call you Spikey! Now try Eruption"

He then slammed his Keyblade into the ground creating a blasts of energy that shock waved towards F-IP.
((Ugh I said claws again! I mean spikes! SPIKES! I think my subconscious is messing with me...))

F-IP was showing subtle signs of annoyance as her hits missed. She gave Ryoko a toothy snarl and lept back to avoid getting caught up with her feet. When she landed, though, she could feel the energy blasting through her body. It didn't have much effect on her. She turned around, saw the person who attacked her, and went to attack him, but then she saw Aria, utterly frozen in place.

"Oh?" F-IP switched targets. Instead of going for Kazan, she headed towards Aria at a speed that was quickly accelerating.
"...And now you're ignoring me. You really don't have any social skills, do you." Ryoko said before running towards Aria, but not as fast as F-IP. "Those hits must have been lethal, considering that I dodged them. The inverse rule of sharpness and accuracy triumphs again." He thought to himself before realizing that he forgot about all of the Buzzards around him, which were approaching him. "I forgot about the forgotten... How ironic." He summoned his keyblade and slashed at a few of the Buzzards within his range.
Kazan raced towards F-IP when suddenly changed directions and headed for Aria, it was in that moment he remembered what was told about Forgotten.

'They always seek to destroy their owner, it is what they live for.'

That meant Aria's Forgotten really was Spikey.

"Aria! Move!"

Kazan did a side step and raced after F-IP, but she was faster than him.

"Ice Wall!"

Kazan said combining a Blizzard with a technique as he slammed his Keyblade into the ground forcing a large shard of ice to burst from the ground in front of F-IP to block her path.
Fyx had watched F-IP fall from the sky and command millions of Forgotten to fight beside her. She had planned to help out her friends, but as soon as Working Mech had appeared she felt as if she was being watched. Turning around suddenly she was met with two Meagers which were quickly defeated with a few slices of her Keyblade. The feeling had not left her though and she began to whip her head around in all directions looking for the source of the curious eyes.

"What the hell..." Her voice suddenly hitched in her throat as a strange figure caught her view a few feet away. It cocked its head to the side as if trying to figure out what she was exactly. The figures arms could not be seen by its sides and Fyx couldn't find its eyes.

A sadisitic grin found its way upon the figures lips though and this caused Fyx to freeze in place. Looking towards Aria as F-IP lunged towards her she saw that she too was frozen with fear. Her eyes darted back towards the spot the figure had once stood, but to her dismay it had disappeared only leaving behind a few white pieces of cloth.

The feeling of being watched dissipated little by little until it was completely gone and she could finally run towards Ryoko. Fingers placed over her chest she tried to catch her breath and figure out who that person was staring at her with that... Smile.


Altaïr had watched F-IP dissipate into blocks. He guessed she had gone to confront the Keyblade Weilders. He too wanted to see these heroes heroes though so that was what he planned to do. Never one to ask the Queen beforehand he left her kingdom, leaving a few pieces of cloth behind only to meet up with them later on. In the midst of F-IP's introduction he had arrived a few feet away from the Weilders. He looked over at the heroes as they backed away from whatever they had been drawing in the sand and watched one flip through a small book with curious eyes.

A female had suddenly become flustered as F-IP spoke and this confused Altaïr slightly. Why was she the only one with that reaction towards her?

Another male had begun to fight with F-IP keeping good balance and dodging most of her spikey blows.

Becoming bored with the scene the bandaged Forgotten looked towards the other female who was not a few feet away battling two Meagers. She seemed shaken up and kept frantically whirling her head about as if looking for someone. Altaïr cocked his head in curiosity as she finally spotted him. She had frozen suddenly and continued to stare at his figure.

With a sadistic grin spreading across his face he decided that she would be his target. It was true he was better off bugging more than one person, but the particular female staring at him now seemed as if she needed a good scare. Her eyes darted over towards the first female Altaïr had spotted and he took this opportunity to leave and cook up a plan.

