J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Ty rolled his eyes. "Ah, Frankie's. I can taste your grease already." he joked an walks up to the diner.

Ally grinned. "You do track? That is soo cool. Oh my god. Is that Maxx and Tyler?" she pointed at two figures ahead of them.
Maxx ruffled Ty's hair as he walked into the diner.

Kaycee smiled "Thanks. Oh my god it is" she said as she quickly fixed her hair and continued to look at Ally "Let's go" she said as she started walking towards the diner
Ally stops dead in her tracks. "Oh my god, Kayc, you didn't tell me Ty was THAT hot! Not that he really compares with Maxx, but that's hot!"

Ty hears some girls behind him do he turns. "Dude," he whispers, "Kaycee and Ally are behind us!"
Kaycee nodded "He's pretty fly" she said as she looked at Ty

Maxx turned around and whispers back to Ty "They are, should we invite them to eat wih us?" he asked Ty
Sierra walked down the halls, swinging her hips slightly as multiple people whistled when she walked by. Smiling, she continued to walk forward until Devin was running up behind her

"Hey Sierra. Lookin' hot today." He grinned and looked her up and down. She rolled her eyes and scoffed a little.

"Please. Grow up a little." She said teasingly before turning the corner and walking towards the parking lot. Parked there, was her white Ferrari that her parents had shipped to her from home. Devin chuckled and shook his head as he got in the car with her.

"Let's go grab a bite to eat. I'm starving." He exclaimed, making a funny face. She laughed at his face and pulled out of the lot.
Ally giggled and waved at Maxx as he turned. "But you can have Ty. I like Maxx."

Ty shrugged. "Your call, bro." glanced at them from the corner of his eye. "But it looks like we've been spotted."
Sierra parked in front of Frankie's and got out. Devin followed as she walked in.

"I haven't been here in forever.." Devin said, grinning to himself as he put both hands behind his head.

"Yeah, I know. Me too." She smirked, standing in the line to order.
Maxx looked at Ty and smiled. Then he waved to Ally "I'll go ask, you'll get Kaycees number now" he said as he walked back to Ally and Kaycee, then asked "Ty and I were wondering if you wanted to eat with us?" he asked

Kaycee smiled "Well good, because he's comming over to us" she said as she looked at Ally "Sure, do you want to eat with them Ally)" she asked
Eva sat on one of the barstools at Frankie's, waiting for her coffee. "Here you go, hun." The aged waitress smiled. "Thank you." Eva gave a quick smile back and sanitised her hands. She raised the cup to her lips and her eyes were drawn to a group of four, all sitting down and talking loudly.

"I'll just have the french toast, thanks." Adrian handed his menu back to the young, attractive waitress and winked. She giggled and hurried off back to the kitchens, glancing back at him. He smiled to himself and sat back in the booth, enjoying his first day at the Academy. He was just thinking about how many girls there would be to look at when his thoughts were disturbed by a group behind him. Twisting in his seat, he said, "Could you keep it down please guys?"
Ella walked in to Frankie's and ordered her regular coffee after she had paid for it she decided that she would go find her dorm and start to unpack it. On her way she bumped into someone.

Josh was on his way to his dorm and found himself running into someone. He looked up to find that she had spilt her coffee, he wanted to help her but she quickly ran off to go change. He felt so bad that he wanted to follow her but he also just wanted to relax.
Alissa casually waked into Frankie's. She looked around the restaurant looking for a seat, when her eyes fell on Adrian. She smiled and walked in his direction. She sat at a table and placed her order of "I'll have a pancake and water please" she took her phone and looked at the time, then put it away.

Jordan opened Frankie's doors he walked inside and walked to a seat by the window; as he walked he saw Ella. He smile to himself and kept on walking. He sat down and waited for his order to be taken. He ordered an "Omlet and a water" he waited for his food to come, and looked outside and then back to the front of the restaurant
Eva put her empty cup down and sighed. She had just checked the time and saw that she was running 10 minutes behind on her pre-planned schedule. She had wanted to begin unpacking her dorm room but she had lost track of time and now she was late. Grabbing her bag, she hurried out of Frankie's, knocking somebody over and ran to her car. Her heart was racing - she was scared she wasn't going to make it in time.

