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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Kain smelled her(as creepy as that is)using gis sences to asses her affiliation. It had bin a very long time sence he had senced a fire demon for his people dis not really associate well with demons in general. He stood up looling to nebula" nebula if you may please step back i believe i might be able to help the girl...maby." he said, as he looked back to the girl. He did not know if this would work for he had never done this before. He turned her over on her back kneeling next to her. Kain brought his face close to hers before ooening his mouth. In that moments he drew out his inner flame strong energies fueled the flame. A small stream of bright purple fire flowed from his mouth, and into hers. This continued for a while till he closed his mouth cutting of the flow. He still remained there hopeing that if anything it provided some strength to the girl. He looked to nebule" i will tend to her if you may please keep a i on the other two henry might not like the little girl trying to strike him." He said calmly.
(Chibi Kumiko: "I like my cloaks... Especially when no one can see my face. ;-; Me: "She's TRYING to say that she's wearing a cloak... That's covering everything but her mouth.")

Kumiko finally slipped into unconsciousness. Before she did so, she sighed. "Do not... Take my cloak off. I-it's too cold for j-just a uniform..." She said, and her eyes closed. Since the water she touched earlier was hot water, she wouldn't die. Kumiko would just go into a state of unconsciousness, and lose all her power. Then she'll wake up, and go eat ramen like she always does.

(Chibi Kumiko and Me: "RAMEN! YESH!")
"Gotcha" said Nebula as he stepped back over to Henry while finishing his donut. His look of concern quickly vanished and his normal happy expression returned to his face. "So your name is Henry?" asked Nebula as his hand stretched out in front of him. "My name is Nebula, nice to meet you" said Nebula as he swallowed his food and revealing his typical smile.
("Are you talking to me, or Kumiko? Please specify so I know what's happening .-." Himiko, you're there, so shouldn't you be bable to tell...? Were you seriously that stupid when you were eight? "H-hey, no making fun of my being stuck in that horrid lab for half my life...! Just because they never showed me what it was like outside... It doesn't mean I'm stupid... *Chibi Himi's clearly upset and depressed now*)

Himiko was curled up in a corner, clearly scared of the people that were there. She'd called for help, not a heart attack before she's old enough to have one. She doesn't remember asking for a door to be smashed down by a giant zombie either. All she wanted was somebody to open the door, which this whole time, was only rusted on one side, making opening it from the outside easy to have done. She buried herself with two chairs and a small desk, hoping that all the scary things would go away by the time she looked out.

("W-wait, this room's really small! How's a giant zombie, as well as four other people even in here with me...!? It's so crowded...!" Calm down, Himiko... It's big enough for everybody, just as long as nobody else comes in... You'd be crushed by your claustrophobia if somebody else entered though, because there'd be no more room left. "I-I don't want to be with these scary people!! Especially not another one...! And can all of you slow down so that I can actually participate...? It's no fun getting in only one post compared to your three posts each...")
(If you're talking to me... I'm not talking to you. I'm telling Anubis that Kumiko's a child right now... Well, looks like one.)
("Ryo, Kyo, hurry up and get here so I can get away from these scary people...! *Chibi Himi scared and crying from loneliness* Don't cry, Himiko... Ryo and Kyo will be here soon... They're probably just getting past security check right now.)
(Chibi Kumiko: "And save me from whatever the hell is going on! *Get's smacked in the back of the head by me* Me: "Be quiet... -_- ' ")
Phoenix then walks into the halls from the mess hall, drink of blood in hand. He was scrolling down to the library when he saw henry walking along the halls. "What's up big dude?" Phoenix asked henry, but no answer from the zombie.
Tine looked as people began banging on the dome and general panic set in. Whatever they hit the dome went it was sent back to them. "What the hell is going on here?" Tine asked himself. "Death!" Just then a loud booming voice sounded. "HELLO STUDENTS OF KAIJU ACADEMY! I AM YOUR LOVELY HOST, DEATH, UNCLE OF ONE OF THE STUDENTS HERE! OVER THE YEARS MEMBERS OF THIS SCHOOL HAVE BEEN A BIT OF A BOTHER AND FRANKLY I'M TIRED OF IT... SO I HAVE A LITTLE GAME FOR US TO PLAY!" A sinister snicker could be heard. "SO HERE'S HOW THE GAME WORKS, YOU ALL HAVE 2 OPTIONS, YOU CAN EITHER BATTLE IT OUT AMONGSTS YOURSELVES OR GO AGAINST MYSELF AND MY ARMY OF THE UNDEAD, AND TRUST ME... THERE ARE MORE OF THEM THAN THERE ARE YOU!"

