J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Ty rolled his eyes. "Hey, Kayc, can I have your number?" He kind of blurted that out without even thinking. Yes, he wanted her phone number but he wanted to do it a little smoother than that.

Ally smiiled and gave Maxx's hand a playful little squeeze.
Kaycee smiled and took the napkins out of her back pocket and wrote- "Kaycee <3" and the. Her number she handed it to Tyler "Can I have yours?" she asked with a smirk.

Maxx smiled and looked at Ally, then at Ty and Kaycee "Are you guys ready to go?" he asked
"One sec man," Ty said to Maxx. He took a different napkin and wrote his number and dorm room on it. He signed it with "Ty ;) ". Grinning he handed it to her and folded her number into his back pocket.

"Oh, that reminds me, can I get your number later, Maxx? It'd be useful." She winked and then blushed at him.
Kaycee smiled "Thanks" she said putting it into her pocket. She looked at Maxx "I am" she said

Maxx smiled "Yes, you can" he said getting a napking; he wrote "Maxx :) " and then his number. He gave it to Ally with a smile "Could I have yours? He asked"
Ty got up and picked up his jacket. "I'm ready. After this." He picked up a handful of French fries and dumped them on Maxx's head. "Let's go!" he said, laughing, as he ran out of the door.

Ally shook her head in amusement at Ty and wrote down her number. She signed it with an "Ally <3" and handed it to him.
Kaycee's mouth formed into an O shape. She ran after Ty laughing. She looked at him "That was funny" she said with a little laugh

Maxx shook the salt and fries out of his hair. He looked at Ally and smiled. He shot fly kissed her cheek and took her hand. He started to walk outside
Ty laughed with Kaycee. "Glad you think so." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out another handful of fries and dumps them on her head. "You're right, it is funny!"

Ally smiled when he kissed her, then brushed away a fry that was caught in his hair. "Do you know how adorable you are?" She asked him.
Kaycee took fries from her hair and dumped them on Ty "I was right, wasn't I" she said smiling. She ccouldn't help but look into his eyes.

Maxx smiled and shrugged "No, probably not as adorable as you" he said. He saw Kaycee and Ty ddumping fries on each other and laughed quietly

((I don't mean to be rude, but could you stop tagging me when I don't reply right away? I do have other RP's, and sometimes I've just had enough of it for one night.))
((Thanks. I don't mean to get rude about it, its just that the little notification bar up top bugs me when i have a notification.))
(It's no problem; your fine, I completely understand, oh are you done with this role play for tonight?))
Adrian smiled broadly at Alissa's ask. "Of course! I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to take such a pretty girl like you home." He unlocked his car with his little remote. "Now, where do you live on campus?"
Alissa smiled and bluhed. " Awh thank you! I live in dorm 107, what about you" she asked. She brushed some hair out of her eyes, and winked. Her attention mostly on Adrian

"I don't live too far away from you; I'm in 119. Have you got a roommate?" Adrian asked, as he and Alissa slipped into his car, and they took off towards the campus.
Alissa smiled "No, I don't, do you have a roommate?" she asked sad she got into his car. She was smiling the whole way to campus.
"I don't think so. I think I'm in the side of the campus that's less populated. At least I'll have a whole room to myself." Adrian turned the corner onto the main road. They were a couple of minutes away from the academy. "Do you want to play 20 questions?"
Alissa smiled "Sure, you first" she said with a smile. She looked out the window, then at him, smiling
"Okay, let's start with a basic question; Favourite colour? Mine is yellow." Adrian smiled back at Alissa, giving her a little flirtatious wink.
Alissa smiled "Light green" she said "Whats your middle name?" she asked "mine is Marie" she said giving his a very cute smirk
"Ezekiel," Adrian said, turning his head away from Alissa. "Go on, get it out. I know you want to laugh. And the next question is; what is your favourite hair and eye colour combinations?" He still wouldn't look at Alissa, his cheeks a deep red.
Alissa smiled she put a hand on his shoulder and turned his head towards her. She put her hand on the side of this head and felt his hair. She shook her head and looked at him " Hey, I'm not going to laugh. I like that name"

she said with a little smile "Brown and brown" she said
Adrian smiled back to Alissa, a little of the flush fading from his cheeks. "You're probably the first person to tell me that you actually like that name. And I like Black and Blue, but I'm open to any. Now it's your turn to ask a question." He raised his eyebrows, and his broad smiled returned.
Alissa moved her hand away from his head and shoulder. She thought "What's your favorite animal?" she asked "Mine is a giraffe" she said with a little smile. They were getting closer to school.
Adrian tapped his lips with his finger, pondering the question. "God, that question is hard! I'd have to say, either a platypus or a panda." The tall, brick buildings of the campus came into view. They were almost home.

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