J. Parks Academy for the Talented

"Mmmmm" Alissa mumbled quietly she moved herself closer to Adrian, she wasn't cold, but she didn't care; all she wante to be was closer to him. She placed her lips softly on his neck, pecking him softly up his neck to his lips. She let her top lip fall onto his, but kept the bottom lip a few inches away. She smiled and brought her lips on his, letting everything flow out of her. She didn't know whether to pull back or not, so she remained a few inches away from his face with her forehead just barley touching his.
The tension in the room was rapidly increasing. Adrian wanted their lips to be pressed against each other, and he could feel that Alissa wanted it too. But, he kept his distance, trying to see who could outlast the other. He could feel the aniticipation in the air, and his breathing steadily grew faster. His heart was racing, mostly due to the strain he was having to use to keep his distance, but also because he just wanted to feel connected to her. He inched his lips closer to hers, but not touching, just to increase the tension. They were both breathing heavily, and without warning, Adrian crashed his lips to hers. He wrapped his arm around her neck, bringing her closer. The force of the kiss was so strong that he thought that he would crush her skull. He wrapped his other hand around her waist and drew her body closer to his, pressing against him. Then, breaking the extreme tension and heat, the timer on the oven went off.
Alissa smiled and pulled away reluctantly as the timer went off, she took Adrian's hand and brought him to the counter "It's almost ready baby" she said taking the warm pan out of the oven, revealing the sheet of her cookie bars, steaming. She places them on the counter, took the ice cream from the freezer, and the rich chocolate from the fridge. First, she let the bars cool down, next she heated up the chocolate so it was like syrup, she then placed a scoop of ice cream on the bar that she had placed on a plate. After she scooped out the ice cream, she poured the chocolate on the ice cream. She smiled and put the plate infront Adrian and smiled "There you go baby" she pecked his cheek and giggles
The last spoonful of the crunchy bar went down smoothly. "I don't know how these aren't famous. Everyone you make them for must love them! They were amazing, thank you so much. You didn't have to do that you know," He kissed the tip of her nose. "So, what to do now? It's just past 8, we're both full of delicious food and we're two lovesick people who can't live without each other. Got any ideas?" He smiled and winked, gently squeezing her left hand. His stomach gurgled with digestion, and he laughed at how loud it was. "You know what that is? It's a sign that my stomach loves you as much as I do." He chuckled softly and waited to hear what Alissa wanted to do now.
"You're welcome sweetheart" Alissa said as she took hIs plate and put it in the washer. "Youve done so much for me today, you deserved this" she said with a smile. "Mhhmm... Well... Do you want to play truth or dare?" she asked as she brought him to the side of her bed and sat down. Alissa chuckled and poked his stomach "It better love me" she joked as she placed her other hand on the back of his neck and she leaned against his side smiling.
"Ooh, this'll be fun," Adrian smiled with a mischevious glint in his eye. "But first, I need to do something," He got up and began to walk down the hallway, to nowhere in particular. Just as he was about to reach the end of the hallway, he turned around and ran straight at Alissa. He skidded to a halt and began tickling her up and down her stomach. He loved to hear the sound of her laugh. His tickling got more and more extreme, and when Alissa began laughing so hard that she couldn't breathe, he picked her up by the waist and spun her around before carrying her to the lounge and dumped themselves onto it. Their laughter filled the whole dorm, and it was pleasant. He sighed contentedly. "You know what? I don't think I could play Truth or Dare. I'm just a little too sleepy to fully focus. How about we just lie together and watch another movie? That way we'll be all refreshed for T&D tomorrow." He looked up at Alissa questioningly.
Alissa, still recovering from the tickle fest, noddd her head. She laid down on her bed, pulling Adrian next to her, "What do you want to watch" she asked as she smiled. "All of the movies are under the tv" she said Pointing to the cabinets under the tv. "Go on my prince pick a move out" she said
Adrian scanned the mass of DVD's hidden beneath Alissa's TV cabinet. He spied one and pulled it out. "I chose The Avengers," He popped the disk into her DVD player and sat back on the lounge, snuggling up to Alissa. "I've never seen it before, so I'm curious to see how it is. It's okay with you to watch this movie isn't it?" He asked. He wanted her to enjoy the movie as much as he would. The opening credits began rolling. "Honey, if you don't want to watch this movie, tell me and I'll pick another one."

