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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

"Alright." Alice shrugged grabbing Phoenix right wrist. He liked having skin to skin contact with people. "I hope they have steak. Rare of course its no good cooked."
Artimes made a retching sound at the squirrel that was the others food. "Disgusting." She muttered, before standing on the branch and making a running jump out, landing moving. She headed to where better food would be located, even if it wasn't the best. She passed by the other two, wrinkling her nose up at the stench of squirrel still hanging about the other. without really slowing, she moved to the door of the mess hall, where then she stopped, and pushed it open. She headed to where food was, and browsed the selections. She sighed, then took a seat at an empty table, and watched the beings milling about.
"smellsssss like uncooked meat....." he said as he stopped at the entrance. "go get your food..... i will wait at a table..." he said. (goodnight y'all!)
What he was lead to was a food court full of a selection of meals to choose from. He wasn't happy with the blood though. He only liked it fresh from the bodies of his prey. So he strolled over to an empty table and sat down his wolf laying behind him. He laid his head down...then having a deep in thought conversation with his wolf about how the food was no good for him.
Nodding Alice skipped over to the buffet table. He was disappointed when he found no raw meat. Pouting for a moment he turned his attention toward the sweets and began gathering a plate full. Soon he had a plate with a strawberry cheese cake five chocolate chip cookies and a cup of jello with a can of Dr.pepper. Humming he heading back out to Phoenix. (Night guys)
The main horde of bodies seemed to be heading towards a large room where food was provided. She was able to spot out the ones who ran into her earlier. She would avoid them at all cause. However... That one boy with his single gesture. That must mean something relevant. It was something she needed to learn. Stalking over to the boy and his wolf, she cleared her throat. "You there. You gestured to me as you made for the exit. What was that. What is it's meaning." She gestured an awkward wave, fingers pressed tightly together. "Speak."
"We'll....simply....you don't know what that means.....it means hello or goodbye" He said a little confused by her question. He then stood up from the table and looked at Lillith and smiled at her before he pinched her cheeks like a mad man. "You really had no idea what the means....how cute" he said in a stiff tone as he got whiff of the smell of her blood. "Demon?" He questioned the girl.
Lilly was impatient with the boy. He was patronizing her. As he grabbed her cheeks, her eyes widened, as if about to pop out of her head. Who did he think he was touching someone of such great ranks!? A low growl escaped her chest. "How dare you touch me in such a manor! I say! Men, drain him of-..." Lillith looked around. She was so used to having an army at her side, yet here she had no one. Lillith cleared her throat, "Uh... Yes. I am." This was a new feeling. She felt... awkward.
Damian let go of Lillith's cheeks. He found this girl rather funny. First she talks of draining something from him and then the way she reacted when she was all alone. He pushed his hand out for her to shake and said "I'm Damian....nice to meet you...and that's Malphos my familiar..." The wolf was sleeping through what was happening.
She crossed her arms tightly against her chest, tilting her chin up as if to dismiss his handshake. "I do not enjoy contact. But you may bow to me, Damian." She looked to Malphos. Strange, she thought, That animal has all it's flesh in tact...
He chuckled as the girl suggested for him to bow and the spoke."You want me to bow....You want me to bow....are you like a princess or something..." He was really fascinated with the girl. He couldn't understand how she thought like she was some big time queen and he loved it. "Your weird....really weird...but a funny weird....oh yeah ummm got a question for yeah can I bite you....see I've never had demon blood before so yeah..." He said to the demon.
Her eyes narrowed as he spoke. "No I'm not a princess you naive boy. I'm next in line to rule the Outer Ring in the Seventh Circle of Hell." A princess. Ha. Then came the name calling. "You dare call me-..." But she stopped at his last question. That took her off guard, and she wasn't taken off guard easily. "You want to bite me? Did you not hear my previous statement about not enjoying contact!?" She was getting frustrated with his lack of ability to keep up.
"Oh I heard you....but I simply ignored the fact...." He spoke to her..."And if your going to rule some outer ring thing in hell....why are you here....?" He said as he moved his face inches from hers. "Did daddy get mad and send his spoiled little girl up here to teach her a lesson....he took away your army didn't he....and I bet you have no real combat experience ether...no way to protect yourself...just a very ... exposed ....neck." He then made a biting motion nearly a centimeter from her face...then he pulled back.
Lillith was beside herself with anger. First he ignores her, followed by questioning her reasons for Human World dwelling, and then finally he crosses the line. The closeness between the two was enough to make her spit. Lillith knew she shouldn't use her abilities, but she didn't care at this point. She simply glared at the boy, raising her eyebrow slightly emitting her telekinesis ability over the boy, trying to enable him from moving.
He was constricted by the girls telekinesis. Talking within his mind he had Malphos wake from his slumber but not to move. He chuckled as he was being held in place. "Telekinesis... Oooohhhh how fun... So your a control freak... and I'm assuming you can only move one thing at a time...am I correct or mistaken?"
Lillith was fuming. A growl rumbled deep within her chest. She leaned closely into the bot's face, nearly inches away. "You listen here meat sack. I am a war lord feared by all who enter the Seventh Circle. I take no mercy. I live for destruction. And I'll be dammed if some boy like you is to intimidate me!" She tightened her telekinetic grip, as if to squeeze his insides.
Malphos the large white wolf sprang at the girl as soon as Damian felt the slight increase in pressure. Malphos had it's claws extended and it's fangs hanging from out of it mouth...he was going for the neck and arm of the demon. The creature was going in to pin her down.
Lillith let go of her hold on the boy as soon as she saw the large wolf flinch. Taking a quick step back, she was able to avoid the creature's lung. She shook her head, laughing manically with the motion. "If you're trying to make enemies with me, I suggest you be prepared for a living nightmare." She was proud of herself. She didn't need her army after all. She could hold her own in this world. Domination would be child's play.
Aker was seriously having a hard time here. Okay, so the school is nice and the headmistress was nice as well, it's just that, people tend to overlook him, literally. He was probably the shortest one there, not even reaching the waist of some, and he had a hard time findingg his way to the cafeteria. He followed his nose, and while it was effective, it was still hard to pass through the crowd. Once he got there, another problem was present. "I can't reach the trays." He said, trying hard to reach for them, but to no avail. So he stood there, waiting for someone who can help him.
"Funny thing is I don't like enemies and that wolf won't stop striking at you in till it gets you...." He said as his white furred companion jumped at the demon if it missed it would jump again and again over and over till it hit its mark.
(It's funny how @Steel Zinogre 's character dissed mine and totally forgot about me xD )

