J. Parks Academy for the Talented

Holding her closely, Adrian enjoyed the silence. It was a peaceful, content silence that allowed the bond that they shared to grow. Listening to the crashing waves, the seagulls squawking overhead and the distant noise of traffic, Adrian felt as though this day couldn't get any better. It was a perfect day spent with the perfect girl, whose name was Alissa.
As Alissa slowly opened her eyes, she looked up at Adrian. She couldn't belive she was spending the whole day with the best guy in the world. She took his hand and sat up slowly, she looked at him once more "Can I trust you with three things?" she asked as she clenched the two sliver chains around her neck "The first thing" she said aseache took one of the chains off, on the chain was her dad's army dog tags, she put it around Adrian's neck "Before my dad left for the army, he told me that he loved me, and that when I came here if I found a man I was deeply in love with, that I should give him somthing that means the world to me" she said with a meek smile "My dad died half way through his term, so when the officer came with the letter, He brought my dads dog tags. They had made extras for my family, and I took two." she said "And I'm going to give you my dad's dog tag, because I trust you, and I love you" she said as sshe kissed him with a few tears still in her eyes
Adrian felt a sense of pride as she fastened the dog tags around his neck. And when he saw Alissa tear up, he started tearing up too. "You can trust me with anything in the whole entire world." He whispered, the tears beginning to spill. "I had never been told that I was loved, but then you came along. You absolutely amazing, wonderful, gorgeous and every other nice describing word in the world." He smile weakly. "You have no idea how much this means to me. I love you too, with all my heart and soul. I don't want you to ever leave."
Alissa hugged him, tightly, knowing she'd made the right choice. She wiped away his year tears and smiled, "I can't belive that no one has told you the loved you Adrian, it's their loss" she said as she kissed him softly "I'm glad you care about this as much as I do" she said "I don't want to ever be away from you, I want to be wire you until the day I die" she said as she hugged him one more time. "The second thing" she said as she pulled an envelope our "this is a letter that I got from my brother Tucker" she said hhanding him the envelope "Tucker was a US seal, he was such a good man, and before he left my mom and I, he told me that God would be watching over us" she looked at him "Tucker is MIA" she said as she started to cry "I got this letter from him 3 days before he went MIA, he sent me both of his braclets that he had gotten from my dad" she said "This one is for you" she said putting one of the braclets on his wrist "This bracelet was his favorite, he loved the color of it and the words on the back of it" sh said turning it around "it says hope" Alissa said as sh smiled a small smile "That was what he would name his daughter if he ever got married." she added
Another overwhelming wave of pride and joy washed over Adrian, and more tears began to fall. "I can't believe you're putting so much trust into me. Not a single soul has ever done something like this for me before. I'm sorry for getting emotional." He wiped the tears away with the back of his hand. "I just can't comprehend or understand why you would want to be with me. You're too good for me. And your family. Your family seems so close and so grateful for each other, I can't imagine..." Adrian trailed away and kissed Alissa. The kiss was strong but soft, evoking thanks and sorrow at the same time. When he pulled away, he took a deep breath and wiped his tears away again. "I'm sorry for crying. I don't normally do it, but you just seem to bring it out of me." He smiled. "And I'm also sorry because I don't have anything to give you."
Alissa smiled and held his hand "Hey, it's ok Love, I am not to good for you Adrian, if anything your to good for me" she said wiping away his tears "My family is close, becuase all we have is each other. It's ok, real men cry" Alissa said as she kissed him back. "The last thing" she said "is probably the closest thing to mmy heart" she said as she looked at him, she reached into her bag and pulled out a fringed note, and handed it to Adrian "My sister Keegan wrote this to me before she left for the marines" she said "Keeg was like my best friend, so when she left all I had was my mom" she said "Keegtols me that if she died serving her country that I should go into her room and get our grandparents wedding rings." she opened her hand to reveal two sliver rings. "Keeg told me that if you love someone as much as they did back inthe old dags, that you have to give them this ring" she said as Ahe took off the dog tag that she'd just given him and slid the ring through the chain, and put it back on his neck, then did the same to hers "You don't have to give me anything, the only thing I want from you is yoj@ Alissa said as she hugged him and kissed his chin
Adrian gently fondled the silver chain, running his fingers over the engraved metal. He was then struck by a sudden thought. "You know what, there is something I can give you. Something that is extremely close to my heart. But I'll have to give it to you when we get back to the Dorms." He brought his hand to her face and gently stroked the outline of cheeks, then moved to her jaw. "You mean a lot to me, more than anyone than I have ever known. You make me feel something that I have never felt. So that's why you deserve what I'm going to give you. And no excuses why you can't take it. You will take it, and hold it close to you. It'll be a part of me that rests with you." He smiled then layed down on the towel that they were sitting on. Then he brought Alissa down next to him, and brought her close to him, wrapping her in his arms protectively.
