Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

Stiched growled as the child had not obeyed his warning to stay away!

"Tookie bah wah!"

He growled as he jumped Ryoko's face and began clawing at him even harder then he had done to Kazan.

Kazan finally had a chance to get back up as he shook his bloody face.


He shook his face and wiped off some blood. He got up and looked at the creature mauling Ryoko's face, since he hadn't been able to help him Kazan figured he would not do the same. He looked closely at the creature, no joints and it looked like real fur, no wood. This wasn't a Forgotten, could it be another refugee from another world... but then what in criminy sakes was it. Four arms, antennae, back protrusions. It seemed to even have it's own language.

Kazan grabbed the creature and pulled off Ryoko before it ripped his face off entirely.

"Woah there little guy, we promise we aren't here to hurt you."

Stitch grabbed onto his arms and was able to fully lift him off the ground and flip him to the ground, as Kazan was spun around he looked on baffled as the creature was able to lift him, despite being less than half his size. Super strength?!?

Kazan was flipped to the ground as Stitch growled on top of him defensively.
"I think that was auto-hitting." Ryoko used another cure to remove the scratches on his face. He looked back at Stitch and saw him flip Kazan. "Super strength... it looks like this version might have the same abilities as the prime version. And yes, I have two cures. Seriously, how can anyone go without at least two healing moves?" He decided that he would just sit with his back against the wall of the cave and let this scene play through, using a cure if he needed to once one finished recharging.
Aria scoffed at the boys' inability to read the situation. "Obviously, if it's acting hostile to your offers for no violence, that's not it's concern." She crossed her arms and, of course, stood a decent distance from the creature. "Maybe he's only defending himself. As far as I know, he's not a forgotten, so he might've arrived here like we did... Kinda. Plus, it's pretty dangerous, and I wouldn't baby it like that."
"Well fine! If it won't listen to us! I'll show it!"

Kazan put away Dragon Heart as he jumped the alien and began wrestling with him as they scuffled all along the ground as they rolled like a bunch of dogs scratching and biting each other, some of biting was admittedly even being done by Kazan as he wrestled with the creature trying to show superiority. That is just how he was raised, that is how he dealt with the Drakelings on his world.
Ryoko facepalmed at Kazan's "attempt" to get Stitch to listen to them. "What I did might have been foolish, but that is downright idiotic." He said, as if Kazan could hear him while fighting like that. "Let's just give him some space for awhile and wait for him to calm down. Once he's calmer, we'll see what we can do to convince him that we're on his side." He leaned back farther with his arms crossed over his head and closed his eyes, waiting for the fighting to end.
Aria smiled with her head resting a little on her shoulder, her arms crossed below her waist. "I actually agree with you.~" Seeing Kazan attack Stitch viciously and vice-versa, she was kinda interested how this would turn out. She knew the monster thing would win to a certain degree, though.
The two continued to wrestle on the ground like crazy until suddenly they were forced to split up as a large lightning bolt struck in between them shaking the ground as they both flew in opposite directions.

Suddenly a small block fell to the ground, the wood then slowly floated up as it unfolded. It was a Forgotten, it's body could not be seen under the white robe with no arms, that floated past it's feet if it had any. It also had a big smiling green mask over it's face. It sparked with electricity as it got ready to fire another lightning bolt.
Foot steps could be heard in the distance as she made her way through the cave passage.The foot steps stopped,and silence was all you heard,"Light Wave!"Rose's voice boomed through the cave,as she did 4 mid-air somersault,2 1/2 spins in between each pair,then ending with a release of a light wave launched at the Forgotten.Rose landed and struck a pose,"I'm hear!"She cheered as she peace signed next to her eye
Ryoko jumped up when the lightning struck in between Kazan and Stitch; weird, because they were in a cave. How could lightning strike in a cave? He soon heard the footsteps outside, which was also weird since one shouldn't be able to hear something as quiet as that over the sound of lightning. "I'm not going to argue with an author right now, GM or not." he thought to himself as he summoned his keyblade to fight the thunder mage, seeing the acrobatics in his peripheral vision. As Rose posed, he turned to her and said, "A little overboard, don't you think?" He then turned back to the thunder mage. "Also, it's 'here', not 'hear'." "Oh author, if she turns out to be a Mary Sue... Nothing personal, I just hate Mary Sues."
Aria was caught by surprise. She squealed, her temporarily being blinded from the flash, and ran into the closest thing to her, which was Ryoko. "The heck was that?!" She barked. To see again, she rubbed her eyes, and saw the white-robed forgotten that had made its appearance. Her eyes were still weak from before. "... I told you guys there'd be a forgotten..."

