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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

he looks at neal. "Nothing much...... jusssssst reading...... and thinking about our headmasssster..." phoenix said with a blush, he was never one to tell anyone what he thinks.
Lillith browsed the books looking for something in particular. Yet coming up short for what she needed. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted an abused magazine. The cover was bright with disgusting images of stars, candy, and small animals with large eyes. But the text is what really caught her eye. Grabbing the magazine, she headed back over to the table, where a new face joined in.
Phoenix takes a quick glimpse at lilith, then goes back to reading. he then has a vision that makes him jump a couple inches off of his seat, and falling to the ground.
"Aww does Phoenix have a crush." Alice teased lightly. He enjoyed embarrassing his friends. He didn't think Phoenix heard him however as he suddenly jumped falling to the ground. Worried Alice stood rushing to his side."Hey you alright?"
"I'm fine...... just had a wierd vision..." he said as he gets up and sat back down. "And yes, alice, i do have a crush." he said with a crimson blush.
After that little scuffle, Aker was back to his former problem. He was still hungry and he wanded to eat something, but the trays are still far up and he knew he couldn't reach it. He would love to ask someone to help him, but he felt a little ashamed to ask anyone, so he just stood there, hoping someone would be kind enough to assist him. @Keggamine
Xylla noticed that poor little cat once more awaiting for the trays. Instinctively, she walked over and greeted herself, and handed the cute thing a tray. "Here you go, better to eat on a tray than the floor." She stated, with a warming smile.
he chuckles a bit that phoenix had a crush on the headmaster, than turns to the girl that sat down not that long ago "what are you reading" he asked politly looking at the magazine she held
"If you say so." Alice shrugged flopping back in his seat. It took a moment for him to processs Phoenixs words properly. When he did he sat up straight and practically hopped in his seat."That's adorable."
He smiled a little at her. "Thanks." He mumbled, grabbing the tray. He groaned as he realized that he still cannot reach the foods, or even see them as a matter of fact. Reluctantly, he tugged on the girl's pants. "Um, could you help me reach the foods?" He shyly asked.
Lillith hardly noticed as Phoenix fell. It was not her concern. He could take care of himself. She looked back to the other boy. "Before I converse my business I must know your title. What do they call you?"
"My name is Neal Satou and may I have the pleasure of knowing your name" He held out his hand towards the girl to shake and lightly smiled
Lillith ignored his handshake. "I don't enjoy contact." She folded her arms across her chest. "My name is Lillith. And I'm a bit taken back that you've never heard of me..." No matter. Her name would be know around this world in no time.
"well i'm going to get going" Neal puts the book back and walks towards the door "well see ya" I said and left the library. still thinking about lillith.

Neal had a sudden shot of pain in his chest, he knew that pain from the past. he quickly ran out of the school and hid behind the dorms "no not now" his appearance began to change as his personality did as well. his worried face turned into a smile. "Finally free once again" he walked back towards the school.
Alex watched as Artimes walked away, and noticed she had left her water. He chose not to bring it back to her simply because he didn't want to go follow her all the way to where-ever she was going. Once Alex finished off the rest of his soda along with his chips, he got up and started walking around the school until he felt tired. Alex noticed he was standing in front of the library door, however the door seemed to be closed. 'If someone wakes me up then oh-well...' He laid down on the floor in front of the door, and fell asleep.
Xylla looked back down. "Sure! I could always help you up on the counter so you could see the choices." She said, not even hesitating to pick him up and place him on the counter. He wasn't that heavy, it was just adorable. "There you are."
He blushed when she carried him. Normally, he wouldn't even let anyone touch him, but he was hungry so he let her. "Thanks. I'm Aker by the way." He said to her, looking for anything good to eat. He finally settled for a nice juicy drumstick and some pasta. "Can you bring me down?" He asks, afraid that he might spill the food if he jump down.
"Of course." She replied, carrying him down. "Oh, and I just call myself Xylla." She said, with a derpy smile and sat at a table. "So, Where are you from?" She asked, interested in this creature's origin. It was an odd one, but it was so. Cute.
He smiles at her, going to the table. He had trouble getting to the table, but he managed. "Well, I was born in the woods somewhere. I never knew my parents, but I was adopted by a kindly old couple. They didn't think of me as strange or different. They treated me ss their son. So there, I grew up normally with them until I got the letter." He said, munching on the drumstick. "Why are you smiling like that?" He asked.
Neal walked up to phoenix and looked down at him with his crimson eyes. "hello" he takes a seat in front of phoenix "tell me everything you know about ... Lillith"
"Well.... she is the most beautiful woman i have evern seen..... and she seems like she issssss royal, based on her behavior...... and she hates it when you don't address her the right way....." phoenix said as he hides his crimson face. @Neal Satou
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Damian picked his head up and made his way around the school. Bored with the creatures inside the school he made himself walk out of the building and on over to the trees were he used his abilities to command the squirrels down to him. He was going to play a game tag with the lot since he had nothing better to do. "Let the games begin" he yelled then chase one of the squirrels.
Neal roles his eyes "i don't see why he likes her" Neal stood up "don't tell anyone this but this is my inner me and he won't remember any of this so don't tell him alright" he turned around and walks away.

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