Alissa smiled "What ever you give me, I will hold it close to my heart, and it will never leave me" she said as she laid Dow next to him and put her hand on the side of his face, moved a little closer and pressed her forehead gentley against his. She giggled a tiny bit and looked at his eyes. "How about you burry me in sand, and then we can head to our dorms and make lunch, then chill inthe dorms until night" she suggested "becuase I know that you are longing to burry me in sand" she said wih. Giggle
Adrian's cheeky smile returned to his face. "Absolutely! You get ready, and I'll go and get the shovel!" He laughed and ran off to the little stall where they were renting out shovels, buckets, metal detectors etc. and got one of the largest shovels. Once he paid the man, he ran back and began digging so quickly you would have thought he skulled a whole crate of red bull. "Gosh I'm excited!" He laughed loudly, glancing at Alissa mischeviously.
Alissa laughed as she watched him. She grabbed her towel, and dried her body and hair off. She walked over to Adrian and hoped him dig his hole. As he finished she say down in the hole "And let the burrying begin!!" she said with a laugh. She kissed Adrian before he started to hurry her and laid her head back
It was only a couple of minutes, but that was enough for Adrian to completely bury Alissa, with only her head sticking out of the sand. He laughed at her. "You look so ridiculous! Adorable, but ridiculous." He laughed behind his hand. "Now, shall I get you out so we can go and make some delicious lunch? I don't know about you, but digging your hole took a lot out of me!" He laughed again and slowly shovelled out the sand that buried Alissa.
"Oh really?" Alissa said as she shook the sand off of her and jumped on Adrian and pinned him down "Hey you look ridiculous, hot, but ridiculous" she said as she got off of him and help him up. She kissed him and picked up her bag, and waited for Adrian. "What do you want for lunch?" she asked as she walked to him
"Hmm, I don't know. I'll let you decide, I'm not fussed." He grabbed her hand and they walked together slowly back to Alissa's car. "Make sure it's tasty though. I don't like food I don't like," He winked cheekily. "But, if it's made by you, I'm absolutely positive that it'll taste fantastic. You know why? Because you're fantastic in every single way possible." And with that he pecked her cheek and hopped into her car.
Alissa blushed a little "Well, in that case, I'm making you a ham, cheese, lettuce, and mustard panini" she said with a smile. She looked out of her window, then at Adrian and his dog tags. "Daddy would have loved to meet the man that his baby girl fell in Love with" she said with a smile "You two would be best friends" she said as she saw campus' brick buildings
Adrian met Alissa's gaze, and he smiled sympathetically. He took her hand and squeezed it. "You must always remember that he loves you, even though he's not here. He gives you strength, and you must stay strong for him. And I'm sure I would have gotten on well with him." He turned his head just as they pulled into the lot. "Now, go to your room and whip me up a delicious Alissa-made panini!" Adrian pointed military like, a wide smile on his face.
"Sir yes sir!" Alissa cried as Ahe got out of his car and walked to her dorm. Alissa took out everything that she needed and set it on the table. She took the panini maker out and started to make the sandwich. Over the course of the next 4 minutes she had finaihed making the panini, and all she was waiting for now was Adrian. As she looked at the plate: she realize that she needed a side, so she quickly heated up some leftover mash potatoes and put them on his plate; now she was done
"Thank you so much. You are absolutely amazing. I must sound like a broken record, I say that so much." Adrian laughed and took a bite out of the warm panini. "Now, what can I make you for lunch my gorgeous girl? And no telling me that you're not hungry or that you can make it yourself. I am going to make lunch for you, whether you like it or not."
Alissa laughed and put her arms around him. "What ever you want to make me" she said as she kissed his cheek. She say down next to him and put her hand on his shoulder. "Giosh I'm so lucky" she said under her breath. She looked at Adrian, and put her hand on the back of his neck then rested her head on his shoulder "Really, I don't care what you make me, I'm sure it'll be good' She said with a smile, Alissa put her phone on the counter in case anyone called or texted her,
"Alrighty then, how does a vegetarian omelete sound?" Adrian smiled and grabbed the necessary ingredients out of the fridge. With precision, he mixed and chopped, stirred and poured and after a few minutes a delicious, warm omelete was sitting in front of Alissa, the smell wafting all around the room. "Now taste that, and tell me how I did." He winked, sat down next to her and continued to eat his panini.
"This is so yummy!" Alissa said taking another bite of her omelette. She gentley bumped into Adrian as she got up to clear her plate. "I'm so sorry!" she said as she for up and cleared her plate. Alissa sat back down next to Adrian and smiled., she kissed his cheek and put her head on his shoulder "Thank you for the fantastic meal" she too Adrian. Alissa was wondering what he was going to give her, she had a smile on her face as she thought about it.
Adrian gently stroked the top of Alissa's head with one hand, and gently fondled the dog tags hanging from his neck. "I have to say, the more time I spend with you, the more I fall for you. Today has been absolutely brilliant." He kissed her crown and rested his head on top of hers. "I'm glad you liked the omelette. I learnt to make it in the orphanage's cooking class." He said absent-mindedly.
Alissa smiled softly, she took his plate and put it in the sink. Then she led him to her beanbags and sat down with him. She moved closer into him, and put her arm around his stomach. As she listened to what he just he just said, she smiled "I don't want to leave you Adrian. I want to stay with you forever" she said as she kissed his cheek.

