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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

((Chibi Nebula: You missed the song :P ))

Nebula walked from the commotion of the dorm room and towards, well no where in particular. Nebula seeing that the commotion is solved, now wanted to go do one of his favorite things: Sleep in the cafeteria. He didn't know why exactly, but to him it felt more comfortable than the his dorm room. Once he got to the cafeteria, he picked himself a bottle of water an salad before finding a empty table to sit down at. After sitting down, he almost immediately went out like a light, being a light sleeper really helped this.

@Nenma Takashi )
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(Chibi Henry: Graaaaawl!!! 'Someone be my friend!!'

Me: Chill man, it takes time for everyone to realize you aren't really dead in the brain...)
(Chibi Ryo: "Hey, how long am I gonna be waiting...? Just hurry up and get me in there so I can find a nice spot to relax!" Me: "Fine, fine... I'll get you in there right now.")

Ryo was sitting on top of the academy building. It was a wonderful view. A dome of dark energy surrounding the school just put Ryo at peace. "Well then... Let's get to it, I guess. A little bit of fighting shouldn't be a problem for me." Ryo stood up, only to have a group of three students approach him from behind. "Sorry pal, but us three're gonna be the ones to take all the students down. The headmaster's probably gonna send us all in a war anyways, so we thought we'd take out some of the competition now."

Ryo snapped his fingers. Several layers of red lines surrounded Ryo in a sphere, the lines all tangled and layered so thick Ryo couldn't be seen underneath it. The sphere suddenly collapsed on him, allowing him to take his Impure Purity form. One student used ranged magic, one student was half-beast, and the other student used speed and strategy to lead her two teammates. The half-beast leaped straight at Ryo, a fist within inches of Ryo's head. It was all too sudden; the half-beast student started spinning as he flew straight past Ryo like a bullet.

Ryo didn't even turn around to look at where the beast-student had come from, just in the direction of where the student had just gone flying. He looked down and to the ground in a mocking manner as a slight laugh escaped his grinning face. "Damn...! Don't think you're cool because you dodged my punch...!" The ranged student suddenly started blasting shards of ice at Ryo. Ryo dodged all but three of them. One of the three he caught in his left hand, one he blocked with the other piece of ice, and the last, he caught sideways with his mouth.

Ryo smashed the piece of ice in his mouth, throwing the other ice shard in his hand back behind him, it hitting the beast student in the shoulder as he was trying to leap at Ryo again. "So... You think that three inexperienced students like you can really fight me...?" The speed student kicked at Ryo, but his foot stopped right as it touched the ring that was upon Ryo's neck. "I congratulate you for managing to touch me, but... I think I'll have to kill you three now."

Ryo released some of his dark energy, sending the student's foot spinning back away from his neck. The student decided to go with it and try swinging at the back of Ryo's neck, but instead, got his foot caught. Ryo tossed the student right at the ranged student, who barely caught the girl that just tried kicking Ryo. "Kyo, I don't like fighting girls. Can you take over for this one?" Ryo snapped his fingers, and a pure white smoke surrounded Ryo. By the time it was gone, Kyo was there, in her Pure Impurity form.

"I dislike hurting others, but... If it means protecting Ryo, then I have no choice but to be in this form... If all three of you would please just leave us be... I would be able to keep from hurting you..." Kyo started letting out a light amount of dark energy. The energy was oddly calming, yet extremely fear-inducing to the students. The beast student lost his will to fight and retreated, leaving his two allies behind. There was now one male student, and one female there, both of which were determined to win the fight.

Kyo sped right past the two students and behind the male student. "I dislike having to do this, but..." Kyo placed her hand on the center of the male student's back. With one pulse of energy, the student went flying to the other side of the roof. None of what Ryo and Kyo had done was something they could do from strength. It was a simple matter of the three students they were up against being completely new to combat like this compared to them.

"End this attempt at fighting me, before something bad happens and one of you get seriously injured. Give up so I no harm may come to anybody." The female student kicked at Kyo, but the kick failed to his as Kyo flipped back to the very edge of the rooftop, opposite of the male student. "Give up...? I'm not giving up...! I won't give up until I've made sure that when all of us are put against each other, I survive and get out of this horrid dome...!"

The female student ran right at Kyo, bwing the only one of her teammates that still remains in the fight. "Learn when to stop... I asked you to stop, not for just your sake or mine, but... for both of ours..." Kyo slowly begins losing the control she has of herself. Ice shards came out of nowhere, floating around Kyo before shooting at the female student. The girl's left leg, right shoulder, and left cheek got cut by the shards, while one shard stuck inside of the girl's right foot, left hand, and the right side of her stomach got stuck by thin and somewhat long shards that were similar to throwing needles.

