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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

(Well, that'd completely ignore the fact that she passed out right next to two people, and at the pool... There's no way to continue unless I ignore everything that's happened until now and start completely over, and that'd be awkward... I'm just going to either quit, or take a break until I come up with a new character to play...)
(Actually you do have something to do. I have run several rps before so I know exactly how this works. Had you have bothered to listen to my previous post you would see this ark involves the entire school not one or two people. Now like I said pm me or go to OOC. If you continue to fill my friends Rp with OOC posts, I will have to report you to a mod or admin. This is only directed at @UltraYuseke. I suggest taking poisonouscupcakes advice.)
((Alright. I am really not happy with the way things have been going on here. I have honestly considered shutting down Kaiju Academy. But when I look back on all the great chars and people I've met because of it, I choose to fix it rather than end it. @Loke Fullbuster is trying his hardest to help, and honestly is coming up with great ideas. He also has control over the RP now (as well as myself), and everyone needs to respect his posts. Arguing with him in the Character Rping thread, instead of the OOC thread like I asked, is unacceptable. Arguing at all is unacceptable. I do not want drama. If anyone continues to ignore my rules I will be forced to take action and remove you from the RP. The time skip/new arc is a new storyline. It's giving everyone an oppertuinity to catch up and RP as a group. If you feel cheated, PM ME and we can try to work things out. But do not disrespect the Admins and continuously break my rules. No more warnings. I'm tired of things not moving smoothly. I want Kaiju to move along as something great.))
(So, just to be clear... There's a huge dome around the school? And student's are being killed? \(._. )/

Chibi Kumiko: "I don't wanna die!!! HELP US! Oh... I won't die? And Nebula-Chan, I had bacon for breakfast" :3)

(Or -San.. :P )
(I literally have chibi Himiko yelling at me for ever having had her in a drowning situation... I guess I have to respect her wishes and say that never happened... "That's right. As Himiko's chibi, I can't allow drowning caused by your ideas!")

(Clearly, as you can see, I'm incorporating commentary between me and chibi Himiko. Don't mind her weirdness that's only really half her and half something else. "I'm not weird... Am I weird everybody...?")

Himiko slowly opens her eyes. It was dark; too dark. She didn't even know if she was in human form or her demon form, until she stood up and stepped on her own tail. "Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-owwww..." She was in some kind of small and dark room, like a closet. ("Hey! You could at least give me a little bit of light... :c" Fine fine, I'll let you create a little flame on your finger.) Himiko snapped her fingers once, creating a small spark. She snapped two more times, with only the sparks happening both times. She tried one more time, and finally got a tiny flame on her finger.

(*nomming on cookies* "Thish ish the besht part, right?" Yeah, not really. You'll have something interesting soon though, Himiko.)

Himiko looked around the small room she was in. There wasn't much to it. The lights were out, clearly, and there were surprisingly, no windows to the room. Himiko found the door and tried to open it, but the handle wouldn't turn. Either she was locked in, or the door was just jammed shut. "Hello...? Is anybody out there? If you are, please help me by unlocking this door!" Himiko waited for a minute or two before making her way to the back of the small room and sitting against the wall.

("A-a locked room...? P-please be gentle... if that's why I'm there..." Don't worry, I won't be mean and do that kind of stuff to you. Just watch and you'll see what happens. *Himiko's eyes are closed tight as she's curled in the corner, waiting for the dark room scene to end* Well maybe you won't if you keep your eyes closed like that!)

Himiko wondered that, since nobody came when she called out for help, if she was somewhere that nobody could come and help her at. Perhaps just nobody was around, but she felt there might be some other reason that nobody heard her call for help. The small room wasn't locked like it seemed to be from the inside. The door was actually jammed because the doorknob was old and rusted in place. Himiko's flame just wasn't enough to really make the rusted part of the doorknob all that visible.

("Whew... At least I'm not trapped in there because somebody intentionally locked me in or something... How did I get there though?" You might find out, if it ever becomes important, or the producers allow me to include it. Ah screw it, the details aren't even important. You don't need to know. "T-tell me...!" No can do, highly classified. "P-please...!" Fine, but not here. Too many people can hear us, so later on when we're not here watching the RP progress. "O-okay...")
Henry, a massively muscular tank of a zombie that has his humanity still, was roaming the halls until he heard a girl pleading for release. He the gorilla runs for it, earth trembling in his wake. He found the door himiko was behind and smashes it down.
Kumiko woke up. "Ah... Yesterday was fun! I'm surprised I agreed to go in the first place." She said to herself, and she sat up. "Why... Is it so dark?" She mumbled to herself. Kumiko took a shower and got dressed in her uniform. She peeked in her fridge. "Ugh. Nothing to eat." She rolled her eyes and sighed, and walked back to her room. She unhooked her long, black cloak and tugged it on. "Better." Kumiko grabbed her dorm keys and her charm bracelet with the little symbols of my friends.

