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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

Xylla noticed a fight going on and bravely approached them. "Stop it! You're both extremely stupid if you're really gonna do this." She grunted, folding her arms in between the two.
Lillith kept quiet throught the whole ordeal. She knew this wolf stood no match for her underworldly powers. Yet before she could do anything a small fuzzy creature interjected. It was-... Oddly pleasing to lok at. Lilith had the slightst urge to-... Pet him, but refrained. "You both know this is utterly ridiculous-..." And another girl pushed her way through. "I would have to agree with the female creature. You are both stupid if you think this is going to lead anywhere but death." She pushed her hair over her shoulder, a bored, dismissive movement.
Malphos jumped at the cat jaw open going straight for the cats neck. "Have fun hitting him with your mop...it won't work...." He then turned his neck to the girl. "This is fun luv but....I'm sorry...And telekinesis nice...."
Xylla's face went flat as the wolf recieved its orders. "Idiot! Do you honestly think that a feeble being like you would have power over I, Phaeangaar?!" Xylla roared, a more echoing voice had approached. She didn't know what had just happened, and felt wary about it. "Sorry, but still. Really?!"
Pangur smirked, expecting the arrogance coming from the other guy. If there is a good thing with his sized and appearance, it is that people tend to underestimate him. Pangur lunged, shoving the entirety of the mop down the wolf's throat, sidestepping at the last moment.
((Remember when batteling to give the other person a chance to accept or dodge your attacks everyone.))

Lillith's eyebrows pulled together. "What did you call me? L-... L-uh-v? A-are you insulting me yet again boy!?" She stamped her foot, a rather childish notion. Very out of character.
The mop flew through the wolfs neck. It was perfectly alright, because it can't physically touch non living things. Damian told the wolf to stop attacking and come to his side. "So if we're done here I'd like to take a nap" he spoke to Lillith ready to walk off.
He was quite surprised when the mop flew right through the wolf, but thankfully the boy called the wolf to him. "Yes, it seems that we are done here." He said to the boy, hoping he won't be too much of a jerk again. "Are you alright?" He asked the girl, hoping she was fine.
Phaeangaar stared at Damian, and had begun to grew irritated. "You're lucky I'm not smashing you to the underworld..." Xylla groaned, and tried to block out hateful emotions.
((Yes I'm sorry. Go ahead and fill out an application!))

Lillith simply nodded once. "Go on. You may leave my presence peacefully of you move now." she avoided eye contact with the boy. Something about him made her stomach.... Nauseous. But not in a sickly way. Obviously one of his abilities...
"We'll bye" He waved off to all of them. He then sat down at the seat he had sat in before. He pressed his head on the table. His familiar behind him. He then spoke out again. "Bye luv" he said before dozing off.
Lillith shook her head mumbling a string of insults befire glancing at the two creatures left in front of her. "Your efforts are noted for all that you have done for me." She looked at the girl. "I'm Lillith of the Seventh Circle. But you obviously already know that." Everyone knew her in the Seventh Circle. "And you both have titles, yes?"
Alex had talked to several teachers after the speech, as they encouraged him that it would be better to at least attend the school a week before deciding if he really wanted to die. He sighed, and agreed since because they currently owned his soul, they were his masters. Alex made sure what he was and wasn't allowed to do, as he learned with his 2nd Master quickly not to break a rule. Afterwards, he went to the food court, got a bag of chips with a soda, and sat at an empty table.
Artimes smiled at the others antics, before seeing another kid enter. She stood, headed to the food, and grabbed a container of water, be it a glass or bottle, she didn't really care. Not blood, but it would suffice. Besides, she was told to act like a human. She then headed to the table the other had sat at, and stopped next to it.

"Hello. Would you mind if I joined you?" She asked, glancing to the others meal of chips and soda.

((@SilverAngel303 ))
He looked at the girl for a moment, and sighed. "Sit if you want, I ain't gonna care either way." Alex answered, while opening the bag of chips and eating some. He thought about what one of the teachers had suggested regarding what to do wit his soul once Alex had graduated, but he didn't think it would turn out as they thought it would. 'They think that the reason for the scars from my 2nd Master was just because she was a bad person? That's a joke...' He thought to himself, as Alex stopped eating from the bag of chips, and opened the can of soda.

((@RinDaVamp ))
Artimes smiled and took a seat at the table, setting her water down in front of her. She continued to watch the other students inside the room, while most her her attention hearing wise was open to listen for speech from the other. After a while, she took a sip of water and turned back to look the other. By this time, the soda had been opened, as had his chips. She smiled, though it was more of a half smile, again, before speaking.

"Nice to meet you. I am Artimes Noella Dailoin, my preferred name is just Noella. What`s your name?" She asked. She extended her hand, more to her dislike than habit, as this was not something she usually did. She had seen humans greeting others this way, and it couldn't hurt to try. Her words where polite, and though she had tried to sound friendly, her voice still held a small amount of her usual coldness.
Alex stared at the girl for a few seconds, and ignored the girl's hand. "Don't care." Alex responded harshly. He noticed one of the teachers that owned his soul was glaring at him from across the room, and sighed. Alex shook the girl's hand and introduced himself. "Alex Tors, call me whatever you want." He glanced back at the teacher, noticing they were smiling at him now.
Phoenix walked with alice towards lilith, who seemed to be haing a rough day. "hello.... I am Phoenix, Ma'am." he said as he bowed down to her. "i hope there will be ssssssomething i can do to make this day better ffffffor you?" he asked in a sincere tone, depsite sounding like he was dying. @Kat Attack
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Alice giggled at Phoenixs polite behavior. Passing him as he saw no reason to be overly polite to people he wanted to be his friends he took a seat next to Lilith and offered her a cookie. "Cookie?"

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