Clearly she was dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events. Out was one thing to come across another creature who ended up in this world, but it was another to have a forgotten try and ruin their plans of finding shelter. And this one didn't look exactly like the other peon-y ones. To top it all off, yet another person, Rose, entered the scene. Flashy, she'd admit. "Oh, Rose?"
The group who was standing OUTSIDE the cave as they have never actually entered the cave, they were just OUTSIDE it as they had come to the cave and once just OUTSIDE the cave Kazan had fired a fire spell from his position OUTSIDE the cave where soon after Stitch also came OUTSIDE the cave with his tail on fire and then proceeded to attack them while they still OUTSIDE the cave as they had not moved. They were soon attacked by a Forgotten while they were in their position OUTSIDE the cave which is why it was easy to summon a Thunder, though I would assume Thunders can be summoned even inside as they are magic. However that is irrelevant at this point since they are just OUTSIDE the cave, I hope that is simple enough for one person to get they are just OUTSIDE the cave and have not actually entered it yet.

The Forgotten just missed getting hit by the attack as it spun uncontrollably away before soon regaining it's position while levitating.

Kazan smirked as Rose appeared.

"It's about time you helped out, I hope you enjoyed your lazy rest while the rest of us did all the work."

He glared at the Forgotten with it's huge grinning mask which was kind of freaky.

"I'm guessing it's a Thunder attack type, so what's best for that?"

Kazan got out the book but before he could read, the Forgotten launched Thunderbolts at every one.
"Thanks for clearing that up (no sarcasm intended), but you didn't have to be the Department of Redundancy Department. That was just insulting."

"I may be wrong, but mages have high magical attack and resistance, so they are very effective against armored units. They have low physical defense, however, and if someone can get close enough, they can do some good damage." Ryoko said as he tried to dodge the thunderbolt, but it was too fast and it grazed his back. As he got up, he added, "Also, what is the elemental triangle here? Is it 'fire>ice>lightning' or 'ice>fire>lightning?' "
Kazan dodge rolled to the side to avoid the lightning shock as did Stitch who growled at the creature.

Kazan thought back to his lessons at the Academy and what they had taught them about elemental weaknesses. He remembered it being written on the board but he couldn't remember what it said. What was it.

He hit himself on the head with Dragon Heart. Oh yeah, that was it!

"It doesn't work that way...

Fire users can absorb Fire, but are weak to Blizzard.

Ice users can absorb Blizzard, but are weak to Fire.

Thunder users can absorb Thunder, but are generally weak to other magics.

As long as we don't fire Thunder we should be good."

Kazan got out the book and tried to read it while he had a chance.
After striking her pose,"No need to fear,your princess is here!"She said with another cute pose,a kiss,and a wink.She looked at Ryoko,"Flashy?What do you mean?"

"You are correct Kazan!"Rose said confirming the his note.She took her stance,holding her keyblade in reverse formation,"Whats the plan?"She yodel with a smirk.
Aria froze. For a moment, she thought Rose could read her mind, but then she noticed she was actually mentioning Ryoko. Putting that aside, she thought, the other three and the addition to Stitch made pretty good distractors. Aria decided to use her natural thief stealth to pull a fast one on the forgotten. Sneaking away from the group, she wandered silently in the shadows of somewhere OUTSIDE, and waited for the right moment to attack.
"I never said 'flashy.' " Ryoko said to Rose. "And it would be foolish to attack something like this if we don't know what it does. If that thing isn't in the book, however, then we should go with the elemental advantage." "Tell me if this is overpowered." Ryoko walked in between Kazan and the thunder mage. He then held his bit-blade in front of him and it depixelated, resulting in several small floating cubes circling around him that would move to block attacks. "It can't form a shield big enough to block a large attack like a kamehameha, attacks from multiple angles would be tricky, and I can't attack like this, but it makes for good defense in most situations."
"Just give me a second to find it..."

Kazan said looking through the book, but before he could find it he heard Stitch growling.

"Meega nala kweesta!"

He suddenly jumped the Forgotten as he bit into it's mask sending it reeling around the air as it crawled all over it mauling it.

