J. Parks Academy for the Talented

"Of course! Then I can give you the gift." He smiled and pecked Alissa's cheek. "Let's meet up at the fountain in the central courtyard? Or would you prefer to meet up somewhere else?" He raised his eyebrows expectantly.
"Ok meet you at the fountain" Alissa agreed with a smile, she let to of his hand and walked I to her cclassroom. She started her scales, then moved onto the harder songs, like Vida la Vida, Clocks, and moonlight sonata. As he class ended she rushed it into the courtyard, by the fountain and sat on the ledge.
Adrian was the last out of the classroom, so he was racing to the fountain, hoping Alissa didn't think he was standing her up. He could feel the box jiggling around in his pocket, and he was quickly getting out of breath. The courtyard was brimming with students fresh out of their classes, all enjoying the sunshine. He spied Alissa sitting on the fountain's ledge and hurried over, heavily panting. "I-I-I'm here," he said, taking sharp intakes of breath. He sat down next to her, retrieved a water bottle out of his bag and took a long gulp. "So, how was your first lesson?" He smiled.
Alissa looked at Adrian and giggled "You didnt have to run, I would have waited" she said with a smile, she took his hand and put her head on his shoulder "It was good, I got to play some Coldplayand Bach songs, it was noticing nigh though.. How was yours??" ah asked as she stuck her hand in the fountain and put a wet hand on the top of Adrian's hair in an effort to cool him down.
"We practiced some basic octaves in preparation for a song. It was pretty good, I really enjoyed it." He shook his head after Alissa had placed her wet hand on him, spraying her with water. "I just thought I'd share it with you. After all, it's not fair that I get given something that I can't return." He smiled and took Alissa's hand. "But I can give you this." He pulled the box out of his pocket. It was wrapped in a light purple tissue paper and tied with a silver bow. He undid the bow and gently undid the paper. He lifted the lid and held up a necklace. It was gold and had a thin gold strip decorated with emeralds and diamonds. "This was given to me before I left the orphanage. They told me it had belonged to my mum and she wanted them to give it to me when I came of age. And now, I'm giving it to you." He gently twisted Alissa in her spot, and fastened it around her neck. "Do you like it?" He asked nervously, twiddling his thumbs.
Alissa looked at Adrian as he put the necklace around her neck "Oh Adrian!! I love it, almost as much as I love you" she said with a smile, she kissed him fretfully and held his other hand "I can't belive your trusting me this much!! I still don't understand how you like me, you are way to good for me" she hugged him sympathetically and didn't let go
"I don't like you," Adrian whispered into her ear as he hugged her back. "I love you. And I love you because you are stunning, inside and out. A person could never be as amazing as you. At least from what I've experienced." He pulled out of the hug and sighed. "I'm really glad you like it. It looks gorgeous on you. But, I can't help but feel as if a part of me is missing without it. Promise me that you will take so much care with it. It is the only connection I have to my family." He looked at Alissa with serious, but pleading eyes.

(Ugh, I have school in 10 hours, so I'm going to have to leave! :( Sad face indeed. Enjoy the rest of your day/night :) )
Alissa took his hand, she ran her thumb over his and looked at him; she couldn't believe that she'd found Adrian, it seemed he was too good for her. "I promise I will take care of this necklace, I will treat it like it is the most valuable thing in the world, well it is.." she trailed off "I understand how much this means to you" she told him as she ran her fingers over the dogs tags around Adrian's neck, she smiled slightly and looked up at him, she thought for a minute and asked him "When is your half or birthday??" she asked. If it was soon, she knew the perfect present for him; Alissa held his hand and waited for his response

((I just got back from school!! :P I hope you have a good day!!))
"My birthday is November 16th. Not too far from now." Adrian smiled lightly. "Why do you ask? When is your birthday?" He tucked a strand of Alissa's dark hair behind her ear and looked at her quizzically. "I'm happy to hear you'll take care of it. Just like I will take care of these," He gestured to the dog tags, bracelet and ring that decorated him. "Because I know how much they mean to you. They become a part of you, and without them, you feel like you've lost the most important person in the world." He pecked her cheek. "But, because the necklace now belongs to you, I haven't lost the most important person. I've found her."

Alissa smiled, she was getting excited in her head " was just wondering" she said with a smile "Mine's September 9" she said as she looked up at him. Alissa put he hand on adrians heart, she leaned into him and kissed him softly, then hard, she pulled away "I live you Adrian" she whisper into his ear.
"Not as much as I love you," Adrian whispered back, and kissed along Alissa's jawline. He leaned back and looked at her. "September 9? That's only 2 days from now! What are we going to do? Do you want a party? Or just some alone time with me?" He smiled mischeviously, and wrapped his hands around her waist. "That sounds good to me, but it's your birthday. And don't forget to tell me what you want. I want to get you something special." He smiled sweetly and pressed his forhead to hers and brought her into and embrace.
Alissa giggled "Hmm..." she thought for a minute "I would love to go to Olive Garden with you" she said "but, if you don I Gus's you don't have to" she said softly she looked to th ground and then back to him "You already àe my something special" she told him with a sparkle in her eyes."I don't know what I want to my birthday.. I'll guess you have tto surprise me!" aalissa emphasized the word surprise and put her hands on his neck and let hr body melt into his