The ice shards didn't cause much harm to the student, but did stop the girl, and made her feel a good bit of pain. "Please, quit this fight before I harm you any further..." Kyo had tears building up in her eyes, one running down the left side of her face at the sight of causing harm to somebody. She leaped back and off of the edge of the roof, dropping down to the ground and going inside the building. As she stepped through the door, she changed back to her normal self, but she was still crying a bit.

Kyo made her way to a closet. Just as she shut the door with herself in the closet, she heard a clicking sound. She hesitantly grabbed the doorknob and tried turning it, only to find she was locked in. Not doing anything past the first attempt to open the door, she curled up in the back of the dark closet. She sat there, afraid of her previous actions against those students too much to be afraid of the fact she's in the dark, and that somebody locked her in the closet.

(Chibi Himi: "H-hey... W-where's my part...?" Me: "You're up next, so don't worry." Chibi Kyo: "I-I hurt somebody...!" *face full of tears* Chibi Ryo: Don't cry Kyo." *wipes Kyo's tears* "Don't worry... You didn't mean to... You didn't do anything all that bad to them, so they're going to be fine." Me: "Wait, so you two as chibis are able to both physically exists at the same time? I thought you shared one body...!?" *inspects the two of them, drawing a blank* "Okay, you two're clearly ignoring the fact that you're supposed to be stuck sharing one body, with no way to separate..." Chibi Himi: "Come on, I want my turn already!" Me: "Fine...! You're the bossiest eight-year-old I've ever seen...!" Chibi Himi: "I-I'm not bossy...!" *cries* Me: Alright, alright! I'm sorry for calling you bossy...! Just please, stop crying...! I'll even get you some cake!" Chibi Himi: *stops crying* "Yay, cake!")

Himiko was already scared as it is, but hearing that loud voice just made the girl's face drown in tears. She couldn't help but be scared, seeing how she was currently eight and all. Himiko would've run away by now, but she felt safer buried by the two chairs and small desk for some reason. She didn't know it, but the reason she felt more secure wasn't the chairs and desk, but that another girl, Kumiko, was there in the room with her. Himiko strangely felt tired all of a sudden, so she let herself go to sleep.

(All three chibis: *sigh* "That was too long..." Me: "I know, I know... I didn't mean to drag it out so long, but... Ah, screw it. Hours of workin' on a fanfic's gettin' me too used to writin' long stuff..." *extremely long sigh*)
Tine sat on the bench shaking. "What do we do?" He asked himself. "We can't take his whole army down, buy if we fought each other, it would be like brother against brother." Tine sat up as he realised something. "What am I doing?" He asked himself. "I can't just sit here and contemplate... I've got to go find headmaster." He got up and turned to run when he bumped into someone. "Oh I'm sorry... I... Oh... It's you." Tine said. "Your uncle just can't get enough of us can he... Warren?"

(@Kat Attack I ones u.)
Warren scoffed. "Yeah, he sure does love the living, doesn't he?" He looked up at the dark sky. "But it isn't really like him to DO something like this." Warren frowned, furrowing his brow. "I mean sure, he preys on the souls of mortals and thinks nothing of it, but even HE isn't this malevolent. My only conclusion is that someone really pissed him off. Or something." He wasn't even sure what to do in this situation; on one hand, Death was his family, so he was obligated to support him. On the other hand, Warren had way too many friends to let this happen. "Ugh, why does he find the need to infringe on my personal life so suddenly?"
"Listen Warren, your uncle warned that he wasn't going to stop unless he was dead or we were, so expect a battle to the death." Tine said. He was about to walk away when he turned back around. "Before we go and do this I wanted to let you know that I understand how you feel now, and I want to apologize about what I did at the dance, but no matter what, well always be friends." He lifted his fist for a fist bump.
Warren stood there silently for a moment, then brought his fist to Tine's, and smiled. "Right." Warren was very concerned for the other students' lives; if this truly were a fight to the death, Warren would surely be the last one standing, since he couldn't permanently die. Was this some sort of sick joke to Death? He could imagine his uncle's voice mocking him; 'Hello, dear nephew, I'm issuing a battle royale amongst your classmates, knowing that you will be one of the last to survive, seeing as you'll just come back to life over and over again. Tata!'

