Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

Ryoko's rage subsided after destroying the Triad. He looked back to the group and saw that they earned Stitch's trust. "Confused? When?" He said before following them into the cave.
Aria still didn't think they were in the clear, but she still decided to temporarily go with what Kazan said. She turned back around to face the group, smiled, and proceeded to do what she thought she was supposed to do; follow stitch. "What do you mean by 'When', Ryoko? You're always talking about odd nonsense, although I never really choose to interpret it..." She said to Ryoko while walking.
Ryoko looked at Aria and said, "Well, if you take the time to listen to some of my 'nonsense', I might occasionally make a good point. For example, that clock from earlier. It was stopped on exactly noon (or midnight). The principle of Chekhov's Gun is that an unimportant element introduced early in the story becomes significant later on. If it wasn't important, It wouldn't have been mentioned in the first place. I could be wrong though, as it seems that the author just loves to change things when I mention them." He then looked over to Kazan. "Hey Kazan, how was this place formed?"
Kazan got up as he rubbed his back in pain, following Stitch. He looked to Ryoko as he asked his question.

He raised his brow.

"How the heck am I suppose to know?! What am I? Your all-powerful author?!?!"

Kazan moaned.

"This whole Lost World is a mystery. I suggest we set up camp here for the night and rest before something else attacks. I'll go find some firewood. Aria, Rose, do you think you two can try find some soft places in this cave where we can sleep?"
Ryoko smiled at the irony only he would understand. "Not directly, no. I was just making sure that the master didn't already say how it was formed before I stated my theory. No, not theory, more like a wild guess." He cleared his throat before continuing, "Anyway, the worlds are governed by authors. They basically control everything. Some worlds are governed by more than one author, the official name is 'RPG' but I call those worlds 'collabs', and they each control a few 'characters'. But, in order to be fair, one of the authors is assigned the role of 'Game Master'. This head author controls their character as well as many events that happen, and are basically the referee of the world. However, the problem with collabs is that come of the authors lose interest and leave, leaving their characters as 'ghost characters'. Some may return, but if enough of the authors, or the GM, decide to leave the collab, the world becomes abandoned. If it is abandoned for a a certain amount of time and no one decides to return, it is forgotten completely. This is what I think happened to this world. Like I said, it's more of a wild guess than a theory."
"So, if I understand right, you're basing your whole speech off of a WILD GUESS, and if said WILD GUESS is true, then you're a 'character' who's 'author' specifically made you break the fourth wall..." Aria sighed. "There's no way that it would be true though. It's like you don't believe in your existence." Now, instead of following stitch, she headed off to do just what Kazan had ordered her to do. "Too much thinking..."

Kazan agreed with Aria.

"That would mean you would be the annoying type of author who is breaking the fourth wall more then ever should be, ruining not only the subtle comedy of characters who only break the fourth wall in certain cases as well as in rare events only. Thus making this author's character somewhat irritating to not only the 'GM' but to other characters as well as ruining the story by putting the focus on the idea of an authored world and not the world the GM intended as a fictional world believable to the characters. Get the picture, so enough of that."

Stitch grumbled as he heard the humans chatting too much, they talked far too much. However they did fight those strange creatures and anyone who can kick ass like that can't be all bad. He would just lie here and let them do all the work.

Kazan couldn't find any proper wood, but he managed to find some old dried wood like stuff that didn't burn well, along with some other materials to build a fire for a whole. Mostly junk that was laying around from the ruins. After everything was set up, the group finally had the chance to sit around the campfire, relax and discussed the events of today.

"I certainly don't think the Master had this in mind when he sent us on this mission for our final test..."
"Yeah, shouldn't have pushed it." Ryoko said as he watched Kazan prepare the fire. When the fire was finished, he sat down next to it along with everyone else. "Considering that the master sent us to a place which is mostly unknown, I'm not sure what he could have had in mind."
Aria walked up to the fire and lept onto the floor directly into a sitting position. She reached up to her left boot and pulled her foot-- with a black sock over it-- out of it. She held the boot upside-down and let a somewhat large sandwhich covered by a plastic bag fall down.

She unwrapped the sandwhich and began eating with no thought whatsoever to everyone else.

