J. Parks Academy for the Talented

"What are you drawing? Are you trying to cast a spell on me with invisible ink coming from your hand?" Adrian joked quietly. It tickled slightly, but he didn't mind. It was actually sort of comforting and cosy having the gentle tingly feeling spread through his body. He softly toyed with Alissa's hair, twisting it around his finger and letting it go and just running his fingers through it. It was a perfect moment; Dear John, two people in love and one quiet afternoon together.
Alissa giggled "Lines and circles a few hearts" she said. She loved the feeling of him playing with her hair. "I live you baby" she whispered softly. Alissa snuggled into his chest and brought a blanker over them
I love you too, my little cupcake." Adrian smiled and continued to play with her hair, occasionally stopping for a couple of minutes to stroke her hand or her upper arm. He drew her closer to him, feeling her beating heart on the side of his stomach. It began to beat faster suddenly, to the surprise of Adrian. "Are you okay? Your heart just sped up." Concern nagged at the back of his head, but he just asked out of general interest.
"I'm ok." she reassured him as she ran her hand up and down his side. Alissa pecked his neck softly and entwined her fingers in his. She loved the sound of his voice; Alissa looked up at him "Im sorry Adrian, I lied to you" she sat up and looked at him and her bed sheets "I back really hurts, and.." she paused "My arm is bleeding" she rolled her sweatshirt sleeve up, showing the bleeding cut "Please don't feel like you did this, it was my falt too" she admitted "Please? I don't need you to feel bad" she told him as she reached for the tissues on her night stand and too one; placing it on her bleeding arm. She smiled at Adrian as if telling him she was ok
Adrian's eyes widened when he saw the cut. His stomach lurched, not only because he felt tremendous guilt, no matter what Alissa said, but because he had seen enough cuts in his life to almost be afraid of them. "I'll go get the antiseptic and a band-aid." He said hurridely, almost running off to her bathroom. He grabbed the whole packed of band-aids, a cloth and some antiseptic and hurried back to Alissa. "Hold out your arm. This will sting a bit." Dampening the cloth with some of the anitseptic, he dapped her cut gently, squeezing her hand tight. Once that was over, he covered it up with a band-aid. "There, all done," He got back under the covers, making sure they were both under and fully comfortable, and turned back to Dear John. "Is that better?"
"Thank you Adrian" Alissa said great fully. She crawled back under the covers and laid next to him. She put her head under his chin and watched the last parts of the movie. Alissa entwined her fingers with his and put her other hand on the back of his head, running her fingers through his hair.

