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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Phoenix followed Kumiko to the ramen place, desperate for food. He drank some blood to sate his hunger until he sat down, and hid the bottle. "Give me a bowl with shrimp ramen." he said to the waiter.
"I'd like Miso ramen. That, is the best kind. To me, anyway." Kumiko said, having a small smile on her face. "Oi... I wonder if we should get some of the other students to come." She mumbled, with a thinker's expression on her face.
"I don't even know what ramen is, but I'll give it a try! Gimme a beef bowl!" He ordered the food with zeal, despite having literally know idea what he was getting.
Phoenix started to fidget in his seat as his stomach growled loudly, he clutched his stomach painfully and grunted. "Ow.... thisssss hurtsssss." he said.
Finally, the soup was ready. Kumiko immediately dug into her bowl, finishing within seconds. "May I have another?" She asked, smiling. "I love ramen. (In real life too ^.^) It's one of the many foods I will eat everyday." She stated.
As Warren's food came, he eyed it with vigor. "Noodles? That's what ramen is?" He gave the food a puzzling look as he took it. "I am disappointed, and yet pleasantly surprised." He ate quickly; all the walking had increased his appetite significantly.
(I'm here, but can't do anything, 'cause Himiko's still sorta drownin' in the pool. Waitin' on those at the pool to do something, if they do. I'll wait til a little later today, then just do somethin' about Himiko's drowning myself.)
"Not just noodles... The broth is amazing." Kumiko commented. She was already on her 11th bowl. "I love ramen so much. It tastes so good! Oh, and I'm not paying." Kumiko added. She sensed someone was in trouble. She would have to investigate later.
Warren's eyes widened at the sight of the money. "You know, I think that stack weighs more than the meals we ordered." If this were a cartoon, there'd be dollar signs in his eyes by now.
"I come from a rich family as well; I'm just too lazy to count all that money." Kumiko admits, letting out a sigh. "One more round!" She yells, and another bowl of ramen sat before her. "Thanks!" She said, digging in.
"But it's already taken care of!" Kumiko said. She slurped the last of her noodles. "Mmm... I wish the cafeteria had this good of ramen. It's such a disgrace.." She mumbled, shaking her head.
"I wish the cafeteria had non-toxic food," Warren said with a chuckle. "I'd invite you guys over to my family home, but sadly, other Reapers don't take kindly to demons. Or the undead, for that matter." It was surprising that there were such prejudices among the community; then again, the two species went against everything they stood for, so it wasn't all that unjustified. "Anyway, I'm stuffed."
"I am not completely dead..... I am a dhapmir..... a human with vampire abilities. and none of their weaknesses." he said. "Except for the thirst for blood."
"Well, in either case, Kumiko wouldn't be able to come. Which sucks, because I like her; she's a lot more fun than most people I know. My family doesn't like that I associate with you guys, but I don't see anything wrong with it; you two are alright in my book."
"I CAN turn 'human'. I look like one, besides my red eyes." Kumiko stated, crossing her arms. "I can also turn into a small flame, so I can run on the floor and troll people. They'll think I'm the beginning of a large fire, and start freaking out." Kumiko joked.
"I'm pretty sure disguising yourself won't fool them. As for the bat call, that seems... rather useless, to be honest." He had heard of bad superpowers, but that was a new one. "In any case, my house is out of the question."
"Adopted? Like Batman? Hey, that kind of ties in about what you were saying about bat calls." He laughed at the coincidence. "But who are your parents, exactly?"

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