Wait.. Did he say orphanage? "Adrian? Where you in an orphanage?" she asked curiosity. This gave her a reason to hug him thighter.

As Alissa was holding on Adrian waiting for his response, she put her head on his shoulder and his head on hers. Alissa would make sure that she was holding him as he sid his response. She wanted toto comfort him like he had ccomforted her at the beach. She started to entwine her fingers in his, and her other hand behind his neck, just softly touching his soft skin.
The old feelings of uncomfortability came rushing back to Adrian. "Um yes, why do you ask?" He shifted uneasily. He wanted to be able to trust Alissa, but the past hurt him, and he didn't want to revel in the pain of those times. He wanted to let them go. "Did I say something to give you that impression?"

Alissa looked at him "Oh, you don't have to say anything more if you don't want to, I understand" she told him as she hugged him. "No, I was just making sure that's what you said" she added, she was still a little shocked by what he had said. She didn't know what else to say, that wouldn't make him relive his past. She held onto Adrian, not wanting to leave his grasp
Adrian pulled Alissa closer, snuggling into her chest. He enjoyed the feeling of someone being there for him, someone actually caring for once. "Let's just say that it's not the fondest memories that I have. It was an awful place. But, now that I have you, it's not so bad. And tomorrow, I'll make sure I give the special gift that's very close to me to you." He adjusted slightly, and held Alissa, feeling grateful that such an amazing person had entered his life.

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