J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Alissa smiled. She giggled a little "YOur turn to ask a question!" she said with a big smile. As they turned into the parkinglot, she turned towards him and put her hand on his arm. She winked
Adrian looked at Alissa with his gorgeous mocha eyes. "Okay," he started as they began to walk to Dorm 109. "How would you like to meet up again? I know I would."
Alissa gazed into his eyes. She couldn't stop looking into his eyes. She moved closer to him and smiled "I would love to" she said smiling. She thought for a moment "Do you want to come in?" she asked
"I'd like that very much. Is it alright with you?" Adrian's smiled lit up his whole face, as if he could think of nothing better.

(And now, sadly, I must leave you. It's time for me to go to bed :) :( )
Alissa smiled she moved a little closer and kissed his cheek, she smiled softly. She opened the door "Come one in" she said as she walked inside.

((Awh, ok good night))
Kaycee took fries from her hair and dumped them on Ty "I was right, wasn't I" she said smiling. She ccouldn't help but look into his eyes.

Maxx smiled and shrugged "No, probably not as adorable as you" he said. He saw Kaycee and Ty ddumping fries on each other and laughed quietly

**Repost because it was lost a while back**
Adrian's cheeks flushed pink, and walked inside Alissa's dorm. He looked around in awe. "Wow. You've got a nice sense of style." He plopped himself onto a bean bag by the window. He getured to Alissa with his index finger. "Care to join me?"
Alissa smiled and walked over to the beanbags "Why thank you" she said. She sat down next to Adrian and took his hand. She looked at him and smiled
"I thoroughly enjoy your company, Miss Alissa." Adrian gave her his trademark wink, and rubbed his thumb gently over her fingers. "I'm glad you tripped me over with your chair at the diner. Otherwise, I never would have met such an amazing person. Think of what I would have missed out on!" He laughed and shuffled closer to her, enjoying the company.
Alissa smiled "You as well Mister Adrian." she said with a smile "I am glad I did too, Im going to get you back for making me spill my water though" she joked as she moved closer to Adrian, she slowly put her head on his shoulder and smiled
Adrian chuckled and wrapped his arm around Alissa's body. "I look forward to when that day comes. I'm sure it'll be thoroughly exciting." As they sat there, he began to adsentmindedly sing, the words inaudible.
Alissa smiled and put her hand on the side of his head. She leaned in and kisses him softly, she pulled away, blushing, but smiling
Adrian smiled back at Alissa. "You know, I've been hoping since you spilled water all down yourself that this would happen. And guess what? It did." He couldn't tear his eyes away from her beautiful face, and he kissed her again.
Alissa smiled "Oh really" she said with a giggle. Alissa put her arms around his neck, and looked into his eyes, then kissed him oone more time, but a little harder
Adrian could feel the chemistry building, he didn't want to leave Alissa's grasp. He finally found the will and pulled away from the kiss, but remained close to her face. "Shall we make a time for tomorrow, before I have to go?" He whispered gently.
Alissa smiled "Yes, meet iin the halls? 11 o'clock?" she asked "Awh I don't want you to leave right now!" she said putting her head on his shoulder
Adrian rubbed Alissa's back comfortingly. "I'm sorry, I don't want to leave either. But I'll see you at 11 o'clock, outside your dorm. Promise?" He got up and walked to the door, but paused, waiting for her to answer.
Alissa sprang up "Eleven it is, I promise" she said as she kissed his cheek and said "good night" she said with a smile
"Sleep well, Gorgeous." Adrian winked and blew her a kiss, and walked down a couple of hallways to his own Dorm. Flopping himself down on his bed, he suddenly felt sleepy. Changing into just pyjama pants, he climbed under his covers and happily shut his eyes, his thoughts all on Alissa.
Alissa smiled and shut her door. She changed into an old tee, and pajama pants. She fell asleep, with the only with she was thinking about which was Adrian she shut her eyes and fell asleep


Alissa woke up at 10:30, she changed into a cute white and gray striped tank with jean shorts, and black converse. She wrote on her wrist "love" in cursive. By the time she finished, it was 10:55. She walked outside her dorm and waited paitently for Adrian
Ella walked outta her dorm to find a familiar guy that she had seen at Frankie's that day. So Ella decided that she would walk up to him and introduce herself. "Hi i'm Ella." she said shyly.

Josh wanted to go for a walk around and he spotted a girl who he found quite attractive he didn't know who she was but he liked her. He thought to himself "I wanna go talk to her but i have things to do but maybe another." and after that he left.
(([MENTION=2798]Ashlee[/MENTION]- who is Ella going up to?))

Jordan sat in Frankie's and paid the bill, the started to stand up and walk out of the door
(Coolio, alright)

Jordan stopped and smiled at the very pretty girl "Hi, I'm Jordan, nice to meet you" he said with a

Ella blushed the slightest bit and giggled. She replied "Yes, nice to meet you to." "I was wondering if you'd like to go for a walk on the beach with me?" She said a bit nervous.

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