Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]

He looked up at the vortex in time to see the same thing Kazan saw. "If he only let me have all of my powers, I'd be able to get us out of this mess." Ryoko thought to himself, "Then again, that would be dues ex machina. They don't like that." He handed Kazan his gummi block and started walking away. "I'm going to go grind. Chances are that we are going to have another encounter like that, and I'll need to be my strongest."
As Ryoko handed Kazan his Gummi Block, both glowed and suddenly attached together as Kazan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"That's it!!!"

He jumped up with excitement.

"The Gummi Blocks! If we can find enough of them scattered from the wreckage, maybe we can build our own ship. It won't be a masterpiece, but hopefully it can be just decent enough to get us out of here so we can return with a proper ship and reinforcements!"

He smirked holding the two Gummi Blocks together.

"We know our mission, we have to go find as many Gummi Blocks as we can while trying to sort out this Forgotten mess."

He then shot his Keyblade as it spun past Ryoko's path stopping him in his tracks, purposely missing him as it spun around and returned to Kazan's hand.

"Don't be stupid! This isn't training, we are on an unchartered world filled with the enemy. Now is not the time to go wandering alone, you may still be new but the Master made it clear we are to stick together and depend on each other in this mission. Remember our final task to to learn to work together, to learn the power of bonded hearts."

Kazan thought back on his Master's words, the Master had always spoken of this as their task and that which they seemed to lack most. What troubled Kazan is why when he said, Kazan always felt like he was saying it directly to him. Did he think that he lack it so much or he expected him to help bring them together.
Ryoko stopped after seeing the keyblade whirl in front of him. After hearing Kazan's words, he realized something. "Hmm... I thought that this was an adventure setting, but it's beginning to look more like horror. Rule#2 (or some number near that) of horror genres: anyone who goes by themselves will 9 times out of 10 get killed." He turned around and said, "Alright, but we need to get stronger anyway. We also need to search for the gummi blocks, so maybe we should go in teams of two or three."
Aria was at a sudden loss of words. As Kazan shot up in light of his idea, Aria dropped down from being spooked. She was right next to the guy, after all. "You'd might as well rip my lips off and become a master... Y'know..."

Aria sighed. She got back up, crossed her arms behind her head, and began to look around from where she was. She was thinking.
Fyx, after hearing about looking for the gummy blocks, she tried to think back when she awoke on this wasteland. Did she see any blocks there? Stroking her imaginary beard she thought that maybe if they actual found the Gummi Ships crash site then they didn't have to look so hard. Surveying the group she blew out hot air up towards her auburn bangs, they rustled lightly then settle back down against her forehead. The young Keyblade Weilder wasn't always keen on shouting her ideas out to people who weren't gruesome monsters, like those in her hometown. Pushing her indecisiveness away she decided to pipe up and give her own opinion.. "Well maybe if we could pin point exactly where the Gummi Ship crashed then we could scavenge more parts from there?" Rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly she gave a lopsided smile to the group, she had no idea how they were supposed to pinpoint the crash, but hey! It was worth a shot.
"That sounds like a good idea, even though it seems Gummi Blocks were scattered all over it is most likely to be more around the crash area. The question is, where is the crash area if there is even one. By the way we were all split up, the ship might have completely broken apart before it even reached the ground..."

Kazan thought hard as he paced back and forth, hand on chin in deep consideration. He was trying to figure it all out when he suddenly felt the oddest sensation, something terrible.

Suddenly the brown dust like clouds again began to thunder as light glowed with horrible sounds emanating from within.

The blocks of wood fell to the sky as they smashed into the ground with amazing force, after crashing into a small crater they began to form into their true form as Forgotten usually do when they arrive. The body began to form, it seemed female. It was a female like puppet with fair skin. She wore a large tall headdress that resembled something like a pharaoh or something Victorian. Her mouth was covered with a veil and she wore a very elaborate and expensive looking dress with puffy shoulders and an extremely puffy skirt that seemed to extend out with blades at the edges. It appeared she didn't have legs, but just little wheels coming out of the dress for mobility. Finally she had a large white bow at the back of the dress.

As soon as they saw her the group could feel like she was not like the other Forgotten, this one was something else entirely. The powerful aura she was giving off immediately clutched at their hearts.

Kazan could only stare on as this new creature assembled itself in front of them, this one definitely wasn't in the book. Kazan clutched his heart in pain.

Her eyes seemed to indicate she was smiling at them under the veil.

"Hello Keyblade Masters."

She spoke softly.

'It can talk!'

