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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

(Chibi Eri: "Ooh, a book!Is that what I think it is!? IT IS!" *is flipping through pages of a pure black book with a glowing dark silver pentagram on the cover* "This is my great great great great grandfather's cousin's uncle's friend's mother's cousin's twin sister's book on necromancy!" Me: "Woah, calm the hell down over there! It's just a book on necromancy! Also, how can you be so sure about whose book this is!?" Chibi Eri: "Because it lists the names of every single person that's owned it in the far back and what their relationship to the previous owner was, if there was one. It even has my name on it now that I'm in possession of it!")

Kyo and Eredia giggled a little. They were still holding hands by the time Kumiko cam over, and they both waved with their free hands. Eredia looks back at Henry. "It's fine. I'm actually happy to hear I look delicious, though if it were somebody who didn't know that delicious was a compliment, they would've probably kicked his head off by now." She giggled a little more, just imagining the whole scene of Phoenix getting his head kicked off by somebody.

Himiko woke up, still in that little barricade of chairs and a desk. She slowly peeked out to see that nobody was there, so she carefully got out of her barricade and walked out of the room. She headed down the halls, still unable to change back to her actual age. Still eight, she wandered around without being able to tell where she was. Himiko eventually spotted a group of people talking, so she walked up to them. Because she was small and quiet, she went unnoticed, and for the same reason, didn't notice Henry.

Himiko stopped next to Kumiko. She looked at the group, then took notice of Henry, quickly hiding most of herself behind Kumiko and holding on to Kumiko's right hand lightly with both of her small hands. Kyo took her free left hand and moved some of her hair that fell in front of her shoulder back behind her head. Eredia on the other hand, preferred having some of her hair in front of her shoulders. "So, what should we do? Everybody else seems to be panicking." Eredia said, clearly referring to the fact that the group didn't seem to even care about the whole situation the academy was currently in.
"I think he likes you.... But it seems you are not single, since you hold hands with someone else." Henry said as he looked a phoenix, who was still drooling.
"Oh, this? I'm definitely single. If you'd look at who I was holding hands with, you would know that we both happen to be girls, and that we hold hands because we're friends." Eredia giggled again. It was just too funny to have Henry thinking that she was in a relationship with Kyo just because they were holding hands. Just after she stopped giggling, the entire situation went horrible for her. She didn't expect anything like what she was just about to get.

Kyo was surrounded by a nice white smoke. When the smoke cleared, Ryo was in the place where Kyo was supposed to be, holding Eredia's hand. "I don't like being called a girl, you know. I don't mind being friends though, and thanks for holding my hand so willingly." Eredia's head slowly turned towards Kyo, her eyes wide. Kyo's face goes red, and the very next thing she did was pull her hand away from Ryo's as she slapped him hard across the face. "Y-y-y-y-you...! I-I'll kill you...!!"

Eredia pulled out her spear, letting it fling open and then starting to swing it at Ryo like it were a sword. She was swinging it at him in a way she could actually end up killing Ryo, with Ryo just barely avoiding the spear as it swung at him over and over. He eventually got back up to a wall, with Eredia slamming the spear in the wall next to his head, going face-to-face with the Impure Purity form of Ryo, a hand ready to punch him. Ryo simply leaned forward quickly and stole a kiss on Eredia's lips for a second. Eredia quickly jumped back with her spear in hand.

"T-t-that was... That was my first kiss...!" Eredia threw the spear as hard as she could at Ryo, just barely missing his head. Eredia took the time that the spear distracted Ryo, and used it to get right up to him and punch him in the stomach. She sent him flying against the wall, leaping forward and kicking him across the face. Ryo hit the ground, out cold. While Ryo was down for the count, Eredia ran back and hid behind Phoenix and Henry, her face still completely red.
Kain felt the vibrations of what he could only presume was battle. He sighed to himself" so it appeares all has began." He got up from his chair snapping his fingers, as his belongings dissapeared. Kain turned towerds the door walking in a moderately fast pace. He entered several hallways passing the occasional single student along the way. The vibrations got stronger, as he neared along with the sounds of battle. He neared the hall where the battle was taking place.

Before he turned into the hall way some rubble flew against the wall next to him. He lwt out another sigh" at this rate i should be getting paid to rebuild the school all the time. Turnung into the hall way he saw those involved. He noticed Henry's large form along with phoenix. Then he noticed two other students one male one female. He did not recognize them so he slowly approached the group. Then he stopped just before reaching them. This was obviously there battle he was sure there was a reason for the brawl. He leaned against the wall only interfering if the battle grew to big or death was near.
Ryo stood up, rubbing the right side of his head, which just got slammed against the floor when Eredia kicked him. "Well, guess I know what to expect next time I kiss you." Ryo suddenly placed his hands over his ears, like he was in pain or something. "Dammit Kyo, isn't it already enough that your friend just slammed my head on the floor...? C'mon, I've already got a headache from that, and now you want to give me an even worse headache...?"

