J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Alissa smiled "Nope I left my car at J Parks and I walked" she said. Alissa walked to the door with Adrian. She was softl smiling on the inside and out. "That's a cool name; Adrian P.S:" she joked
Ally sat down across from Ty and Kaycee. "This place is so cool," she said, looking around. The waiter came by and asked for their orders. Glancing quickly through the menu, she said, "Um, I'll have a Coke and spaghetti, please." She folded up the menu and handed it to the waiter.

Ty didn't even need to look through the menu to order. "I'll have a root beer and a cheeseburger with bacon." He handed the menu to the waiter, forgetting to say please.
Mitchy smiled "I'll have the Cesar salad with a water please" she sai a she handed the menu to the wawaitress

Maxx smiled "I'll have the buffalo wings and a diet come please" he said as he give his menu to the waitress

((SOrry, I saw Mitchy and thought it was someone else. You meant Kaycee right?))

"So," Ally said. "Maxx, where are you from?"

Ty looked at Maxx. He didn't know where his roommate was from.
((Yes sorry))

Maxx smiled "I'm from Orlando, Florida, where are you from Ally?" he asked

Kaycee gasped a little "Im from West Palm Beach, Florida! Where are you from Ty?" she asked
Ally smiled "I'm from a boring town named Shelby in Ohio. I wish I was from Florida."

Ty nodded. "I'm from Ocean City. The one in New Jersey, not Maryland."
((Random comment is random, but good Lord, Frankie's sounds exactly like Frankie Burger's bar that is practically right where I live, it's kind of crazy.))
Ally smiled back at Maxx an began eating her spaghetti.

Ty took a sip of his root beer and took a huge bite of his cheeseburger.
Maxx took a bite of his food. He sipped some of his coke and looked around the room

Kaycee took a few bites of her salad and started to chuckle softly. She ate some more and sat back
"What's so funny?" Ty asked Kaycee with a grin. He finished the lasting his burger and started on the fries.

Ally glanced at her friend, then at Maxx, who was looking away. Ally felt a surge of disappointment coarse through her. He's not interested,​ she told herself. She looked down, eating in silence.
Maxx looked at Ally, she looked really pretty. He put his hand on the table and continued eating

Kaycee looked at Ty, and laughed a little harder. "I don't know,' I just laughed for no reason" she said as she drank some water
"Don't choke," he said as he threw a French fry at her. He was laughing now too.

Ally resisted the urge to look up and state at Maxx. Instead, she finished her food and took a sip of coke.
Kaycee was laughing now. She pushed hair out of her eyes and sat up. Then continued laughing

Maxx turned and looked at Ally "Ally, I need to tell you somethimg" he said
Ally looked up at Maxx. "Okay, what is it?" she was very curious.

Ty was cracking up with Kaycee, but he didn't know why. "Why. (laugh) Am. (laugh) I. (laugh) Laughing?"
Maxx smiled "Ally, I like you, a lot. I was wondering I you felt the same about me" he asked

Kaycee slowly started to calm down "I don't know, maybe becuase you threw a French fry at me" she said with a laugh
"I know right? My parents must have known I would be amazing, so they called me an amazing name. Who else is called Adrian P.S?" Adrian joked back to Alissa and waited outside the driver's side door of his car. "So, am I taking you back or would you prefer to walk again?"

Alissa looked at Adrian and chuckled. "Could I please have a ride?" she asked "If not I can walk" she said as she tilted her head and smirked. she quickly took a few napkins and wrote down her number and dorm number. She stuck the napkins in her back pocket
Maxx smiled "Ally, I like you, a lot. I was wondering I you felt the same about me" he asked

Kaycee slowly started to calm down "I don't know, maybe becuase you threw a French fry at me" she said with a laugh
Ally smiled back, "Aw, Maxx, I like you a lot too!"

Ty grinned "Oh please, you were laughing before the french fry!"
Maxx smiled and held Ally's hand

Kaycee looked at Ty and smiled "I was. But that was a chuckle; a few minutes ago was a full on laugh" she said "There's a difference" she said with a chuckle

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