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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

(@Lord Anubis I must have missed your pooooooost! I'll find it and get on that!)

Lillith could hear a loud whooshing sound close by. She did not know the cause of the noise, but it was annoying. She lay there for a moment, focusing only on the noise until things began to surface again. She could feel a warm gust of air being forced down her raw throat. It was painful and she wanted it to stop, but was having a hard time finding her voice. The sting of air continued until she finally felt the urgency of the situation. In the next moment her icy blue eyes shot open. Lillian forced herself up, almost smacking heads with the water creature. She leaned forward, her hands on the ground holding her small frame up, forcing sloshes of water out of her lungs as she desperately gasped for air.
Himiko looked around. She thought she was in human form, but she wasn't. Himiko was unsure where to really go. She turned around and tripped, slamming her face on the ground. Her nose started to hurt. She'd made her nose bleed a little bit. Himiko stood up, holding her nose with her hand. She could barely see. Himiko started walking in a random direction. She wasn't sure where she was going, but it didn't matter to her, as she'd still be lost if she didn't have her hand in front of her face.

Himiko almost slammed against something. She barely stopped before hitting her head against whatever it was. When she looked up to see what it was, she was suddenly falling to the side. All she heard was a splashing sound. Water...? Himiko slowly floated towards the bottom of the pool, head first. Strangely, Himiko's first reaction was to try and burn away what was touching her. Her flames managed to surround her free hand for just a second, but was gone quite fast.

Himiko oddly went to her human form, but not her proper self that's sixteen, but her self that's twelve. Her clothing'd changed with her to be a school uniform that's like a sailor uniform, white and pink. She didn't even know she was drowning or that she could die if she stayed there, so she just let herself keep floating down until she laid flat on the bottom of the pool, lungs a little filled with water.
Mine walked through the snow putting her goggles over her eyes to keep out the cold her eyes fogged up easy she saw someone in a red suit and walked over. "Aren't you cold?" She was one to talk Mine's body was robotic so she wasn't really wearing anything for the weather.
Utho sat back as the girl jolted upwards, watching the water come out of her mouth in torrents. Surface walkers really couldn't hold their water, could they? He gave her a little distance as he stayed kneeling, hands on his knee as he watched her without a word. She could talk when she had air again.
Lillith continued to choke up water until the deep raspy coughs turned into small gags. Lillith slouched over, dropping her head lower to the ground. With one final croak she threw up the rest of the water that had been trapped inside her. She flopped onto the ground, laying in her side as she gasped for all the fresh air she could manage. As she began to relax she forced herself up into a siting position, wide eyes never leaving the boy. "You-..." She could only stare. She couldn't put the right words together. Instead she flung her arms around him, pulling him close for a tight hug. This was too out of character, but she didn't care. "Thank you" was all the girl could manage, and even then it sounded raspy and painful.
(Now that I've established this before leavin', do whatever, just don't harm 'er. If you do, Himiko'll turn 37 and scold ya like a child, ignoring that she herself is sixteen xD )

Himiko could suddenly feel pain in her chest. She just realized she couldn't breathe. She started choking on the water that was entering her body. Himiko struggled to go upwards, but she was already being weighed down by the water filling her lungs. Once again, like an idiot, she tried to light the water on fire. All she managed was a quick and bright flash from a flame, that didn't even last two seconds. She passed out, floating back down to the bottom of the pool, laying on her back as small bubbles of air floated out of her mouth and to the surface of the pool. She still looked twelve for some reason, and in human form.
"Yes, it's me," he says plainly, tilting his head as he tried to figure what the girl was saying. Had she hit her head on the way down? It didn't look like she was hurt aside from the near drowning. Maybe she was -- physical contact. All at once Utho realized that the girl was hugging him and for one he found his mind quite muddled. Squirming was his first instinct. "W-Why are you holding me?" he asked, unfamiliar with this strange gesture of thanks.
Nebula woke up in his room, immediately he quenched his head as he moaned "Owwww, this headache, what happened?" After a few minutes of sitting like this, he preceded to get up and get dressed. After taking a few moments of getting dressed, Nebula walked out of his dorm and towards the food court, as he mumbled to himself "Hope they got some good food, cause I am starved."

