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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Utho blinked. Had he done something wrong? He looked down as if expecting to see scales and claws but all he could see was a pink soft shell he was still getting use to. Looking up again he merely blinked without a word before realizing he hadn't given her an answer. "No," he answered flatly, flopping onto outside of the pool still soaking wet, standing up without bothering to dry himself. "Not yet. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. It's what my parents told me."
Suddenly kain fell to the ground on his side in the fetal position. The cracks spreaded more across his body reaching up his neck to his right eye. His body pullsed, and vibrated with conflicting energies. Light and darkness fighting within him, as his power grew unstable within himself. Kain let out a scream before gritting his teeth to keep from screaming. The last thing he wanted was someone finding their way there. A wing shot out from his right shiulder blade in the color of black while another wing the color of white shit from his left shoulder blade. His form quickly began to glow a bright purple color, as he grew into his dragon form.


The hybride form of his heritage emerged, as he unleashed a powerful roar his mind not his own. The conflicting forces had shattered his mind leaving him in a vulnerable state of confusion. A small storm cloud formned above the large field he was in with the glowing tree.
Lillith shook her head backing away more, not wanting to get any water on her. "What? What tongue do you speak?" She couldn't understand him, but by the looks of him, he wasn't much of a threat. She cleared her throat, crossing her arms around her chest. "No matter. I was simply curious. You seem to be simple enough. I-I will spare you, only because you're dripping wet. But I warn you, next time we come into contact I will-... Decide your punishment." She was simply terrified. She tried hiding her fear, but the shimmering water knew better. She seemed weak behind her threats.
Utho tilted his head to the side, water dripping from his body as he stood there. Was he wrong in thinking that her stern words clashed with the fear in her voice? He didn't think so. Deciding to ignore the empty threats he answered her question. "R'lyehian. That's the tongue of my people. I believe the words the surface use for us are 'Deep Ones'." He scratched his chin idly with one finger, still expressionless and pale like a porcelain doll come to life as he stared up at her. A few more seconds of silence before he asked, "Is something wrong?"
Lillith looked up at the zombie, stepping away. "What the-... Ugh. What the hell kind of creatures are they letting in this academy nowadays..." She took a step away from Henry. "Nothing is going on. I was just looking around when I found this boy. I thought he was dying. I was just here to take his soul. Yet he lives fine in the water. There is no need for me to take his soul now." She shrugged. She eyed the door, wanting nothing more than to leave, but wasn't about to be seen as a coward. "N-No! Nothing is wrong! Just-... I don't know! Stop being in the water!"


Luther was out and about in the woods, when he came across Kain. He looked to be in pain. He watched quietly as he transformed into a strange creature. "Eh there," he said, stepping out from behind a tree. "Looks like you've gotten a makeover," he smirked.
It took a moment for the boy's head to finally turn and look at the other figures had arrived. Two figures, both of them smelling of death yet in quite different ways. He stared at them just as blankly, wide eyes never blinking as he idly began to nibble on the end of his thumb, teeth scraping against the skin as he thought. Eventually his head straigthened up and he merely muttered, "I tasted mermaid once, it was gamey."
Kain in a confused enraged stated looked down at luther with glowing bright purples eyes. A crawled closer to him each stepped shaking the ground violantly. Loud growling sounds eminated from his throut, as a mix of white, and black flame apouted from small openings in his razor sharp teeth. In kains shattered mind he only remembered flashes of luther mostly him causeing great suffering upon lilith. With the primal feeling if rage the veins glowing along his right eye stretching down to his neck pulsed with megical energy. Kain opened his mouth letting out a strong earth shaking roar at luther.

