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Fantasy Kaiju Academy

My last post for today, I have a headache and it hurts like hell to think. Sorry this post sucks, but thats the reasoning for it as well.))

Artimes smiled and said, "Well then, Alex, it was nice talking." She then stood and made her way out of the room, leaving her water. She returned to the tree she had been in and let herself fall asleep.
Ha! Finally someone knew how to properly greet her! Such a breath of fresh air. She nodded back at the man, yet was a but confused as to why he sounded like death itself. "You may rise Phoenix. I am Lillith. But of course you know of my greatness." She smirked as she bragged about herself. However, that small loud creature interjected, shoving something at her. "This... disk you have there. What is it?" She poked the cookie, eyebrows furrowing together in confusion.
"T'is but a cookie...... a lovely desert that is very delicious and delectable." phoenix said as he rose, taking a really big liking to lilith. "you look rather beautiful... and tasty......" phoenix said, realizing the last part he said and smacked himself. "IDIOT!! you need to control your bloodthirst!!" he thought.

@Kat Attack
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The new student Neal wondered around the school looking for his classroom. Not paying attention he walked into another male student. "My bad man"

@Steel Zinogre
Lillith took note of the desert. Perhaps she would partake in eating it at a later date. She smiled, showing her sharpened teeth. That smile quickly dropped as he mentioned her "flavor." What is it with these creatures and their desire to eat me!? She shook her head, watching a boy bump into his new... acquaintance.
"i apologize Ma'am..... still trying to control my thirst for blood..... since i am a Dhampir afterall." phoenix said with a blush and a squeaky voice at the end of the sentence. "pleassssse forgive me." @Kat Attack
Lillith sighed, obviously she was going to have a problem with other creatures trying to eat her. Yet she needed at least one other creature on her side. He respected her and held her on a pedestal after just meeting her. As most people should. "Fine. You are forgiven. Now tell me Dhampire, would you agree to be my ally in this upcoming semester? I feel as if I could use you to my advantage..." Blunt to say the least.
"I would be honored to be of your assssssssissssssstance." he said as he looks over lilith, feeling attraction toward her. "what is first order of businesssss?" he asked as he sucks blood from a rat he found on the ground.

@Kat Attack
Perfect, Lillith smirked. "First order of business, we need to scout out the campus. I must find a dorm room where I shall retire. Come. You shall help me." She stalked out of the dining hall into a long corridor. She began weaving thorough other warm bodies when she stopped suddenly, her eyes widening at a student leaning over a strange silver contraption despising a clear liquid, or as normal people would call it, a water fountain. She backed into the Dhampire, looking for reassurance. "W-... What is that?"
Alice giggled at Lilith's reaction but it turned into a pout she he found himself alone. Standing he grabbed his cookies and raced after them. He soon caught up and caught Lilith's question. Munching on one of his cookies he answered."Its a water fountain. You drink from it."
"It disssssspenses water whenever you need it...... i just wish it dispenses blood.... because rat blood doessssssn't cut it." he said to lilith as he looked around for another rodent to feed from. "Let'ssss head to the dorms then?" he suggested. @Kat Attack
Lillith eyed the contraption with an unsettling feeling. "Very well... Everyone take note about them. For I am not too sure they can be trusted completely." Yes, these two were going to come in handy. They were going to be her key to discovering all she needed to know about this Human World. She would learn the common ways, build trust with the surrounding campus, and destroy all the souls that stood in her way. No one would know what hit them. "Phoenix, you lead the way," she ordered.
Phoenix then leads lilith and alice along the corridors, until they come across a library. "i used to go to human schools..... but it did not end well." he said as he walked in. "come on, the library is safe." he called to lilith. @Kat Attack
"I hope the library has a decent section on fiction." Alice mummered skipping beside Lilith. His last school didn't even have a single fiction book in its whole library. It was horrifying.
sitting at one of the chairs, Neal was relaxing reading a book about human's lifestyle and tossing his sword handle in the air and catching it. until he saw the three he simply waved and went back to his reading.
"It might have fiction, or maybe not. you may have to see for yourself." Phoenix said, looking to lilith. "after you, ma'am." he said as he bowed down. @Kat Attack phoenix saw neal and waves back.
Lillith saw that the two exchange the familiar wave which she had learned about previously. She manage a quick wave, but she wasn't sure the boy caught her. "Yes... Now rise." she nodded to Phoenix. She looked down to Alice, "So you enjoy fiction eh?" Although he seemed like the type of person who would.
phoenix rises and turns to enter the library, and goes in. he goes into the informational/ reference section and gets out a history book, then starts to read. but that did not stop him from fantasizing about lilith. @Kat Attack
"Yep." Alice chirped nodding. The sugar did its job and made him practically hop in place. Turning he grabbed a book on Medicine from a nearby shelf and takes a seat across from Phoenix." I like books on Medicine and history though to."
Neal gets up from the chair puts his sword handle in his bag, and he walks up to the group and kneels down and looks at the three "what's up" he asked as he puts his hand up to his chin.

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