Warren became angry at this thought, and summoned his scythe, gripping it tightly in his right hand. "I'm not entirely sure how this will play out, but it's likely not going to end well. I'm coming with you to the Headmaster; she could use our help."
Kyo and Ryo suddenly switched places, without their own choice. Ryo could strangely tell it wasn't their usual force of change. It was some kind of outside source. Could it be...? Aka... thar...sía...? No, that should be impossible... Ryo stood up and walked to the door of the closet he and Kyo were locked in. Ryo lifted a foot, kicking the door straight open, which slammed right against a guy holding a sword that was getting ready to kill Kyo. "You're after Kyo, aren't you? Sorry, but she's not here."

Ryo looked around. The hallway they were in was quite small, and was far away from where the rest of the students were all at. "So, it looks like four of you want Kyo dead... Well, too bad she's not even in the area. I'll fight you in her place though." The four guys all had some sort of weapon in their hands. One had a sword, one had an axe, one had a spear, and the last had a lance. Ryo looks at the new and shiny weapons. "Not bad-looking weapons. My question is though, how'd the four of you even get them in...? Oh well, you'll be dead anyway, so no point in reporting you to the teacher or anythin'."

The one with the lance suddenly charged straight at Ryo. Unlike the three students from earlier, these four seemed to have a bit of experience. "Sheesh... Everybody wants me and Kyo dead... What did we ever do...?" Ryo jumped up and kicked the lance straight to the ground before kicking the lance's wielder on the face, sending him to the ground. Ryo landed on his feet, that having taken a good bit of his skills to pull off in his regular human self.

"Oh, that's right. About half the students want us dead because of my Impure Purity form and Kyo's Pure Impurity form. Ah, you guys probably wanna kill us before we have a chance to use those forms and win the battle royal that's probably gonna happen." Ryo watched as the lance user got back to his feet, kicking Ryo a little ways back and then picking up his lance. Ryo managed to block with his arms, but he still slid on his feet a good distance down the hall.

Just as Ryo was coming to a stop, the axe user swung her axe right at Ryo. Ryo flipped back, passing right by the girl face-to-face while upside down. "Oh, if only you weren't a girl... You're lucky that I refuse to hit you." Ryo spun around and landed on his feet, back facing towards the axe user. He just had a sword go right across his left arm, leaving a decent cut on his arm that'd just blocked the blade from hitting the rest of his body.

Ryo brought his right hand up, about to make a fist and punch at the sword-using guy, until a spear went straight into the back of his hand. The girl that jused it soon flew past him, violently stealing the spear out of his hand, causing his hand to bleed. Damn... A lot tougher than I thought... I probably should've started out in Impure Purity... Ryo starts to release his energy that allows him to go Impure Purity form, but gets cut off by a lance going straight into the back of his right shoulder. At the same time, a sword goes through his stomach, and an axe swung right into the top and side area of his left shoulder.

Everything ends when a spear flies right through the air, past the head of the guy stabbing him with a sword, and in the right side of his chest. Ryo coughs up some blood as three of the weapons are withdrawn from his body, then the spear user violently landing on his stomach and chest with her feet, pulling the spear out and kicking him to the ground. Ryo lays there as a little bit of blood begins to pool up around him. Ryo gives a smirk as he lays there covered in blood. "Thank... you... I-it seems... I won't... have to... w-wait... for her..."

A dark energy surrounds Ryo, and at the very center of his chest, a faint, white light glowing. The dark energy envelops his body as Ryo becomes Kyo, but with Kyo currently just a shape made of darkness, though the small white light still there. She was currently in the shape of Pure Impurity, soon gaining actual color and physical shape. Kyo wasn't herself this time. She started off with absolute zero control over the dark emotions and thoughts that this form held.

Kyo stood up, a dark look upon her face. "Those who dare harm Ryo... Those who lay a finger on Ryo... They will die..." Kyo summoned up a sphere of dark energy in her right hand. "The price for harming Ryo... is your life..." Kyo suddenly leaped at the sword user quite fast, slamming the orb of dark energy against their chest. The orb forced itself in their body, shooting out like a lance through their back. There wasn't a physical wound, but the pain was immense, almost enough to actually kill a person.

The sword user dropped to his knees, the sword falling to the ground. Kyo stopped an axe swinging at her with her right hand. Her hand started to bleed a little, but she ignored it. Grabbing the axe, she sends a pulse of energy from her left hand to send the axe wielder flying. She dropped the axe on the ground, letting her right hand go loosely to her side, the blood from her palm slowly falling to the ground, one drop at a time.