A whistling sound was heard as suddenly 3 more blocks dropped down as three more of the little thunder Forgotten formed and they all fired Thunderbolts at Aria, Rose and Kazan.
"How could a--" Aria ducked quickly to avoid getting hit from her position and to avoid revealing her location completely. She was stumped on how the forgotten could find out where she was, especially since she was sneaking. She took quick steps, while standing up, towards the forgotten that fired at her, and she whacked it across the head with the Rise of Eden. She jumped back after her attack. "Is something summoning these things or what?" She asked everyone else.
Three of the pixels moved in the path of the lightning bolt that was heading for Kazan. The lightning chained to other pixels floating around him before dissipating. The pixels then moved to form the bit-blade, which Ryoko wielded once again. "How much longer until you find the right page?" He asked Kazan before using the fire spell at the thunder mage that shot at Kazan.
Rose spun in a ballet manner,using her keyblade a protection,so that the lighting bolt,inches away,would deflect it away.She stopped spinning,"Lets see how you like to chill."She said firing off a blizzard at the one closest to her.She fired one more that was closed to Ryoko,"Hmph!"She spat like a spoiled princess.
"I can't find them for some reason, I can't seem to find a Forgotten that looks exactly like this one, just one that is similar but a differ-"

Kazan's eyes went wide.

"-Wait STOP!!!! Don't fire those!"

Kazan yelled out but it was too late as Rose and Ryoko fired their attacks.

As Ryoko's Fire spell went towards his Forgotten, it's head suddenly spun around as it revealed another side which had a red mask with a very angry face on. The Forgotten then swallowed the Fireball as it glowed with energy and then fired a Fireball right into Ryoko sending him back.

A similar instance happened with Rose's Blizzard as that Forgotten spun it's head around revealing a blue mask with a very sad face that swallowed the Blizzard and then proceeded to free Rose's arm.

Kazan cursed as he though it best to read the entry now.

"I couldn't find them because they looked different because of the different masks.

Triads - Spell caster Forgotten. They are small in size and very fast. Depending on which mask they show you they can change their element as well as their abilities to cast that elemental spell. While physical attacks are the best, be warned firing any of the three basic elemental spells as they will simply switch masks and absorb the damage from that attack and heal."

Kazan put the book away as he stared at the last Triad with it Thunder Mask showing, while Stitch was destroying the other he charged forth and realized he would have to fight physically as he jumped up towards it to try strike it with a simple slash.
"Wah!?"She screeched in shock,then groaned,"That sucks..."She finally started to notice Stitch murdering one the forgotten.Her eyes lit up with cheer and joy,"How cute is that!That is just adorable!"She chuckled as she hopped over to him,then picked up on what Kazan said,"Alright,lets go!"She roared charging at one of the Triads.She was a magic user herself and the way they absorbed and recycled the magic launched at them,she absolutely loved it,but she didn't love it enough not to destroy them.
Ryoko skidded back a few yards before stopping himself. "More auto-hitting... I get that you're the main author, but that's not fair." He said to seemingly no one in particular. He walked slowly towards the Triad with an intimidating look on his face. He was mad now. "That's the second time I was auto-hit in the last 3 pages." He strengthened his grip on the bit-blade and started speeding up to a sprint. "ABSORB THIS!" He jumped high into the air and pointed his bit-blade down to land on the Triad and stab it.
Aria chuckled at Rose. "He wouldn't be cute if he actually mauled your face." She said, but not so loud as to have her hearing her. Instead of trying to find a way to become non-third wheel-like, she did the exact opposite, by doing nothing that was really significant or anything. Waiting for her teammates to not be as preoccupied with the forgotten might take a while, so she looked around to see if there was anything else there that was watching them; she did hear the whistle from before.
Three of the Triads were destroyed by the respective Keyblade Wielders and their slashes. Finally Stitch finished destroying his as they all fell to dust.

Kazan looked around for any other danger.

"All clear."

He turned his attention back to Stitch who was looking back at them, he could fight and would be useful to them. Besides they did need to rescue people, even if he wasn't exactly people. He extended out his hand toward Stitch.

"Hi, I'm Kazan. This is Aria, Rose and the confused one is Ryoko Looks like you aren't too fond of those Forgotten either, we are trying to rebuild our ship. You are welcome to join us."

Stitch seemed to think it over for a moment as he reached out his hand to shake Kazan's.

"Okie-taka. Meega Stitch."

He smiled as he motioned to himself so they would know his name was Stitch. He then smirked slyly as he then clutched his paw firmly around Kazan and flipped like he had done before into the ground really hard, kicking up more dust. He laughed maniacally as he motioned for them to follow him into his cave.

"Tookie Bah Wah!"

Kazan lay back flat on the ground as he coughed.

"Hi Stitch..."

(In case it ain't obvious by now, Stitch is my second character.)

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