J. Parks Academy for the Talented

"umm how's about later this afternoon" she said with a smile on her face because she finally gets to be interactive with someone for once while she's been here.
Jordan nodded his head, "Sounds fun; here's my number, just call me when your ready to go" he said handing her a slip of paper with his number on it
"Ok" Ella said taking the piece of paper and walking away with a smile on her face.. she turned around to see if Jordan had gone after she had seen that he was gone she started skipping down the hallway singing. Until she got to her dorm she walked in a sat on her bed and smiled to herself.
Ella thought to herself "Maybe i should call him to meet me, but i don't know if its too early" after sat in her dorm for 5 minutes she decided to text him. "Hey Jordan it's me Ella, do you wanna meet where we met before?"
Jordan texted Ella "Sure, see you in a few" he walked to where they'd met earlier that day, and waited
Ella put on her shoes and started to run, when she walked around the corner she saw Jordan standing there waiting, She walked up and smiled and said "Hey." And Ella and Jordan started walking to the beach.
Jordan smiled, he said "Hello" and started to walk with Ella, he stuck one of his hands in his pockets, and continued to walk
Kaycee took fries from her hair and dumped them on Ty "I was right, wasn't I" she said smiling. She ccouldn't help but look into his eyes.

Maxx smiled and shrugged "No, probably not as adorable as you" he said. He saw Kaycee and Ty ddumping fries on each other and laughed quietly


Alissa woke up at 10:30, she changed into a cute white and gray striped tank with jean shorts, and black converse. She wrote on her wrist "love" in cursive. By the time she finished, it was 10:55. She walked outside her dorm and waited paitently for Adrian

**Repost for [MENTION=2858]HarmonicBreeze[/MENTION]
Ally saw what Maxx saw and laughed with him. She wouldn't want that happening to her, but it was kind of cute with those two. "They would make a good couple," she commented quietly.

Ty shook fries out of his hair. "You're gonna pay for that," he told her and picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder.
Maxx nodded "Yeah they would" he said with a smile. He put his arm around Ally

Kaycee smiled and started to laugh when he picked her up. "What are you going to do?" she asked with a chuckle
Ty pretended to think about it for a minute. "Well, there's a dumpster there, and they don't empty it until tomorrow. I'm pretty sure you'd fit.."

Ally smiled and slightly leaned in to Maxx. "We should probably get going.."
Kaycee softly laughed "You wouldnt" she said still over Ty's ahoulder

Maxx nodded "Ty! Just hurry up and tell the girl you like her!" he yelled across the parkinglot, then turned to ally and took her hand
It was 10:59! Adrian was belting up his designer jeans just as he ran into Alissa's corridor. He saw her waiting patiently for her, and he smiled broadly when she noticed him. "I'm so sorry I was almost late. Am I forgiven?" Adrian winked cheekily and kissed Alissa on the cheek.


(Sorry I haven't been on! Some things came up and my time to RPNation was unavailable :( . So, like Adrian said, am I forgiven?)
((Its fine, I haven't been on lately because I'm camping; but hurray for hot spots!!))

Alisa smiled "It's ok, atleast you came!" she said as she held his hand "Yes, you are forgiven" she said as she hugged him and the looked up at him
Ella was sitting her dorm wondering what Jordan would be doing. So she decided to text him "Hey Jordan, uhm do you wanna meet up for coffee in about 5 mins if your not doing anything?".

Josh went back to Frankie's to get his regular coffee then he started to walk out on the coffee shop and than decided he would go see his best friend Ella.
"Sure, see you there" Jordan texted Ella as he started to grab his keys and walk out of the door. He quickly fixed his hair and
Ella smiled quickly brushed her hair again grabbed her dorm key and started walking to Frankie's to meet Jordan.. Ella thought to herself on the way there "I think I like Jordan" and as she though that she smiled and she walked in and saw Jordan sitting down so she went and sat down next to him and said "Hey Jordan :) "
Jordan immediately smiled "Hey!" he said

"Alright, go ahead! Try to put me in that dumpster, but then..." Kaycee said as she smiled and put herbed behind Tys

Maxx smiled and kissed ally's cheek and turned towards Ty "Hey! Ally and I are going to take he car, so you and Kaycee will have to walk!" he said as he led Ally to his carr
Adrian pecked Alissa on the nose, and smiled at her. "Thanks for forgiving me," he said, entwining his fingers in hers as they began to walk down toward to courtyard. "So, what do you want to do with me?"
"You're welcome" Alissa said as she walked by Adrian, she thought for a second "I really don't care, anything really" she said with a big smile
Coedy said:
Jordan immediately smiled "Hey!" he said
"Alright, go ahead! Try to put me in that dumpster, but then..." Kaycee said as she smiled and put herbed behind Tys

Maxx smiled and kissed ally's cheek and turned towards Ty "Hey! Ally and I are going to take he car, so you and Kaycee will have to walk!" he said as he led Ally to his carr
Repost for Joker :3 Hopefully you'll see this
((Sorry, I feel really bad, I keep forgetting to reply to this one))

Ally waved to Kaycee. "I'll see you later!" She followed Maxx to his car. "I like your car."

Ty waved to Maxx. "You don't mind walk, do you?" he asked Kaycee.
((It's ok. SSometimes I can do the same, no worries))

Maxx smiled and got into his car, "Thank you" he said as he took her hand, turned the engine on, and started to dive to school. "So," he said to Ally

Kayce waved to Ally "See ya!" she said as she looked back to Ty. "Not at all; I love to walk!" she said with a giggle.

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