Kyo didn't even notice until now, but her left arm had a little bit of a cut on it. Somewhere, at some point, that sword had cut her. That much, she knew. Kyo's cheek suddenly became scratched. The spear just flew right past her face and from her right side.. She would've had the spear stuck in her cheek if she hadn't turned her head to look at her left arm when she did. "You and that Ryo guy're freaks! You two don't belong here at all! Now just die so we can go on to win this damn battle royale!"

Kyo looked at the girl that just threw the spear and told her to die. "Such a foul mouth... I dislike such mean words... It seems I must teach you some manners..." Kyo leaped right at the girl. At first, the girl thought she was dead, but instead, something quite unexpected happened. Kyo stopped and stood right in front of the girl. She raised her left hand, and slapped the girl across the cheek. "Such mean words should never be used... Regardless of the words or the reason, one should never speak with such ill intent towards another..."

Kyo regained control over her basic actions and feelings, and now became a quiet and emotionless younger sister, mixed with a caring mother and a strict older sister. Kyo placed her left hand gently on the girl's cheek, rubbing the red mark where she'd just slapped at, easing the pain. "Please, never speak with such unjustified ill intent like that again... I would rather not slap you a second time..." The lance wielder decided to just pick up his two unconscious teammates and head elsewhere, even carrying the sword and giant axe the two of his teammates were using.

"My name is Kyo... What might your name be...?" Kyo looked at the girl, who calmly gave a response. "My name...? I-I'm Eredia..." Eredia's eyes were full of wonder. Eredia somehow lost all thoughts and intention of trying to harm Kyo, and now felt a strange desire to become Kyo's friend. Kyo and Eredia started to talk a little bit about unimportant things, getting to know each other a little better than one would expect, given that one just tried to kill the person closest to the other.

(Me: I'm gonna make Eredia an actual char. I'll have a sheet up sometime soon, maybe tomorrow, so for now, it it alright if I play Eredia as some kind of side character while I come up with a good character for her? Chibi Pure Impurity Kyo: "I made a friend... Thank you for getting me a friend..." *slight smile full of happiness*)
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Phoenix rides on henry's back to where everyone was. But henry felt uneasy and growled. "Henry please...... Dont ssssssstart now." Phoenix said as he pats his arm.
Kyo gave a friendly smile to Eredia before starting to walk off. Eredia followed down the halls. They eventually passed by Henry, with Eredia waving specifically to him with a smile. Currently, she was in human form, but even without the ears and eyes, she could tell his movements were more than that of a zombie, clearly meaning he had a brain and was a real person. Kyo was still in Pure Impurity form, except she'd somehow changed to regular clothes without anybody noticing it, rather than the special clothing she always has on in her Pure Impurity form.

"Kyo, what do you think is going to happen...?" Eredia was too deep in thought with what could happen. "Everything will be fine. Are you sure you want to follow me instead of helping your friends though...?" Eredia shook her head lightly. They're not my friends... They forced me to fight you and Ryo..." Kyo hugged Eredia with one arm around her waist, then proceeded to hold her hand like they were really close friends. Eredia was glad to be friends with Kyo, and Kyo was glad to have a friend.
Henry looked at kyo and waved back, then followed kyo and eridia with phoenix still on his back. Henry tried to communicate through moaning. "How are you two today?" He asked.
Eredia gave a friendly smile to Henry. "I'm fine, aside from almost being killed once or twice." She giggled while Kyo suddenly became lost in thought. Kyo suddenly was brought back to reality when Eredia poked her on the cheek, wanting her to pay attention. "Hey, Kyo, he asked us a question. You should answer." Eredia giggled a little bit again while Kyo had to figure out what the question was by re-checking her memory. "I am quite fine. Please forgive me for not answering right away, as I was lost in thought."

Eredia felt a strange feeling of endangerment. She pulled out her collapsed spear and had it fling open as she spun it, putting it to the neck of who was now Ryo in Impure Purity form. "I wouldn't try that if I were you." Ryo had his hand ready to punch Eredia, which was what he was going to do before Eredia pulled the spear out. "So, what'd you do with Kyo? Bring her back, now." Ryo lowered his fist when he heard Eredia was actually concerned for where Kyo was rather than trying to kill Kyo. "Alright, alright. Clearly you're not trying to kill her, so I'll let you have her back."

