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Fandom Justice League: The Next Generation (Anyone is Welcome!)

Robin had picked up a piece of the broken statue and was inspecting it. He looked back and forth across the vast room filled with the statues of the other members of the Justice League. Superman deserved to have his replaced. Since the front door was propped open, he was snapped out of his train of thought by the sound of a foreign young woman speaking of joining them outside. He dropped the gear and calmly walked out to size her up. His eyes widened when he saw her. "You're not... quite what I was expecting. Then again neither was the Mime.... You want to join, yea? I just got two questions. What can you do, and how can I trust you?" His tone was casual as usual, but something about her stature and the way she was dressed made him feel as if he needed to be a bit more respectful. "... ma'am...." @blep
Mime wandered into the air lock, not knowing what it was and accidentally shot himself out. He created a barrier around himself. "Well crap" He attached the barrier to a window near where he first entered and waited for robin to come back. 



Karina Lovise Olafsdotter

health: 100%

mood: hopeful

outfit: click

tagged: @Navy

Karina took note of his wide eyes as he observed her, simply smiling in return. "Oh yes, sorry for my dress. I came as soon as I could." She explained, her accent thick but pretty, unique.

"And yes, I've been wanting to join for quite a long time." She nodded with a smile, taking a step back. "And trust? Well my mother is Ice. Partner of Fire? They've both gone missing but im quite sure you know that." She nodded, brushing her hand across her circlet-crown.

"Even though I am merely a princess, I think I may be eligible for Justice League?"  

Taking another step back, she outstretched her hands. "Stand back please.."

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she flicked out her hands in a violent but graceful movement. Sprays of icicles propelled towards the wall, piercing the wall upon impact and smashing, the ice beginning to crawl across that spot.

"Not my best, I apologize." She bowed her head, slightly tired.

"Yea.... sorry for your loss." He replied as she began stepping backwards. As she shot the icicles into the wall he grinned. "That's proof enough that you're their daughter, so I do trust you. For now. You'll be our third member. I'll introduce you to the creepy Mime guy when he..." Robin looked at the screen on his wrist. "What the hell? He's not in the watchtower. Follow me, something is up." He turned and ran into the hall, past the statues and into the lounge area where he stopped In front of the teleporter to look back at her. "Just say the word register and then your name. Then follow me." He stepped forward and disappeared as the machine said, "Recognized, Robin". @blep @pottyskull
he was whistling and playing solitaire with invisible cards "Man this sucks, I wonder if Robin would be mad if i broke the window to get back in" @Navy


Karina Lovise Olafsdotter

Frost Mistress

health: 100%

mood: relieved and curious

outfit: click

tagged: @Navy

Her auburn gaze twinkled with joy, the corners of her mouth tugging upwards. "Seems reasonable for you to trust me for now. But thank you Robin." She replied gratefully. Quickly waving her wrist, the ice began to slowly disperse from the wall.

She arched her eyebrow as he mentioned a 'creepy mime guy, glancing to and fro.

Not questioning, the young woman simply followed after him, blue skirts gracefully dragging along the floor. As he ordered her to register herself, she nodded.

"Register Karina Lovise Olafdotter" She spoke clearly before following after Robin with soft-spoken confidence.

As Karina followed, she would hear "Recognized, Karina" as she was teleported to the watchtower in orbit. Robin looked around for Mime before seeing him outside the tower. "What the hell are you doing out there??" He asked, forgetting that sound doesn't travel in space. He pointed to the airlock, meaning that he was going to open it for a split second to give Mime a chance to come back in. With a groan, Robin threw a shuriken at the lever, opening the lock as he held onto a railing for dear life. @blep

Nobu signed he had finally arrived in America for the first time and from the first few seconds it seemed to him that what people said about it was right almost everything. Nobu looked up at the sky it looked different than his homelands sky he could guess why, America is much bigger with more people living in it and more factories polluting the air it must have been that. He placed his hand over his mouth quickly hiding a yawn, he was used to this feeling jet lag traveling around for the past four years it was common however he didn't have time to rest he had somewhere he needed to be. He already had a way to get to the Justice League building he was just waiting on the pilot of the helicopter. As the pilot arrived Nobu paid him it wouldn't be long now until he arrived, now it was just a little more travel.


Karina Lovise Olafsdotter

Frost Mistress

health: 100%

mood: content

outfit: click

tagged: @Navy @pottyskull

Her delicate looking hands gently grabbed at her skirt, lifting them slightly as she curtsied towards the mime looking man. "Lovely to meet you." She smiled, with somewhat of a motherly presence.

"And a trinity is a group of three people or things, non-religion wise anyways." Karina explained. 

"You know, the trinity! Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman? Speaking of which, no matter what we do or how comfortable we get we cannot forget that our number one priority is finding a way to get them back. Which means our first team mission is finding out where they went. Remember the lounge we were in before we teleported up here? That's where we will usually have meetings and generally where we will hang out. It will also be useful to be on earth when more recruits show up. I'll meet you guys there." He said as he walked through the teleporter. @blep @pottyskull
"Eta two minutes get ready to jump out since I won't be landing forgot to fill her up before liftoff and well if I land im not making it back" The pilot said causing a sigh to escape from Nobu's mouth, this man was late and sloppy just what kind of pilot did he hire a bad one it seemed.

Nobu leaned back in his seat and relaxed for a fleeting moment before he heard the pilot's voice again. "You know your not the first person I've flown up here and most likely not going to be the last everyone else was declined what makes you think your going to have better luck" The pilot question causing a small smile to creep over Nobu's face. "Let's just say I have a few interesting tricks shall we." Nobu said as he looked out of the helicopter and saw the ground, the pilot gave him a thumbs up and he jumped out waving him off as he flew away. Nobu just stood and stared at the building in front of him he guessed it wouldn't be long before someone would introduce themselves...

Robin pointed at the helicopter that was beginning to freefall. "There's two men jumping out that we need to save and a plummeting helicopter that needs damage control. I'm sorry but I might be useless here..."
A same sigh escaped Nobu's mouth as he was falling fact is he could stop himself using his powers to counteract the speed that he is falling at but first of all that helicopter needed to be decreased in size. Spinning around in the air to face the helicopter he made a single cube of light appear on his hand, the subs separated into twenty smaller cubes which he sent rapidly firing towards the helicopter. While firing he spun his head slightly around to see that if he wanted to land it would have to be now, so he fired one last wave at the helicopter he used the cubes once they returned he used nineteen on the ground slowing his decent and one in order to get him closer to the pilot. As soon as he could he grabbed the pilot with one hand and turned all twenty facing the floor he just hoped no one was under him.
Hex walked up sighing "Man, this place is loud and annoying already" he looked at all the heroes already there "I bet all of them are just annoying" He looked around at all the people. He walked upto the closest one, robin. "So is this where the try outs are?" He looked robin up and down, memorizing how he looks and his scent

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