Ryo shook his head before suddenly switching places with Kyo, who was once again in Pure Impurity form, wearing the clothes she and Eredia had changed into with the silver flames earlier. This time it was a forced change of place for them, so Kyo and Ryo didn't have a choice, but it worked quite well for Eredia and Kyo. "Finally... Please forgive me... Ryo has a tendency to do... weird things while he's in that form..." Kyo scratched the back of her head, looking a bit depressed as she hoped that Eredia would be able to forgive her.

Eredia was still quite embarrassed by everything that'd just happened, but she understood that Kyo wasn't at fault for anything that'd happened. Eredia walks up to Kyo and pats her on the head lightly. "Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault. From now on though, I'd suggest you tell him to stay put away if he plans on doing more things like that. I might have to kill him if he doesn't."
Kumiko shrunk into an 8-year old again, so she can swiftly move through crowds along with Himiko. "Hmph, it seems they don't notice us. That's good..." Kumiko mumbled, slowly inching away from the fight that may occur. The fact that Kumiko had changed to her younger self, the cloak she was wearing was way too big. That meaning, the hood completely covered her face. She was glad no one knew of her appearance, as she didn't want to deal with what she had to deal with when she was traveling after That Incident. People would call her names like 'Demon!' Or give her death glares when she was nearby. If that happened here, then she wouldn't know what she would do.

Kumiko looked up at Henry and Phoenix. 'It looks like someone's showing off their abilities... But if gets too bad then we may have to flea.' She thought, now scratching the back of her head. Now that Kyo is back, Kumiko let out a sigh. "Hopefully nothing bad happens... Like Ryo coming back." She muttered, letting out a small sigh of relief.
Kain proceeded to wave his wand, as tendrils of white energy flowed towerds the ruined structures. All the rubble begining to mive back into their original places. After a few moments the damaged parts glowed white before returning to their original forms. Kain nodded his before turning away from the group begining to walk away from the scene.
Kyo's mind started to go dark. She was slowly losing her senses and control of her Pure Impurity form. Not wanting to cause harm to anybody because she wanted to stay in that appearance, she stepped back from Eredia for a few seconds, letting her Pure Impurity form vanish. She was now back to her normal appearance, including clothing and ribbons. Kyo, tired from being in that form so long while keeping control of herself, fell forward, getting caught by Eredia.

"H-hey, what's wrong...?" Eredia looked at Kyo, a little panicked. "Kyo, what's wrong? Kyo!" Kyo weakly smiled at Eredia. "Y-yes... Eri...?" Eredia smiles back at Kyo. "Please, don't scare my like that... You seem like you're hurt or something." Kyo forced herself to stand on her own, even though she was a bit too tired to really support herself all that well. "There is no need to worry... I am just fine... I am a little tired though..." Kyo fell forward again, getting caught by Eredia once more.

Kyo was now sleeping, and because of her small size, Eredia could easily pick Kyo up and place Kyo on her back. "Well, now that she's sleeping so peacefully, I can be sure she's fine... I'd like to get her somewhere she can rest safely though, just in case." Eredia reached a hand back and slowly started petting the sleeping Kyo's head. "Sweet dreams, Kyo. Sweet dreams." Eredia walked over to the wall and pulled her spear out as she kept one hand holding Kyo on her back. She folded the spear up and put it away.
Kumiko walked up to Phoenix. "Hey!" She greeted, then turned to Eridia. It seemed that this day, things were going poorly. "Today's weird... First the announcement... Next the zombie incident, and now this?" She said, looking out a nearby window. Still in her younger form, Kumiko had to talk louder than usual. After all, her voice was rather small when she was growing up!

The cloak Kumiko was wearing was rally irritating; It was just too big. She couldn't take it off though, as she didn't want people to see her, but it was also going to be a hassle trying to carry it around. "Soo..." She muttered. Kumiko wasn't really used to situations like this, she wasn't sure how to act or what to do.
Kain walked the halls silent as they were. He found the quite to be rather relaxing from the usual day. After the ball had ended everyone went on to their usual days here. His new form was begining to sttle in the beight purple veins along his eyes, and neck were beggining to fade. He reached the botany class where he proceeded to head inside. Once in his noticed no one was there. He shrugged proceeding to head into the large garden behind the class.

The garden was outside of course. The garden was filled with various types of plants along with some trees. He slowly made his way towerds the large willow tree at the center. He sat underneath it where he relaxed agianst the trees trunk. He pulled out his violin from thin air setting up to play. He needed to relax, and he prefered it this way. After a few moments kain began to play his violin. When he did several other instruments appeared as well playing along.

With Kyo on her back, Eredia couldn't hug him back because of her hands being occupied holding Kyo up. Out of nowhere, Himiko sneaks right inside of the cloak with Kumiko, using it like some kind of blanket. "C-can I... Can I stay in here with you...? It's... too cold right now... " Himiko didn't even wait for a yes before hugging Kumiko as closely as she could so they could easily share the warmth of the cloak together. Naturally, Himiko could see Kumiko's face while under the cloak, but couldn't care one bit, partially because she didn't know who Kumiko was.