Adrian thought briefly. "The Olive Garden it is then! I want to make you happy." He nuzzled her neck. "I've got the perfect present in store for you. I guarantee you'll love it." He kissed her lightly on the lips and smiled widely. "I'm pleased to hear that I'm your special someone. You certainly are mine. I've never had anyone like you, to share my feelings with, to share food with and to love endlessly. My passion is so great for you, I couldn't bear to see you go." He stroked her cheek and held her hand. "So, what do you want to do today?"
"Ii can't wait!" Alissa said excitedly, she put her head on the side of his neck and pressed her lips against his neck. "You are mine! I haven't had anyone like you come into my life" she paused "You are the only one who I feel loved around, who makes me feel special, someone who i know really loves me for who I am, and not because of what I look like or what I give them" she said softly "School??" she giggled sofl and rubbed her nose against his and smirked
Adrian chuckled. "Aw, my little nerd over here," he cooed mockingly, tapping her nose. "You are really pretty for a nerd, you know? Most nerds have buck-teeth and braces with massive glasses and are just - ew. But you, not you. You are stunning! Absolutely amazing! Plus, you must be pretty intelligent to play piano right? I mean, rocket science is easier than that!" He laughed at Alissa. He pecked her forehead and smiled. "I'm only teasing you, my little BooBear. You could have the biggest teeth in the world and I would still love you."
Alissa was laughing hard. She stuck her tounge out playfully "I am the biggest nerd you'll ever meet" she said in a high pitched voice. "Well, thank you. Well it's not hard when you practice everyday for 3 hours" she sighed "But school is importamnt to me, if I want to go to college someday" she said she laughed again. And put her forehead on his shoulder and continued to laugh "I know, tease me all day long. I will stillbe laughing" she told him
"Hey! School is important to me too! I just get out a little more than I should, that's all." Adrian stuck his tongue back out at Alissa, and, in a sudden thought, he licked her cheek. "EWWW! I just licked your face! You know what that means? I'm basically eating your face! "EWWW!!!" He fake-squealed and pretended to throw up into the fountain. "Oh god, someone save me, I'm dying! Ugrhegrhegrh." He fell limp in Alissa's arms, pretending to be dead. "BOO! Did I scare you?" He was giggling so high-pitched that you would have thought it was coming from a three year old.
Alissa held her sstomach, becuase she was laughing so hard. "I basically eatin your face" she mocked Adan "Oh that was priceless" she she as she shook he head. Alissa smiled at Adrian while laughing, he's so amazing. I must have been destiny that brought us together she thought to herself "Ms. Crawire said that I only had to attend 3 of my classes, and then I could leave the premises for the day with someone special" she winked "Guess who that person is??!" she asked him "You mite you you you" she told him as she poked his stomach playfully. "We should probably get back to out classes soon, becuase dance started at 11:30 for me and it's 10" she told him

"Okey dokey then. From first impressions, Mr. Aldvara is a bit uptight and doesn't like late students, so I guess we'd better go." He slung his bag over his shoulder. "I'm off to practice a little more octave rehearsals, woo. Hopefully soon we can start singing actual songs." He sighed. "Anyway, what are you doing in dance, do you know? I used to do it when I was younger, but being the only boy in a class full of about 20 girls just isn't fun. But, that was the only extra curricular activity the orphanage had left for me, so yeah." He lapsed into a slightly uncomfortable silence, but held Alissa's hand until they reached her class. "Have fun." He winked and walked off to his own class.

Alissa nodded her head "If I can handle 45 minutes of intense army drills, I can survive Mr. Aldvara" she said without a thought, she bit her lip "I do Ballroom, and break dancing" she said with a smile "I'll meet you after class!!" she called as she blew him a kiss and walked into dance class. She started to stretch for ballroom, then did a slow dance with her partner. After ballroom she stretched and did some if her break dancing routine

Luckily for Adrian, he wasn't late. But sadly, his class was tedious and long. They were still practicing octaves to 'ensure optimum performing levels' as Mr. Aldvara put it, for the end of year concert. All that was on his mind was Alissa. He was itching to embrace her, to kiss her, to just be with her. And besides, he was extremely good at the current task, so he had plenty of time to zone out. When the bell finally rang, he was first out and was walking to Alissa's class, sighing with relief that the period was over.

Alissa had to preform her dance for the class. After she finished, she quickly change back into her days clothes. She quickly threw her bag over her shoulder; realizing she was th last one in class she ran out of the room, hoping Adrian wouldn't be mad at her for taking so long. As she stepped into the hall, she saw Adrian walking to her class, she ran to him ang hugged him. And put her head under his chin during the hug "So, how was class??" she asked sweetly
"Boring. It's so easy, but I understand why we have to do it." He kissed her on the lips and held her hand as they walked out to the gardens to eat their lunch. When he had sat down and brought out his homemade lasagne, he licked his lips. "I'm so hungry. But anyway, how was your class? You look a bit hot and sweaty. Was it intense?" He smirked and brought a forkful of lasagne to his mouth. "But I still think you look good, even though your face is all red and there's beads of sweat on your hairline. It just brings out your athletic Alissa, who is pretty too."
Alissa say down next to him she took out her homemade salad and slowly eat a piece of lettuce. "My class, was the usual, dancing, performing, being hot, sweaty, and sticky while dancing." she said as she playfully rolled her eyes "Crawire had me do both of my dances infront of class.. Again" she said as she took another bite of her salad. "It was intense., having to do a elbow stand into a back flip demonstration is not easy when you need to do it 10 times." she remarked "Well I appoligize for my face and sweat" she said as she stuck her tounge out at him playfully and ate another bite of salad.
"If you recall, I said that it looks nice. But I do prefer you when your face is normal colour and fluid is pouring all over your salad." Adrian stuck his tongue back out at Alissa, then pecked her and stole a tomato out of her salad. "Oh my, how did you get into my mouth?" He said stupidly, playing dumb barbie blonde. "There are seeds in this!" He squealed, still in character, flapping his hands and trying to swallow. He gulped and took a breath. "Wow, that was some fruit. It tried to kill me!" He laughed at himself and took another forkful of piping hot lasange. "So, what's it like going out with a crazy person who may or may not have escaped a mental institution." He winked and smiled childishly.

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