Kazan thought to himself in shock.
Fyx felt a sudden impending doom as the brown dust clouds began to form. Looking around carefully she watched as the blocks of wood fell from the sky. Her mouth opened in shock as a Forgotten started to form, it was a female like body, but it was sort of puppet shaped with light toned skin. She wore the most elegant clothes and a veil covered her expression. Fyx's spine tingled with fear and her feet took a few steps back. A very powerful aura escaped the odd Forgotten Goddess and Fyx could feel her insides turn with nausea and pain. Trying to control her breathing she looked towards the ground in hopes it was some illusion, but as she pinched the skin on her forearm and looked up too see the Forgotten was still in their midst she nearly slapped herself.

Alas she could only go numb at the smiling eyes the Forgotten gave towards them all. Suddenly, soft words escaped the Goddess' lips.

"Hello Kayblade Masters."

And as it seeped into Fyx's mind she could barely stand. "We are screwed.. It can talk! Holy crap it can talk!"
Her face continued to give off the illusion of a smile.

"Welcome to the Lost World."

She looked at each member of the group, Keyblade wielder or not.

"If you are thinking of leaving, don't. No one leaves the Lost World, ever."

She said so sure and as a simple matter of fact, no malice or threat involved. Simply that, that was the way it was, end of story.

"I am Queen."

She said introducing herself.

Kazan looked on completely frozen as tears began trickling down his face for some reason, it appeared as if he was crying for some peculiar reason even though no one else seemed to feel that way, just him.
Aria was fine off, in fact she seemed a bit better when the group was somehow beginning to form some plan. She wouldn't have to, then, she thought, and soon she would be doing what she did better than forming plans... Taking action. "Alright! I can already feel the action coming forth... Wait... That isn't action..."

Instinctively she looked up to the sky. Wooden blocks formed a pale figure cloaked in some kinda royal attire of sorts-- she didn't care, really-- but it seemed that her teammates did. They seemed spooked. Aria obviously didn't feel the same... She was practically fearless. But something in the back of her head was telling her she should've, in accordance to the negative vibes she ignored around her.

"Wait, who are you to tell us that--" Aria first started, interrupted by her own subconscience.
Queen looked at Aria with a glare.

"As I said I am Queen, clean out your ears girl if you cannot hear!"

She said harshly before returning to her more usual composure, though the change wasn't much. She seemed to keep her style and demeanor under control at all times.
genesis walked up "what do you want?" he asked the queen not really spooked by her "also im leaving this world, and if your gonna try to stop me..." a huge black wing shot out of his coat and a bright red glow engulfed his sword "id love to see you try" he stated starring at her. Genesis wanted out of this world and though he hated groups he had a feeling hed be stuck working with this one for now.
Being curious she walked up behind genesis and pocked his blade wit hers. When she said Queens she was a little surprised but whens she said we cant leave that went through one ear and out the other. She didn't care what the queen said, if their was a way out, She would find it so her team can go home.
Fyx was definitly spooked by the Forgotten Queen, but the feeling subsided as she began to talk more. Saying the thing she dread most. They couldn't leave. Fyx's emotions were usually in tact and she was always levelheaded, but that flustered her somewhat as she had hoped to get out of here very soon. She had a schedule to attend too and if she missed one meal then they would all be in big trouble. Feeling somewhat confident she held her pride closed and stared up towards the Queen. Alas, she didn't not speak her voice towards her since it had not been working well for the others, instead she stacked her hopes up with her own opinion and encouraging words. We will make it out of here alive. We will achieve our goal that our Masters had given to us. We will learn to grow up and grow stronger.

With a slight chuckle she shoved her hands inside her front pockets and surveyed the area around them, starting ahead on searching for those Gummi Blocks. Maybe if we figured out where everyone landed then we could pin point where the Gummi Ship crashed... Rubbing small circles over her thumping temple's she tried to think back to exactly where she had woken up, but it was hard to remember since right after she had began to fight a horde of Jugglers and Meagers. She still had hope though as she began to search for the brightly colored blocks, completely ignoring the Queen's presence. Maybe if she pretended she wasn't there then she would disappear completely. Good plan. She thought to herself as a sly smile crossed her face then vanished.
Kazan wiped his eyes, why was he crying. He had no idea what was going on with except when he looked at this Forgotten he felt this incredible sadness he could not explain and he didn't know why.

"What I want will become clear soon enough and I told you, you aren't leaving. You can try... in vain! You are already lost in this world, in this world those who become lost are lost to the world. You've already lost something most important. When you've lost the most important thing in your heart, your heart will be no more!"

She raised her arms as she turned into pieces and shot up into the sky as she disappeared.

Kazan swallowed, it was only once she left he felt he could breathe again. Why did she evoke such a feeling in him, why was he crying. He had to worry about the others, they had to find the Gummi Blocks.

"Come on guys, let's go! We have to find those blocks!"