(Chibi Kumiko: "What!? I sound so cold!" Me: "This was BEFORE you looked 19, stupid. Oh, and Kumiko's ageless. Just a small detail :P ")

Kumiko pulled the hood of her cloak over her eyes and nose, only leaving her mouth and chin visible. She lifted her arm, and placed her hand on the doorknob. She pushed the door open and walked down the hallway. She saw the crowd of students surrounding something, almost like death. Kumiko had a wide, demonic grin on her face, as she walked over to window, looking the crowd. She tried to hide the grin, so she stopped thinking about it. The best she could, anyways.

Kumiko took notice to the loud crashing noise. "What's going on?" She asked herself, and ran to the sound. Her long cloak dragged on the floor behind her, so anyone could step on it. She didn't care, her curiosity was too much. Kumiko spots someone, and a door is knocked down. "..." She walks over, peering inside the room. There was Himiko.

(Chibi Kumiko: "I hope someone doesn't step on my cloak!" Me: "That's not for me to decide...")
"A-ah...! A-a-a... Zombie!?" Himiko closed her eyes tight as she held her hands straight out. She seemed like she was trying to be ready for it to leap at her or something. "D-don't come closer...!" Himiko had a small ball of fire appear in her palm, but it wasn't very strong. It was, however, bright enough to scare off anything that's afraid of fire by tricking them into thinking it's strong enough to burn right through them. "I-I won't let you eat my tail...!"

(*Chibi Himi's curled up and lookin' away from the screen she's watching from* "I-I hate zombies...!" Do you even know what a zombie is...? Geez... Zombies eat flesh and brains, not tails... *Chibi Himi blinks* "Oh, they do...? Wait, that's even worse...!!")

Himiko stayed there for a moment before realizing the zombie wasn't going towards her or anything. She slowly peeked at the zombie, still keeping her hands out to protect herself. She sees Kumiko as she comes in, slowly lowering her hands as she starts to feel a little safer. Without knowing, she'd become her eight-year-old self before the zombie'd broken down the door. The flame in her palm was long gone, and all she knew was she had a strange craving for sweets, and felt like crying for some reason. All of which came from being back at age eight in human form.

("Yay, friend! I'm no longer alone with the creepy zombie!" *facepalm* You're hopeless, Himiko... You don't even realize you're eight right now, do you...? "W-wait, when did I get younger!?")
Kumiko sighed. "Your not really 8, are you?" She sighed. "I'm ageless. So I can change forms whenever. Not like that can do anything helpful." Kumiko said, and changed into a form that looks like a 7 year old Kumiko. Then she turned into a 20-year old form of herself. Finally, she changed back to her 'normal' form. "So basically... I can't really die of old age.

(Chibi Kumiko: "You do know that zombie dude is talking to Himiko-Chan, right?!" Me: "I'm getting to that...")

Kumiko sees the zombie-like figure try to communicate with Himiko. "Err... I think your making her uncomfortable, Zombie guy." Kumiko said with a blank expression. She held her hand out to Himiko. "He's not going to hurt you, but something is... Off about this school. It's giving off a weird atmosphere." She sighed. "It's dark... So I'll light myself on fire. Don't get near me." She said, but Kumiko was going to wait to see if Himiko was going to get up.
Himiko looks up at the zombie guy as he comes closer. She tries to scoot away from him, but gets stopped by the wall. Tears start to form in her eyes, her being at age eight making her actually become eight on the inside as well. She didn't know at first that she was eight, but realized it as soon as she felt scared and had the tears in her eyes about to fall down her face. She was trying to change back, but couldn't. She was stuck how she was, and it just made her even more scared and sad.

("W-why am I eight...? I-I can't change back...! Why can't I change back!?" *Chibi Himi pounding on me while crying* "Help me change back! I don't want to stay eight forever!" Ack-! Alright, alright! I'll try to help you change back! Wait, what can I do!? You know I'm just human!! Crap, where'd I put that damn cake!? *Chibi Himi's cries become high-pitched and hurts ears that are nearby* Ack! S-stop ctying Himiko! I got you some cake, but you have to quit crying first! *holding cake*)

Himiko ran off to her left and past the zombie, jumping towards Kumiko and putting her arms around the girl's neck. She swung behind her, holding on tightly. "I-I don't like zombies... They're scary..." Himiko couldn't keep herself from being the eight-year-old that she currently was. The way she thought, felt, and acted, all were that of the eight-year-old she'd become, now stuck like that for whatever reason. She didn't even choose to act and look like she was, and she had no way of changing who she currently was.

("Onee-sama...! P-protect me from that scary monster...!" *tears in Chibi Himi's eyes, clinging to Chibi Kumi*)
Kumiko stumbled back. "ACK!" She coughed. "Y-your c-choking me..." She manages to say, and she feels weaker. She didn't know what it was. Was it Himiko? No, probably not. Kumiko feels herself shrinking down. "Dammit..." She mutters, also in her 8-year old form. "Can you g-get off of me..?" She mumbles. Kumiko spots Nebula. "I-I don't r-really know..." She responds.

(Chibi Kumiko: "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME OFF?!?!" Me: "NO, you won't DIE. Jeez. Chibis these days...")

