J. Parks Academy for the Talented

"Hey Jordan its Ella, I was wondering if you wanted to do.something this afternoon if your not doing anything?" Ella asked hoping he would say yes.
Adrian shook Tucker's hand and smiled. He couldn't help but feel intimidated by him; his tall, bulky frame was enough to make him feel slightly nervous. "Ditto. You're sister is a gem. I've honestly never met anyone like her." He laughed nervously and looked towards a large lavender bush, feeling an awkward silence coming on. He didn't know what else to say, so he tried to make small talk. "So, hows the army going? It probably seems like a stupid question, but I'm just curious. I mean, your military system must be different to mine back in Australia. That's where I'm from. Do you enjoy the military? It must be a life-changing experience, but I would never consider joining. But you must have some guts in order to apply." He rambled, feeling his anxiety increase. With each heaving breath, he felt his dog tags bounce across his chest, making him feel even more stressed. He really wanted to make a good impression on her brother.

"Sure, what did yogave in mind?" Jordan asked politely

Alissa left Tucker's side, and went to Adrian's; she took his hand and ran her thumb over his fingers. Tucker smiled at Alissa, then to Adrian "The army? Ah, it was a life changing experience" he paysed to listen to his next questions before saying "I wouldn't say that I enjoyed the army, but it did have a few good times" he said. "I guess you have to have some guts, but you also need to have a lot of trust in your other men and country. I'm just glad my 5 year term is over." Tucker looks at his watch "Well, it was nice mewing you Adrian. Oh and happy early birthday from me and the crew" Tucker said as he waved and walked to his car and drove off. Alissa turned to Adrian as Tucker left, and hugged him; she then kissed his lips wih comfort and love. She pulled away and ran her finger over his ear "So, how many classes do you have next?" she asked sweetly
"Just two. Then I can spend the rest of my time with you, my honeyqueen." Adrian sighed a sigh of relief and relaxed. He kissed her back softly, the feel of her soft, warm lips melting away his stresses. "Tucker is a good guy. I can't believe you organised him to come here. That must have taken some effort." He put his head on her shoulder and scrunched up the paper that his sandwich had been stored in. The bell rang, signalling their next class, and with much reluctance, he got up, chucked his rubbish in the bin and gently held Alissa's hand and walked with her to her class. "So, I'll see you in two hours, yes?" He pecked her nose and stroked her temple with the back of his hand.
"Ok, me too. I just want to chill with you, and just snuggle" Alissa admitted with a smile "Yeah, we'll he does live in Jackson, Florida. I guess it wasnt that hard, but it was worth it for you" she said."Yeah. Two hours without you" she frowned and kissed him before opening the Gym doors. "You can just wait for me in my dorm if you get done before me" she informed him with a hug and a soft peck oon his cheek, she nuzzled his neck and waited for the real bell to ring
"maybe the beach, I've been dying to go there but I haven't gone cause of homework. I will meet you outside the coffee shop is that ok?" Ella smiled.then got off the phone to Jordan and started to get ready.
"Sure!! See you there" Jordan replied as he slipped on his board shorts and a light grey v-neck. As Jordan started to walk, he began to whistle.
Ella was waiting there for jordan to arrive. While she was waiting she was thinking if she should tell jordan that she likes him..
As Jordan approached Ella, he smiled leaned against the wall next to her. As he looked at her, he wondered if he should tell her that he likes her. He looked at Ella once more "Ella, I really need to tell you something" he said as he moved closer to her, almost taking her hand.

