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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

"I'm a halfling." Alice chirped not minding the question one bit. He loved how unique he was. He was the only one of his kind. " I'm part Grimm reaper part puppet master. Im one of a kind."
With no classes for the time being Uthotask made it his goal to find somewhere comfortable to rest. People seemed to give him odd looks anything he rested in the fountain so he opted to find a larger body of water this time around so he didn't have to bother with people staring. He rested comfortably in the deep end, his clothes on and his hood pulled pull as he sat on the bottom leaning against the wall. It was nice and semi-warm here but the water made his nose scrunch up. It tasted like chemicals and made him long for the fountain or even the waters of home. He'd taken to filling up any cups of water he had with table salt just to emulate it. It seemed only when he was finally out in the world like he always wanted to be that he began to miss home. Wide eyes half closing he let bubbles escape his mouth, watching them escape to the surface as he began to nod off.
Alice pursed his lips as he thought. Explaining what a puppet master is will be a bit more difficult. Deciding to wing it he shrugged. "A puppet master is certain people who's soul is locked into their body for one reason or another so they can never pass on. They usually die before they reach their mid thirties and then they come back because they can't pass on. When they come back they are immortal and gain certain powers. Its strange and hard to explain as no one knows much about them. Even I don't as I've never met another. Unlike puppet masters though I don't have to die to become immortal as I was born already dead thanks to my reaper side."
Lillith stalked the hallways, looking for anything interesting to do. With no set end point in mind. she wandered around watching the other creatures go about their daily business. "So useless..." she muttered to herself. She had gotten back into the swing of being miserable again. But of course, that was her normal self. She passed the door to the pool, stopping in fear for a moment. She noticed there were bubbles popping up around the deeper end of the pool. She mustered up every ounce of courage to stick her head in, looking at the blurry mass at the bottom. Someone was probably down there drowning to death... She couldn't help. She couldn't do anything. She watched, wide eyed as someone dies. At least she would get their soul...
"That's a puppet master ability." Alice grinned wiggling his fingers at him as they began to crackle a light blue color. " I don't really know how its done since I've always been able to do it."
Alice pouted the question reminding him of the fact that he didn't have a lot of reaper abilities. "I have a special book that tells me the name place and time a person will die and I can see spirits. When I combine my reaper and puppet master abilities I can steal the soul of another and put it in one of my dolls. The person would have had to committed a major sin or made me really angry though. If I was a full reaper I would be able to reap the souls of others and pass judgment on them."
Alice gasped dramatically his hand flying to cover his non beating heart. Horrified he whispered. "You've never had sweets. You poor poor soul."
Utho noticed a shadow cast itself upon him as she sat there. He blinked, making sure it wasn't a flaw in his vision before he craned his head up to see a figure by the water's edge. He scooted up with his back against the wall, standing on the pool's floor before he kicked off. In one push he reached the surface, his head emerging with wide eyes as he looked up at the figure in front of him. It was tall and feminine, black hair and black horns adorning it's head. He stared at it unblinking, wondering if he could put the pieces together if he looked hard enough.
Lillith took a step back. "You-..." She backed up again. "What the hell kind of creature are you," her voice was hardly audible. There was a little boy in the water. He had been sitting there like nothing was wrong. He was happy in the water. This creature must be some sort of pure evil... She blinked a few times, unable to say anything more. She shook her head. "Are you crazy!?"
Henry heard the yelling lilith was doing. "Maybe we can go get some tomorrow." he said before getting up and going to the pool area, with alice on his back. "What's going on?" he asked with moaning and groaning, lilith near the pool's edge and shaking her head. @kira blackthorn @Kat Attack
"Lilith doesn't like water." Alice noted storing that fact away for later. Reapers didn't have a perticular fondness for demons though he and his father particularly minded them.

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