Senior Member
Send New EmailNew Email ReceivedToriSenbo.No.Hana@gmail.comActing Club ApplicationHello there -NAME HERE-!
Thank you for being so kind as to apply to our acting club! We had plenty of applicants this year, and we're most grateful! Therefore, to help acess how to give everyone a chance and for what positions within the club, we will be hosting an audition in the school auditorium after the weekend at the end of the third year classes. If you have a good excuse small delays will be tolerated, but if you do come late, please be respectful and try to keep quiet as you enter so you don't disturb the perfomance of those that are already having their turn.
Do no worry though! We do not expect new members to already be pros, discovering our talents and working on our skills is part of the club's mission!
Hope to see you there on monday!
Affectionally, from your club president
Torinaiwa Senbonohana
Riiiiiiight here is what I'm referring to. I realize now my question wasn't very clear.