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Realistic or Modern Kagami High School [OOC]

[QUOTE="Genieva Von Bubbles]@TaeYeon Sorry! it'll be up soon i swear i just am having a bit of a crisis right now and centrally focus

Oeh, crisises are never good. :o

What's wrong? *looks worried*
TaeYeon said:
Oeh, crisises are never good. :o
What's wrong? *looks worried*
I lost two stuffed animals that are really important, that i've had since i was really young and i can't find them anywhere, and now my room is wrecked and I'm going to have a friggin panic attack
[QUOTE="Defective Kitten]That's why my names defective <3
I bloody love everyone on this site, love your rp styles, love your personalities, love each and every one of your flaws and perfections. I JUST LOVE ALL OF YOUR GUYS. I wanted to put that out there.

*le dramatic serious look* Tell me the truth... *camera closes in like in an Indian soap opera* Do YOU love ME?!??!??? If so, great! If not... AT LEAST TAKE MY LOVE!

Also, I posted something extra dumb, I hope you like it, yo~

*creepily likes posts*


[QUOTE="Genieva Von Bubbles]I lost two stuffed animals that are really important, that i've had since i was really young and i can't find them anywhere, and now my room is wrecked and I'm going to have a friggin panic attack

*sits next to you on... something* *pats your head extra sympathetically* They'll live... Seriously though, I'm sure stuffed animals aren't that easily lost. If you're sure you last left them in your bedroom, they couldn't be anywhere unless someone moved them. You might ask the people who live in the same building about them, I'm sure they'll give you some hints. If you live alone, there's a higher possibility of the plushies still being there, so don't you worry about it!


I love stuffed animals~ Although now I have just a teddy bear from Tuesday and... that's it.
[QUOTE="Genieva Von Bubbles]I lost two stuffed animals that are really important, that i've had since i was really young and i can't find them anywhere, and now my room is wrecked and I'm going to have a friggin panic attack

Hope you find it !

Also, please don't have a panic attack ! O_O
Were the missing little plushies found?! Please, someone tell me they were otherwise I'm also gonna get a panic attack, that'd lead to a heart attack...
TaeYeon said:
I shall call the ambulance just in case already. o-o
That'd be a good idea, really... I had fainted a while ago from too much stress over the precious plushies... *falls on the floor again*
WeabooTrash said:
That'd be a good idea, really... I had fainted a while ago from too much stress over the precious plushies... *falls on the floor again*
*pokes your head when you faint* But still... you don't need to have a heart attack from it. o-o
*mumbles while barely conscious* But das ist ein serious problem, mein Freund! They shall live! The plushies! *does not know why he speaks in a fake German accent, resembling that of Hitler*
Ich spreche einen bitschen Deutsch, das ist keine einfache Sprache. o-o (Translation: I speak a little bit German, it is not an easy language.)

But you tried well !
Ich spreche Deutsch auch, mein lieber Freund~ Ich brauche keine Übersetzung.

And thank you~

WeabooTrash said:
Ich spreche Deutsch auch, mein lieber Freund~ Ich brauche keine Übersetzung.
And thank you~

Woah, nice ! Then you could understand Dutch too a little, right? The languages are a bit similar to each other. ^^

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