(Ugh sorry, I've been having no alerts for this RP, thought it was dead D:)
((@UltraYuseke are you also at the pool?))

Lillith pulled away, clearing her throat. She looked a but embarrassed. "W-well I-..." She averted her eyes from his face. "It's a gesture I've learned here in the Human World. You do that when you want to-... really thank someone." Lillith wiped away the strands of hair that stuck to her face. "I know I seem cold. But I am truly thankful for what you have done," she grumbled.
Uthotask blinked at her, his feels not quite matching up with his blank expression for once. He felt quite bashful and unsure if this demon girl was being genuine but it was a nice feeling all the same. He found himself looking towards the other boy as he apparently mocked the girl which caused the slightest of frowns to cross his face. Without a word or even look back he scooted forward and wrapped his arms around the demon's shoulders, hugging her gently as if to comfort her.

Lillith glared at the zombie. She was allowed, just like anyone else, to have feelings too. What did he know anyway. She rolled her eyes at his comment, making a mental note to destroy him later. Just as she was about to move he wrapped his arms around Lillith. She didn't realize he was capable of feeling either; a nice surprise. Her eyes widened for a second, then softened. She hugged him back once again, smiling to herself. "Mocking aside, I mean what I said. Thank you." She said in his ear.


Lillith glared at the zombie. She was allowed, just like anyone else, to have feelings too. What did he know anyway. She rolled her eyes at his comment, making a mental note to destroy him later. Just as she was about to move he wrapped his arms around Lillith. She didn't realize he was capable of feeling either; a nice surprise. Her eyes widened for a second, then softened. She hugged him back once again, smiling to herself. "Mocking aside, I mean what I said. Thank you." She said in his ear.
Utho didn't say anything at first, just taking in the moment. She was warm despite the cold water she was covered in. Even with him having started it this time the physical contact felt... weird, especially with the texture of human skin. It didn't feel very smooth. Still she seemed happy. He looked to her with his usual poker face as she thanked him and after a moment of hesitation he asked, "When can I let go?"
Lillith actually blushed at how embarrassed she was. "Y-you can let go whenever you want," she pulled away from the boy, scratching the back of her head. "Those don't usually last that long. But then again I guess it depends on the situation..." She shrugged, coughing slightly. Her throat was still raw. The temperature suddenly seemed very cold to her. She shivered, wrapping her arms around her small frame.
@kira blackthorn Henry then grabbed alice and gorilla walked to the courtyard, the night was young, and he wanted to head to the town. "If you want.... we could nab some sweets right now." he suggested, turning to his human form. (i think so too, but let's just go with just warren and phoenix until she gets back. @jamaicanviking )
Despite her words Utho didn't let go. Part of him simply didn't want to and she said he didn't have to stop until he wanted to. Secondly he noticed that she was starting to shiver. Eager to be helpful he hugged himself closer, head resting on her shoulder as his eyes half closed. "I know there's not very much of me but I'll keep you as warm as I can," he says in a flat tone.
(Oh, good!)

"You know, I don't think I've ever met another Reaper at school, thus far. I mean, there are plenty of vampires, and werewolves, and every other creature under the sun, but not once have I met one of my own kind." This thought made Warren feel kind of lonely, but he quickly brushed it off. "I don't suppose you've ever met a Reaper before, have you, Phoenix?"
jamaicanviking said:
(Oh, good!)
"You know, I don't think I've ever met another Reaper at school, thus far. I mean, there are plenty of vampires, and werewolves, and every other creature under the sun, but not once have I met one of my own kind." This thought made Warren feel kind of lonely, but he quickly brushed it off. "I don't suppose you've ever met a Reaper before, have you, Phoenix?"
"My male friend alice is half reaper, and half puppet master." Phoenix replied.


[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Alice cheered agreeing with the idea eagerly. Sweets and a trip? What could be better.

henry then carried alice to town, where they found a sweets shop.
Kumiko snapped out of the daze she was just in. She looked around. "Err... May someone tell me what's going on?" She asked, her voice still emotionless. "Oh, talking about species? I'm a Fire Demon... The Demons that are stained with blood. Though it's not visible..." Kumiko said, her voice trailing off.

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