Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

She looked over hearing something." ah Rukka.." She began to run faster happy she found one of her friends. As she sped up she saw some one being surrounded by something that looked liked monkeys. " that doesnt seem like a fair fight.....alright then oblivion." She took a hold of her blade and dashed forward holding it diagonally to her left side. She puts her foot down sideways now having her body come to a hault.She then forcefull twirls around knocking one off the stranfer flinging it back ." need some help"
([MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION] hehehe they aren't really monkeys, at least I don't think they were meant to be portrayed that way lol I just thought circus monkey was a good term for the Jugglers since yeah. xD )

Fyx smiled as she heard Chrome come too her rescue, "Hey Chrome, since you asked I do need some help actually. Glad you could lend a hand!" She saluted her playfully holding Working Mech backwards so it was facing the clock part behind her. Mech sliced and diced two more puppets as they headed towards Chrome, then Fyx turned back toward the barrel creature to see if she could get a better look at the Keyblade Weilders that seemed to be fighting it. Heading towards them when all these creatures were around the two girls would only give them an opening too follow a create more problems. So she rolled backwards into a swarm of four jugglers as they threw the blue energy balls where she once stood, and sliced all four at once causing them to turn into dust.
( lol ok) .She twirled her blade useing the chain knocking a few out one including the ones that came toward her. A few jumped toward her as she threw her blade into the air, thus jumping up as they all landed into a pile. She landed back on them in a crouching position her hand catcning the blade with its chain. A few stood from a far looking at her as she motions for them with her hand." I got all day .come at me."
(Just for the record [MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION], Rikku isn't a keyblader wielder, thus you wouldn't know her yet.)

Kazan looked around, it seemed the battle and the vortex was attracting all the other Keyblade apprentices, which was good. Now they had some back up, but they still needed to defeat that giant BlockHead.

Kazan tried to remember what the Master taught him, they needed to work together and combine efforts.

"I have an idea! Guys anyone with a free hand, help me out!"

He held out his Keyblade and charged a Fire spell and fired it.

"Remember what the Master said, if we aren't strong enough to do spells ourselves yet, we can combine as a group to do them! If you guys fire two more Fire spells into mine they should be strong enough to form a Firaga!"
Fyx tripped a set of Jugglers and then Working Mech sliced their heads off until dust was blown into the wind. She turned as she heard Kazan's voice which had come from the BlockHead's direction. Taking out enough puppets to create an opening she looked over at Chrome, "Let's go see if we can help!" Her feet began to move at a jogging speed until she stopped between the two Keyblade Weilders. She saluted the two with a humorous smile tugging at her lips, "Here to help Captain." Man was this beginning to get good or what? Working Mech buzzed lightly with excitement in her palm.
She had followed close behind stoping at the end of the line. Her eyes locked onto the block head. "Right behind you"
The BlockHead that Aria had somehow mounted on started to shift, and Aria was forced to hang on to one of its limbs. "Crappppp..." Aria's keyblade dropped from her right hand to her left, so she could properly wrap her hand around its arm. This was probably one of the rare times that she had no idea what to do... Until the voice of one of her teammates became audible to her. "Fire in fire? ...Where is it?" She squinted to see. It didn't take long before she saw the fire passing by. With her left hand she aimed poorly and shot a 'Fire' spell at the other. It almost missed but it made it's mark and she was satisfied. "How's that?"
"Perfect Aria! Now we just need one more!"

Kazan watched as Aria's fireball mixed with his and then double in size as it roared forward, he needed one more individual to add a fire spell and it should be enough to take down those Forgotten!
She crouched down on one knee puttig her blade up in the air like it was a gun. She quickly locked on and shot a fire spell adding to the fire." bingo"
As the final fire spell added to create the massive Firaga ball that blasted forth. There was a way to enhance the spell even further, if anyone was fast enough to strike the fireball upwards with their keyblade they could create a Firaga Burst.
" I'll do it so you rest boss." She grabbed hold of the her keyblade chain and started to spin it around as she dashed forward. she grabbed hold of the blade as she forecefully pushed off her back leg holding the blade with both hands. She brought her blade back and swung it forward hitting the fire as if it was a baseball up into the air.
A juggler intercepted Chrome knocking her out of the way as it fired two exploding balls at her.

Kazan sliced through some jugglers as he saw Chrome attacked, he rolled towards her and knocked away the balls with his Keyblade.

"You can't try to do much at once, remember what the Master said. Everyone has to play their part, the others won't let us down!"
"I guess that's my queue." Ryoko spun around the BlockHead and launched off of it and towards the firga attack. He then spun upside down and hit the fireball upwards, soon landing on his feet afterwards. "Sorry I couldn't come earlier. I was occupied."
The Firaga shot up into the air as it suddenly began raining down fireballs everywhere that blasted into all the Juggler's destroying them. Even the BlockHead was hit as it collapsed back, but it managed to survive the attack despite being burnt.

"That's it!"

Kazan smirked in victory now that only the BlockHead remained, but then the BlockHead managed to pull itself up as it suddenly grabbed the nearest individual which was Kazan as it's body doors swung open and it threw Kazan inside it like he was a ragdoll.

Kazan immediately got up as he yelled from within the BlockHead

"Hey let me outta here you pile of wood!"

