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Realistic or Modern Kagami High School [OOC]

TaeYeon said:
Woah, nice ! Then you could understand Dutch too a little, right? The languages are a bit similar to each other. ^^
Dutch is not a language I'm familiar with, sadly. But oh well! And I'm so happy people were actually concerned about me! WOW!

Also, why hasn't anyone reacted to Yuki's awkward introduction? I wanted it to swarm with reactions and now I'm sad... *weeps in corner because he wants attention to his girlie character based off of him... with W cups*
@Ethan Hart , well, I like your character's personality~ I just wanted to point out that you accidentally referred to her as a guy xD

Jerks are usually the most interesting types of characters in my opinion, by the way. Aaaaaand I shall reply once the teacher takes action, I guess. I'm not good at playing as NPCs (since they aren't really supposed to be played as, I suppose :D )
Ethan Hart] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16275-weabootrash/ said:
@WeabooTrash[/URL] I did?
Ah, I forgot I haven't read anything before page 12... Is this about another guy?

I assumed you were asking everyone before tagging Sunkissed xD I say, go for it! I'll share my opinion~~~ *acts smooth*

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