(I don't know if The Avengers is out on DVD yet, but let's just say that it is ;) And now, sadly for me, it's time for me to go to bed. Enjoy your morning, and have a good day at school, if you have school :P )
Alissa smiled at his choice "I love this movie baby" she said with a smile. She snuggled in closer to him as the movie began. She had the weirdest feeling that was going to fall asleep soon. But she just put her head on his shoulder and entwined her fingers in his.

((Night!! I hve scool in 5 minutes :P ))
*Time Skip*

Adrian woke up groggily to a dark room. There was a TV with the opening selection for The Avengers and he was lying on a a lounge, the dim early morning light straining through curtains. Where am I? He thought, rubbing his eyes. He then became aware of another person, lying in front of him, breathing slowly and evenly. The persons hair was in his face, and he immediately recognised the berry-scented shampoo. He had fallen asleep with Alissa on her lounge while watching The Avengers. Before waking her up, he looked at the wall clock, which was barely visible. 5:17 in the morning. He stretched, then gently shook her shoulder. "Hey, princess, wake up." He whispered softly.
Alissa was in a deep sleep when she heard the voice of her loved one; Adrian.! Alissa felt her shoulder shake, she slowly opens her eyes and immediately smiled at the sight of Asrian; she yawned and stretched her arms, and they went over Adrian's shoulders. "Good morning my prince" she said softly, luckily Alissa was a Moning person; she looked at the Tim, and then laid her head back on his chest, still yawning a few times every limit. "Dis you sleep well?" Alissa asked Qdrian contemtally
"Well, considering how awake I feel, yes I did. Your lounge isn't too bad to sleep on actually." He pressed the cushion with his hand and then laid back, placing his head on the armrest, stroking Alissa's forehead on his chest. "How about you? I hope you slept well." He yawned loudly and and placed his free arm behind his head. The weak light illuminated her face, and he found it made her even more stunning than usual. "I'm thinking we should lie here for a while, then make some breakfast. How does that sound?"
Alissa giggled, "I know right?" she agreed with a smile "Yes I slept good" she told him. Aliasa took her hands and gentley placed them on his stomach. "That sounds like a wonderful plan to me" Alissa agrees, she felt the warm light on her face and smiled softly. She brought her hair over her shoulder; Alissa looked up at Adrian, and smiled a soft smile Alissa loved the feeling of his heart beat, the steady pace could sooth her back to sleep.

Adrian gently rubbed Alissa's upper arm, feeling her drift back off to sleep. He held her close to him, feeling her heatbeat against the side of his stomach, the feel of its steady beat calming him, making him feel sleepy again. Letting out another large yawn, he closed his eyes, gently shifted further down the lounge and waited for himself to drift off too.

*Time Skip*

His eyelids fluttered open to a stronger and brighter light. The clock on the wall read 7:47. Alissa was still clutching his stomach, her breathing easy and soft. He felt more awake then before, and began planning her breakfast whilst he waited for her to wake up.