He yelled smashing at the doors, he then tried slashing with his Keyblade and firing some Fires, but to no avail. It seemed impentrable from the inside.

"Let me out!"

Kazan continued to fight from the inside.

Meanwhile the BlockHead managed to grab it's head which came rolling back and fired it off like a bowling ball which rolled in line straight for Aria, then Rose, then Rikku and finally Ryoko.
Aria dropped down painfully to the ground. She moaned, rubbing her butt as it was now ironically sore. But this wasn't the time to complain. She got up just as she fell down, looked around in a frenzy, and saw that there was only one enemy remaining.

"I thought that the fire...?"

Aria shook her head. She easily dodged the head and charged at the BlockHead once more. "Kazan, have anymore tactics in that book thing?"
"Hmm... what what I can remember, Kazan is in no real danger in there." Ryoko thought to himself as he dodged the rolling head before yelling "Fire!" and shooting another fire attack at the rolling head. "Taking out the head might have some effect of the body. It's a long shot, but it's the only thing I can think of at the moment."
Fyx took a sitting position, indian style, and aimed Mech towards the BlockHead. She had been a little preoccupied with another round of puppets so she wasn't able to help a few minutes back, but as she finished them off she turned to see Kazan get thrown inside the BlockHead's body. "Hey guys! Don't Kazan and us have to attack the thing at the same time?" Thinking back she thought he had said something like that on the ship before they crashed. She continued to aim towards the thing and began to shoot, "Come on Mech we need fire." Mumbling to herself she willed Mech to actually listen to her this time, every other time they tried to do magic her KeyBlade would always throw a temper tantrum...literally.
Being attack from three points, inside, outside and the head was enough as the BlockHead finally took enough damage that froze into place as it suddenly ejected Kazan and began fading into dust.

Kazan landed on the ground on his back, he looked up a little to see all the Forgotten were gone.

"Thank goodness! Now we can rest..."

He collapsed his head down taking deep breaths.
"No! I get back and you're already takin' a break!" Aria turned around, figuratively steaming from her head. She threw her keyblade at Kazan's head in a comedic way, then crossed her arms disapprovingly. "There's no time for rest, when the enemy still lurks, waiting for the right time to show up again..." Mumbled a "tensed" Aria with a deepened and creepy voice. This was only her kidding around, though.
Kazan grabbed his head in pain


He clutched his head and scowled at her as his own Keyblade, Dragon Heart faded.

"Excuse me ok! I just got eaten by a giant barrel without a head! %#$!"

He mumbled the last bit inaudibly, but it was probably profane.

He jumped up back to his feet.

"Well at least we found each other, but we still don't know for sure if any other Keyblade Apprentices survived or not. We'll just have to try run into them. However we are still stuck here...."

He said taking out the Gummi Block he was holding and clutched it tight.
"Pfft-- Bwahahahaha!" Aria wiped away the happy tears she had in her eyes. "I was only kidding, but I never knew you could explode! Teaches me not to get you too angry." The Fall of Eden had crashed into the soil noisily and disappeared, being away from it's wielder for a short amount of time. Aria had to really feel her hand to get used to it not being there. This was just her and weapons she wasn't used to...

Aria went up to Kazan, suddenly pat him on the shoulder, then gave him a reassuring smile. "If we're still up 'n about, then I'm pretty sure everyone else is. Besides, if we stick together, we will survive this, and hopefully leave as a whole."
Fyx stood up from her sitting position and smiled. "Whoop whoop!" She was cheering mostly to herself and a little party was going on inside her head. Spinning Working Mech lightly around her hand she looked down too see her shoes were untied. Brow furrowing slightly she stopped spinning her Keyblade, but it seemed like her bipolar weapon didn't wanna stop completely. It spun once more and then came back to smack Fyx right against the forehead. Before she could yell at it profoundly it disappeared in a cloud of light and a few cogwheels fell to the floor.

Mumbling to herself she rubbed her forehead with a pout playing at her lips.Her Keyblade wasn't always the nicest one although it was loyal to her. Remembering her untied shoes she bent down too tie them. "Loop it, bring it around town, under the bridge, pull!" She patted herself on the back, metaphorically, and walked a little closer to the group. Keeping an eye around the surrounding area just in case.
She stood up stretching out her hands oblivion by her side. She smiled down at the keyblade then caught Fyx walking. She put her hands around her head and walked behind her walkig with huge steps as oblivion bounced on her leg. She was whistling a funny tune in her head. She the began to nod her head as the song was playing not careing if anyone saw here.
Kazan just shook his head, the girls were taking this far too lightly. They were stuck here and if they stayed here for too long, the Forgotten would eventually overwhelm. Never mind that, they would eventually run out of food, water or just go insane. No this was not good...

"We need to find a way out of here, we can battle Forgotten until we turn blue. But the big picture is we need some way out... We were suppose to be a rescue party, but now we are stuck. We need a way out!"

He squeezed the Gummi Block so that it practically changed shaped and bulged out of his hands.

'We need a way out...' Kazan thought to himself.

He suddenly looked up as the purple vortex was beginning to fade, he shook his head as it completely faded away. Wait a minute, did I just really see that. Just as the vortex was closing, that almost looked like an eye... Is someone watching us....

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