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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

"Bats, money, adopted parents... yep, you're definitely Batman. No disputing it." He could just imagine Phoenix jumping from roof to roof, fighting a clown and a crazy guy obsessed with penguins.
"Maybe... That is what he does! We'll never know." Kumiko shrugged, just now jumping into their conversation. "Because we have no idea what this world has become..." She muttered jokingly, letting out a sigh.
(It's been a while, so I'm gonna have Himiko save herself from the pool.)

Himiko opened her eyes. She was still laying at the bottom of the pool. Even with the water clear enough to see decently, her vision was extremely blurry. She was just about to start breathing until her chest started hurting. It hurt like hell for Himiko, both because they were practically filled as much as they could, and that being at age twelve as a human made for a small body, and lungs to match the body size. Himiko tried burning the water away again, but this time, she couldn't even produce a tiny light.

Himiko's arms reached up in a panic, trying to grab something to pull herself up. Clearly, being at the bottom of a pool meant nothing to grab. Himiko managed to push herself up with her feet, just enough to start swimming up weakly. She made it to the top of the pool, her hands grabbing the edge. The rest of Himiko was still under the water because she didn't have enough strength to actually pull herself out. She somehow managed to go to the same side of the pool as Lilith, but started on the other side originally.

Without warning, Himiko's body changed to be eight, making her almost lose her grip on the edge. It also made her lungs become filled even more because her body became a bit smaller. She just barely got one full arm up on the edge of the pool, pulling her head half above the water, mouth and nose just barely out of the pool. All that could be seen of her face was one of her eyes. She closed her eyes as she tries her hardest to pull her body up, finally managing to get up there.

Himiko crawled over a little closer to Lilith and Uthotask. She didn't know they were there as she started coughing and choking, trying to breathe. Himiko fell to the left and on her side, still unable to breathe. Her eyes closed as she slipped away from consciousness. It was painful, but Himiko couldn't do a thing about it.
UltraYuseke said:
(I'm here, but can't do anything, 'cause Himiko's still sorta drownin' in the pool. Waitin' on those at the pool to do something, if they do. I'll wait til a little later today, then just do somethin' about Himiko's drowning myself.)
Hey so sorry! I've been super busy and havent been able to keep up with everything. -.- I'll be rereading everything tomorrow. And I'll get to everyone I've missed. I haven't been ignoring you all I promise. RL is just hectic. Again sorry.

***Everyone still active within Kaiju Academy go check out the OUT OF CHARACTER CHAT now and read what has been posted.***
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(So... As you all have found out, I am second in command and I would like to pose we have a time skip and a new story ark. Like this post if you are fine with that.)
(Then so it shall be)

Tine's alarm went off. The noise continues to sound until Tine got up and slammed his fist on it. Due to some issues and headmaster wanting them to work it out, he was in a room with Warren still. The boy walked over to the door and picked up one of Warren's shoes and throwing them at him. "Wake up!" The boy yelled.

After brushing his teeth and combing his hair, the boy walked back into the room, deciding his boxers weren't the appropriate wear for today, and put on his school outfit. The boy grabbed his bag and left the room. "Uggh, literature exam today... Kill me now." The boy said as he walked with his head down. When he got outside it was surprisingly dark. "What?" He asked himself. Many people were gathered in the courtyard. "Wgats going on?" He asked aloud, walking to the center of the commotion. And then he saw it... In the center of the mass lay a body who's flesh was a pale grey color. It looked to be a student Tine had seen befor. On the students face was an expression of horror. "What the hell?" Time bent down and grabbed a sheet of paper that was taped onto the dead students uniform. It simply read... "There will be no surrender this time." Beneath it was signed "Death." Tine looked above to see what was blocking the sun. A dome of shadows covered the school grounds. "WE'RE TRAPPED, WE CAN'T GET OUT!" Someone yelled. Tine looked on in horror as school wide panic set in. "Oh no, what are we gonna do?" He asked.
Kain looked up from the roof of the school. He had bin laying there for some time sence his encounter with luther. A perminent showing of glowing purole vains stretching from his eyes down to his neck, and under his clothes. Very powerful magic was at work one he had not senced for ages. Death was hardly one you conversed with on occasion. Although draconions had their own being of death kain still hardly knew her. He could see the gathering of students below.

Some panicked while others stricken with fear conversed aming themselves. The smell of death filled the air one he was used to, but still the dead student was a life taken before its time. Kain knew danger awaited all im the comeing days ahead.
(e.e I'm just... Sorry, but I can't stay for a RP that timeskips right in the middle of me actually joinin' it... I just can't... I don't have shit I can do because of this timeskip... Just, forget Himiko was ever drownin' and that I was ever here, 'cause I can't think of shit to do if you timeskip while my char's lungs are full of water...)
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(When you timed skipped... You didn't include any details of how much time Was going to be skipped. We were in the middle of something, and not everyone agreed to actually do the time skip. Just, it's so confusing. Actually, about everyone was in the middle of something, so the time skip just ruined it.)
(I apologize. I wasn't aware of that, but majority of the most active members agreed to it. As much as I wish I could have done it for just you two I simply couldn't. I must consider the rp and its people as a whole, not the few. Again, my sincere apologies, next time warn me beforehand.)



(Anymore questions or concerns, head to ooc or pm me. No filling Kat's rp thread with ooc comments. Chibi comments are fine.)
(Well, next time, take into account those that wouldn't be able to do shit with a timeskip... Now that I'm unable to do anything here, I have no choice but to leave the RP. Didn't even get to enjoy my time here...)
Nebula suddenly jolted awake from the desk in the library, book ink stamped to his face. *YAAAAWWWN* went Nebula as he tried to rub the sleep away from his eyes. "Man, studying sucks" he said as he got up and started to stretch. Wonder what everyone is up to today? Nebula thought to himself as he walked out of the library and towards the courtyard for some food.

(School in a nut shell, lol)

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