She watched them walk off as if she was invisible. There was nothing left to do, but wander the halls aimlessly. But she decided to get some fresh air, and enjoy the sights. The sun was nearing dark, and the need to become Phaeangaar grew. "If only..." Xylla groaned, looking beyond the gates of encasement.
Aker noticed a commotion somewhere in the cafeteria. A girl was holding a guy by his neck, releasing him when a wolf pounced. The wolf repeatedly tries to pounce on the girl, as if trying to attack her. Aker frowned, going over to them. He heard what the guy said, and it ticked him off. It was clearly this guy who started it, and he hated bullies. His sword was not with him, but he grabbed a mop. "This would have to do." He muttered. "Hey, cut it out you big mutt." He said, standing in between the wolf and the girl. The girl clearly can handle herself, but still, it wasn't nice to pick on someone, especially if you're relying on something else to do the bullying for you.
He stared at the tiny cat thing and laughed..."We'll that's new...what are you supposed to be....a cat a tiny cat...."He spoke aloud giving the cat a grin. "Hey cat if your an animal ....then yeah...." He said then in a commanding tone he used his power of nature manipulation "Attack the girl cat" He wasn't sure if the power would work but he got to try.
He scoffed. "Is this how much of a coward you are? You attack a girl, yet you're afraid to fight her on your own, relying on your attack dog instead." He said, holding the mop close to him as if it was a blade. "But fine, if you wish to see your poor mutt humiliated, then try me." He challenged him.

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