Adrian gently squeezed Alissa's hand and carefully rubbed the area around her upcoming bruise, trying to make it less painful. He pecked her head wrapped his legs around hers, snuggling closer. "What a day today has been." He said softly, laying his head on hers. He listened to her breathing, the soft hum of the air entering and exiting her lungs, the slow rise of her chest and sighed. He looked at her bedside clock and saw that it was 6:24pm. Where had the day gone? "What time do you want dinner? It's almost 6:30 now, and I still am going to cook you dinner. Just let me know when you're ready."
Alissa looked up at Adrian in agreement, she turned her face so she was looking at him. Alisaa smiled "Im ready" she said softly. Alissa pulled him closer and planted tiny kisses down his nose to his lip. Alissa smile quickly before giving him a long, passionate kiss. Alissa felt like fireworks were going off, and she felt like she couldn't pull away; Alissa felt the connection between the two, a long relationship is what she wanted to see in their future.
Adrian pulled away and smiled. "Alrighty then, let's go make you some din-dins." He smiled broadly and hopped out of the covers. He walked to the kitchen and searched through her fridge and cupboards in search of ingredients. "Hmm, how does Spaghetti Matriciana sound?" His head was still buried in the fridge analysing the contents. "Or, if you don't want that, I can whip you up a grilled chicken and vegetable fritata." He turned around to Alissa, raising his eyebrow in question. "So, my little Honeyqueen, what will it be?"
"Hmmm..." Alissa said following Adrian put of the covers and into the kitchen. She stood next to him "Ooh... Hard choice, but I'll have to go with the Spaghetti Mateiciana" she said with a giggle. Alissa gentley poked his side and then his stomach, she giggled once more and ran to her counter and sat on it. She jumped down and walked to her bed, first turning off the tv, and grabbing her purple office max notebook, and a pencil. She sat down on a chair infront of the counter and flipped the notebook open
"And a little extra topping of parmesan and basil, and voila! Here is your dinner, BooBear." He winked and slid the bowl down in front of her, handing her a fork. "Eat it up while it's hot. I want to know if it's good." He plopped himself next to Alissa, also digging into his own bowl, which was smaller than hers. After taking a couple of mouthfulls, he grabbed a spoon and twisted some spaghetti off his fork. "Open wide, the aeroplane is coming in for landing!" He laughed as he zoomed the spoon into he open mouth.
"This is amazing, simply amazing" Alissa remarked after taking a forkful of the spaghetti. She laughed at Adrian; he was so amazing, she felt as if he was too good to be true. Alissa looked at him and smiled, she carefully wrote some instrument names down, and some words behind them. She smiled brightl and took another bite of her food. After a few minutes of eating. She finaihed her meal an cleared her bowl "Thank you for the fantastic meal baby" she said as she pecked his cheek and walked to her closet pulling out a: violin, cello, viola, flute, drum, guitar, and two microphones. She smiled warmly at Adrian said "Come" with a giggle
"O-Kay," Adrian said apprehensively. The amount of instruments Alissa kept hidden in her closet was very unusual, and struck Adrian as slightly weird. But, since it was Alissa, he was going to let it slide. He walked over to the instruments and examined them, gently running his fingers over the delicately varnished wood and stopped in the centre of the pile of instruments. "Um, okay, first question, how do you manage to squash all of these in you closet?" He stepped back over to Alissa. "And secondly, what exactly do you want me to do with them?"
Alissa giggled "Good organizing" she gestured the closet the had a few jackets and coats on the rack, then violin and viola cases on the selves and te bigger instruments on the bottom. It did seem that she needed a better place to keep the instruments though. "Well, I play them" she said picking up her violin. She played a son that came to her mind; One Thing by One Direction. She smiled as she put it down "but I would have to say that

my favorites would be violin, cello, and guitar." she added. "Here you try" she said handing him her guitar and walking over to him.
Adrian took the guitar gingerly, and strung his fingers along the strings, as he had seen other people do it. A jumble of chords echoed around the room, startling him. It didn't sound very good either. He was more talented in singing. "Uh, I don't think I'm very good at this," he said awkwardly, trying to sit it back in its case. "I don't think I'll be very good at playing any of these instruments." He had suddenly lost all confidence in his musical abilities. "Please remind me why I'm playing guitar in the first place?"
Alissa put the guitar back. She scuffed her heel on the floor, "I asked you too" she said softly "sorry for making you try to play" she appoligized she put her violin and viola under her bed and other instruments in her closet and sat on her bed, looking at the floor "Sorry" she said softly, Alissa flopped on her bed and took her notebook. Writing down a few verses for their song, she looked back at him and tilted her head "I just thought it would be fun, but..' she trailed off and looked down at her arms, why wasn't she in his arms?? She walked over to him and hugged him, her head under his chin, and her hands softly rubbing the middle of his back. Now, she didn't want to leave him, she thought for a minute, in two days was her birthday, she would be 19 in two days, she sighed, realizing how fast her life had gone by.
"Oh, don't feel bad. It's just that I don't like leaving my comfort zone. I know you had the best intentions at heart," Adrian rubbed Alissa's arm symathetically. "If I wasn't so reserved and shy, I'm sure we could have had fun. I just let myself get in my own way." He sighed. The silence in her bedroom was slightly stifling, causing discomfort. He pulled her head out from under his chin and looked at her. "I'm sorry. Don't you be. Next time you offer to play some instruments, I'll go along with it. I need to learn to get out of my comfort zone, and doing that is probably one of the more easier options." He kissed her forehead to let her know that he didn't want her to feel bad. Then he smiled to himself and looked back at her. "Have you finished digesting your dinner? Because if you have, I know a really great and quick dessert that I know you'll love."