Kumiko struggles to walk; carrying someone who was light when she first jumped her. Now, she was the same weight of her. Suddenly, Kumiko collapses, all her energy gone. "It's... Weird. My energy is gone all of a sudden... Are you guys feeling this?" She asks quietly. Then, she remembers something. 'Did I forget to turn into my human form when I took a shower? Dammit...'
Kain was roaming the halls after comeing down from the roof of the school. Some of the students bothered him how frightful they were of what was occurring. He could understand though humans, as well as some supernatural ' s were not so good with the darkness. He had heard loud noises down one of the halls, and decoded he might as well take a look.

When he got closer he could hear grunting sounds which he recognized, as henry the rather large zombie. Turning into the hall he made his way to what appeared to be another broken door. He looked around seeing henry, and several other people. He looked to at them" what exactly is going in here?" He said with a sence of authority.
(@Kat Attack Is Ryo/Kyo accepted? If not, I'll do some editing later tonight for ya. *Chibi Himi keeps clinging to Chibi Kumi* "Zombies are so scary!")

Himiko falls down with Kumiko, still a bit panicked by the zombie, and now crying a little bit from seeing Kumiko collapse. She lightly nudges Kumiko, wondering what's wrong with her. She looks back up at the zombie, immediately deciding she'll do something to protect Kumiko. Still crying, she runs straight at the zombie, leaping in the air and flying at him with a fist on the path to hitting him in the face. "G-g-go away, you filthy monster...!" Himiko punches at him, but too weakly to even move him if it hits.

("Sorry we took so long! This man decided he wanted to watch some anime!" Hey, don't be tellin' others about how I spend my time, miss Chibi!! Seriously, how can chibi's be so lovely and fun, yet so mean!? Anyway, let's be quiet and see what happens next. "Okay! I hope Ryo and Kyo can manage to get access to the RP studio!")
Kumiko sighed. "The..." She whispered, before Himiko attempted to attack the zombie. "...Water..." She breathed out, before she didn't have the strength nor the energy to talk at the moment. She looked at her bracelet. The charm the charm that represented herself was slowly cracking. Kumiko would explain in greater detail of what was happening now, a bit later. If she survived, that is.

(Chibi Kumiko: "YOU SAID I WOULDN'T DIE! Meanie." Me: "Hey now, chill out. You WON'T. Ugh, how troublesome my OC chibi is.")

Kumiko had looked through the window that took up the whole wall on her left. It was dark, like that one time when she visited the Void. One of her friends, Shiori, was from there, so she was ageless as well. At least she thought she was. When Kumiko had went to the Void... A huge dome covered any possible light, despite how... 'Void-y' it was. At least what was happening outside now wasn't as bad as what had happened to Kumiko when she was 'younger'. The time where everyone called her by her second name: Yukiko. Indeed, she is a rare child, as she was born with an ability... That she doesn't know about.

On the night of the red moon, a few decades ago (Remember Kumiko's ageless), she woke up like she normally would. Later that day, when it grew to be darker out, she saw a small, red light that came up. It was getting bigger and bigger, and it soon showed itself. A red moon. On that night exactly, she was wearing a short sleeved shirt. Kumiko looked down. She saw the words 'Black death', and she had never seen it before. She payed it no mind though; Maybe it was one of her older brothers that wrote it on her left arm when she was sleeping, in permanent marker.

Kumiko still doesn't know what it does even today, when she was lying on the floor in Kaiju Academy.

(Chibi Kumiko: "WOAH! That must mean I have this REALLY COOL power! It must be super-duper strong!" Me: "You should know that having great power comes with great consequences when it comes to being YOU. Having that power makes your physical strength weaker, but you can still walk. If you use it more that 2 times a year, you'll die. The percentage rate Of dying is that you have a 93% on your first go, 99.9% on your second go, and any more times in a year you'll die." Chibi Kumiko: "NOOOOOO!")
Kain quickly moved grabing the young girl in mid air. He held her by her arm" hey dont be attacking henry he wont hurt you."he said setting the young girl away from henry. He looked to everyone" i think we all need to calm down here." He said sternly. Then he noticed the girl on the floor. He quickly went to her side placing his hand gently on her arm" whats wrong with the young woman here?" He asked with concern. He could sence the girl was fading quickly her strength dissapering.
(Chibi Kumiko: "I'm ageless... And I look like an 8-year old..." Me: "DEAL WITH IT.")

Kumiko sensed herself going into unconsciousness, but she tried to keep herself awake. "Don't mind me, i-it was all my doing. F-focus on t-the other two..." Kumiko was surprised that she was able to talk with the energy she had now, but that was probably just luck. She was growing pale; and for being a fire demon that was NOT good.
Nebula looked over to see that Kain had arrived at the scene as well. "Hey Kain hows it going?"chuckled Nebula as he waved at Kain. "I don't know what's going on myself, I just heard some noise here so I thought I would be nosy and check it out. Hey you want a donut? I grabbed too many" he said as he put another donut in his mouth. Nebula looked at the girl and a look of worry came onto Nebula's face, "You ok?" he asked as he squated down and preceded to look the girl in the face, trying to assess the situation.

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