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Fantasy Kill Nothing but Time | On-Site OOC

Taking the time between now and when we start to do more Lore Updates(tm) which should be up....sometime tonight? Expect more locations + location descriptions, timeline stuff, a few notes on where we're starting and what the first events will be, and some NPC information that I'll be totally and utterly mysterious about in order to raise intrigue!
👁️ 👁️ ohhh hell yes can't wait!!
good evening all today i learned the terrible lesson that sometimes u have to change ur perfect faceclaim bc there's not enough content for it
guys how we feeling about a rich boy who got forced to work the camp because he got caught being very irresponsible in college
alright I do believe Amby's form is finished!
that took all the energy outta me.
Sheets will do that 😔 it looks good I like him !!! Oh man is he gonna have to get good at his job
Lore has gotten a full-on update because I decided to switch the first mystery around, plus add location descriptions and some npc names for my benefit. This is gonna be the last update to it before we start, so enjoy, hopefully!
Lore has gotten a full-on update because I decided to switch the first mystery around, plus add location descriptions and some npc names for my benefit. This is gonna be the last update to it before we start, so enjoy, hopefully!

cannot wait to meet pepsi meltdown, who has a great name for a punk band

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