The pretty brunette who had smiled at Adrian and sat not far from him, had just finished checking her phone, presumably for the time. He almost couldn't wipe the smile from his face. He caught her glance up at him, and when she blushed, he winked flirtatiously and fiddled with the napkin rack in the centre of his table.
Alissa smiled and sat back. She took a pen and a piece of paper and wrote down a few things. She pushed her hair back and waved to him flirtly and pushed her hair out of her face. She smiled when her food came. She started to eat her pancake with a little smile on her face. She took her water and took a hold of it, but it was slippery and fell on the table; soaking the table and her shirt. She stood up and walked to the bathroom; but not without quickl glancing at Aditan then continued walking. She dried of her shirt, then walked back to her table. And dried off her table with a small chuckle.
Maxx looked at Ty and smiled. Then he waved to Ally "I'll go ask, you'll get Kaycees number now" he said as he walked back to Ally and Kaycee, then asked "Ty and I were wondering if you wanted to eat with us?" he asked

Kaycee smiled "Well good, because he's comming over to us" she said as she looked at Ally "Sure, do you want to eat with them Ally)" she asked

Ty nodded and sat down in a large booth. He didn't like being the one to ask. That was because last year a girl named Kelsey dumped ketchup on him when he asked. Granted, she was three years older, but still.

Ally glanced at Kaycee then smiled at Maxx. "I'd like that," she says as she stands up. "Where is Ty?"
Kaycee smiled "Ok, I think he's over in that booth" she said pointing to him she started to walk over to him

Maxx smiled "Sweet" he nodded and started to walk with Ally
Ty looked up and waved to Kaycee. She looked great, even better in person than on Facebook. Without meaning to, Ty felt himself smile at this girl.

Ally smiled and blushed when Maxx started walking next to her. Control yourself, Ally. She thought. She resisted the urge to grab his hand, because they just met.
Maxx smiled at Ally. He looked at her then to Kaycew and Ty. He would ask for her number tonight

Kaycew smiled "Hi" she said as she sat down, he looked better in person than on Facebook. She waited for Ally and Maxx to sit down
Eva promptly put her last book on the shelf and stood back, admiring her handiwork. Every object was in its place, gleaming with cleanliness and perfection. She pulled out a sheet from her bag, and examined it. It was her schedule for the day, and she was stunned to see that she had a rare free space. Mulling her options over, she decided to go back to Frankie's and just watch the other students have a good time. A time she felt she was not welcome in.

Adrian laughed to himself as Alissa dropped her water and splashed all over her and the table. They had just been engaging in some harmless flirting, and now her shirt was almost see-through. When she had gone off to the bathroom, he quickly scribbled down his number and dorm room number on a napkin, just in case.
Alissa came back, her shirt was dried off. She smiled and wink at Adrian as she sat back down. She chuckled to herself and continued to eat her pancake, it was a little soggy, but it was still edible. She finished what was left I her pancake and waited for the waitress to come with her bill.

Jordan was looking out of the big front window when he saw Eva. He slightly smiled and ate his omelet.
Stepping back into the warmth of the diner, Eva made her way over to a secluded booth in the corner. As she walked down the aisle, she had a chill pricking at her spine. Turning, she saw nothing out of the ordinary. She could swear someone had been watching her...

Scooping up the last forkful of his french toast, Adrian sighed contentedly. Today had been a good day, one of the best. He was looking forward towards the classes later on, but for now, he had to tidy up his room. Which would not stay that way for long. As he began to exit the booth, he tripped over a chair leg. The chair leg that happened to belong to Alissa.
Alissa looked down and saw Adrian on the floor "Are you ok?" she asked as she looked down at him. She stuck her hand out "Need some help?" she asked. "This is the insanely cute guy I was flirting with" she thought to herself

Jordan payed his bill and started to leave, he drove to school and flopped down on his bed
Eva continued to sit quietly in her booth, tapping away at her iPhone, melting into the background of Frankie's. She glanced at the time on her phone and discovered that it was almost time for her next scheduled activity. Popping her phone back into her bag, she walked casually outside, hopped into her car and drove back to her dorm, back to her awaiting lonliness.

Adrian took Alissa's hand with a grateful smile. "Yeah, I'm alright. I was just heading back to the dorms. I want to get an early start tomorrow. Were you leaving as well?" Adrian's mouth curved up slightly at the edges. "You have the sweetest voice I've ever heard." Adrian thought, grinning internally.
Alissa smiled "Yeah, I was actually just going to leave so I could get my dorm settled" she said "Oh, by the way, I'm Alissa" She helped him up with a smirk
"I was thinking of doing the same thing. Do you nide a ride home? Or do you have a car?" Adrian grinned as he walked with Alissa to the door. "I'm Adrian, P.S."

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