Tine's eyes widened. "NOW YOU HAVE TEN MINUTES TO DECIDE, AND YOUR SPOKESMAN WILL BE YOUR BELOVED HEAD MASTER. OH, AND MAKE IT QUICK, AT THE EDGES OF CAMPUS I AM SETTING OUT A SHADOW, ANYTHING TOUCHED BY THIS SHADOW WILL DIE INSTANTLY AND BECOME MY ETERNAL SLAVE... MAKE IT SNAPPY." And that was it. It was instantly quiet. People looked around in horror as their fate was to be decided by the wild headmaster. "WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!" Someone yelled breaking the silence.
(Chibi Kumiko: "Um... Isn't that a little OP? Sure I have an OP thing but there's a chance of me dying..." Me: *No comment*)


[QUOTE="The Dark Princess](No notifications DX somebody catch me up)

(Well, above pretty much tells you.. You know, the game thing.)
(I have no idea if people are gonna die... I'm gonna make sure Kumiko doesn't die, that's for sure.)
(*Chibi Himi cried herself until lifeless* Himiko! Himiko! Dammit...! *Kyo's the one currently heading the body, hiding in a closet and holding her ears tightly* Ugh... Of all the things to happen, it had to be something that'd be horrible for both of them...! Kyo's afraid of loud noises like that, and Himiko's both currently a child that's afraid of scary things, and has really sensitive ears that really hurt from loud noises...! Dammit Death, I'll kill you myself for hurting them! *I find myself being stopped by Chibi Himi, who won't let me leave her all alone* Damn... If only... I'd rather not make Himiko even more scared by leaving her all alone...)

Chibi Warren: Dammit Uncle, can't you go one week without causing mayhem?)

Warren's eyes widened as he heard his uncle's booming voice, and went shooting down the hall, heading outside in a blind panic. Sure enough, a dark dome was around the school's grounds; seeing the pitch black dome around his second home made him sick to his stomach. "God damn it, Uncle," he said angrily to himself.
(<<<<Chibi Kumiko: "Yay! I have something to wear for the holidays!" Me: "You're welcome.")
(Chibi Phoenix: I have no body to celebrate Christmas with..... i am a lonely soul that craves love and companionship. Me: Hey, you will find that someone some day... *pats chibi on the back.*)
(Chibi Kumiko: *Starts singing Christmas carols* "Jingle bells, jingle bells..." Me: "We get it.")
((Chibi Nebula: Let me get in this singing :D

Death to the world! Cthulhu's come:

Let Earth abhor this thing.

Let every mind prepare for doom,

As anguish and woe he'll bring.

Up from the sea, R'lyeh did rise:

The cultists awestruck dumb.

With ancient rites so wretched and perverse,

Cthulhu's time has come.

Death to the world! Cthulhu reigns.

The Great Old Ones Destroy

With wrath and doom, so cruel and foul,

Replete with obscene joy.

He rules the Earth with dreadful might,

And through our ghastly dreams

His twisting turning tentacles

Elicit from us maddened screams.

Cthulhu's time has come.))
(Chibi Himi: "Himi wants a christmas outfit for her demon form. Kumi, can you get Cupcake to make me an outfit...?" *begging eyes* Me: Hey, Himiko, it isn't nice to beg like that. Seriously, if you want something like that, ask normally... It makes me look like a cruel person whenever you have to beg others for something..." Chibi Himi: "I-I'm sorry... I just really want an outfit to go with my tail.")
(Chibi Mine: Nebu stop. *Covers mouth*) Mine rolled out of her bed she moved her goggles back onto her forhead and yawned. She stood up still a little sleepy and got dressed she opened her door and left the dorms. "I seems to be somewhat cold." She put her goggles over her eyes so they wouldn't fog up.

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