Alissa opened her eyes, as if an eternal alarm clock had just gone off. She looked up to Adrian and hugged him, then she looked at the time; 7:52. She smiled and rolled over Adrian; now she was sitting at the edge of the lounge. Alissa took his hand and stood up, pulling him up next to her. "So, do you know what you want for breakfast?" she aske questionably, she started waking to her small kitchen, and pulling Adrian behind her with a giggle.
"No, not yet. I'll have a think while I make you breakfast; fruity mini muffins." Adrian felt like he already knew the kitchen, and in a few short minutes had whipped up a batter, scooped it into casings and put them in the oven. "Right, they'll need about 10 minutes, so you can go and have a shower and get changed if you want. I know I want to, but I'll wait until you make me some breakfast." He smiled, kissed her lightly on her lips and checked the muffins through the glass door. "They're rising nicely. So, I suggest if you want to shower beforehand, you'd better hurry."
Alissa nodded, she quickly walked to her room. She grabbed her Denim Jeans, a purple, grey and white v-neck, a grey undershirt, and walked to her shower. She quickly turned the water on, and hopped in, rinsing her body and hair off in the shower. As she dried off, she slipped into her new clothes and did her makeup. She looked at herself in the mirror, and smiled with satisfaction; she walked back out to Adrian, and quickly wrapped her hand around his waist and said "BOO! Did I scare you?" AlIssa asked. She moved her self infront of him, and gave him a nice good morning kiss, and a smile.
Adrian pretended the breathe heavily, as if he had scared. "Oh my heavens! Your Boo gave me quite a fright! In fact, I'm feeling a bit faint." He raised his hand to his head melodramatically, and waltzed around the room as if he were about to pass out. He did one last twirl and wrapped his strong arms around Alissa, giving her a long, warm kiss. "Your muffins are just about done, so take a seat. They're just cooling now." He gestured to the muffine tray on the stove, holding twelve mini muffins. He pulled three out, placed them on a plate in a triangle, sprinkled over some strawberries, blueberries and raspberries with a dollop of non-fat cream and slid it towards her. "Enjoy," he smiled. "I'm just going over to my dorm to pick up some clothes. Is it alright if I use your shower?"
Alissa laughed, she sat down and looked at the plate that he was making he. Her tastebuda were exploding as she bit into the first muffin. She smiled as she sate a strawberry; "Thank you baby" she said to Adrian. "No, go ahead, I don't mind if you use my shower" she said. "Now don't be too long" she joked. She got up and opened the door for him "After you" Alissa said as smiled then pecked his cheek.
"I'll be back as soon as I can, my honeyqueen," He pecked her cheek and hurried down the hallway. In his room, he grabbed a plain white t-shirt, black skinny jeans, a casual black waistcoat and a pair of grey supras. Making sure he had his dog tags, he grabbed his shampoo and conditioner and hurried back to Alissa's dorm. He knocked politely, then walked in. She was still sitting at the island counter, eating away at the last muffin. "I'll be out as soon as I possibly can. And, I don't mind what you cook me for breakfast. Surprise me!" He chuckled, grabbed a towel and hopped into the already hot shower. He took about 15 minutes to finish washing himself, so he hurriedly got dressed and walked back out to the kitchen.
Alissa smiled, she put her plate in the dishwasher and took out eggs, cheese, sausage, bacon, ham, peppers, and onions; she was doing to make him one of her homemade omlets. Alissa smiled as she was making his breakfast, she was softly singing their song under her breath. Not knowing Adrian was in the kitchen; she sang out loud "He's all I ever wanted, he's all I ever need, he's the one who makes me feel like I mean something for once in my life" she stopped singing and put the omlets on a plate and put it in her microwave, so it would stay warm until he came from the shower
"Is that so?" Adrian had an odd look on his face; he was touched by her lyrics. He walked behind her, gently embraced her and kissed his way up from the bottom of her neck to her jaw. "I feel exactly the same." He whispered, kissing her cheek. His hair was still a bit wet, causing a big wet patch on the shoulder of her v-necked shirt. "Oops, let me clean that up." He grabbed some paper towel and dabbed it dry. He then took Alissa's previous place at the island counter. "It smells good in here, what did you whip up for me? Something mouth-watering I bet, since it's being made by you," He winked and poked his tongue out cheekily.
Alissa whipped around "Of course it is" she whispered "It's alright" she said as he took a towel to her shirt. She opened to microwave; replacing the still steaming, fully loaded omelette "Just a homemade omelette" she said with a smile. She placed the plate infront of him "Dig in!" she said wih a little laugh. Alissa walked to her bed, bent down, took her duffle bag and violin into her hands. Alissa then placed them at the door for when they needed to go to classes. She walked back to the seat next to Adrian's and sat down "How'd I do?" she asked as she brushed some of her fly away hair from her face.
"Brilliantly," Adrian smiled. "Even the teacher that taught us how to make omelettes didn't do this good." He put his plate in the sink, walked over to Alissa and brought her into a sweet kiss. "Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye, boil in oil till I fry, 'cause guess what? I don't lie." He winked and chuckled, kissing her temple. "What time does your first class start? Mine starts at 11." He led her over to the lounge, sat down and pulled her onto his lap. "Love you, honeyqueen." He whispered softly, bringing his forehead to hers.

Alissa giggled;ah kissed his cheek softly and hugged him. As she got herself of the HG she thought for a minute "My first class starts at 11 too" she said softly. As Alissa was pulled onto Adrian's lap, she put her legs around his back, upon leaning in, she couldn't stop smiling "I love you too, baby" she said softly. She continued to bring her forehead on his until they were touching just slightly. Alissa brought her lips closer to his, not touching, but sh was looking into his amazing eyes as if she were in a trance.


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