Allisa looked up at him and smiled "Mmhm, I have" she said with a giggle. She turned around in his arms; her back was on his chest. Alissa smiled "Put first I'm going to teach you a dance move" she said. She took his hands into hers, her right hand in his left an left in his right; Alissa turned back around, so she was facing him. She smiled "Ok, it gets kind of tricky here, so follow my lead" she advised. She put one of his hands on her side, and held the other. Alissa then moved one of her hands to his neck, moving closer to him. Alissa move her feet back, forward and side to side; she had complete trust in Adrian.@

Adrian trusted Alissa, but was scared that he would hurt her again. So, listening carefully to her instructions, he danced gracefully along beside her, making sure to be gently and warm. The move ended, and he did jazz hands as a sign of success. "Yes! I did it! And the best thing is, I didn't drop you this time." He did a half-smile and kissed her full on the mouth. He thought she deserved it, since she was so kind and forgiving. "Now, follow me to the kitchen. It's time to whip you up some delicious dessert." He held onto her hand and led her to the kitchen. Raiding her fridge and cupboards again, he retrieved the necessary ingredients. "I'm going to make you a warm berry sauce on top of a crisp home-made wafer and just a dollop of vanilla ice-cream. How does that sound?"
Alissa sat at the counter, smiling she looked at him "That sounds amazing baby" she told him. Alissa looked at all of the ingredients that he had pulled out. She smiled to herself and took her notebook out. She then took her pencil and wrote down a recipe tha she heard of. Alissa watched Adrain making he wafer. She was amazed by him; she felt as if they had known eachother for their whole lives, and couldn't ever be separated. She them thought of a few words for he song and closed her book, satisfied with what she'd just come up with. "After you make me something, could I please make you something??" she asked politely, hoping he would say yes.
Adrian thought carefully. "Are you up to it? I mean, you hurt your back, your arm was bleeding and you're sore. I don't want to make you strain yourself." He continued whisking the sauce while looking at Alissa with a concerned expression. "If you feel okay and want to do it, then I guess I don't mind. But if you get any type of pain what-so-ever, I want you to sit back down. You will not make yourself ache more just to make me something. Does that sound like a fair deal?" He turned the stove off and placed the saucepan down. He walked over to the island counter where she was seated, cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. He loved her to the ends of the earth, and the thought of her in any sort of pain, no matter how small it was, made him feel sick with worry.


It's time for me to have dinner, so I have to go and eat! (Ironic, since Adrian and Alissa are cooking and eating ;) ) But I'll be back, so don't leave!
"I'm fine." Alissa said with a smile, she nodded her head "Mmhhm, it's a deal" she agreed with a giggle. Alissa looked into Adrain's eyes before he kissed her, she leaned into him, returning his kiss. She couldn't explain to anyone why she was so madly in love with Adrian, she couldnt bear to be without him. Adrian was such a big part of Alissa's life, she held onto him, as she continued to kiss him, she them pulled away slowly with a smile. Alissa hugged Adrian.

(Ok :) it's 5 o'clock in the morning here, and I'm Waiting for my alarm clock to go off, SOO I'll be on for a very long time

Adrian hugged Alissa back, and turned back to the kitchen where he finished her dessert. Scooping out some ice-cream, he placed the wafer shards into the top and drizzled over the sauce. Pushing the bowl in front of her, he smiled. "There you are, sweetums. I hope you like it, I want to make you happy." He kissed her cheek and watched her with a smile as she began to eat. "So, can I hear what you have in mind for cooking me? Or do you want to keep it a secret and surprise me? Either way, I'm sure I'll love it."

Aliisa smiled "I love it" she said as she eacooped up the last of her dish. She smiled "aim going to surprise you'l" she told him. Alissa pecked his cheek and stood up trading spots with him, and mixed a batter together. She was going to make her not-so-famous cookie crunch bars. As she finaihed the batter, she worked on the chocolate filling. As she finished she smiled at Adrian, and put the batter into a pan, and then the chocolate, finally the left over batter. She put it inthe oven for 15 minutes and walked to Adrian "So, we have 15 minutes before your dessert is ready, do you know what you want to do while you wait?" she asked as she pulled him closer to her, then to the open part of her dorm

"I never know what I want to do. But I think just sitting here with you gives me enough entertainment. Just being near you is all I need to be satisfied." He smiled sweetly and brought her face close to hers, their lips almost touching. "You complete me, my gorgeous honeyqueen." He whispered, then drew her into a hug. He softly stroked her back and planted kisses that were so featherlight that they almost didn't touch the skin. Goosebumps rose on her skin, and he smiled slightly. "Are you cold? Come here, let me give you an Adrian-Hug." He grabbed a thick woollen blanket off her lounge and wrapped it around the two, and hugged her tightly. "Nice and warm now?"

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