[MENTION=2798]Ashlee[/MENTION] ****
Ella replied "sure what's up Jordan?" She said as she smiled at him.. " well Jordan I also have something to tell you"
Jordan took Ella's soft, delicate hands into his "Ella, I like you a lot" he admitted as he winked "Now, what were you going to tell me?" he asked with a soft, curious voice
Ella was surprised with what he had said.. "jordan I like you a lot aw well.." she said calmly and pecked him on the cheek.
Jordan smiled, he ran his hand down her arm and pulled her side to his. "Thata good news" he said with a chuckle. Jordan put his arm around Ellas back and softl pecked the top of her head; Jordan smiled as he starte to walk with Ella to the beach.
They started walking to the beach and Ella grabbed Jordan's hand.. at the beach Ella grabbed some water and chucked water at Jordan then started running..
Jordan smiled as Ella threw the water at him. He started to chase after her; Jordan got to Ella and swept her up bridal style. Jordan ran into the water; making sure that he was getting Ella wet.
Ella squealed as she got wet and started laughing. "jordan I'm cold now" Ella whined to.him hoping he would take her back to the beach.
During class, Adrian began to learn Springsteen. He was also glad to hear that his double period would be cut to only an hour so that they could hone their voices to the lyrics better, rather than allowing themselves to be overshadowed by the others. He had a spare dorm key to Alissa's room connected to his dog tags, and when the bell rang to signal the end of that period, he hurried off to her dorm and began to set up her lounge and kitchen romantically. He had purchased many roses the day before, hoping for an opportunity to use them, and lit the many candles that dotter her dorm. He then helped himself to the kitchen and started cooking a sweet treat for Alissa, something he knew she would absolutely adore.

Josh got out of class early, so he decided that he would go for a walk through the halls.. as he walked.past the choir room he heard beautiful singing so he looked through the window and Only one girl caught his eye.. he decided that he would wait until the class ended and waited for tuat girl to walk out of that classroom door..
Eva walked out of the drama room, the first one out the door. The lesson had been fun, but still lonely. It seemed that wherever she went, people were drawn away from her. She couldn't help but feel a little disheartened about this. She walked off to her dorm, ready to take a bath that went no longer than 20 minutes, when she saw a boy ogling a girl in the music room. His eyes were wide with entrancement, which disguested her. "Excuse me, but why don't you learn some respect? A woman is not an object which you can just stare at endlessly. If you want to do that, get a girlfriend!" She said haughtily.


Eva walked out of the drama room, the first one out the door. The lesson had been fun, but still lonely. It seemed that wherever she went, people were drawn away from her. She couldn't help but feel a little disheartened about this. She walked off to her dorm, ready to take a bath that went no longer than 20 minutes, when she saw a boy ogling a girl in the music room. His eyes were wide with entrancement, which disguested her. "Excuse me, but why don't you learn some respect? A woman is not an object which you can just stare at endlessly. If you want to do that, get a girlfriend!" She said haughtily.

Josh just stared at the girl who was yelling at him. "im sorry why don't you get a boyfriend." Josh yelled then started to walk away.. then he turned around and said "why don't you mind your own business".. [MENTION=2858]HarmonicBreeze[/MENTION]
"Well, excuse me for standing up for women! I just think they shouldn't be leered at by boys who simply want an image to pleasure themselves to!" Eva was very passionate about this situation, so her retort made her feel proud. "You should have enough respect for others to not be a perverted freak, and allow them to live without having to withstand your ogling glance!" She turned on her heel and stormed off, feeling very proud at what she had just said to the boy.
"well for your info lady I wasn't oggling I was watching them you stuck up little girl." Josh said back to the girl. josh wasn't very happy about what had just happened because he found that girl quite attractive.. then he thought that he will never get her so he just walked off to his dorm and sat on his bed on his computer on Facebook and was thinking about that girl he had met a few minutes ago. " she kit won't get outta my head" josh thought.
Jordan nodded and ran back to the beach,'he set Ella down and wrapped a towel around her and scootched closer to Ella, wrapping his arms around Ella. "Are you arm yet babe?" he asked rubbin her arms and pputting his head softly on her shoulder
Ella giggled and said "yes I am now thank you" as she put her head on his shoulder.. "Jordan can i say that I dont like you, I think I love you."

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