"I packed a lunch."
"True, but either way we have to find more Gummi Block pieces."

He clutched the two they had in his pocket. He then saw Aria pull out food out of her feet of all places and begin to eat it, he immediately grasped his mouth to keep himself from puking.

"That's disgusting!"

Kazan stuck out his tongue and heaved.

Stitch flew past as he grabbed the sandwich away from Aria as he snickered.


He began trying to eat it before she could take it back from him as devoured messily with crumbs and saliva flying everywhere as he ate like a rabid wild animal.
Ryoko didn't know why Kazan was so disgusted. "What do you mean? The food was in a bag, it's not dirty." he said before reaching behind him and bringing out a small leather pouch, which he reached into and pulled out his own sandwich. He started laughing as Stitch stole Aria's lunch. After he was done laughing, he reached into the pouch again and pulled out another sandwich, which he gave to Aria.
"I don't care... we've been walking all day, it's sweaty and probably very smelly in there and I don't trust bags.."

Kazan replied.

Stitch suddenly turned around as he saw two new sandwiches as his ears perked up and he smiled his toothy grin. He was starting to like these people, look at all the lovely food they had brought for him!

"You know he is gonna eat those too."

Kazan warned to Aria and Ryoko, seeing Stitch was about to pounce.
"...Not really, It was in a bag, and I have my socks on... But I don't think they're so clean from all the action they had." Aria shrugged. She knew she couldn't help her lunch get stolen, so she had the most indifferent expression on her face. A poker face. She took the sandwich that Ryoko had offered her to replace the one she had.

"If he steals this one, I'll wack him." She had her keyblade in the hand opposite to the one with the sandwich in it.
"It's alright." Ryoko said as he turned to Stitch. "Tell me, Stitch, what's your favorite food? I might have it. If I give you your favorite food, will you stop stealing ours?"
"I brought my own food as well.Kazan,why didn't you bring your own food,your the leader you should think about these things..."She noted as she reached under her dress,pulling out her own little pouched.She reached in it and brought out a PB&J sandwhich.She looked at the others,"If the little thing needs more food,then I still have some more."She said with a tilt of her head and one of signature princess smiles.
Stitch looked at Ryoko as he smirked.


He shouted with glee.

"Oh I bought food, I'm just not stupid enough to bring it out in front of him."

He nodded to Stitch who immediately went charging for all three of them to steal their food, claws out as he was ready to fight for the food and it was about to become an all out battle.

Kazan just smiled to himself.

"Besides, I don't pack sandwiches. My food is a little different, besides I don't plan on eating yet. My spe- I mean I'm just not that hungry yet."

Kazan said as he caught himself before he let something slip as he corrected himself solemnly. Come to think of it the group had never seen him eat, not ever. All the years they had been in the academy, Kazan never ate in front of them. Not a single speck of food.

Kazan looked to Rikku.

"What about you, you've been quiet. Aren't you hungry as well?"
Ryoko had a perplexed look on his face. "How long as she been here?" He thought to himself before looking back at Stitch. "Well I don't quite have everything in here, but I do have plenty." He handed Stitch his sandwich. "But I won't give you any more food if you don't ask. If you try to steal it, well, good luck. My spe- I mean I am genre savvy and I know every trick in the book." "It's a weird book." "Also if you're going to try to go into my leather pouch, don't. You'll get lost."
Rose looked at Stitch as he charged at her,then did a ballet spin,"Miss me!"She said as she finished off the last of her sandwich with a smile.She looked over at Stitch with a smirk,then sat back down.

Rikku eyes had almost fully closed,but when Kazan spoke to her they shot open,"Oh...No...I'm OK,just a little...sle..epy."She said as she began to doze off once again.On her way back to Radiant Garden,was when she was post to get sleep,but before she could get to sleep,she crashed on the Forgotten planet.
"Well, that's because you were most likely raised differently. Yeah ah, I'm guessing everyone knows this." Aria made a kitty-like smirk, turning her head to nowhere in particular and snickering devilishly. She could just imagine how he ate, and where, and when, and why. Unlike mostly everyone here, her past was practically known by everyone. And by everyone she meant everyone at the academy. She didn't even tell anyone her past. It just happened to get out in the general public, and she didn't care. She didn't really care if people normally avoided her on any regular basis because she used to be a thief. It was just that way.