Ryo snapped his fingers, and with a pure white smoke, he vanished, being replaced by Kyo. Kyo was still in Pure Impurity form, but now had the special clothing of Pure Impurity on as well. "Ryo, I might have to kill you for that..." Kyo looked angry for a few seconds, then a smile grew on her face again. "Please forgive Ryo. He tends to be an idiot when he tried to protect me." She giggled a little bit herself. "It really does make me happy though, having him protect me so much. It makes me happy to know he cares for me so much."
Henry growled as he saw what had happened, he roared and beats his chest, while phoenix held on for dear life. Henry looked at ryo and growled.
Eredia spun the spear and collapsed it, placing it away in her jacket once more. "How did you and Ryo switch places with each other like that...? You did it earlier as well..." Kyo gave a look of confusion before realizing that nobody really knew Ryo and Kyo shared one body. "We share one body. Only one of us can be out at a time, though usually, we can choose who gets to be out." Eredia became more confused than she was just a moment ago. "I... I'll just... not ask any further... I'd probably just end up with more questions..."
Henry then relaxes, feeling more comfortable around kyo. Phoenix then dropped off of Henry's back. "Hello....... I am phoenix." He said as he stretched out his arms.
Kyo looked over at Phoenix. "Oh, hello there. My name is Kyo." Eredia gave a light bow to Henry and Phoenix. "I'm Eredia. It's nice to meet you." She lifted her head back up, holding Kyo's hand once more. Kyo had silvery flames slowly crawl up her clothing, and wherever the silver flames went past changed to different clothes. When the flames reached the top of her head from passing through the veil, the flames vanished vanished, leaving her with the school's female uniform on, as well as a nice little flower bow in her hair just in the top back corner and a little bit away from her right ear.

Eredia watched Kyo while clearly holding back a giggle. Eredia couldn't hold it completely all too much longer, so she let a noticeable, but quiet giggle escape her mouth. "I like your flower bow, Kyo." Eredia didn't even realize that, because she was holding Kyo's hand, she'd just had the same change of clothing, except the flower bow was on the left side of Eredia's head. Kyo smiled at Eredia. "I like yours as well, Eri." Eredia was just hit by a wall of happiness. Yes, she took notice and was happy about getting a bow of her own, but the main source was Kyo giving her the nickname Eri.
Kumiko let out a large sigh. She started walking around aimlessly. "What on earth is happening?" She asked herself. She shrugged. Kumiko pulled her cloak hood so it would cover more of her face. 'If anyone here is 'death', it's me. This arm of mine...' She thought, holding her left arm up slightly to look at it. Her arm was not visible due to the black cloth, but she knew what was there. Kumiko passed many windows, which showed the border that was going to kill them.

Kumiko turned the corner to see a small group. She didn't really care, but it was unlikely for students to be in the building right now. Most were outside, not sure what to do. The students inside were talking, or just roaming the halls, not really as concerned about the event taking place at the moment. Kumiko slowed her pace when she got closer to the group, and saw Phoenix. She smirked. "Hey." She said, once she was close enough for them to hear.
Kain was in the library reading up on various books about death. He leaned into the chair tilting in backwards. The library was empty, as both students and teachers left the room. He didnt really wish to fight the other students seeing, as it would be unnecessary.

His wings then outstretched from his back. They slowly retracted to his sides, as he finished his last book. He held his hands together thinking about what he should do next.
((Chibi Nebula: Kinda weird seeing an employee of my uncle is here, even more so since we just had game night last week!))
UltraYuseke said:
Kyo looked over at Phoenix. "Oh, hello there. My name is Kyo." Eredia gave a light bow to Henry and Phoenix. "I'm Eredia. It's nice to meet you." She lifted her head back up, holding Kyo's hand once more. Kyo had silvery flames slowly crawl up her clothing, and wherever the silver flames went past changed to different clothes. When the flames reached the top of her head from passing through the veil, the flames vanished vanished, leaving her with the school's female uniform on, as well as a nice little flower bow in her hair just in the top back corner and a little bit away from her right ear.
Eredia watched Kyo while clearly holding back a giggle. Eredia couldn't hold it completely all too much longer, so she let a noticeable, but quiet giggle escape her mouth. "I like your flower bow, Kyo." Eredia didn't even realize that, because she was holding Kyo's hand, she'd just had the same change of clothing, except the flower bow was on the left side of Eredia's head. Kyo smiled at Eredia. "I like yours as well, Eri." Eredia was just hit by a wall of happiness. Yes, she took notice and was happy about getting a bow of her own, but the main source was Kyo giving her the nickname Eri.
Phoenix could not help but salivate at the sight of kyo and eridia. "You two look mighty tasty...." He said as he comes to his senses. "His vampire half is talking, ignore him." Henry said as he facepalmed.

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