@Kat Attack
Lillith watched the young boy. He was simply adorable. But his looks were not going to get the best of her. She rolled her eyes. "Obviously he's not a mermaid. He's his own separate species. One that... Enjoys water." She shuddered at the thought. "Now, little boy," she knelt down, looking into his wide eyes. "What's your name?" She tilted her head to one side, curious.
There was more blinking. Little boy? The thought to point out that he was in fact well into his teens when she was on head level with him, looking straight into his eyes. He blinked once more before his gaze darted to the right and he took a subconscious step back. "I'm not a child..." he muttered, an inkling of what one could describe as indignity slipping into his voice before he shook his head, throwing some droplets around before he spoke. "Uthotask."
Lillith backed up, not wanting to get the horrible water droplets on her. She glared as he so carelessly shook his head. "Well Uthotask, you should learn the ropes around here at some point..." Lillith pushed some of her long black hair behind her shoulder. "I'm going to collect your soul here soon enough. So be a good boy and try not to struggle too much." She glanced over at the others as well, "that goes for everyone in this room. Someday soon, maybe even today if I feel like it, I'll be plucking your measly souls from you to join in my army." She smirked, it was good being back to her old wicked self.
Uthotask stared back up at her now that she was looking away, a look of mild confusion on his face as she went on about souls and an army. The boy had a feeling he was being threatened. Had he done something wrong? Regardless he'd put the pieces together by now and decided to make a counter attack. Lifting one hand up, he casually flicked his forefinger across his thumb, launching a droplet of water that had settled on his skin to thwack her right inbetween the eyes.
Alices nose scrunched up at the threat. Since he was half puppet master his soul was chained to his body making it impossible for demons and reapers to get it. Frowning he stuck his tongue out at Lilith. "I would like to see you try."
Lillith yelled, backing away, wiping her face off quickly. "H-Hey creature!" She glared. "I-I mean, maybe I won't take your soul now or for a very long while. That's my mission. You can't blame me for having goals!" She rubbed the spot between her eyes until it was red. "You play dirty fish creature," she mumbled to herself.
Satisfied, Utho began staring at her horns again. Perhaps she was a demon? Or maybe a goat girl? Wait, goat girls didn't want souls... so demon then. That's what the book had told him. Then his mind back tracked to something else he said. Plainly he stated, "My goal is to not have everyone here die. That's what I was told."
Lillith rolled her eyes. "Well where is the fun in that. Everything dies at some point. I'm just here to speed along the process. You may seem so self righteous with your desires, but being a demon, i do not so much share the same values." She walked over to the boy, a very brave gesture on her part, circling him to get a good look. She almost smiled a bit. He was simply adorable. If nothing else she wanted him as a pet.
"I never said it's what I wanted..." he mutters, eyes darting to the ground again as she began to circle him. From the water he could tell she was tall but even outside of it he felt dwarfed. What was with the sudden confidence anyways? She'd been so scared when he'd come out of the water... this was all so confusing without people changing how they acted. His hands slid inside his jacket, completely dry unlike the rest of him, as he spoke. "It's what the Academy wants my people to want... something about making peace and avoiding the release of the Mad God... my dad said that it's just shore walkers wanting to be safe when their doom is on the horizon."
As he put his hands in his pockets Lillith backed away, not wanting to get too close to anyone. She avoided the edges of the water, but it seemed the more she put on a brave face, the more she was actually able to stand it. Looks like she was getting over her fear swimmingly. She chuckled out loud at her own personal joke. "Well, it seems your people are smart. You seem like a species I could actually hold an intelligent conversation with." She leaned in close, looking the boy over once more. "And my, are you dreadfully adorable too." She chuckled a bit, but it was cut short as she realized she stepped in a puddle. She looked down at her feet, taking quick steps back, only to realize too late she was backing onto the pool's ledge. She fell into the pool's deep end with a gasp. She gasped for air, which she soon realized was not the brightest idea. She inhaled water as she sunk to the bottom. Thrashing around in panic was all she could do as she stared at the blurred figures safe above the water.
After a few seconds Utho's eyes glazed over. It was all rambling from what he could figure. Surface dwellers sure liked to talk a lot. Was this normal or an especially annoying feature of those he'd met? Then he focused on another matter. It seems her fear of water was forgotten or lost as she casually moved by the water's edge. And then he watched it all happen as if in slow motion. Her foot touching the puddle, her realization, then the falling. He crashed into the water ended up re-soaking him and once the water settled on his eyes he looked down. Immediately something was wrong. The way the girl was moving was very familiar to him; it was how a fish or animal moved when it was injured or struggling to swim. Was that it? The surface dweller couldn't swim. Whatever the case the rules stated no killing on campus and inaction would be killing in a way... even if she was so mean. The moment he made up his mind his body changed. The baggy, damp clothes suddenly fit snug as his mass expanded while his head and neck took a painful looking twist to accommodate for his expanding neck. Hands drew from his pockets just as claws and webbing sprouted. She shift barely lasted three seconds and before his form could even settle it launched itself headfirst into the water. Instinct went further than thought in situations like this and by the time the boy's mind had cleared past the bubbles and flailing limbs he was on dry land on the other side of the pool, demon girl next to him as white, pupil-less eyes stared to see if it lived.
Lillith's movements under the surface became weaker and weaker. She gasped, inhaling yet another sting of water. Her vision began to blur, getting black around the edges just as she saw a figure moving towards her. She blacked out in the next moment, although her mind was still working. From what she gathered she was out from the pressure of the water, but she still couldn't breathe. She felt like she was still dying. Unable to move, she lay on the ground, slowly slipping into the darkness.
Utho canted his head to the side as the girl stay laying there. It didn't look comfortable... had she hurt something? Then he noticed the way she was breathing... or the difficulty with it in this case. One of the things that his family and caretakers had been pointing out since he even considered expecting the invite to KA: Most land walkers don't breathe water and from the flailing and bubbles he'd seen it wouldn't surprise him if she'd tried doing just that. Now why would she go and do that? Perhaps she was envious of his amphibious nature... he tried not to think about it long. People dying was bad. He quickly dropped to his knees, body shifting back into a small, pinker body as he looked her over. She wasn't conscious and she wasn't spitting up the water. The only options left were let her die or do the one trick he'd been taught in case of an emergency. His parents thought it appropriate given he'd be the most likely person to be able to save a drowning victim on the surface. He flipped his hood back, eyes full of concentration as he put a hand on her jaw and pulled it down, leaving her mouth open for him to lean in and hear into. No breathing... He sat up, filling his lungs in one gulp as his free hands pinched her nose. In one quick movement he put his mouth against hers and blew in all the built up air he had.

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