As he vanished a few pieces of cloth marked where he had just stood.
"I'm so sorry!... For some reason, when I look at her..." Aria shivered with an uncertain face. She held her hands closely to her chest. For some reason... She had felt fear and melancholy when she looked at F-IP. It actually petrified her from the inside and out. "I-I can't move!"

"Then it's way easier for me! ...Huh?" F-IP was about to be in striking range, but she was interrupted by a large mass of ice that rose out of the ground infront of her. She scoffed. "Please." F-IP knew she had three options here, and she chose to face the ice head on. She struck down on the base of the ice with her hands, quickly so that the time between each blow wouldn't be wasted. She was definite with her target now.
Kazan smiled as F-IP concentration on the ice left her wide open from behind as well as giving him the time to catch up. As soon as he reached her he swung his Keyblade in a large arc striking F-IP's back and leaving behind a giant golden crescent of energy.

"Arc Strike!"
F-IP felt insecure at her back, but regardless, kept going anyway. It was only when she was attacked head-on that she realized she was developing a rather rash mindset, focused around Aria.She didn't have much defense against the attack."... You keyblade users... Your skills... Need to mature more before they can apply massive damage." Was her reply. A slight twitching movement at her back, and a spike swiftly pierced through the aftermath of the attack, and headed towards Kazan.
Kazan got stabbed from the spike at the back, he didn't expect it to come from that area as he fell back. Thankfully he back-stepped at the last second to avoid serious damage. He held his arm which was bleeding on the floor now, he would have to use Cure later.

He pointed his Keyblade at F-IP from the ground.

"I'm not done yet, Blizzard!"

He aimed it at her and fired it still being at very close range to her.
Ryoko was too busy fighting off the Forgotten to attack F-IP or help Kazan. He could hear them and had a pretty good idea of what was going on back there. Although he couldn't help them directly, he had an idea to buy Kazan some time. As he slashed at more of the Forgotten, he sung ( loud enough for them to hear hoping that it would annoy F-IP enough to go after him instead.
Fyx plowed her keyblade through a few Forgotten before turning suddenly at the sound of a sing song like voice. As she was caught off guard with that awful singing a Meager had come up behind her and scratched the back of her legs. It was so unexpected that the adolescent fell to her knees hissing in pain and anger. She spun around in a quick motion and kicked as hard as she could towards the little puppets head. After it had flew back a few feet and landed with a loud 'THUD' upon the floor, Fyx pushed herself up onto her hands and knees and took a deep breath. The pain in the back of her legs wasn't so bad, but it was still annoying to stand and stretch the wounds. Gotta use Cure later... remember... She was trying to settle down with a few berthing exercises as she began to search for the person who was singing such an infernal song. Once her eyes locked onto Ryoko's form she had to stop herself from falling to the ground in a fit of laughter.

"That's who's singing?" Fyx asked to nobody in particular as she covered her grinning mouth. Of course she had heard that song before, and she was holding back a part of her that wanted to slap Ryoko upside the head, but it was just too funny of a scene to go up there and give in to her other part. She also guessed he was doing that for a very specific reason so she shrugged and punched a Juggler straight in in the jaw, or what she hoped it was, as it came bounding up toward he left flank.
F-IP smirked, looking over her shoulder to see the keyblade wielder wounded. Can't dodge now, she thought. First, though, she took the blizzard head-on. The frost stiffened her movements, and to add to this, she was slightly distracted by Ryoko's annoying but typical song.

It didn't take long for her to focus, though. She advanced for Kazan, to deal the final or the fatal blow.

"Aria Windmill!" Aria hopped up ontop of the block o ice and used it as leverage to push herself up into the air. Taking her keyblade in her left hand this time, she spun it around in that hand at a certain speed and sent it down inbetween Kazan and F-IP. It ended up planting itself down into the ground, keeping F-IP from making any distance to Kazan. Aria landed down and stood up with a hand to her hip.

"I'm sorry for having you guys pull more weight than you should... If it's all right, I'm going to... Conquer whatever fear this is!" Aria resummoned her keyblade to her hand.

F-IP scoffed. She turned to face Aria. Her eyes narrowed suddenly. "I'll kill you."


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