The other part was that Himiko doesn't judge people based on what others say. If she's told to stay away from somebody because they're rumored to be evil and mean, she'll just go right up to them and find out for herself what kind of person they really are. Now currently believing Kumiko to be a really nice person, she couldn't help but rest her head on Kumiko's shoulder and feel really safe. She also felt quite warm. It'd gotten to the point that Himiko's being stuck at eight made her actually believe she herself was eight and forget that she was actually sixteen.
Kumiko looked up. "Fine, I guess." She answered, letting out a sigh. "So far, I'm not enjoying today. I was woken up by an unpleasant speech." She said, crossing her arms. The scene before her made her day worse.

Kumiko noticed Himiko, not really bothered. She knew Himiko was actually older than what she appeared to be, otherwise she wouldn't e at this school. Kumiko felt like herself when she was 8, but it didn't really change her personality one bit. She had been this way her whole life. "When are you going to change back, Himiko?" Kumiko asked, knowing the others might be confused. After all, Himiko was hidden within the cloak, not really visible.
Kumiko shrugged. "Well, I kinda have someo-Something... In my pocket...?" She responded, knowing that Himiko was still there. "I'm kinda short right now, so.." She added, looking up at Phoenix.

(Chibi Kumiko; *Nibbles on candy cane* Me: "Hey! That's mine!")

Kumiko looked down at Himiko. The cloak was big, so they could see each other. The only thing stopping Himiko from seeing Kumiko's face was the darkness; It was dark in the halls and the cloak was black. Just then, it became a bit cold. It got colder and colder (To about 20 degrees...). It seemed to only be in the hallway that the group was in. Kumiko started to shake, but it was unnoticeable.
"Change... back...?" Himiko looked at Kumiko, a bit confused. After all, she'd gotten to the point of belief in her own age being eight, so she didn't know at all what 'change back' meant. Himiko suddenly felt something strange. It only lasted a second though, so she couldn't tell what the weird feeling was actually like or what caused it. Suddenly, Himiko became her demon self. Because of the issues in her aging, she was pretty much the same size, and even looked the same age. This was though, how she really looked at her actual age.

Himiko could feel it getting colder. Not even thinking on the matter, she brought her tail up near her and Kumiko's head, but not too close as to get in the way or anything. She set a tiny flame on her tail, starting to warm the area around them just a bit. The flame wasn't very bright or strong though, so it wasn't really enough to help with the temperature, as well as wasn't bright enough to show Kumiko's face to Himiko.
PoisonousCupcake said:
Kumiko shrugged. "Well, I kinda have someo-Something... In my pocket...?" She responded, knowing that Himiko was still there. "I'm kinda short right now, so.." She added, looking up at Phoenix.
(Chibi Kumiko; *Nibbles on candy cane* Me: "Hey! That's mine!")

Kumiko looked down at Himiko. The cloak was big, so they could see each other. The only thing stopping Himiko from seeing Kumiko's face was the darkness; It was dark in the halls and the cloak was black. Just then, it became a bit cold. It got colder and colder (To about 20 degrees...). It seemed to only be in the hallway that the group was in. Kumiko started to shake, but it was unnoticeable.
"Height does not matter. Only the character and heart is what mattersssssss." Phoenix said as he walked up to kumiko, and hugged her.
(Me: *Is working on fan fiction* "Oh. Hello there." Chibi Kumiko: "I wanna read it!" Me: *Ignores*)

The small flame didn't really help. Well, for Kumiko at least. She started to get weak, and was about to fall over. She didn't, though, as Himiko was still there. She couldn't really be in the cold, or in water. Kumiko was quite different; she had a lava layer over her skin, though it looked normal. So, she can touch fire, lava, and other things of that nature without being affected.

Kumiko looked at Himiko when Phoenix hugged them. She sighed, as Himiko was right next to her. "Um, I meant that I have a friend and she's right here." Kumiko says.
Henry heard a sound go off, and went to investigate. An explosion in the kitchen went off, setting henry aflame. He ran towards kumiko and the others, and then collapsed from being burned to death. No movement was made by him as soon as he fell.
(Chibi Himi: *Eating last piece of chocolate cake* Me: "Hey, I thought I told you to save some for me!" Chibi Eri: *Looking through book of necromancy* "Hmm... So this spell can make a dead person become an animal... This spell can make a dead person become a moving skeleton... This spell can take a skeleton and turn it into any creature minus the skin, but still the muscles and everything remade..." Chibi Ryo: *Tries to tackle and kiss Eri, but gets knocked back by a shield of bones* Chibi Kyo: *Next to Eri, mostly sleeping* Me: "Alright, our break could end at any time, so let's get through with the stuff that has to be continuously done so we're not cut off." *Starts reading through unimportant posts*)

(Curse you glitchy system. I was sitting here forever without being notified of new posts, waiting for those new posts...)
(Chibi Aoi: "Hi Kumiko!" Chibi Kumiko: "Huh? Aoi?" Me: "Aoi... Wrong RP. And where's Usagi?" Chibi Aoi: Oh! She's upstairs working on her abilities." Chibi Usagi: "Yo!" Me: "Help me..." *Crawls under desk*)

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