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Fantasy Journey Of the Sword

Hears approaching footsteps and quickly draws the sword and readys the shield. Slowly starts to walk towards the footsteps and angles the sword slightly at the ground beside my right leg waiting to attack if necessary but moves slowly with the weight oh the heavy full silver armor lined in gold
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An ogre walks over to us and i do a silent takedown while biting him.


He will be a vampire for a very long time.
"Let's go!" He whisper-yells behind him. They continue down the maze nearing the center, hearing louder screams.
Runs towards the ogres weapon glowing blue from poison and slashes cutting an ogres stomach open and attempts to stab another's leg
Stabs the ogers leg and slips through all the way breaking the bone and the edge of the poisoned sword was next to Mathews cheek "ha almost to easy" slips it out and grabs a cloth from my left pocket and starts to clean the sword as seeing two ogres fall
Jack throws 2 blades behind him, killing 2 ogres without looking. He pulls out his enchanted sword and kills 4 more. He licks the blade and says "Ogre blood... meh. Not the worst I've tasted." He cleans off the rest of his blade while his vampire ogre defends him. One throws a knife at his stomach and he pulls it out calmly admiring his clean sword. "Not bad." He says looking at the faint blue glow coming off of it- because of its enchantment.
"Frogs poison" slides the sword on his back "you Jack¿? Someone said to talk to you to join y'all on the quest or something of the swort. I'm mostly a warrior as you can obviously tell" takes off the helmet and bows
"Yeah hi." Jack says licking blood on his lips "That taste doesn't grow on me." He focuses back on the warrior "What fo you need- we're kind of busy." He says looking over to Sora and the others moving ahead.

50 pages! Everyone gets 1 more special ability! Jack Lake can be Completely Quiet in all of his motions even for example stomping on the ground as hard as he can.
"Were going for the sword of haven and all the gold you can spend." Jack tells him hoping those two things would entice him.
"And how long is it from here¿? I aleayde lobe a journey" says rubbing his thumb on the golden club on his helmet "so where am I going to be placed, front lines, back, middle, or a gaurd¿?"
"I don't know how long it is... And I don't care where you are placed, we usually just do our own thing as a matter of fact." Jack says while dodging an ogre.

Jack turns back and stabs the ogre 3× killing it.

"We're nearing the cent-" Jack is cut off by the giant blood ogre bursting through one of the maze's walls. "Ahhh!" Jack yells while throwinh a dagger at it. It goes into it's leg and it pulls it out, screams and throws it back at Jack. Jack gets his arm nicked, but nothing more.

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