Meanwhile in an undisclosed location, in some very old ruins stood a circle of broken pillars as Queen soon landed on one of them reassembling herself. She looked around her at the other figures hidden by the shadows.

"Well it seems they have arrived, it seems they still believe escape is still possible. Regardless of their hopeless and impossible beliefs, we cannot falter. We know what our Master has requested.... So, who wants to play first?"

She looked at each of them.

(Ok guys, now you can start posting your Forgotten if you wish. You do not have to make a Forgotten, but you are more then welcome. Keep in mind they are villains and nothing else. You cannot play a good one, while they may not like each other all Forgotten follow this mysterious master Queen speaks of and wish to destroy their owner [whose memory they come from].

Now since the Forgotten are the villains and the non-humans of this RP, I would like them to be interesting. So I will not accept them as easily as I did your main characters. They must have unique abilities and looks, so far the trend is you want them to look exactly human based on a characters friends. I assure you even Queen hasn't shown her full form and abilities yet. I'm not to happy of this, these characters shouldn't be so human. They are the monsters, so while they can be humanoid I'd like to see multiples arms, snake tail for legs, wings, maybe even qaudrupeds, weird powers not just all elemental stuff like fire because they were in a fire. You guys can do better then my idea I gave for an example. Use the puppet idea, you can have fun with that.

Also to keep them secret and interesting, I'd like you to send over PM that way we can keep them surprising. So even if I already accepted your Forgotten you must still send me a PM because I want you to rethink them now that you understand them a bit more and we can start fighting them one by one, or rather maybe in groups since not everyone is always on)
Genesis walked over to kazaan after his wing and sword both went away "you really think we have any hope of getting out of here?" he asks "look around, this place isn't gonna let us go easy" he stated in a calm voice "im hoping you have some plan other than just find the gummi blocks" he stated with a sigh not trying to seem rude.
Ryoko had remained silent during the whole conversation with the queen of the forgotten. He only spoke after she left. "Alright, I think I might have a general idea of what is to come by using my genre savvyness. In most cases matter is neither created nor destroyed, but converted. These things are called the forgotten, so I think that they have something to do with memory. I looked through my memories and I seem to have a blank spot. My theory is that they took a certain memory from us and made them into one of the forgotten. It may have become a case of the nobodies where if the memories are strong enough, they become different kind of forgotten that is much stronger and has a soul of sorts. Either way, we might have to fight them and if we beat them, we might gain back our lost memories."
(We have one person making a Forgotten, any one else want to make a Forgotten to be part of the group that is going to attack us? It can be a full on battle where they die or an introduction where they come back to harass us another day.)

Kazan looked at Genesis.

"No it won't be easy, but yes we will get out of here. Your with Keyblade Masters now and we don't give up. As for a plan, nope! Gummi Blocks is all we got, so we don't have a choice unless you have some better."

He then turned to Ryoko.

"Thanks for the recap, but yes... Our Master did mention these things were created from memories. We were told the Forgotten were made from certain memories, which memories was unclear. He said all over the worlds people have been losing key memories, but usually only one. That these memories were becoming Forgotten...

That part we've always known, but we did not know some could speak... That is new, so some are stronger and more inteilligent. Is that because of the specific memory or is because of the person they came from. If it is like Nobodies your analysis may not be correct, it may simply be the strength of the person that decides if the Forgotten are intelligent like with Nobodies or could the memories themselves."

The fact that Ryoko knew he was missing a memory meant it had become a Forgotten. Was he missing a memory, Kazan tried to think if there was anything he had forgotten, but if there was, well he had forgotten that he had forgotten!
Aria felt a little bit aggravated. She almost couldn't resist the incredible urge to just walk up to the lady and punch her square in the face... But somehow her conflicting subconscious prevented her from doing so. She instead looked at her fellow teammates for some lead on how she was supposed to act... Now that the lady was gone. Like always, she turned to Kazan, since he was basically their leader now.

She nodded in approval.

"So we're gunna go get those Gummi Bocks, right? Alright then."


F-IP had sat on one of the other pillars of rock for quite a while. She was unresponsive for the small ten seconds or so as queen spoke.


F-IP glanced upwards, breaking her state of stillness.

"Perhaps I should go at them first."
"Ok, let's think about the place we all landed."

Kazan made his Keyblade Dragon Heart appear as he used it to draw in the dusty sand.

"I landed about here, here is where we fought the BlockHead, judging from the directions each of you came you each landed about here and here...."

Kazan stared at his crude little map.


He stared even harder as he thought.

"That means the place where the wreckage might be is.... hmmm.."

He arched his brow and though really hard as sweat dripped down his forehead.

"I have no idea! Let's just go in that direction!"

He pointed with Dragon Heart as it disappeared and he began walking in that direction.


Queen smiled at F-IP.

"Very well, but take some of these with you."