And it was just this reason that caused her to find humor in something so trivial as that.

It was all at once that she stopped laughing, becoming abnormally serious. She left the sandwich that Ryoko gave her, half eaten, down on the ground so Stitch could probably take it, if not then someone else would throw it away or something, but she was sure Stitch would take it. She stuck her boot back onto her foot again, made sure it was firmly inside, and quietly stepped outside to get a breather.

"This trip... Is going to change me so much."
Stitch grabbed Aria's sandwich which was the easiest. He then jumped over to Rose who swallowed her sandwich already as he stared on in terror. He grumbled as his face turned to one of determination as he jumped her and pried open her mouth and stuck his tongue down there to try get whatever chewed up bits were left over. He then jumped around back to Ryoko and bit the sandwich right out of his hand, almost taking Ryoko's hand with it and no consideration for his conditions. He then got ready to grab some more.

"Hey Stitch!"

Kazan called out to Stitch, as he turned to face him, thinking the best method might be to distract him before he caused more destruction.

"You wouldn't happen to have seen anything like this?"

He asked holding out the Gummi Pieces and showing them to Stitch.

Stitch looked them at carefully


He shook his head with extra spit flying everywhere.

"Do you think you could show us tomorrow?" Kazan asked as Stitch shook his head again.


Kazan then yawned his mouth opening more then a normal person's mouth should as he shook and curled up.

"We best get some sleep."

Stitch then got a devilish look on his face as he charged Ryoko to get more food, more then willing to take a chunk out of Ryoko if necessary.
"And I thought I was annoying." Ryoko thought as he saw Stitch take everyone's food. He then reached into his leather pouch and took out a musical instrument; an ocarina. "No, not that ocarina. This one has no magic energy in it, it is just a normal instrument. Playing the song of storms will not cause rain." "How about some music? Music always helps me sleep." He said as he got ready to play it. At that time, Stitch was charging at him. He hoped that playing this song would maybe calm him down, but he was prepared to dodge just in case. "Left right down, left right down." He thought to himself as he begun to play
Aria kept going until she reached the end of the cave. She wondered if she acted a bit out of line back there, switching emotions rather quickly, because she didn't exactly want anyone out there with her. She was just thinking of the past, nothing more nothing less. Maybe the whole test was getting to her, and subconsciously she couldn't do anything about it.

"I mean, it's like my friend was here! But my friend was a forgotten, and... Forgotten are based off of... Feelings? Or was it memories..." Aria crossed her feet while leaning on the cave in thought. "I couldn't do anything... I was paralyzed with fear... I felt sad. What in the world am I missing? Isn't she still back in Port Royal...?" Aria was getting annoyed, because all of it was so confusing. She couldn't remember. Maybe she could sit there and just scout the area. Maybe that would distract her from thinking for the time being.
Stitch saw Ryoko playing his Ocarina when he smirked and suddenly took out his Ukulele and began jamming to Elvis songs so loudly that sound blasted through the cave waking up everyone who was sleeping and completely devouring the sound of the of the Ocarina.

Kazan got up with a growl as he turned around.


He yelled as it seemed his eyes were glowing as he had fangs, he looked a little inhuman along with his voice sound almost beast like as he yelled out.

It was enough to make Stitch drop the Ukulele and run off to the corner to keep quiet.

Kazan tucked his head back in so that he could try go to sleep without all that noise.
Ryoko was a little surprised at the song Stitch played, but it was better than loosing a chunk of his body over food. He stopped playing to let Stitch do his thing, when all of a sudden Kazan just exploded (not literally). The glowing eyes and fangs didn't seem to surprise him though; he had seen stuff like that many times before. He picked up the ukulele that Stitch dropped and sat down next to him. "Where did you get this?" Ryoko asked Stitch, making sure that his voice wouldn't wake Kazan up.
Aria yelped. She turned and glared back into the cave, hearing a voice boom out of it. Her heart was racing, it made her forget her current train of thought. "Goddam, they're loud!" She squealed with a hushed voice. She turned back around and caught her breath again. Soon, she couldn't resist her exhaustedness, and she fell asleep while standing at the cave entrance.

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