She motioned to some Forgotten hiding in the dark background as the growled and suddenly a horrible metal churning sound was heard.

"Go, we can't let them wander too far. They have something up their sleeves..."

She watched as the Forgotten and F-IP broke into blocks and dissappeared.

"Any other takers?"

She smiled sweetly to the other Forgotten.
(Sorry for my absence~)

Now convinced that Kazan was going to formulate some plan for the group, Aria huddled towards him and kneeled over the sand right next to him. She observed his somewhat simple yet perplexing drawing on the ground.

"I landed about here, here is where we fought the BlockHead,"

Aria was getting drowsy.

"judging from the directions each of you came you each landed about here and here..."

Aria was beginning to lean over.

"That means the place where the wreckage might be is..."

She was going to fall.


"I have no idea!"

Curveball. Aria snapped awake so suddenly, as if she were zapped by some kinda invisible strike of electricity of sorts. She saw Kazan heading off... Though.....

She got an eerie/odd vibe from that direction...

"Kazan, wait!"
"There's only one thing I don't understand: If no one can leave this place, then why does the master know about all of the things in here? I mean, when Yen Sed told Sora and Riku about the dream worlds, he didn't write a book about every random encounter there. Being able to look at a book to find their weaknesses seems to take all of the suspense out of it, don't you think?" Ryoko said while following Kazan. He then turned to PyroWarriorZ and thought (because he knew that authors can read thoughts), "By the way, just in case we stumble into something, when am I allowed to use limit breaks?"
(I'll leave that to you and I did specifically say leave out Sora and Riku, they are not part of this world.)

Kazan took out the book they had been given about the Forgotten.

"It's true that this book contains a lot of valuable information on our enemies, but that is the job of the Academy. To know all there is about the world, so obviously when these Forgotten started appearing it became a prime directive to find out as much as could be. Through spying, cameras, capturing of Forgotten this book was compiled of all the bits and pieces of Forgotten information as he could be found on the Forgotten, however it still is far from complete and still doesn't even begin to explain the Forgotten. While the Academy may have it's skill with collecting information, we are the first to actually physically come to this Lost World to find the true mystery behind the Forgotten and where they come from?"

As they continued to walk the group eventually came to a huge cliff which led off into a crevice. The crevice was filled with smoke so the bottom could not be seen even if it had one. However floating on the top seemed to be pieces of metal that just floated there.

"That's odd. I wonder how they float..."

Kazan stepped onto one of the platforms a little bit wobbily, as he got his footing and stood on it.

"I think they are safe to cross!"

Kazan hoped they weren't attacked while crossing these platforms, they might have be at a disadvantage if the Forgotten chose now to strike.
"Oh, sorry. I forgot about that. Although, being a dimension traveler and breaker of the fourth-wall, I would know about them but they wouldn't, so it's just like I'm talking about someone they don't know."

"Oh, I remember seeing something like this in a movie. I think it is some kind of magnetic field." Ryoko said before running and leaping off of the ledge to a floating platform, trying to use the momentum to let him ride it like a skateboard.
As Ryoko jumped onto the platform with such force it seemed to lose it's hold as the platform suddenly began spinning all around sending Ryoko flying off.

Kazan reached out his hand to grab Ryoko before he fell into the bottomless pit.

"Can we try save the stupid stuff for when we are not a dangerous cliff!"

He yelled at Ryoko for trying such a dangerous stunt when they had no idea about these floating platforms.

The platform Ryoko had jumped on slowly lost momentum as it stopped spinning now upside after bumping into a few other platforms. Kazan bit his lip, these platforms were completely unstable. It was hard to believe anything was holding them up, there seemed to be no gravitational or magnetic force holding it up from any side just as if they had their own force levitating them from within, meaning they had no inclination to be in any position or stay in any up right form.
"Hey, I said wait!" Aria grimaced. She knew going off in /that/ specific direction was a bad idea. So much, in fact, she felt like she was going to do something about it.

But when did she ever not do something about anything?

Holding back another incredible urge to punch something in the face, Aria chased after the two towards the cliff that led to the smoking crevice. She met the two leaping onto some floating platforms, some which looked dangerous to cross.

The feeling came in to her like a rushing bull.

It was close.

Instantaneously the girl thrust her gaze into the sky. Small figments of what seemed to be wood dropped in, making them not seem as small as they were from a distance. A sleek womanly form was made through these wooden pieces, who wore a white imperial suit that was tight enough to show most of her body features. She had long purple hair that fell down to her shoulders and eyes of the same melancholic color. When she landed on one of the platforms, gracefully, she smiled, and loomed over the group.

"So, you're those keyblade-kids?"

Aria froze. Her body began to shake. Uncontrollably. "A-Allison...?"

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